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The Joystiq Weekend: October 13 - 15, 2007

Congratulations to Valve on finally getting some cake to eat. Perhaps it had miniature figurines of the Weighted Companion Cube and Big Daddy on top (getting married - okay, we're taking it too far now). Check out the highlights for this weekend:

Japanese hardware sales, Oct. 1 - Oct. 7: Best served cold edition
Joystiq hands-on: Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (DS)
Joystiq hands-on: Link's Crossbow Training (Wii)
Joystiq hands-on: Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Wii/DS)
Joystiq hands-on: Master of Illusion (DS)
Last week in Warcraft: October 6th - Oct 12th
PS Fanboy Week in Review: 10/8 - 10/14
Second Life Insider Weekly Roundup
Today's most horrific video: Final Fantasy Cosplay Lip-synching
Today's most vertigo-inducing video: Portal Lvl. 13 Time Challenge
Weekly Webcomic Wrapup: Stink-O Man edition

New games this week: Tony Hawk's Proving Ground edition
Metal Marines, Ninja Gaiden II, Gate of Thunder on Virtual Console
Rock Band in bundle only until 2008
Wii Intercooler blows hot air
Wright rocks the Enterprise in Spore video
Xbox 360 Arcade unboxed (and still unannounced)
Lil' Reggie digs Super Mario Galaxy in new trailer
This Wednesday: E4, Speedball II, and discounted Lumines
Will Wright honored with BAFTA Fellowship
Nintendo market cap at $85bln, "almost double" Sony's
Nintendo's Kaplan says 'Gamers were bored before Wii'
PSN EULA update not affiliated with firmware upgrade
Metal Gear Solid 4 has over 200 developers
Call of Duty 4 playable at Gamestop this Wednesday
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom dated ('08 for most)
Capcom reveals Bionic Commando for PS3, Xbox 360, PC

Rumors & Speculation
Rumor: 360's next big thing is Perfect Dark 2
Pachter says Xbox 360 will beat Wii in September
Another analyst: Wii will beat the other things this holiday

Culture & Community
Wii vs. Vii: Sincere flatterii
Haloid creator mashes up Final Fantasy and Dead or Alive
Sony unveils the chocolate PS3

Madden NFL '08 en Espanol que vienen este año

First, our headline writer wants to apologize to any native Spanish speakers for the headline. That said, GameDaily BIZ reports that EA is going to release Madden NFL '08 en Espanol this holiday season, "a new version of the popular Madden 08 game for PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360 that's fully translated into Spanish." But it's not just a simple translation: They're replacing cover athlete Vince Young with Luis Castillo, defensive end for the San Diego Chargers and a native of the Dominican Republic; adding three exclusive music tracks from Spanish-language acts; and "Alvaro Martin, the first Spanish language announcer for ABC Sports' Monday Night Football, will voice the play-by-play broadcasts."

This isn't just EA looking to attract new players and boost its already healthy profit stream. The NFL has been reaching out to Spanish-speaking fans as well, dovetailing neatly with EA's latest Madden venture. If it proves successful, we imagine this won't be the last Spanish language sports release we see from the kids at EA.

Continue reading Madden NFL '08 en Espanol que vienen este año

Another analyst: Wii will beat the other things this holiday

We were initially going to suggest that opposing analysts Jesse Divnich and Michael Pachter engage in battle to establish this holiday's winner (or Wii-ner, as it were), but this line of thought invariably winds up with two people hurling calculators across the room, yelling percentages and excitedly pointing at bar graphs. Not a very exciting showdown, really.

Quite unlike this holiday's battle royale, with Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft sending out their best troops to clash for consumer cash. While Pachter believes the Xbox 360 will come out on top amidst the pile of price-slashed consoles, simExchange analyst Jesse Divnich reckons the Wii will continue to be the top seller. "There is no cost effective strategy that either Sony or Microsoft could implement this late in the season to change the minds of the consumers," said Divnich. "The prediction market expects the current home console trend to continue through the holiday season with the Wii leading the pack followed by the Xbox 360 and then the PS3."

Divnich also throws in a prediction regarding the impending battle of the fake bands, predicting higher review scores and higher sales for Activision's Guitar Hero III compared to EA's Rock Band. "Given the month lead Guitar Hero III has and the projected higher review scores; it would take a strong marketing campaign by EA to convince consumers to hold their purchases until Rock Band's release." Of course, the fact that Rock Band is all bundled up until 2008 may also have a deleterious effect on its chances.

