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TUAW touch jailbreak liveblog - The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
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TUAW touch jailbreak liveblog

So many people have been asking about the specifics of iPod touch jailbreaks, that we decided to go ahead and do a jailbreak live for your reading pleasure. I have a fresh new iPod touch at my side and will step you through the entire jailbreak process along with my reactions, failures and possible complete public humiliation. Here then is my attempt to jailbreak my iPod touch.

4:45: Well, I'm all ready to go. I have my iPod touch connected to my Intel Mac. I'm going to be using the Niacin TIFF exploit and then setting up my iPod touch with all the standard good hacks including Installer.app.

4:50: I'm starting by opening mobile safari on my touch and navigating to http://jailbreak.toc2rta.com. I am not linking that because that is the address of the TIFF and I don't want to mess up any of your browsers by accident.

4:56: I have Safari up and after debating whether to restore my iPod touch first, I decide to just go ahead. I enter the URL and tap Go.

4:59: I am out of Safari and on the main screen. "kroo" tells me that this means it should have worked. I am now ready to try iPhuc. According to the jailbreak guide at touchdev.net, I need to use this version of iPhuc.

5:02: I have downloaded iPhuc and have run it at the command line. I'm ready for the next step. To make this happen, I launched Terminal (it's in /Applications/Utilities) and issued cd commands to get to the right folder and then ran iPhuc: ./iphuc.

5:04: In iPhuc, I issue an ls command. Sure enough, I can see my entire folder structure! I'm adding a picture to the gallery to show this.

5:11: Now I create a folder in my iphuc directory if it is not already there: mkdir iphonefs. This is where I'll store a copy of the file system.

5:14: Now it is time for me to dump my root partition. I issue the following command in iphuc: getfile /dev/rdisk0s1 iphonefs/rdisk0s1 314572800

A *lot* of text starts scrolling by and I wait for a while. I'm getting the contents of my filesystem.

5:16: Still scrolling. So I take a picture and add it to the gallery. Hopefully it will shortly show up.

5:21: STILL scrolling and dumping. Man this is slow.

5:22: DONE dumping!

5:23: I quit out of iphuc, cd into iphonefs and rename rdisk0s1 to rdisk0s1.dmg. I then issue the "open ." command and then double-click on the dmg using the finder. Happily, it mounts!

5:26: Time to update /etc/fstab. Using only my Mac, I need to copy the modified version onto the Snowbird image that just opened. I cd back to the Desktop Jailbreak folder. There I find the modified fstab. Just to be sure, I cat it. It shows two devices both rw.

% cp fstab /Volumes/Snowbird3A110a.N45Bundle/private/etc/

And to be extra sure, I cat it.

cat /Volumes/Snowbird3A110a.N45Bundle/private/etc/fstab

Looks good.

5:30. Now I'm copying in all the stuff I want to have on my iPod touch. I open Snowbird in Finder and copy over Installer.app--it's an old one but hopefully it will still work okay. I also copy over a lot of the shell stuff from the binary distribution.

5:40: I am copying in all the things I'll need to bootstrap. This will take a while to make sure I'm doing it right. I'll post details as they happen. prepare for a fairly long break.

Real life intruded. I am back.

So after weighing things back and forth, I decided to get the latest version of Installer.app from Null River. this meant I had to download the AppTapp app and get Installer.app from inside the bundle.

Also, I decided to keep just a few apps on the system to keep things clean until I had a chance to patch Springboard.

To make sure I can get into the system, I've put in the dropbear plist. This is the one that was floating around months ago. I know NerveGas has written better stuff but I have already left you guys waiting too long.

Now the big thing. Time to overwrite with my changes.

I'm about to launch iPhuc and issue: putfile iphonefs/rdisk0s1.dmg /dev/rdisk0s1. First I eject the Snowbird disk for safety. Okay, I've done it. This may take some time.

7:04: Still waiting.

7:06: Done. Ready to reboot physically.

I have powered down by pressing and holding Sleep/Wake and then sliding off. Now I have powerd up. It looks the same so far. Time too look at it with iphuc.

