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Steep Sloped Roofs Lasted Through Katrina Better Than Low Sloped Roofs (October 13, 2007) -- A study of roofing damage incurred by Gulf Coast structures following Hurricane Katrina has found that buildings with steep sloped roofs held up better against the high-wind storm damage than ... > full story

Warm Winter Predicted For United States (October 11, 2007) -- This winter is predicted to be warmer than the 30-year norm. For the country as a whole, NOAA's heating degree day forecast for December through February projects a 2.8 percent warmer winter than the ... > full story

Climate Change Likely To Help With Groundwater Recharge (October 9, 2007) -- Elevated levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Earth's atmosphere could seriously impact air, weather and vegetation. Now scientists are taking a closer look at what could happen underground. If ... > full story

Evidence Of Warming Climate Found In Ohio (October 9, 2007) -- Summer nights in Ohio aren't cooling off as much as they used to -- and it's likely a sign of climatic warming across the state, researchers say. The new study found that average summer nighttime low ... > full story

New Projections For Australia's Changing Climate (October 8, 2007) -- The most comprehensive assessment to date of Australia's climate was recently released by the Bureau of Meteorology and CSIRO. The report states that increasing levels of greenhouse gases are likely ... > full story

Amazon Forest Shows Unexpected Resiliency During Drought (September 26, 2007) -- Drought-stricken regions of the Amazon forest grew particularly vigorously during the 2005 drought, according to new research. The counterintuitive finding contradicts a prominent global climate ... > full story

Arctic Sea Ice Minimum Shatters All-time Record Low, Report Scientists (September 21, 2007) -- Scientists said September 20 that the extent of Arctic sea ice appears to have reached its minimum for 2007 on Sept. 16, shattering all previous lows since satellite record-keeping began nearly 30 ... > full story

New Faraway Sensors Warn Of Emerging Hurricane's Strength (September 12, 2007) -- A new study supported by NASA and the US Office of Naval Research takes forecasters one step further to improving their ability to predict just how powerful an oncoming storm may become by using ... > full story

How One Storm Can Affect Another (September 10, 2007) -- Weather forecasting and climate modeling for the notoriously unpredictable Sahel region of Africa could be made easier in the future, thanks to new research results coming from the African Monsoon ... > full story

Heat Stress Influences Low Conception Of Dairy Herds (September 7, 2007) -- Summer heat stress is a main factor related to low conception rates in high producing dairy herds in warm areas worldwide. A research group studied the impact of several climate variables on ... > full story

Hurricane Forecast: Heightened Activity For Rest Of Season (September 6, 2007) -- Above-average hurricane activity is expected for the remaining three months of the hurricane season, the Colorado State University forecast team said September 4. The individual month of September ... > full story

Greece Suffers More Fires In 2007 Than In Last Decade, Satellites Reveal (September 3, 2007) -- Greece has experienced more wildfire activity this August than other European countries have over the last decade, according to data from ESA satellites. The country is currently battling an outbreak ... > full story

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Numerical weather prediction -- Numerical weather prediction is the science of predicting the weather using "models" of the atmosphere and computational techniques. Manipulating the huge datasets and performing the complex ... > full article

Storm Prediction Center -- The Storm Prediction Center is responsible for forecasting (identifying, describing, and quantifying) the risk of severe weather caused by severe convective storms (specifically, those producing ... > full article

National Hurricane Center -- The U.S. National Hurricane Center is the division of National Weather Service's Tropical Prediction Center responsible for tracking and predicting the likely behavior of tropical depressions, ... > full article

Derecho -- A derecho is a widespread and long-lived, violent convectively induced windstorm that is associated with a fast-moving band of severe thunderstorms usually taking the form of a bow echo. Derechos are ... > full article

Weather forecasting -- Weather forecasting is the application of current technology and science to predict the state of the atmosphere for a future time and a given location. Weather forecasts are made by collecting as ... > full article

Meteorology -- Meteorology is the scientific study of the atmosphere that focuses on weather processes and forecasting. Meteorological phenomena are observable weather events which illuminate and are explained by ... > full article

National Weather Service -- The National Weather Service (NWS) is one of the six scientific agencies that make up the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the United States government. It is tasked with ... > full article

Waterspout -- A waterspout is an intense columnar vortex (usually appearing as a funnel shaped cloud) that occurs over a body of water and is connected to a cumuliform cloud. In the common form, it is a ... > full article

Climate -- The climate is the weather averaged over a long period of time. Weather is the combination of events in the atmosphere and climate is the overall accumulated weather in a certain location. Over ... > full article

Instrumental temperature record -- The instrumental temperature record shows the fluctuations of the temperature of the atmosphere and the oceans since the invention of ... > full article

The Winds of Change : Climate, Weather, and the Destruction of Civilizations
The Winds of Change places the horrifying carnage unleashed on New Orleans, Mississippi, and Alabama by Hurricane Katrina in context.Climate has been humanity's constant, if moody, companion. At ... > read more

The Weather Makers : How Man Is Changing the Climate and What It Means for Life on Earth
Sometime this century the day will arrive when the human influence on the climate will overwhelm all other natural factors. Over the past decade, the world has seen the most powerful El Niño ... > read more

Isaac's Storm : A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History (Vintage)
On September 8, 1900, a massive hurricane slammed into Galveston, Texas. A tidal surge of some four feet in as many seconds inundated the city, while the wind destroyed thousands of buildings. By the ... > read more

Geosystems : An Introduction to Physical Geography (6th Edition)
Geosystems is written, organized, and illustrated to give new learners an accessible, systematic, and visually appealing start in the study of physical geography. This edition includes the brand new ... > read more

Elemental Geosystems, Fourth Edition
This book gives readers an accessible, systematic, non-mathematical, and visually appealing start in physical geography. It features a distinctive, holistic integration of human-Earth relationships, ... > read more

Mountaineering First Aid: A Guide to Accident Response and First Aid Care (Mountaineering First Aid)
·Revised to meet the current standards of first aid care by the American Red Cross and the Wilderness Medical Society ·Updated figures and drawings that illustrate essential first aid ... > read more

Prentice Hall Molecular Model Set For Organic Chemistry (2nd Edition)
This kit enables users to build virtually all simple molecules encountered in organic chemistry. Includes space-filling models that simulate the true shape of saturated compounds. Provides open ... > read more

Introduction to Airborne Radar, Second Edition (Aerospace & Radar Systems)
A new edition of the Hughes Aircraft Co. classic. A must-have reference with lucid prose and over 1,000 color diagrams and photographs. Includes supplementary panels that provide technical details ... > read more

Bayesian Data Analysis, Second Edition
Incorporating new and updated information, this second edition of THE bestselling text in Bayesian data analysis continues to emphasize practice over theory, describing how to conceptualize, ... > read more

Game Theory : Analysis of Conflict
Eminently suited to classroom use as well as individual study, Roger Myerson's introductory text provides a clear and thorough examination of the models, solution concepts, results, and ... > read more

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