Capcom reveals Bionic Commando for PS3, Xbox 360, PC

As is the case with the eponymous character himself, Capcom thinks it's time to implant newfangled "Three Dee" technology into an old intellectual property. Gamespot reveals that the Bionic Commando franchise is set to return in a new game for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. The robotic revamp, cleverly dubbed "Bionic Commando," follows one Nathan Spencer as he runs from the law (he was framed!) through a ruined city (badds terrorists blew it up!). His only companion? The trusty grappling arm, perfect for swinging across gaps, hurling objects, rappelling down buildings and rudely reaching across the table for the salt.

Capcom is collaborating with Swedish studio GRIN (surely you remember its Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter PC conversions!) on the project, which currently lacks release date and, as you may have noticed, a Wii version.

Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom dated ('08 for most)

Fans of the Korean-developed hack-and-slash-cum-RPG series Kingdom Under Fire may want to circle one (or all) of the following dates in your Official +3 Against Tardiness calendar because the series' latest release, Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom, is now dated for release. Japan, Australia/New Zealand, and Asia can play on Dec. 13; the Americas (that's US, Canada, and Latin America) on Jan. 8, 2008; and Europe, the Middle East and Africa on Feb. 1, 2008.

The Microsoft-published Xbox 360 (and later PC) exclusive will retail for the standard $59.99.

Gallery: Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom

Call of Duty 4 playable at Gamestop this Wednesday

If you're still not sure what all the hubbub, brouhaha and sometimes broubub surrounding Infinity Ward's Call of Duty 4 is about, you may just get a chance to play the game's single-player campaign before the week is out. If you're over the age of 17 and generally enjoy shooting things from a first-person perspective, Activision and Gamestop cordially invite you to waltz into a participating store on Wednesday, October 17th, give the Xbox 360 version of the World War Now epic a bash and promptly fall into their carefully constructed pre-order trap. The bait is set at 9PM.

After the break you'll find a list of stores offering the playable taster -- those not on the list are only good for selling you the game when it releases on November 5th. Additionally, you can visit Gamestop's website and enter your contact details so that they may kindly draft you into a mailing list send you a "reminder" for an event that's two days away.

Continue reading Call of Duty 4 playable at Gamestop this Wednesday

This Wednesday: E4, Speedball II, and discounted Lumines

Joining the already announced Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe this Wednesday on Xbox Live Arcade is the announced-in-March XBLA rendition of Q Entertainment's Every Extend Extra dubbed, helpfully, Every Extend Extra Extreme. Both titles will be available for 800 Microsoft Points ($10).

Also joining the two full games is some news on older Xbox Live Arcade titles. First, Band of Bugs has a new expansion pack out titled "Ninja Sticks of Fury" which, we presume, will be the same 250 points ($3.12) as their previous expansions.

And finally, Lumines Live! will get two "skins" free for all XBL Gold members through November 14th. Don't like free? They've also got a "Rockin' Holiday Pack" available for 400 MS Points. If you're thinking, "Hey, that's great Joystiq but I was turned off by the game's initial pricing" we're pleased to relay the news that, as of Wednesday morning at 9am GMT, Lumines Live! will be permanently discounted to 800 MS Points. How about now?

Pachter says Xbox 360 will beat Wii in September

When the Wii started its march to dominance and began trouncing the 360, it was kind of sweet. It was like a come-from-behind underdog story where the camp for fat kids managed to beat the camp for rich athletic kids in the big softball game simply by working hard and believing in themselves. But now, it's almost become a little sad. The rich kids all lost their scholarships and waistlines and started working at Citgo, while the fat kids grew progressively fatter thanks to crap like Carnival Games and teasing the masses with incredible-looking titles that they will, sadly, not play in their lifetimes.

But according to Michael Pachter, the formerly rich and athletic kids may have won a round last month against their portly nemeses. The video game analyst believes that the 360 will have beaten the Wii 450,000 to 425,000 when sales numbers for September have been added up. It's sure to be a nice boost for the dethroned pretty boys, but since last month also marked the release of Halo 3, they perhaps shouldn't get too comfortable at the top.

Rumor: 360's next big thing is Perfect Dark 2

Our favorite kind of rumors to post are the ones that make perfect sense to us and this nugget from Indian gaming site Game Guru is just such a rumor. Apparently, the author's "sources" are telling him that Rare is hard at work on a sequel to Perfect Dark. Apparently, in this chronological follow-up to the N64 title, Joanna Dark is, well, darker, and the game has a new built-in morality system to match.

