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Which star of The Office was in The Grass Roots? - VIDEO - TV Squad
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20071013220325/http://www.tvsquad.com:80/2007/10/13/which-star-of-the-office-was-in-the-grass-roots-video/
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Which star of The Office was in The Grass Roots? - VIDEO

Dunder-Mifflin logoI'm talking about the American version of the show. I'll put the answer to this question on the second page, but it's actually pretty easy to figure out. Just remember that The Grass Roots was a band in the 1960s and 70s (that leaves out 98% of the cast right there, they're too young) and that it was all male (that leaves out Pam and Angela, even if they were old enough). I think you've probably figured out who it is by now, but that doesn't make the video after the jump any less amusing.

He's the one on the right playing guitar who yells "One, Two, Three Four!"

It's Creed Bratton! He plays Creed, of course. It's from The Jimmy Durante Show. Not sure why the audience laughs so hard when Jimmy introduces the group.

[via Best Week Ever]

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Reader Comments (Page 1 of 1)

1. He's NOT the one on the right who yells "One, Two, Three Four!" He's on the far left, with a solo at the 1:13 remaining mark.

Posted at 2:19PM on Oct 13th 2007 by Stewart

2. I'm pretty sure Creed's actually playing himself (or at least a pretty twisted version of himself). Hasn't the character Creed discussed the Grass Roots on the show?

Posted at 2:19PM on Oct 13th 2007 by Dave White

3. i think creed is the guy in the striped sweater on our left (stage right).

Posted at 2:22PM on Oct 13th 2007 by jjames

4. Yeah Creed is the one on the left.

Posted at 2:30PM on Oct 13th 2007 by JT

5. He has mentioned on the show that he used to be in the band Grass Roots. There's even a deleted scene on the 3rd season DVDs where a news paper reporter asks him if he was Creed from the Grass Roots.

Posted at 3:13PM on Oct 13th 2007 by gwangi

6. There is also a deleted scene from Booze Cruise in season 2 where he plays guitar on the boat and in a talking head mentions the Grass Roots. Here is the quote:
"Back in the '60s, I was with the Grass Roots. We toured with Janis Joplin, The Doors, Cream. We had a lot of fun, And now I do quality assurance for a paper company. As you can imagine, drugs played a part. They still do. My work calls last about 90 seconds, and that's about as long as I can concentrate."

Posted at 3:21PM on Oct 13th 2007 by marko

7. This post makes no sense, what Office fan didn't know that CREED BRATTON was in that band!

The only thing you did was give a decent link to an old clip from the show Jimmy Durante once hosted called "The Hollywood Palace" and you didn't even give a good link to that! This clip should be in color because this was filmed in 1967 and that show transitioned to color during '65. It's on youtube in color somewhere and Creed's stripes are like a dark blue, much darker than the drum kit lol.

Again though, horrible blog entry Mr. Sassone, I feel like this should be dated over a year ago, it's old news.

Posted at 4:15PM on Oct 13th 2007 by Tracey

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