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Early Apes Walked Upright 15 Million Years Earlier Than Previously Thought, Evolutionary Biologist Argues (October 10, 2007) -- An extraordinary advance in human origins research reveals evidence of the emergence of the upright human body plan over 15 million years earlier than most experts have believed. More dramatically, ... > full story

DNA Extracted From Woolly Mammoth Hair (September 27, 2007) -- Scientists discovered that hair shafts provide an ideal source of ancient DNA -- a better source than bones and muscle for studying the genome sequences of extinct animals. They sequenced the entire ... > full story

Increased Bering Sea Ice Explains Prehistoric Fur Seal Rookeries (September 20, 2007) -- The Bering Sea provides critical habitat for many species of marine mammals, including seals, sea lions and whales. The predictable formation and movement of sea ice is a defining feature of this ... > full story

Back To The Future: Mastodon Extends The Time Limit On DNA Sequencing (July 30, 2007) -- The first complete mitochondrial DNA genome for the mastodon extends the age range for genomic analyses by almost a complete glacial cycle, and resolves the relationships among African and Asian ... > full story

Paleontologists Study A Remarkably Well-preserved Baby Siberian Mammoth (July 24, 2007) -- Paleontologists are examining the frozen, nearly intact remains of a 4-month-old female woolly mammoth. "It's the best and most complete mammoth carcass--baby or adult--ever found," according to one ... > full story

Climate Change Reduces Bat Population In Queensland, Australia (July 10, 2007) -- A central eastern Queensland mine has turned up bat fossils which show climate change has had a negative impact on the state's bat population. Researchers are currently sifting through what is the ... > full story

Wolves Of Alaska Became Extinct 12,000 Years Ago, Scientists Report (July 5, 2007) -- The ancient gray wolves of Alaska became extinct some 12,000 years ago, and the wolves in Alaska today are not their descendents but a different subspecies, an international team of scientists ... > full story

Ice Age Extinction Claimed Highly Carnivorous Alaskan Wolves (June 22, 2007) -- The extinction of many large mammals at the end of the Ice Age may have packed an even bigger punch than scientists have realized. To the list of victims such as woolly mammoths and saber-toothed ... > full story

Placental Mammals Originated On Earth 65 Million Years Ago, Researchers Assert (June 21, 2007) -- An early mammal fossil discovered in Mongolia led to researchers asserting that the origins of placental mammals, which include humans, can be dated to approximately 65 million years ago in the ... > full story

Ancient DNA Traces Woolly Mammoth's Disappearance (June 10, 2007) -- Some ancient-DNA evidence has offered new clues to a very cold case: the disappearance of the last woolly mammoths, one of the most iconic of all Ice Age giants, according to a recent article. DNA ... > full story

Prehistoric Behavior And Ecology Of Northern Fur Seals Reconstructed (May 23, 2007) -- A team of researchers has documented major changes in the behavior, ecology and geographic range of the northern fur seal over the past 1,500 years using a combination of techniques from archaeology, ... > full story

An Ancient Bathtub Ring Of Mammoth Fossils (May 8, 2007) -- Geologists have put out a call for teeth tusks, femurs and any and all other parts of extinct mammoths left by massive Ice Age floods in southeastern Washington. The fossils of Mammathus columbi, the ... > full story

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Mastodon -- Mastodons or Mastodonts are members of an extinct genus Mammut of the order Proboscidea; they resembled, but were distinct from, the woolly mammoth. While mastodons were furry like woolly mammoths, ... > full article

Mammoth -- A mammoth is any of a number of an extinct genus of elephant, often with long curved tusks and, in northern species, a covering of long hair. They lived during the Pleistocene epoch from 1.6 million ... > full article

Smilodon -- Smilodon means knife tooth, an entirely appropriate name given its enormous fangs. The smilodon species are also known as Saber-Toothed Cats (which is inaccurate because there are other, unrelated ... > full article

Homo heidelbergensis -- Homo heidelbergensis ("Heidelberg Man") is an extinct, potentially distinct species of the genus Homo and may be the direct ancestor of Homo neanderthalensis in Europe. According to the "Recent Out ... > full article

Parallel evolution -- Parallel evolution is the independent evolution of similar traits, starting from a similar ancestral condition. Frequently this is the situation in more closely related lineages, where several ... > full article

Evolution of the horse -- The evolution in the structure of their teeth, odd-toed limbs, obvious mobility of the upper lip, and other aspects, joins the horse to the evolutionary line of odd-toed, hoofed mammals: the ... > full article

Evolution of cetaceans -- The cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) are descendants of land-living mammals, and remnants of their terrestrial origins can be found in the fact that they must breathe air from the surface; ... > full article

Homo ergaster -- Homo ergaster ("working man") is an extinct hominid species (or subspecies, according to some authorities) which lived throughout eastern and southern Africa between 1.9 to 1.4 million years ago with ... > full article

Timeline of human evolution -- The timeline of human evolution outlines the major events in the development of humans species and the evolution of human's ancestors. It begins with the time of the origin of life and presents a ... > full article

Rodent -- Rodentia is an order of mammals also known as rodents, characterised by two continuously-growing incisors in the upper and lower jaws which must be kept short by gnawing. Forty-percent of mammal ... > full article

The Complete World of Human Evolution
A compelling, authoritative, and superbly illustrated account of the rise and eventual domination of our species.Human domination of the earth is now so complete that it is easy to forget how ... > read more

Biology : The Unity and Diversity of Life (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac)
Cecie Starr and Ralph Taggart are among the most successful authors in introductory, biological science instruction because of their lively approach, engaging writing style, current coverage of the ... > read more

The Third Chimpanzee : The Evolution and Future of the Human Animal
Jared Diamond states the theme of his book up-front: "How the human species changed, within a short time, from just another species of big mammal to a world conqueror; and how we acquired the ... > read more

Evolution of the Insects
This book chronicles the complete evolutionary history of insects--their living diversity and relationships as well as 400 million years of fossils. Introductory sections cover the living species ... > read more

Myths of the Archaic State : Evolution of the Earliest Cities, States, and Civilizations
Classical archaeology promotes the view that a state's evolution reflects general, universal forces. Norman Yoffee challenges the model in this book by presenting more complex and multi-linear models ... > read more

The Solar House: Passive Heating and Cooling
Passive solar heating and passive cooling—approaches known as natural conditioning—provide comfort throughout the year by reducing, or eliminating, the need for fossil fuel. Yet while heat ... > read more

The New Way Things Work
"Is it a fact--or have I dreamt it--that, by means of electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time?" If you, like Nathaniel ... > read more

Extinction : How Life on Earth Nearly Ended 250 Million Years Ago
Some 250 million years ago, the earth suffered the greatest biological crisis in its history. Around 95% of all living species died out--a global catastrophe far greater than the dinosaurs' demise 65 ... > read more

The End of Oil : On the Edge of a Perilous New World
The End of Oil is a "geologic cautionary tale for a complacent world accustomed to reliable infusions of cheap energy." The book centers around one irrefutable fact: the global supply of oil is being ... > read more

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt : 3 Volume Set
Featuring 600 original articles written by leading scholars, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt goes far beyond the records of archaeology to make available what we know about the full social, ... > read more

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