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Nielsen VideoScan High-Def market share for week ending October 7th, 2007 - Engadget HD
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Nielsen VideoScan High-Def market share for week ending October 7th, 2007

Nielsen VideoScan
This is the first ever weekly installment of our synopsis of the Neilson VideoScan High-Def Market share report. This will be out every Friday as soon as the results are released, and be very similar to our weekly HD releases post on Mondays. Ohh, and thanks Dave for the inspiration. The biggest title this week is Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer followed by Knocked Up which was 1st last week. Blu-ray pushes back to a 2:1 lead this week after giving a little back to HD DVD last week (1.2:1), while year to date and since inception remain the same. Looking forward, it'll be much of the same next week, as there weren't any big titles this week, but we look forward to the week after when HD DVD's revenge will arrive in the way of Transformers, the biggest Paramount exclusive yet to hit the street.

  1. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 100
  2. Knocked Up 21.11
  3. 300 BR 13.91
  4. Bram Stoker's Dracula 10.87
  5. Top Gun 9.23
  6. 300 HD 8.19
  7. Troy: Director's Cut BR 8.01
  8. Halloween 7.74
  9. Planet Earth: The Complete Series BR 6.88
  10. Next 5.62
[Via AVSForum]

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Mike @ Oct 13th 2007 12:18AM

The only reason for the poor showing is some HD DVD fanboys are waiting till Oct 16 for their buy date to get a lot of movies they would have bought this week and last.

On the AVS thread on the buy date a lot of users are waiting till Oct 16th to bu Knocked Up. If they weren't HD DVD would have beat blue ray last week.

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Jack @ Oct 12th 2007 4:23PM

I think the transformers week will be pretty close.......ALot of stores are doing BOGOF for blu-rays the same week.......

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A1 @ Oct 12th 2007 4:36PM

um, i got the spidey box set today, i think thats bigger than transformers (i am in the UK though) :)

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h4ldol @ Oct 12th 2007 5:19PM

Poor HD DVD fanboys. The end is nearing... for HD DVD.

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DeadPlasmaCell @ Oct 12th 2007 6:20PM

Man these Blu-Ray fanboys flip flop more than John Kerry.. First it's "HD-DVD is dead, we've already won" now it's "The end is nearing" x) Good times. Meanwhile, back in the real world, HD-DVD is alive and kicking. True HD-DVD is still the underdog, but it's far from dead.

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Dave @ Oct 12th 2007 5:52PM

lol So this is the week to publish it then. The last five weeks when Blu-Ray was not at 2:1, those were the unimportant weeks. Hey, at least you mentioned last week's numbers, though. Kudos for that.

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Ben @ Oct 12th 2007 5:58PM

Gimmie a break Dave I just thought of the idea, thanks to you.

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xemumanic @ Oct 12th 2007 5:53PM

And of course, with more movies on one format, its bound to be that way. HD DVD bought Paramount's loyalty, and even that's not going to matter by the end of the month, when Blu-Ray once again has more movies.

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Dave @ Oct 12th 2007 7:41PM

Thanks for replying to my comment, Ben. ;)

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Alex @ Oct 12th 2007 6:25PM

idiot fanboys sitting in their diapers creaming themselves every week for news they can twist to make themselves feel better. Get over it, neither format is great and if one wins in the short term we all lose.

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DeadPlasmaCell @ Oct 12th 2007 6:37PM

LoL, true... I'm on the HD-DVD side personally, but I don't consider myself a fanboy because I realize the faults HD-DVD has. The lack of studio support compared to Blu-Ray.. well that's actually about it really.. But still in the grand scheme of things the BD vs HD-DVD battle is tiny.. Who ever "wins" this battle then has the task of beating out DVD and/or Digital Distribution.

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joe @ Oct 12th 2007 6:32PM


You criticized Ben for not showing previous weeks numbers where BD was still beating HD-DVD.

No matter what week you cut it last week, this week, this month,this year and total market has gone to Bluray.

