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Profiling and Monitoring
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This week on JavaWorld.com
For the week of June 25th
 , June 2007

Oracle sows the seeds for SOA
An SOA (service oriented architecture) has the appealing allure for reducing costs and improving your company's agility. But, before digging up your existing IT roots, you'll need assurances there's a fortified and fertile ecosystem waiting to support you in those supposedly greener pastures.
James R. Borck, February 2007

Which open source CI tool is best suited for your application's environment?
Automating the build process is a difficult task, and fairly quickly a continuous integration tool becomes a must. But which one? This article test drives a few of the open source CI tools to see how they compare.
John Ferguson Smart, November 2006

Manage your JMX-enabled applications with jManage 1.0
Java Management Extensions (JMX) technology enables management and monitoring of applications and services via MBeans (managed beans), allowing JMX clients to be developed independently using standard protocols. jManage is an open source, Web and command line-based JMX client, providing a centralized console for managing application clusters and distributed-application environments. jManage goes beyond an ordinary JMX client by providing features like alerts, graphs, security, SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) support, and more. This article introduces you to jManage 1.0 features using J2SE 5.0 MBeans as examples and highlights the upcoming jManage 1.5 features.
Rakesh Kalra, January 2006

Improve the quality of your J2EE-based projects
In this article, Jimmy Jarrett advises developers, particularly team leads, on tasks they need to perform to ensure their system's quality. In addition to discussing some open source tools that aid in measuring system quality, he stresses the importance of accountability, without which, no development team would be successful.
Jimmy Jarrett, January 2005

An ounce of prevention: Avoid J2EE data layer bottlenecks
In this article, Christopher Keene defines three common causes of application data bottlenecks and suggests approaches for eliminating them. In his discussion, he presents a rule of thumb that will help you predict whether your application will result in bottlenecks.
Christopher Keene, April 2004

Product Snapshot: Teamstudio Analyzer for Java Edition 2
April 25 — Recently, Teamstudio upgraded its audit tool for Java developers, Teamstudio Analyzer for Java Edition 2.0. The tool evaluates a Java project's code, creating error conditions linked to specific pieces of code. Edition 2.0 includes more than 50 rules to check compliance with EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) specifications; custom rules; and support for Sun ONE (Open Network Environment) Studio, Oracle JDeveloper, and NetBeans.
 , April 2003

Product Snapshot: Optimizeit ServerTrace
February 7, 2003 — As part of Borland Software's continuing efforts to integrate development lifecycle tools, the company has introduced Optimizeit ServerTrace, a J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) performance testing tool. An extension of Borland's Optimizeit performance solution, ServerTrace brings testing from the development phase to the predeployment phase, says Bill Pataky, director of product management at Borland's Java business unit, and is targeted towards testers, instead of developers.
 , February 2003

Product Snapshot: DevPartner Java Edition 3.0
November 22, 2002 — More than two years have passed since Compuware last issued a major feature update to its DevPartner Java Edition development productivity tool. But Bob Michaud, product manager for DevPartner Java Edition, hints that version 3.0 was well worth the wait: "Yes it was a tough and long wait, but we believe now, and from early indications from our beta program, that we've got something really important here."
 , November 2002

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