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Posts with tag IM

Translate text to Zlango for your Zlango-speaking friends - Time Waster

Text messages are all well and good, but the kids these days, they like graphics. So when Zlango launched a service to offer enhanced emoticons and icons for mobile phone and web use, we were suitably impressed. The company came up with a hieroglyphic-like "language," complete with 200 different icons, some of which hold multiple meanings.

While it's not a complete language, you can convey a lot of meaning with those 200 icons. But that's a lot of images to remember. Fortunately, Zlango has gone and offered a couple of new services, including Zlango Composer, an English to Zlango translator. Because you know, there's a wide demand for that kind of thing.

The application is Flash-based, and translates text into images as you type. You can then send messages to your friends, who will likely have a pretty tough time reading them if you turn the captions off. We can't say Zlango Composer is particularly useful, unless say, you're a company focused on icons and you're trying to attract users to your service. But it's certainly fun to play with for a few minutes.

[via TechCrunch]

Facebook IM launching soon

Facebook IM launching soonGet ready for a whole new Facebook. Instant Messaging is getting set to find a home in the ever expanding, bulging at the seams social network.

Just when you thought that all that news about Facebook's valuation, the developer grants, and the possible Microsoft investment was enough to raise the roof on their worth, we hear news that the site is launching an IM client.. A new Facebook IM is set to go into Beta this Friday and will take on the likes of MSN, AIM, Google Talk, and Yahoo. We would imagine that this could not be used as a standalone application, and would work inline with Facebook profiles. Sam Sethi has received an early look at the beta, and enjoys the fact that there is no download or install necessary. But will it replace your standard IM?

With Yahoo! and MSN being somewhat locked down in their protocols, we are sure that things will change as the Facebook IM becomes the new in "instant messaging application". But for now, it looks like only chatting between Facebook friends is possible.

UPDATE: The Facebook IM application FriendVox, is rumored to be in development by a third party called Techlightenment, who specialize in Facebook application development.

Pownce gets some fresh new features

Pownce gets some fresh new featuresPownce, the easy way to send out goodies to friends has announced a few new helpful features.
  • Sending brief snippets of text, images, photos and links just got a little easier with Pownce's new updates. Besides beefing up the system to run faster, the team has integrated in:
  • Event notifications - the most recent five upcoming events you have been sent will appear on the right hand side of the screen.
  • Inline video playback, image previews - YouTube, Google Video, Metacafe, Revver, and Vimeo videos as well as images from Zoomr will be automatically embedded in your notes for quick viewing abilities. Images from Photobucket and Flickr will be added in the future. (Why Pownce wouldn't start off with Flickr, we don't know, they are only the top image hosting provider.)
  • Social network profile display - Profile where else you are on the web. Easily link to your other profiles online, including Digg, Last.fm, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, IM id's, and links to your websites and blogs.
  • Preference settings - Open links in a new window by default, and customize note and reply features.
The one thing that keeps us wondering, where's the API? Twitter, the competition has theirs out and people are doing some great things with it, but when can we expect some consumer integrated mashups from you? However, Pownce is on the move to distinguish themselves as a true quick message player.

Microsoft to buy Parlano for seamless communication experiences

Microsoft to buy Parlano for seamless communication experiences

The team in Redmond Washington has just announced that they will be acquiring Chicago based Parlano, developers of a cross functional group communication technology, that goes beyond your typical IM and email toolsets.

Terms of the deal have not yet been disclosed, but Microsoft is planning to integrate Parlano's technology in order to give its office programs a broader vision. For example, users would be able to see who is available only by IM as oppose to Phone or video chat. Then they would be able to transition seamlessly from email to an IM to a video chat.

This move by Microsoft marks a milestone in its Office Communications server due out late next year. An application that lets users find and communicate with the right person, immediately, through the applications that they use most.

[via NYTimes]

Skype for the iPhone

skype for the iphoneA Skype client made especially for Apple's new iPhone has just been released. Om Malik has the news on this much anticipated release from SHAPEServices.