7:07: WiFi Settings tells me my iPod is at Lets see if I was able to get ssh working or not. Nope. Connection refused. clearly I didn't do this right. Let's look at iPhuc.

iPhuc shows my proper and entire system. So that is a start!

7:10: I get a copy of /etc/fstab from the iPod touch. It reveals that the iPod is jailbroken and that I have readwrite access. I just must have messed up on the ssh stuff.

7:13: iTunes is showing that 256 meg of memory thing. So I am moving forward but I'm not there yet.

7:18: I decide to go back and reinspect my image. Back to Snowbird.

7:23: I am warned not to do that. Apparently without resetting first to r/o I can mess up my system. So I abandon that idea.

7:24: I come up with the bright idea of using INdependence--after all, my iPod is jailbroken, no?

7:25: INdependence recognizes my failed attempt to get ssh going so I have to uninstall that stuff first. Which I do. Two reboots later, the software tells me that I have successfully installed SSH. Time to check. (And iTunes is STILL giving me the 300MB thing.)

7:27: Although Independence thinks I have ssh, my ipod does not. No success on that front.

7:28: Rebooted a few times, still no ssh.

7:32: I check Snowbird.app to make sure all my permissions are okay for Installer.app and so forth. They appear to be.

7:39: Right now, I'm getting bailed out. Some hackers have handed me a modified version of SpringBoard. I install that, reboot and boom, Installer.app is on my screen.

7:41: I install community sources and am now installing Open SSH. It tells me I need the newer BSD system. I install that.

7:43: The BSD package is still downloading.

Just as an aside, it seems this touch jailbreak isn't very safe. It's not smooth or easy and I'm still in a precarious state due to the misplaced media symlink.

7:45: Man, this BSD thing is taking forever. And my iPod keeps locking up on me because I haven't set it to always on.

7:47: Installing Open SSH now.

7:47: Trying to ssh now. But I don't get the port 22 error. It's just sitting for a while, presumably to generate keys.

While I wait, I set the autolock to never.

I AM IN. Root password is Alpine and I am connected. W00t.

KROO KROO KROO KROO KROO!!!! Rock on Kroo!!! My iPod touch mentor.

7:50: I cd to /var/root. I rm Media and then mv Mediaold Media.


Done. iTunes sees my entire capacity. The world is good. Ssh works. And Kroo rocks.


This is not ready for prime time, kids. Don't do this at home. I'll have a LOT more thoughts, roundup and tips when I come back on line tomorrow night. Until then, it is family time.

Thanks especially to KROO!, netkas, smileyDude and everyone who gave encouragement and advice.

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Reader Comments

(Page 1)

1. Thanks for doing this, those of us with the Touch have been waiting with bated breath for more/better/clearer info on how to start messing with it.

Looking forward to reading the rest as you post it.

Posted at 4:58PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Paulpro

2. i don't think making a live blog be a really nice idea for this, just tell us the end...

Posted at 4:59PM on Oct 12th 2007 by mehdi

3. Thanks Erica!

Also, in before the whiners! :D

Posted at 5:00PM on Oct 12th 2007 by yacoub

4. Is there a page somewhere with easy-to-follow instructions of how to jailbreak the thing? Thanks :)

Posted at 5:01PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Chris

5. What is the purpose of a live blog? The instructions are there, and it is REALLY easy to do. I did it.

Posted at 5:05PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Logan Williams

6. ..and just to confirm, if anything goes wrong or we decide we don't like it, we can simply do a 'restore' in iTunes and the Touch should be back to normal, is that correct?

Posted at 5:06PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Paulpro

7. Chris:

Mac: http://www.touchdev.net/wiki/Jailbreak_Guide
Windows: http://www.touchdev.net/wiki/Windows_jailbreak

Neither is really simple right now. I'm personally holding off until there's a one-click process that takes care of everything from TIFF to installer.app installation.

