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Today's most vertigo-inducing video: Portal Lvl. 13 Time Challenge

All we can say is, don't stand too close to the edge while watching this video. You'll slowly lose your equilibrium and tip over, falling into the void without a Portal gun to save your ass. In fact, we just watched it a second time, but made sure that our seatbelts were securely fastened, and that our tray tables were in the full upright and locked positions. We survived, and have now ordered a cocktail and another packet of peanuts with which we can calm our jittery nerves.

Portal continues to stick out of every corner of The Orange Box as one of the coolest, and shortest, titles we've ever played. We'd love to see some new levels made available on a regular basis, as well as some FPS that will let us use the Portal gun on unsuspecting foes. Bring it on.

Haloid creator mashes up Final Fantasy and Dead or Alive

After pitting Master Chief and Samus against each other, animator Monty Oum now renders the results of the Final Fantasy universe intersecting with Tomonobu Itagaki's fighting franchise, Dead or Alive. If you take issue with saucer-eyed women pummeling each other in ways that defy logic and gravity, avert your eyes and hide your children (advent or otherwise) before the interminable Matrix music kicks in.

Why are Kasumi and Yuna so upset with one another? Why are bullets so utterly useless? Why hasn't someone made Super Smash Sisters yet? Clearly, we're asking way too many questions. Just enjoy the mad choreography and know that if it's anything like Haloid, love can eventually bloom on the battlefield.

[Thanks, Kamizar]

Today's most horrific video: Final Fantasy Cosplay Lip-synching

In honor of the upcoming Halloween Holiday, we bring something cringe-inducing and nausea-causing: namely, cosplayers singing. Well, at least one of them is singing. The other one is lip-synching, complete with backup dancers. The only thing she's missing is a wind machine to toss her hair about in a sultry and sexy manner while she goes through the motions.

Well, you at least have to applaud their enthusiasm, and their willingness to make complete fools of themselves on the international internets. Plus, Rude actually looks fairly slick in his outfit, even if his acting skills make Pauly Shore look like Jude Law. And Cloud's sword looks, well ... authentic. We're just sayin'.

Anyhow, check out the vid. We hope you were scared because there are more to come as we countdown to Halloween. Don't say you weren't warned.

Today's most edible DIY video: making a Wii cake

"Everything inside is eatable, I mean edible, I mean you can eat everything." - Gene Wilder, Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory

Designer cake maker Brian Walak put his talents to good use (not to marginalize his other, impressive work, but we can't exactly cover non-gaming culinary art) and made a cake modeled after a Wii, complete with remote (but no sensor bar in sight).

Wired's Chris Kohler has posted some advice from Walak for budding chefs who want to make their own Wii cake. Walak's creation got him on the Martha Stewart show to discuss the game console and his pastry. Video embedded after the break.

Continue reading Today's most edible DIY video: making a Wii cake

Today's more-than-tech-demo-video: Wii Music

GameTrailers posts a clip of -- we assume -- Wii Music from the latest press conference flurry. We know what they say about assumptions and are digging for more details. Until then, the rumored game seems to be much more than a tech demo. Now when will Video Games Live use this -- or those other games -- in a show?

See the clip after the break.

Continue reading Today's more-than-tech-demo-video: Wii Music

Massage Me turns (legitimate) massages into gameplay

A couple of gifted graduate students have found a great use for all the excess energy and digital dexterity required in playing video games: massages.

By mapping game controllers onto soft wearable fabrics, Hannah Perner-Wilson and Mika Satomi invented Massage Me, a special device that allows gamers to give fantastic (legitimate) massages while playing their favorite video games. The website gives detailed instructions on how to build your own devices, but for those more curious than intrepid, the site also features photos and video of the product in action.

See Massage Me in action after the break.

[Via Next-Gen]

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Today's ads-used-to-be-this-good video: Iron Sword

Gametrailers user, BlackSad03, has posted an old ad from NES game, Iron Sword, and we wish today's ads were as exciting. We enjoy the clip on so many levels, like watching the gameplay and being sucked into the sale itself. Must... buy... Iron Sword. Our favorite take is to imagine the production of the commercial and which PA had to swing the tentacle into the room.

The video is watermarked with "Gaming-Age.com," but we could only find an article there that references an equally great print ad for the game. So we send Gaming Age a nod, too.

See the ad after the break.

Continue reading Today's ads-used-to-be-this-good video: Iron Sword

It's pronounced 'OOV-UH-BUHL' says 'EWW-BOHL'

MTV's Multiplayer blog continues its helpful pronunciation guide, this week shifting from Nintendo's Reggie "FEEH-SUH-MAY" to notorious something-resembling-filmmaker, Uwe Boll. The German director notes that if you're going to bash his next anti-masterpiece (and let's face it, you almost certainly will), at least have the decency to get his name right. It's not "YEW-EE" or "EEE-VEE," it's "OOV-UH."


All that's left is to apply this knowledge to everyday conversation:
  • "I can't wait to see OOV-UH-BUHL's interpretation of Far Cry's thought-provoking plot!"
  • "I left a message on OOV-UH-BUHL's answering machine. I do hope it's spelled correctly."
  • "Wow, I was simply BUHLED OOV-UH by how bad that movie was."

