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Cookie Tip: Use the back of your cookie sheet - Slashfood
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Cookie Tip: Use the back of your cookie sheet

cookie sheet

One of the most fun parts of cooking is when you hear a tip (or come up with one yourself) that makes the cooking easier. Adam at The Amateur Gourmet was dismayed recently when he discovered that he his friend Diana took her cookie sheets with her when she left, and he didn't have any like hers, that were flat and didn't have any sides to them. So he came up with this idea: use the back of the cookie sheet.

He puts parchment paper on the sheet and then uses an ice cream scoop for the cookie dough. He then flattens them a little bit with his wet hand and cooks them a little less than usual, which is something I've always done with my cookies too. He loved the results.

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(Page 1)

1. What's the difference (in result) of a flat cookie sheet vs. a rimmed one?

Posted at 4:15PM on Oct 12th 2007 by FrankTheTank

2. Oh, teach your grandmother how to suck eggs! This suggestion was in an older edition of the Joy of Cooking years ago! I love it when people reinvent the wheel!

Posted at 4:20PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Kiwi Carlisle

3. I don't get it either, FtT... if it's just cookies, what's the difference, other than the potential for making a mess if things go over the edge? Does the depth of the cookie sheet inhibit good heat distribution in some way?

Posted at 4:54PM on Oct 12th 2007 by boss sauce

4. If your cookie "sheet" has edges, it's actually a pan.

It's probably a sponge-cake pan, in fact. For making the flat, thin cake that gets rolled into a jam-roll.

The best cookie sheets I've ever used were the double-walled type - no edges and an air-space between the top & bottom. Never scorched the bottom of a cookie.

As for what difference the edges make in cooking - none, really. The flat sheets are much easier to clean afterwards, though, since they don't have any inside corners.

Posted at 5:29PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Crosius

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