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Nintendo survey hints at Wii demo plans - Joystiq
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Nintendo survey hints at Wii demo plans

It's inconceivable to us why Nintendo doesn't offer demos for its Wii games. Besides being a cool freebie to entice people to buy a system, easy access to demos leads to better sales of full games. Sony and Microsoft figured this out years ago, offering PlayStation, PS2 and Xbox demo discs with their official magazines and, later, downloadable demos for the Xbox 360 and PS3. Nintendo still hasn't caught up on this important front.

So it's heartening to see the Big N mulling over demo availability in the new issue of Nintendo Power. According to a scan provided by a GoNintendo reader , the latest Player's Pulse contest poll asks readers how interested they are in Wii game demos, how they would like to receive such demos, and whether they would be willing to pay extra for them.

While downloadable demos for full Wii games might be tough to cram onto the Wii's puny 512MB of built-in memory, a demo disc in Nintendo Power seems like an idea whose time has come ... ten years ago! And while we're at it, how about some try-before-you-buy demos for the Virtual Console too, eh Nintendo? We're growing increasingly impatient here.

[Via WiiFanboy]

Tags: demos, nintendo, nintendopower, trials, wii

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Jerk Face
Jerk Face
Aug 22nd 2007
Packing demos in with Nintendo Power won't work, since Nintendo Power eats balls. Isn't it supposed to be getting the axe soon as it is?
Aug 22nd 2007
No, they're transferring the magazine from in-house to an actual magazine publisher.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
Demos would be great. VC demos, even Wii Ware Demos!!

Aug 22nd 2007
"It's inconceivable to us why Nintendo doesn't offer demos for its Wii games."

how about milking out Wii owners by not offering a proper online service like PSN and Xbox Live.
Realizing the stupidity behind your post, in three easy steps!

Step #1 - Realize that Nintendo isn't after the same market as Sony and Microsoft are (aka, the casual market).

Step #2 - Realize that, while to the hardcore gamer, internet play is a near-necessity, it is near unimportant to the casual gamer.

Step #3 - Realize that the Wii is a $250 system meant for casual gamers as opposed to the other, more expensive systems meant for the hardcore, and that its obviously not going to provide the same level of certain things that the other systems are going to.
1 heart vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
lol nice. so demos and online play (which my post had nothing to do with) are something casual gamers dont want? ever tried Yahoo! Games? thats mainstream casual online gaming for you. being a casual gamer has nothing to do with wanting or not wanting demos. congratulations on making yourself look dumb.
2.5 hearts vote downvote upReport
If they were as important to the casual gamer as you'd want me to think they are, the Wii wouldn't be enjoying its current success (the thing just outsold the 360, for Christs sake.) Neither would the DS, which has been steadily outselling the PSP for quite a while.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Heh, I think I'm misunderstanding your post... I'm a bit confused at how you've worded it, saying that the Wii isn't offering a proper online service then saying that demos and online play wasn't what your post was about... you think you can word it a bit better?
1 heart vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007

I had no idea that PSN and Xbox Live weren't about online play. I guess I was fooled into thinking that's what they were for... shifty Microsoft and Sony, always trying to get people to think they have online play when apparently they don't.

I guess that makes the Wii king of online play! Thanks for pointing that out Curmeo.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
yes, yahoo games is a huge HUGE market. yes, its all casual games. that said, i wouldn't necessarily assume that the fact that they are online is a particularly driving factor behind that. most of the people i know that play those games play games like word whomp, solitaire and bejewelled. yes, most of those have online chat rooms built in - but none of my friends/relatives use or pay any attention to them.

i bought my wife the pogo island game on the ds. she plays it for at least an hour a day. its online component allows her to win tokens on her ds and then connect to the server to upload them to her main account. she's done this about once in the 4 or 5 months that she's had it. if it had no ability to connect online, she wouldn't notice or care.

