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Block-play May Improve Language Development In Toddlers (October 14, 2007) -- Playing with toy blocks may lead to improved language development in middle- and low-income children, according to a new ... > full story

Brain Imaging Shows Similarities & Differences In Thoughts Of Chimps And Humans (October 14, 2007) -- Scientists used functional brain imaging to assess resting-state brain activity in chimpanzees as a potential window into their mental world and to compare chimpanzee brain activity to that of ... > full story

How To Predict The Future Of The Past Tense (October 11, 2007) -- Verbs evolve and homogenize at a rate inversely proportional to their prevalence in the English language, according to a formula developed by Harvard University mathematicians who've invoked ... > full story

Preventing Neurodegenerative Diseases By Studying Proteins In The Brain (October 10, 2007) -- Researchers have made the most complete list so far of the proteins present in the cerebral cortex -- the outermost layer of the brain that plays a central role in memory, language, cognition, and ... > full story

IPods Can Help People Who Stutter (October 3, 2007) -- Compared to advancements in modern medicine over the past 70 years, there have been few new treatment options for people who stutter. That's one reason a digital device under development is ... > full story

Native Language Governs The Way Toddlers Interpret Speech Sounds (October 2, 2007) -- Toddlers are learning language skills earlier than expected and by the age of 18 months understand enough of the lexicon of their own language to recognize how speakers use sounds to convey meaning. ... > full story

Babies Raised In Bilingual Homes Learn New Words Differently Than Infants Learning One Language (September 30, 2007) -- Research on the learning process for acquiring two languages from birth found differences in how bilingual babies learned words compared to monolingual babies. The research suggests that bilingual ... > full story

Joint Attention Study Has Implications For Understanding Autism (September 29, 2007) -- A hallmark of human nature is the ability to share information and to comprehend the thoughts and intentions of others. Scientists refer to this skill as 'joint attention.' Even though it is a vital ... > full story

Music And Language Are Processed By The Same Brain Systems (September 28, 2007) -- Researchers have long debated whether or not language and music depend on common processes in the mind. Now, researchers have found evidence that the processing of music and language do indeed depend ... > full story

Music Training Linked To Enhanced Verbal Skills (September 27, 2007) -- Music training, with its pervasive effects on the nervous system's ability to process sight and sound, may be more important for enhancing verbal communication skills than learning phonics, according ... > full story

Insight Into Struggles Of Children With Language Impairments (September 26, 2007) -- For the first time, a new study has looked into how language impairments affect a child's ability to understand and retell a script-based story. For this study, the examiner read a script-based story ... > full story

Gene Involved In Human Language Development Also Involved In Bat Echolocation (September 19, 2007) -- When it comes to the FOXP2 gene, humans have had most to shout about. Discoveries that mutations in this gene lead to speech defects and that the gene underwent changes around the time language ... > full story

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Psycholinguistics -- Psycholinguistics or psychology of language is the study of the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, and understand language. Initial forays into ... > full article

Great Ape language -- Research into non-human Great Ape language has generated a great deal of evidence suggesting that apes are capable of using sophisticated communication with humans and other apes. Gorillas and ... > full article

Noam Chomsky -- Avram Noam Chomsky (born December 7, 1928) is the Institute Professor Emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Professor Chomsky is credited with the creation of the ... > full article

Learning disability -- In the United States and Canada, the term learning disability is used to refer to psychological and neurological conditions that affect a person's communicative capacities and potential to be taught ... > full article

Cognition -- The term cognition is used in several loosely related ways to refer to a faculty for the human-like processing of information, applying knowledge and changing preferences. Cognition or cognitive ... > full article

Dyslexia -- Developmental dyslexia is a condition or learning disability which causes difficulty with reading and writing. Its standard definition is a difficulty in reading and writing in spite of normal ... > full article

Hearing impairment -- A hearing impairment is a decrease in one's ability to hear (i.e. perceive auditory information). While some cases of hearing loss are reversible with medical treatment, many lead to a permanent ... > full article

Autistic spectrum -- The autistic spectrum (sometimes referred to as the autism spectrum) is a developmental and behavioral syndrome that results from certain combinations of characteristically autistic traits. Although ... > full article

Stuttering -- Stuttering (known as stammering in the UK and scientifically known as dysphemia) is a speech disorder in which the flow of speech is disrupted by prolongations, repetitions, and blocks of sounds, ... > full article

Cognitive science -- Cognitive science is usually defined as the scientific study either of mind or of intelligence. Practically every formal introduction to cognitive science stresses that it is a highly ... > full article

Anatomy and Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hearing
Revised and updated with a vibrant new two-color interior design, this third edition of the best-selling Anatomy and Physiology of Speech, Language, and Hearing continues to make anatomy and ... > read more

Head First Design Patterns
You're not alone. At any given moment, somewhere in the world someone struggles with the same software design problems you have. You know you don't want to reinvent the wheel (or worse, a flat ... > read more

Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, 14-volume Set, Second Edition
The first edition of ELL (1993, Ron Asher, Editor) was hailed as "the field's standard reference work for a generation". Now the all-new second edition matches ELL's comprehensiveness and high ... > read more

Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language (5th Edition)
As the SAS© programming language continues to evolve, this guide follows suit with timely coverage of the combination statistical package, database management system, and high-level programming ... > read more

LabVIEW for Data Acquisition
Preface I've been interested in gadgets and computers since grade school, particularly gadgets connected to computers. My first real gadget-to-computer project, at age 16, was an alarm for my car ... > read more

Applying UML and Patterns : An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development (3rd Edition)
Good software starts with a good design, and the subtitle of Applying UML and Patterns, "An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA/D) and the Unified Process" reinforces that that's ... > read more

Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmers' Guide, Second Edition
Ruby is an increasingly popular, fully object-oriented dynamic programming language, hailed by many practitioners as the finest and most useful language available today. When Ruby first burst onto ... > read more

Programming the Universe : A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes On the Cosmos
Is the universe actually a giant quantum computer? According to Seth Lloyd—Professor of Quantum-Mechanical Engineering at MIT and originator of the first technologically feasible design for a ... > read more

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt : 3 Volume Set
Featuring 600 original articles written by leading scholars, The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt goes far beyond the records of archaeology to make available what we know about the full social, ... > read more

Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
In the spring of 1999 I flew to Chicago to consult on a project being done by ThoughtWorks, a small but rapidly growing application development company. The project was one of those ambitious ... > read more

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