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The Laptop Gear You Must Have

What optional accessories do you truly need to make your laptop most efficient and most enjoyable? Save some money and time with this handy guide.

James A. Martin, PC World

Tuesday, October 09, 2007 10:00 PM PDT
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If you've configured a laptop online, you've faced dozens of buying decisions. Which operating system? How much memory? What size hard drive, and at what rotational speed? What kind of video card and sound system? The mind reels.

As if that weren't enough, a staggering array of laptop accessories are available. But what do you truly need to equip your laptop for maximum productivity, safety, and security? The following buying guide will help you sort through the main types of laptop add-ons so you can decide which are must-haves, nice-to-haves, or don't-need-to-haves.

First, a note: Most prices quoted here represent the lowest prices found online when we researched this guide. Since prices change constantly, we've provided links wherever possible to PC World's Shop and Compare tool, so you can quickly get current pricing.

Next page: Getting Connected
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