What was your point? To show that HD-DVD can loose by a smaller margin?

HD-DVD may win, wake me when they have %49-50 since inception adoption.

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Dave @ Oct 12th 2007 7:48PM

I never criticized Ben for not showing the numbers. I criticized him for mentioning the numbers at 2:1--despite the fact that they hadn't been 2:1 in a really long time. So, this is the first week in quite a some time that they are 2:1--and lo and behold, we are now announcing the numbers. Excuse me for commenting on that. They were 1.7:1, and Ben rounds to 2:1. They were 1.2:1--no story. Now they're 2:1 again, and there's a story. My primary criticism was rounding 1.7 to 2.0.

I think it was valid criticism. I'm sorry if others disagree.

Anyway, Ben commented on the fact they were 1.2:1 last week--and I believe I distributed the appropriate amount of props for that.

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isayx3 @ Oct 12th 2007 7:39PM

Keep in mind these numbers reflect millions of Bluray players vs. couple hundred thousand hd-dvd players out there. The average hd-dvd owner buys more HD movies than bluray. With cheap 3rd gen hd-dvd players coming out this christmas..these numbers will change.

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Smee @ Oct 12th 2007 7:44PM

A legitimate paying customer buys a Sony Cd, takes it home and Sony installs a virus on his machine.
What is it with you sony/BR fools. This company is hell bent and screwing their customer base, yet you idiots keep supporting it and want it to win. No matter how good the product may or may not be, the BR format should never be allowed to win, first and foremost it is about sony dictating its draconian DRM laws to the legitimate majority, and they don't care who gets burnt along the way.
The PS3 first and foremost is a BR player, i feel sorry for the suckers who thought they were buying a games machine and are now stuck with a beautifully engineered door stop, and please, don't give me any grief about the quality games the PS3 have, they simply don't and sony don't care.It's all about winning the HD format war, and until sony has that sewn up, the games console buyers are the bridesmaids and not the bride.
What a joke

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h4ldol @ Oct 12th 2007 8:01PM

Smee... why so angry? I'm guessing someone can't afford a PS3 and had to get one of those overheating little 360s... so sorry.

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Dave @ Oct 12th 2007 8:13PM

I can't afford a PS3 either. I can't afford to buy a game console without any good games for it which may or may not be compatible with Profile 1.1 and 2.0.

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Smee @ Oct 12th 2007 8:33PM

At 37 years of age i think I can afford a PS3 to go with one of 2 50"plasmas I own,but I wont because I hate what sony stands for.
So go tidy up your room and then go squeeze your zits, puberty boy.

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zargon @ Oct 12th 2007 9:03PM

Look all the BR fanboys come out of the wood work. Where were you the past few weeks when the ratio was much smaller and almost even?

I am waiting to see where all you fanboys will be hiding in two weeks...

The past few weeks have have shown that the race is pretty much dead even. As Q4 comes to a end, I am sure that the ratio is going to get closer and closer, Blu-ray is losing ground. The weeks are going to go back and forth due to the release schedule, but by end of the year, I have no reservation that this is going to be pretty close to 50/50. Which is outstanding when you compare studio support and the amount of players for each format out there.

I am also hoping that the rumors that we have heard some whispers about are true, that we will see Warner go exclusive next year. I want to see it if not for nothing else, to watch all the blu-ray fanboys and zealots squirm and come up with wild excuses... oh and to level the playing field as far as studio support.

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Paul Fernandez @ Oct 12th 2007 9:22PM

"Loose" rhymes with "moose" and is the opposite of taut.

"Lose" rhymes with "cruise" and means to misplace.

"Loosening" is a word, but "loosing" is not and never has been.

For the life of me, I CANNOT understand the epidemic confusion between these two words on every site from AVS Forum to ZDNet. Of course, it's more rampant when discussing these two formats ad infinitum. Forget burgeoning obesity (pun intended), this country needs a grammatical enema!

Then again, when we have a president who uses words like "hispanically," it all becomes so clear...

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