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Really long PS3 ad highlights system features through sketches - PS3 Fanboy
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Really long PS3 ad highlights system features through sketches

We're fond of this new "This is Living" promo video for PS3. It highlights all of the system's features in some pretty clever ways. With an inspired sketchbook look, the PS3 comes across as something artistic. Our favorite part has to be the segment where Remote Play is demonstrated. The PSP talks to the PS3, and they're sent further away from each other. Even with an ocean between the two, they're still able to talk to each other. It's sort of romantic.

Hopefully, this ad will be chopped into bite-sized bits for television use. The aesthetic is great, and certainly does a great job at explaining the many things PS3 can do.

[Via Digg]

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(Page 1)

1. Pretty cool but where does that get played at? A little long for tv, so not sure where it gets played.

Posted at 6:58PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Chris

2. I really like that ad, its very creative without being so over the top that you don't know what its trying to say, which was a problem with their previous efforts.

Posted at 7:01PM on Oct 12th 2007 by The Twizzler

3. This could work really well in bite size pieces. It did a great job of explaining some of the functionality and did so in a way that made the system look like fun. Imagine that, showing people having fun doing all the stuff that the system can do. Somebody in PR is finally eating their brain food.

Posted at 7:08PM on Oct 12th 2007 by halebound00

4. Yay! Props to Sony's marketing crew for getting something awesome together =P

Sorta seems inline with the PSEye Create thing with the whole still-like pictures?... unless it was just the clip =P. Cuz the games seemed laggy too lol.

... and... that didn't really look like an ocean =P I don't think I would've known if it weren't for this article lol.

Posted at 7:28PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Dahk

5. it's pretty good, a hell of a lot better, but I still don't think this gets across what the PS3 can do. I dont think people will really get the SIXAXIS controls and PS EYE stuff from that ad.

Posted at 8:00PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Random1448

6. They should play this during the Super Bowl. It would undoubtedly anger a lot of people but I think it could break the record for longest commercial ever played during the Super Bowl. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please.

Posted at 8:01PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Gunegune

7. Love how sony takes risks to put out interesting commercials like the New Bravia TV-ads but wish they had IN_YOUR_FACE ads too.(4 Dummies)!

Posted at 8:52PM on Oct 12th 2007 by sicklesdawg

8. Although creative, it only drives the point home for us who already know about and understand what it's about. This is just like the US release trailers, far too obscure for most people.

Posted at 11:37PM on Oct 12th 2007 by Broken Haiku

9. the only people that will sit through and watch this have or will have a ps3 anyway - its so long!

Posted at 3:39AM on Oct 13th 2007 by Anthony Pittarelli

10. "This is living" basically reveals that this is the UK's ad bit.


So far we've only seen the banner ad with the morphing PS3, which is cool and all, but the UK's ad is much more imaginative.

Posted at 8:36AM on Oct 13th 2007 by Shinogu

11. This reminds me of the Dustballs ad's for the PSP :)

No idea why...

Posted at 8:59AM on Oct 13th 2007 by Phil

13. Oh God anything but Lair!

Posted at 12:49PM on Oct 13th 2007 by John Q Sample

14. you guys have been on some weak sauce for the last week or so on posts! those titties are gettin 4 thumbs down, so pick it up...

oh yeah the lack of posts on the weekend is pretty sad as well

Posted at 3:00PM on Oct 13th 2007 by NoRRODhere

15. I think the most effective segment to advertise is the online segment. I still know lots of people that don't know that PSN is free and lets you play online. (even people that have PS3's)


For 12 million dollars I don't think it is worth it for Sony.

Posted at 3:30PM on Oct 13th 2007 by Andy

16. sweet makes me wonna go play some games

Posted at 2:25AM on Oct 14th 2007 by qwerter

17. This Commercial is pretty good, if I didn't have a PS3 I would go out and get one.

Posted at 3:04AM on Oct 14th 2007 by EfrenPacquiao

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