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Swift and easy cures for unwieldy Start menus, virus-infected USB drives, and five other PC problems. 08-Oct-2007
A few simple tweaks to the BIOS and to Windows' power settings can cut your PC power bill by more than half. 26-Sep-2007
Are you taking your show on the road? Read these stress-busting tips before you go. 26-Sep-2007
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The transition to notebooks, personal devices and other mobile units is happening faster than forecast. 14-Oct-2007
The Ceatec show provided visitors a chance to catch some world-first technology, like a 3-millimeter thick TV, a laptop with super-charged graphics processing, and new high-def video recorders. 12-Oct-2007
New FlashMate hybrid hard drive technology lets users access data when the operating system isn't running. 11-Oct-2007
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A recent news analysis of Apple's growing influence over the technology market sparked the most intense discussion in our forums to date. 20-Sep-2007
From subtle hoaxes to clever goofs, here are the ten best fake technology and science Web videos. We'll bet that if we hadn't told you, one or two may have taken you in. 09-Sep-2007
Readers complain about hassles with Dell and retail sales reps, discuss rural Internet access. 06-Sep-2007
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These laptops are on the heavy side, but they're ideal replacements for desktop PCs. Ratings and rankings can change due to pricing and technology changes so check back frequently for the latest info. 12-Oct-2007
Ideal for the mobile professional, these notebooks stand out for their low weight and small footprint. Ratings and rankings can change due to pricing and technology changes, so check back frequently for the latest info. 12-Oct-2007
What optional accessories do you truly need to make your laptop most efficient and most enjoyable? Save some money and time with this handy guide. 09-Oct-2007
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