SHAPEServices makes Instant Messaging applications for mobile devices, and now has built a Skype for iPhone website that allows iPhone users to visit and use Skype through Safari. The service is free for a limited time, upon which time users will have a one time fee to run the application. The iPhone application works the same way in which the PC software works. Users can IM and talk with other Skype users, as well as make and receive SkypeOut calls. Users also have access to see who is logged in and available.

Om has said that the application took a few minutes to set up and run, and is easy to use. If there are any DLSers that have tried this application out, please let us know your impressions.

Adium 1.1 for Mac Released

Adium, the multi-protocol, open source, Instant Message client for Mac OS X has today reached version 1.1. Whilst the team behind the project have been releasing regular updates to the client, this particular update is of note due to its much longer development period (according to the Adium blog, version 1.1 has been a year in the making).

So what's new? Firstly there'sa dose of "tastier tabs". Tabs are something Adium has had for a while, however the new tabs, part of the Google Summer of Code project, are indeed far tastier. There's a plethora of other new features too, however one of note is the new ability to import iChat message logs to Adium - Adium has long held its own over iChat's basic transcript handling. In other news, MSN 'nudges' and Yahoo! Buzzes are fully supported too.

Adium is, of course, a free download and supports MSN, AIM, Yahoo!, Jabber / GTalk and more protocols.

Update: Reader Racco notes in the comments that v1.1 requires Mac OS X 10.4.0 Tiger.

Twittering in Live Messenger

Twittering in Live MessengerTwittering just got easier yet again. Instead of installing any additional applications, or visiting Twitter.com, users of MSN's Live Messenger can Twitter with ease.

TwitterMSN is a new service brought to you by the creators of TwitterMail. It is just another easier way to post quick updates to contacts via the Twitter API. TwitterMSN works by adding msn@twittermsn.com to your contact list. It's that easy. This service also uses good old ICQ (if you can remember your ID number) to post updates.

For additional Twitter tools DLS has reviewed, take a peek here.

Google Talk and Meebo growing their user base

Google Talk and Meebo growing their user baseWhat IM do you use? Google Talk and Meebo have been growing with leaps and bounds, and so has IMVU.

Meebo, the online instant messaging system has experienced growth rates of 354% in the past ten months, and Google Talk, both web based and desktop based, has grown 149%. IMVU is another Instant messaging application that you might use if you are a Second Life of Habbo fan. It lets users create a custom virtual characters complete with clothes and 3D scenes. They have experienced a 154% since last year.

A shocking result came from Skype. The eBay owned company saw only a 20% increase in users since last August.

[via VentureBeat]

UPDATE: Check out CenterNetworks who link to a Nielson study reporting that Meebo is the fastest growing IM destination.

If you use AOL services you're going to love Helix, all others stay away

aol helix

The team at AOL has a new piece of software in the works codenamed Helix. It integrates email, web browsing and instant messaging all into a single application. But it might not be the best solution for non AOL users.

AOL Helix is basically a desktop type application that conveniently places all of applications within one. Think Apollo, but taking up all of the screen real estate, and concentrating on AOL services only. The Beta test application seemed to take quite a while to install. Which was extremely annoying, but thankfully did not slow down the running of other applications, and of course remember that it is in Beta. After loading, a full screen application was launched with a tabbed browser window and links to AOL services like mail and AIM instant messaging.

Is it for everyone? No. If you use all AOL services like AIM and email it's great, and creates a highly productive environment. However, if you do rely on other services such as Gmail and MSN messenger, this application is not for you.

Update: Thank you Scott for updating us about the abilities to add POP3 email accounts like Gmail. Check under Add Accounts in the Mail application.

Disclaimer: DownloadSquad is owned by AOL.

Twitting by email with TwitterMail

twittermail, twitter by emailIf you're finding it way too difficult to use Twitter's online service to enter your updates to your contact list, and prefer something maybe a little easier, think about TwitterMail.

Twittering is possible through IM, numerous desktop applications, and even SMS. But if you have the strong desire to be able to send updates to friends using another method, Boris has it, and it's TwitterMail. His service supplies users with a special TwitterMail email address that can then be used to send updates to via email. This will in turn get pushed to your Twitter.com account. Only drawback, you have to supply your Twitter Username and Password to get things hooked up, and there are no security statements on the website so tread carefully with this one.