all that said, im sure that there are people who only want to play against other people. but we see that in all facets of gaming. its just very short-sighted to automatically assume that just because a popular product has a feature, that the feature is the driving force behind its success.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
you people seriously need to pay more attention to people's words rather than go "I read something against Nintendo so I must reply back with insult!" you know, when someone types "...and online play (which my post had nothing to do with)..." it usually means they're refering to the single topic right before the brackets, otherwise they would use the words "both of which had nothing to do with my topic".

on second thought, ill try helping you out: a proper online service, as in a service that offers demos for Wii games.

oh and you're saying casual gamers dont want demos/online gaming because Wii/DS outsell the competition? well thats true, but McDonalds selling billions of junkfood items worldwide doesnt mean people dont want the food to be healthy. not saying Wii = McDonalds, but hopefully you get my point.

now please find another reason to argue with me. come on, you know you want to!
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
Downloadable demos?!?!? What an amazing 21st century concept!!!

Too bad the Wii is stuck in the late 90's.
2.5 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
The games on the Wii aren't deep enough for demos. In most cases it would be like giving away the game for free.

If I had been allowed to do one recipe in cooking mama I would have never needed to pick up the full version.

If they let me bowl one frame in Wii bowling over and over I wouldn't need the game.

One Raving Rabid mini-game would have been more than enough.

Without tricking people into buying games how else is Nintendo going to sell these games aimed at the lowest common denominator?
Well, thats odd, I could have sworn Wii Sports came with the system...

Anywhos, leave it up to Shagittarius to post something lame and stupid. Although I like your posts much more than Curmeo's... yours have at least some logic behind them, after all, despite that logic being severely muddled.

"One Raving Rabid mini-game would have been more than enough, despite the fact that they're all signifigantly different from each other. If I had been allowed to do one recipe in Cooking Mama I would have never needed to pick up the full version, even though it was known from the start that that game was depthless. Notice I'm only using examples of games that suck?"

"One room in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess would last me the fourty hours the full game would last me. Pfft, no depth there."

"Who needs hours of exploration in Metroid Prime? That offers no 'depth'. The demo would be more than enough."

"Warioware? No depth there, despite the large amount of minigames available to unlock. One minigame is more than enough, even though each and every one is different enough to warrant a seperate minigame."

"If they let me perform one single surgical procedure in Trauma Center, that's all I'd need. Screw furthering the story, unlocking new ways to take advantage of the game's control scheme, encountering more patients with more problems that would force me to think things out... thats not depth."

"If they let me play through one stage in Super Mario Galaxy, that'd be more than enough. I mean, that game isn't going to have any depth, despite the vastly different stages and the sheer amount of powerups needed to further the game."

"Everyone who's played Super Smash Brothers Melee knows that the Smash games are depthless, and Brawl, with its new array of items, characters, and stages, along with the new story mode and whatnot, AND online, is no exception."

"I'm a fucking idiot."
3 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
Maybe they will release a demo for Jenga where you get to remove 3 blocks.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
To be fair, if that Jenga game doesn't end up downloadable and goes for retail, anyone who buys it is a dipshit in the first place.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007

Yeah, you're right, any system with some bad games on it couldn't possibly have other games that are good. Just look at the PS2. It had hundreds of bad games, so I guess that means every game on the PS2 sucked.

2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
I'm sure you've heard me say this before but to clairify. I do not own a single game I feel I'm happy I purchased on the Wii.

Not one. Now after the release of the remaining 3 hardcore or so games Nintendo is pretty much abandoning support for real games and everyone is releasing mini games and BS peripherals. I'm very unhappy I bothered to purchase the Wii...

As soon as Mario and Metroid are completed I may sell the system. I have no interest in SSB or Mariocart.

It just seems every generation you buy Nintendo you get shafted 200+ bucks to play the 4 or 5 worthwhile games for that platform.
1 heart vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
"I do not own a single game I feel I'm happy I purchased on the Wii."

Guess it would have been nice to have demos then?
2.5 hearts vote downvote upReport
"I do not own a single game I feel I'm happy I purchased on the Wii. Not one."