Soldier of Fortune: Payback thinks it's okay to play with dolls

Ragdolls, that is. Brought to you by the creepy kids who tore the arms off their action figures, Soldier of Fortune: Payback declares war on subtlety, good taste and the important bits that keep your limbs connected to the rest of your body. The brief video above is demonstration enough of the game's absurd level of violence, don't you think? Its composition of gory decomposition should give the ESRB a grand old time and players a hearty chuckle -- proof that over-the-top, Verhoeven-esque violence is still funny... or that years of desensitization have turned us into heartless murder machines. We just don't know, Jack.

What we do know is that if Soldier of Fortune: Payback is anything like its predecessors, utterly generic gameplay won't stop it from surfing a bloody torso all the way into the spotlight. (Like it just did when we posted this video!)

Today's future-of-advertising-video: Yaris game

Remember that Yaris XBLA game to be released free on Wednesday? Gametrailers user, warchiefgrim, uploaded a clip. We hope this video convinces you to save the precious bandwidth of the internet and pass on the game; even "free" costs too much.

Things we learned:
  • The 4-Door Sedan Yaris comes in such focus-group-approved colors as "Jade Sea Metallic," and "Flint Mica."
  • Northbound on 101 goes straight up (and straight down) as often as it goes north.
  • The Yaris is powered by the constant desire to catch a cat toy mounted on its roof. Sadly, the toy is always just out of reach.
See the video, and add your own observations after the break.

Continue reading Today's future-of-advertising-video: Yaris game

World's oldest Halo 3 player found

Dean Takahasi of The San Jose Mercury News (and recent panelist on the Joystiq Podcast Roundtable) has apparently found the world's oldest person playing Halo 3, and it looks like that honor falls to a 95-year-old Japanese grandmother.

Sure, her gaming skillz look a bit weak, but we've seen younger players do just as poorly the first few times they played. We wonder if she's gaming online at all, because she dishes out some smack talk to the TV at one point ... at least, we assume it's smack. Plus she might want to sit a bit further back or else she'll need glasses. Oh, wait.

If you've got an older Halo 3 gamer in your life, let us know about it. Better yet, drop some suggestions in the comments for what this player's gamertag should be.

Insomniac 'flattered' by Mario Galaxy concept

Did Nintendo's mascot plumber take a cue from a heavily-armed Lombax and his robot buddy? Insomniac Marketing Director Ryan Schneider seems to think so. In an interview with Kikizo, Schneider said, "There's evidence all around us I think, of certain games that have borrowed from Ratchet and Clank. One that we're even extremely flattered by is Super Mario Galaxy, with their spherical worlds; we did spherical worlds in Going Commando, and Up Your Arsenal."

"It would be amazing to think that [Mario creator Shigeru] Miyamoto-san thought that was so cool that he wanted to incorporate it into Mario Galaxy. Granted, he's doing it in a different way, but it's still a spherical world, so it's flattering to see those sorts of things," he said.

We're not convinced, however, that it was hours of Ratchet & Clank that inspired Miyamoto's Mario ideas (though now that we think about it, that Mario Sunshine water pack is awfully suspicious ...). We wonder if the levels aren't an idea culled from strenuous play sessions with Tetrisphere. We've embedded videos of all three below as evidence to present; any other games with spherical worlds you can think of?

Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction is due out October 30.

Continue reading Insomniac 'flattered' by Mario Galaxy concept

Today's resold meme video: WoW Toyota commercial

Clearly an homage to Leeroy Jenkins, this Toyota commercial shows that World of Warcraft players can charge into battle as long as they have the right mount. The ad is apparently legitimate, although the only version we could find clips the tagline.

Toyota may be a follower to showing how it can save the World ... of Warcraft, but this spot hits several in-jokes in a short amount of time. See the ad after the break.

[Thanks, Mal F4cti0n and raffleski]

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Today's shredingest video: Guitar Hero III victor

Game Revolution's Nick Tan recently played Guitar Hero III song, Through the Fire and Flames by Dragonforce, on expert. That website describes it as the hardest in the game, designed to be "unbeatable." And Nick conquered it.

Yes, weeks before you adoring, fake guitar fans get a chance to play, the hardest song has been bested by a player on his fourth attempt. The video of the event is mediocre, and the moment of triumph is anticlimactic. ("Go balloons, go balloons, we need more balloons. ...") But we were still floored watching this face-melting song --and player -- in action.

Be amazed by the clip after the break.

Continue reading Today's shredingest video: Guitar Hero III victor

Halo 2's Zanzibar map done completely in Lego

It seems like if you want some guaranteed internet traffic these days, all you have to do is slap Halo tags all over the place. In fact, it's probably standard practice by now for sites offering things like FREE VIAGRA and GET RICH NOW NOW NOW to put Halo in the metatags. Darned 'Halo' branded little blue pills.

However, if you actually go out and create something all your own as a fanatical tribute to the Halo universe, then you have our respect. When it involves recreating the Zanzibar map from Halo 2 completely to scale in Lego, then you have our allegiance. In fact, we'd love to have something like this gracing the front window of the 'Stiq offices. If you've ever read Douglas Coupland's Microserfs, then hopefully you get the reference. If you haven't read it, then you probably just think we're dorks.

Anyhow, check out the video of this incredible Lego creation, and then go raid your old toy closet and pull out the bricks. Time to get crackin' on your own Lego version of Lockout. Ping us when you're done.

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