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PC World - How to Buy a Desktop PC
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How to Buy a Desktop PC

With so many factors to consider, deciding which desktop PC to buy can be a real challenge. From components to software to accessories, new PCs offer a bewildering array of choices. Here's some help from the collective knowledge of our editors and Test Center analysts.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007 11:00 AM PDT
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Desktop PC Buying Guide graphic

With so many factors to consider, deciding which desktop PC to buy can be a real challenge. From components to software to accessories, new PCs offer a bewildering array of choices, and, for some folks, sifting through the large number of options can be daunting. At PC World, we test dozens of new desktop PCs every year. What follows is the collective knowledge of our editors and Test Center analysts.

The Big Picture
Before you go out shopping for a new desktop computer, you have to decide what you want to use it for. We'll guide you through the options. more

The Specs Explained
From CPUs and motherboards to LCD monitors and optical storage, we'll break down the jargon--and tell you which specs are most important to your purchase. more

Desktop PC Shopping Tips
Want some advice before you head to the store or visit a Web site? Our recommendations will help you build a system that fits both your needs and your pocketbook. more

Next page: The Big Picture
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