I'm quite happy with Super Paper Mario, LOZ:TP, Mario Strikers, RE4Wii, Trauma Center, and Excite Truck, among others. Still doesn't quite match my 360's list of games, but I'm happy with it.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
I have pre-ordered metroid. I'm expecting it to be good. After that comes Mario. After that there is nothing.

Am I the only one thats depressed beacuse the one guy who really was Nintendo (Miyamoto) didn't even make a game for his newest creation.

When the guy who made Nintendo what they are starts releasing fitness software instead of games thats a major signal to me that I'm on the wrong boat.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 23rd 2007
Hey Shagi just for reference what Wii games do you own? I mean you always say you hate the games you bought maybe you just bought some bad games. Even if they are games that others like at least it would give us a point of view from where you're coming from.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 23rd 2007
I've got:

Wii Sports (Of Course)
Rayman: Raving Rabbids (Beacuse it got good reviews but I can't believe it after playing it)
Cooking Mama (Thought it would get my non-gamer girlfriend into things but its too hard for her and too stupid for me)
Zelda (I was hoping for more than a puzzle game with travel time, but there is no real combat strategy to this game. I quit after I finished the Water Temple)

I was going to get trauma center but my Nintendo Fanboy friend said he had it and hated the game so I gave it a pass, if he doesn't like it being a huge fanboy I doubt its as good as everyone pretends.

After Wii Sports, Cooking Mama, Raving Rabbids I don't want any more mini games or mini game compilations that play around shaking or twisting the Wiimote, I want a beefy deep experience.

I'm not going to play RE4 cause I beat that on the PS2.

I'm not interested in a version of call of duty beacuse I have already played it.

I have motorstorm so there no way I would ever touch Excite Truck.

I'm dissapointed in the direction the Wii is heading and I think most of the fans are letting them get away with it.

Games im interested in for Wii: Metroid, Mario Galaxy, Pilot Wings. I know for sure 2 of those are comming out, I'd also check out Disaster: Day of Crisis if that ever makes it out.

But I mean seriously the ratio of crap to worthwhile games is crazy on the Wii.

I would say that Zelda is the only meaty game thats out for the Wii and I personally didn't care for the gameplay.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 24th 2007
Ok I see we're you're coming from.

Yeah sorry about Cook Mama I did that same thing for my wife. Regreted that $50 purchase.

By the way do you ever rent games?

Trauma Center is actually really good. And Excite Truck is not like Motorstorm. Both are good games in their own right. I actually really enjoyed the wii version of Call of Duty more so than the others because of the controls (except for setting those time bombs)

Anyway others I recommend getting

Elebits (story sucks, gameplay rocks)
Super Paper Mario (if you're in to that kind)
Mario Strikers
SSX Blur
Sonic and the Rings

Godfather Wii edition, amazing motion controls
Prince of Persia, likwise the controls are great

Oh yeah and give Red Steel a rent you might actually be pleasantly surprised that it doesn't suck as bad as people make it seem. Also rent Spiderman 3 while the game overall sucks. The webswinging using the wiimotes is actually really fun.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
Put an event Pokemon onto the demo disc and the Nintendo Power magazine will print money.
Aug 22nd 2007
Would be nice to have online demos to download. Right now everytime I go online with the wii I feel there is really nothing to do it for. With PS3/XBL I go on every few days to dl a new demo or video - with the wii its more or less turning it on just so we don't feel like its never used.

Besides, it would be nice to try some of their games before buying into the suck that some of them were.
Aug 22nd 2007
Just saw the wii ware demo idea above - too damn funny. What wii ware? So far there are 3 items, one of which is trailers for a game. Really - trailers for one game as a channel is pretty weak.

Aug 22nd 2007
OBVIOUSLY WiiWare demos would be viable once original games are up. [rolls eyes]

2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Phour ZwanZig
Phour ZwanZig
Aug 22nd 2007
"While downloadable demos for full Wii games might be tough to cram onto the Wii's puny 512MB of built-in memory, a demo disc in Nintendo Power seems like an idea whose time has come"

Umm hasnt Joystiq ever heard of an SD card.. LOL.. I have a 1 gig for my Wii and a 2 gig for my PDA.. Ive got plenty of storage for demos..

