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A case of Murky envy - WOW Insider
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A case of Murky envy

Wandering Goblin's got Murky envy-- Elvyra was lucky enough to go to BlizzCon 2005 and get the special Murky pet while there, but she redeemed it on the EU servers, and now plays on the US servers, so no Murky pet for her. Despite pleading with ingame GMs and even the higher-ups, she hasn't been able to get the Murky back. And while she did go to BlizzCon 2007 and get a Murloc suit, it's no comparison-- not only does it break on combat, but it just doesn't fit. That doesn't mean it's not fun, though-- if you're waiting to hear about yours from the podcast on Saturday, wait just a little longer-- we'll be contacting the winner tomorrow.

Still, Elvyra's problem isn't the biggest one with the Murky suit-- most people have the problem of not getting one at all. Yes, it's special that Blizzard gave it out only at that convention, but people who now want the pet can't currently ever get it again. Blizzard did give it out once more-- they gave Lurky out to folks who had problems with the CE of Burning Crusade-- and so why can't they do that again? Even if we never see Murky given out, what about Gurky? Or Turky (a Thanksgiving item, obviously)? Or Jerky, who's a little meaner than the other Murlocs?

Doesn't matter much to me-- as I said before, I'm not a huge fan of Murky. But there are some good ways to let people in on the fun while still keeping the original pet exclusive.

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1. It makes me sad that it only works on one of my toons...

Posted at 4:23PM on Sep 3rd 2007 by VegasHorde

2. You can't let other people 'in on the action' with exclusive pets, that's the point. It ceases to become exclusive. Blizzard already broke their exclusivity promise by giving away Murloc cards at other events. Everyone had a chance to get one, by going to Blizzcon. Just because the vast majority didn't go, doesn't mean they suddenly have the right to this little pet.

Keep exclusive items exclusive, and reward the dedicated fans, not the whiners.


Posted at 5:12PM on Sep 3rd 2007 by TotalBiscuit

3. I dont think people that went to the convention are "more loyal than others". It is all about oportunity. Some people just couldnt make it, that doesnt mean they shouldnt have an IN GAME oportunity to achieve goals.

I for one am completly against prizes in game for out of the game factors, like the Murloc stuff and the card game rewards.

Posted at 5:37PM on Sep 3rd 2007 by Dakhelmet

4. i went to blizcon put in the code and it did not even give it to me i am currently taking it to higher up

Posted at 5:47PM on Sep 3rd 2007 by Standsalone84

5. I use Murky on my old Tauren Shaman :(

I'll bet you know what's happened to that character.

Yep. Sitting unused for almost a year.

It'd be great to be able to move "special" pets around at least ONCE. Even if I have to pay a fee for it.

Posted at 8:35PM on Sep 3rd 2007 by Jack Kelly

6. I agree, exclusive pets should be kept exclusive. Otherwise what's the point? It would be different if it were an item that actually affected gameplay, but pets are strictly vanity items.

I saw a Blood Elf earlier today with a Mini Diablo pet. That one was worth a screenshot.

Posted at 8:52PM on Sep 3rd 2007 by baudkarma

7. @2 "Everyone had a chance to get one, by going to Blizzcon. "

Thank you for letting us visit your perfect world. I have nothing in my life but hope now.

Posted at 11:39PM on Sep 3rd 2007 by CrpyTech

8. I got Gurky for helping out in the TBC betá's, my pleasure Blizz! ;)

Posted at 2:15AM on Sep 4th 2007 by Thijz

9. I love my Lurky... especially when he dances, it so damn cute! Every character I create gets one, so he's always by my side.

Posted at 2:29AM on Sep 4th 2007 by Inaraserra

10. /snore.

Posted at 7:40AM on Sep 4th 2007 by yotix

11. @ 6, I am a blood elf and have a Mini Diablo, it always fun to pull him out in random places and wait for the tells to start rolling about how to get one. I love that it was an exclusive one time offer, but even these pets are available on every new character i create, it does kinda suck that the murky pet was available only on one toon, the key u enter should activate your whole account not just one toon for eligibility.

Posted at 7:57AM on Sep 4th 2007 by Khamelean

12. @2 TotalBiscuit

"2. You can't let other people 'in on the action' with exclusive pets, that's the point. It ceases to become exclusive. Blizzard already broke their exclusivity promise by giving away Murloc cards at other events. Everyone had a chance to get one, by going to Blizzcon. Just because the vast majority didn't go, doesn't mean they suddenly have the right to this little pet.

Keep exclusive items exclusive, and reward the dedicated fans, not the whiners."

Right...I'm less dedicated because I can't afford to take off work, pay for cross-country airfare and a hotel to attend BlizzCon. Try again idiot.

Posted at 9:46AM on Sep 4th 2007 by idburns

13. I have both Blizzcon rewards. I bring out Murky, and then put on the suit. Apparently this younglin' looks to me as his long, lost mother. Awww...

Posted at 10:25AM on Sep 4th 2007 by Todd

14. @12 You just answered your own question. Yes, you are indeed less dedicated because you refused to pay for a cross-country airfare and a hotel.

Definition of dedicated - to devote wholly and earnestly, as to some person or purpose:

Since you're not willing to take the steps that you so helpfully mentioned, no, you are indeed not as dedicated. That's kinda logical, don't you think? Did you miss that in your blind e-rage?

Seriously if you're going to try and take my arguments apart (and nice touch with the idiot at the end, really helps to prove your point), try not killing your own in the process. Alternatively keep doing it, makes my job so much easier.


Posted at 12:05PM on Sep 4th 2007 by TotalBiscuit

15. Look, I'd accept the argument that everyone should have access to these if they actually affected the game in any way. But they don't, they're just nice bonuses for those who go out of their way to show support, either by attending conventions, or buying cards, or whatever. Helps liven up the game in my opinion. It'll start being wrong when these little baubles give you tangible in-game benefits, but until that time, the more exclusive stuff the better.


Posted at 12:27PM on Sep 4th 2007 by TotalBiscuit

16. Why the hell would someone move from a ue server to a us server in the first place?

@totalbiscuit. So a person is supposed to take a chance on losing there rl job to attend a videogame convention to be "dedicated"? yes u are an idiot.

Posted at 12:58PM on Sep 4th 2007 by rcdan

17. Yea, TotalBiscuit, being a dedicated gamer/fan doesn't mean you have to risk losing your job..

Posted at 1:56PM on Sep 4th 2007 by Thijz

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