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A look at Jon Mak's life - PS3 Fanboy
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A look at Jon Mak's life

Jon Mak is the man that single-handedly made the new PSN game, Everyday Shooter. The game took top honors at GDC's Independent Games Festival, and Sony immediately signed a deal with the one-man Queasy Games. A recent PlayStation.blog update shows some of the crazy thoughts from the mind of this burgeoning games developer. See his not-1080p TV (it's 12", oh no!), and his aversion to the numbers 4 and 5. In fact, he dislikes them so much, they''re not in a single line of code for the game! Certainly sounds impressive, no?

Stay tuned for our full review of Everyday Shooter.

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(Page 1)

1. I guess he isn't going to join any company that uses Perforce as the source control system.

Posted at 5:54PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Waruwaru

2. ES is EXCELLENT and should be picked-up by everyone.

Posted at 7:05PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Torgo

3. Aversion to certain numbers is a sign of autism.

Posted at 7:17PM on Oct 12th 2007 by generalklagg

4. I still feel ripped off buying locoroco last week :(

... is this any good?

Posted at 12:46AM on Oct 13th 2007 by phattie

5. @3

So is developing, coding, and debugging your own full length game.
The man's insane. But then again, so was VanGogh.

Posted at 12:55AM on Oct 13th 2007 by Kattleox

6. no 4 or 5s? that crazy? everybody knows 6 is the number to hate!

Posted at 3:41AM on Oct 13th 2007 by Anthony Pittarelli

7. #4

Same here. The game was not even close to the PSP version. I got so pissed off that decided to stop buying any games from PSN.
still i really want to know how this everyday shooter looks like T____T

Posted at 5:35AM on Oct 13th 2007 by john

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