Bring Em On...
Still a bit of a puny amount of space for newer games, especially if you use your SD card for other things (aka I use mine for custom soundtrack in Excite Truck).
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
You're forgetting about feasibility. Nintendo has never really ran with the concept of demo discs, there were only about 3 across the GC's lifespan. and downloadable demos of the real games wouldn't work whatsoever, a demo of MP3 with one room and no enemies would take up too much space as it were

Streaming off the internet is probably the way to go. Some hellish load times, but loading straight to RAM would allow for sizable demos without "forcing" people to buy into HDD's if they wanted demos
Aug 22nd 2007
Demo's? Meh.

Now voice chat and unified friends code? Now you've got my attention.
I agree! Who cares about demos?

I want VOiP!
2.5 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
I'm sure im not the only one that originally thought the system code would be the unified friend code, so i feel your pain on that one. the silver lining would be i just wii message people my friend code for strikers, while its not a solution, it makes things a little easier.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
What I'd like to see is just a simple gameplay video of the Virtual Console games before I buy them. It's too much of a gample for those TurboGrafx-16 games that I've never heard of.

For full retail games, I don't care much about demos. I can get enough info online to make an informed decision.
Aug 22nd 2007
And thus Nintendo delivers. Thanks BPM!

I'll have to see what else is on that site that I'm missing out on...
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007

PSN has proper online service? That is news to me. And how do you keep getting tricked into buying Wii games? Wow. I guess fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, um, er, can't fool me again. By the way, there is a little thing called renting, you may want to check it out some time.

I don't think the lack of demos have hurt the Wii at this point, at least I can't tell by the sales figures.

Nintendo has had experience with demos; downloadable demos for the DS are plentiful. Even small Indie developers had demo downloads for my DS at the last convention I went to. It is just a matter of time before the Wii gets it. I remember the old PC demos either offered you a short stage of a game or a full length section with a limited time cap.
Aug 22nd 2007
hahaha Pure pwnage ftw
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
Better now than never.
Aug 22nd 2007
My impression of Nintendo is that unless they think of it, then it's got to be worthless. I own a NES, SNES, and N64. I've supported them through the years and I think they have come out with some quality stuff. However, because Sony did disks, Nintendo stuck with carts--until they did their own disk size with the Gamecube. Because Microsoft went online, Nintendo said there was no future in it--one lousy game on the Gamecube. If Nintendo wouldn't let their egos get in the way, imagine the happiness that there would be on the earth.
So when are we gonna see the "Wii wants to copy the OPM and OXM" rants?
I doubt one would materialize. People don't care about magazines anymore per se, and demo discs in magazines (IMO) should go the way of the dodo now that all the consoles have a means of online distribution
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
I might be mistaken here, but I'm pretty sure that Nintendo jumped on the bandwagon with the cube. I seem to remember getting a few demo discs in my day. In fact I still have one or two lying around at home. I think the big problem they've always had is the distribution system. Jumping on the mass distro system would be a huge step for them.
Aug 22nd 2007
There were a couple, but they were few and far from each other.

Now, Nintendo DID release regularly scheduled demo discs for GameCube kiosks, but they were never available to the public for some silly reason.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
There were a couple, but they were few and far from each other.

Now, Nintendo DID release regularly scheduled demo discs for GameCube kiosks, but they were never available to the public for some silly reason.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Aug 22nd 2007
My brother came to my house to update his wii last week and he thought he was getting a demo of MP3. After he downloaded it and only got a few videos of it he was mad and I about fell in the floor.
Steve 3.2
Steve 3.2
Aug 23rd 2007
I'd like to point out that demos are already the norm on the Nintendo DS. Let's hope they create a DS Demo Channel for the Wii as well in the near future. :)
Aug 23rd 2007
This would be great. Then people would finally realize that they be taken by a repackage $100 last-gen system now selling for $250. They would have a better ideal how crappy their games are without having to buy or rent. Thank you Nintendo.

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