You can also check out a list of some additional Twitter tools here and here.

Multi-user chat gets released on Google Talk Gadget

group chat for google gadgetGoogle has been tooling around with the Talk Gadget lately, and has added in the ability to have multi user chats through a Group Chat feature.

The process of chatting is simple. Select a user that you want to chat with, then click on the Group Chat button, this will allow you to connect to another user. Keep in mind, this option is only available in the Google Talk Gadget. So if the user is currently using the standalone player for Mac or Windows, or is offline, a message will get sent to them and open up in a Talk Gadget when clicked.

Google seems to be forgetting about the standalone player with the last few updates. Could they be focusing on the integrated online Google Talk Gadget for a reason? I realize offline applications are shifting towards online, but IM is something we sure could use as a standalone. Google has recently added in the support for Flickr slideshows, and emoticons in the Gadget.

Chatting from a webpage with MiniMobs

minimobs social network imThe Internet is all about communication; getting the information we need, when we need it. What's the best tool to use? IM! Instant gratification....if the person is online that is.

MiniMobs is a newer entry into the messaging world, however, like typical IM tools, they don't have an application or service that they specifically run on. MiniMobs lets users chat online with buddies from social networks such as Facebook or MySpace, by embedding an applet in personal pages. It's just another way to stay in touch, all the time.

The MiniMobs concept and cell phone widget designs are cool, but the ads littered about the "corporate" site can get really distracting. I realize MiniMobs might have to make a little cash for servers and development, but please, lay off the distracting ads, and focus on product development. If you have to, sell some top level banners and don't blend the ads in.

Find a better connection with WeFi

wefi wireless connction toolHow can "we-find" a better connection when on the go...and get it quickly? Searching for that perfect connection is such a hassle, especially if you aren't familiar with the area you're in. You can spend hours trying to activate your wireless. WeFi aims to change that through an online community; linked by wireless access.

WeFi launched a short while ago and provides its users with pinpointed WiFi locations, and connects users of that connection with one another. The tool is a downloadable client for Mac and PC users, having a similar feel to an IM application. When WeFi is launched users are presented with a map of all of the WiFi connections in the area. This includes open, locked, and restricted connections.

Adding a social aspect to the tool is the ability to see which friends are currently online by adding them to your contact list. Friends can then share locations, maps and hot spots with each other.

In the future, WeFi will be incorporating all sorts of tools that help users gauge the quality of signals including hot spot reviews. Nonetheless, this is one tool to have in your wireless connection arsenal when traveling to not only a new location, but anywhere around your town where you are not familiar with signals.

Vbuzzer, new competition for the telephone?

vbuzzer voipBye bye Mr Telephone company, the future is arriving quickly with plenty of VOiP providers in the landscape, including a new buzzing sound. (although your Vonage phone may face a lack of dialtone soon)

High quality phone calls are what every international caller wants. No pops, cracks or wizzles. VOiP providers have achieved this quite nicely, including Vbuzzer. Upon downloading the Vbuzzer application it closely resembles an instant messaging application, but that's not all it does. The free service allows users to make free phone calls, send text messages and files. Calls can be placed through the application, or to traditional telephones for a small fee.

Vbuzzer is currently only available for PC users. Although Skype is much more user friendly, and at the top of everyone's list, Vbuzzer could still be a small contender. If anyone uses Vbuzzer regularly to make calls to landlines or mobiles, let us all know how it works and your thoughts.

Spam could outnumber legitimate email this year

SpamThis should come as no surprise to anyone who keeps an eye on the number of emails collecting in your spam filter: a study from IDC shows that spam emails are on the rise. In fact, the report suggests 2007 will be the first year that more spam messages are sent than actual human-to-human emails.

That's not just because spam is on the rise, though. It's also because many people are using instant messaging and VoIP clients the same way they used email a few years ago. So as real-time communication goes up, the number of personal emails sent goes down. And the spammers win.

Of course, spam filters are a lot better than they used to be, so really what this means is that nefarious companies will continue to send messages that nobody will read this year.

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