Posted at 5:06PM on Oct 12th 2007 by yacoub

8. Do you think there will be a one-click solution soon?

Posted at 5:08PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Chris

9. Hi Erica -

I would like to ask you 2 questions and was hoping to reach you now or on the TUAW Sunday Talk:

1) Can you provide us with a demo or instructions to do a factory restore of the baseband firmware for 1.02. I have 1.02 and it works great but want to relock the baseband and use the ISPF solution / upgrade to 1.1.1 for the first time.

2) What do you think will happen when T-mobile German Iphone come out. COuld it work for USA T-mobile customer without sim unlocking? Might have issues with unlock to write to disk -firmware 1.1.2 maybe out.

Posted at 5:08PM on Oct 12th 2007 by enzogeo

10. Yea so the other night I was clicking the shit out of the "toc2ra" link, wondering why nothing was happening! Now I know. Thanks Erica
I thought it was funny?


Posted at 5:09PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Compton

11. Is anyone writing a program that will do all of this automatically? with universal binaries? I have a g4 and would like a more polished solution

Posted at 5:11PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Scott

12. Erica, join the IRC Chat! irc.toc2rta.com!

We'll feed you with the things you should know about the touch hacking ;).

Posted at 5:17PM on Oct 12th 2007 by evanhindra

13. Erica,

Best of luck! I'm in the UK and have no iPhones yet, so decided to jailbreak my ipod touch today.. It worked a treat first time and its great to have mail.app, a working calendar (thanks to the plist hack) and notes just for fun..

This will certainly tie me over till Nov 9th, at which point I won't be tied to WIFI points any more!

Best of luck with the liveblog, I'll be watching!


Posted at 5:22PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Martin Smith

14. i jailbroke mine yesterday. went very smooth on my C2D macbook. and i was also a first time terminal user and now i have over 50 apps.
ask me questions if you have any.

Posted at 5:34PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Jak

15. You know, I just have to say... most people would write this out and/or make a video with the final working instructions for the process and point readers to that. Not Erica. "Live Blogging" is more hep and Web 2.0-ish.

I would say this is laughably inane, but at least you've contained what would have been your multitude of trivial articles into a single post. Improvement comes in baby steps.

Since the end result (despite the ridiculous method of distribution) will be useful to those who want to do this, I'll refrain from further comments.

Posted at 5:37PM on Oct 12th 2007 by billp

16. Very cool. I hope Apple is paying attention to the number of people who want to do this (run other apps on their touch). It would cost them nothing and gain a lot of goodwill to make things like a full calendar app and mail available on the touch.

Posted at 5:39PM on Oct 12th 2007 by K

17. I hacked the bajesus out of my touch yesterday afternoon using the guide at http://www.touchdev.net/wiki/Jailbreak_Guide

It was really quite easy. I had the whole thing done and wrapped up in two hours (including installing a boatload of apps from installer, maps, mail, etc)

I really can't stress enough how easy it was.... You should try it!

Posted at 5:53PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Vernal

18. Oh and something else I should add:

BIG THANK YOU to all of the great people that helped make this possible.

My most pleasant surprise in having a hacked touch is an app called MobileCast (available through installer.app). It allows you to download and listen to podcasts directly from your ipod. No itunes needed. Super hot.

Posted at 5:56PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Vernal

19. Having not used iPhuc before, it really confused me that getfile gave you progress output, but putfile didn't—I thought it had hung (the iPod had put itself to sleep, so I wasn't sure), but it turned out it was actually working fine—though you don't know that until you get the shell prompt back!

My iPod was jailbroken without a hitch. I've got Maps/Stocks/Weather on there, now. Just waiting for the ramdisk DMG key from the iPhone 1.1.1 firmware to be published so I can vfdecrypt it and get MobileMail on my touch too.

…until Apple releases 1.1.2, of course. Then I'll probably revert back to the stock configuration. It's fun, but not the reason I bought the iPod.

Posted at 5:59PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Mo

20. Er, I'm an absolute idiot. There was nothing stopping me getting a copy of MobileMail at all—the key for vfdecrypt is available for all to see. D'oh.

Posted at 6:24PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Mo

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