Though completely a rumor at this point, this makes a lot of sense. With no Halo (save for the RTS) title, Gears of War 2 is going to need a little help holding up the tent pole. As far as action titles go, we're not sure there's a more logical successor than Perfect Dark. And hey, maybe this one will even be fun!

[Via CVG]

Xbox 360 Arcade unboxed (and still unannounced)

Over the weekend, we got about a dozen tips sent into our graciously accomodating tips box with info on xbox 360 Arcade console spottings. A couple of you even sent in pics (thanks, guys!). Next door ar Engadget, a tipster snatched up one of the yet-to-be-announced (but expected to be released on Oct. 23) consoles and snapped pics of the contents. What's notable: a 256MB Memory Unit, a wireless controller, HDMI port, and a disc that includes five Xbox Live Arcade trial games: Boom Boom Rocket, Feeding Frenzy, Luxor 2, Pac-Man Championship, and Uno.

What's not included: An Xbox Live headset, an ethernet cable, an HDMI cable, high-def component cables (the Arcade is composite only we're afraid) ... oh, and the full version of the above listed trial games. Though Amazon listed a $279.99 price point, the tipster reports a price more like $299. Now all we need is a press release acknowledging this thing exists so we can double check that price.

[Update: Looks like there's some confusion over whether or not the above games are in fact full games or simply trials. The box lists the five games and says: "Plus Five Trial Games!" Is that "You get the console, the peripherals, plus these five trial games!" or "You get these five full Xbox Live Arcade games plus five totally separate trial games that aren't listed on this box anywhere so as to make this a confusing piece of marketing!"

Your guess is as good as ours (see Microsoft, a press release would've really helped out here) but we're trying to get an answer for you guys. Sit tight.]

Rock Band in bundle only until 2008

The last time we delved into the great mysteries of Rock Band, no other stand-alone accessories had been announced for the game. Now, Harmonix has confirmed that the music game will come in only bundles until 2008, with no individual guitars this year. We'll wait for the implication to sink in. Yep, that means that if you want the full guitar/vocal/drum/bass experience in 2007, you're going to have to buy a Guitar Hero controller. That seems kind of silly to us, but, hey, we're not the one's losing money.

Also, Harmonix says that the game will ship with between 40 and 50 songs. That, however, doesn't include unlockable tracks, so the final song count (like so many things Rock Band) is anybody's guess.

New games this week: Tony Hawk's Proving Ground edition

So, we're about 50 percent sure about this week's featured game. If it's one of the good Tony Hawks then it's head-and-shoulders above the rest. If it's not though, we could be persuaded to give the honor to ... hmm ... Fury? Wild Petz: Dolphins? Hannah Montana Music Jam? Who knows?

For now though, the day is yours Mr. Hawk. ... For now.

Gallery: Tony Hawk's Proving Ground

Continue reading New games this week: Tony Hawk's Proving Ground edition

Today's most vertigo-inducing video: Portal Lvl. 13 Time Challenge

All we can say is, don't stand too close to the edge while watching this video. You'll slowly lose your equilibrium and tip over, falling into the void without a Portal gun to save your ass. In fact, we just watched it a second time, but made sure that our seatbelts were securely fastened, and that our tray tables were in the full upright and locked positions. We survived, and have now ordered a cocktail and another packet of peanuts with which we can calm our jittery nerves.

Portal continues to stick out of every corner of The Orange Box as one of the coolest, and shortest, titles we've ever played. We'd love to see some new levels made available on a regular basis, as well as some FPS that will let us use the Portal gun on unsuspecting foes. Bring it on.

Japanese hardware sales, Oct. 1 - Oct. 7: Best served cold edition

Well, it was interesting while it lasted.

Unwilling to let the PSP reign supreme a fourth week, the DS Lite just barely clambers its way back onto the Japanese sales chart throne, still warm from the months of prior supremacy. If role-playing games have taught us anything, defeating the final boss is but a prelude to his second and much more powerful form. And if there's any knowledge to be gained from movies, it's that a foiled villain is rarely foiled so much as he is inconvenienced.

"From hell's heart, I stab at PSP!"

- DS Lite: 87,445 14,550 (19.96%)
- PSP: 86,895 15,914 (15.48%)
- Wii: 20,704 3,439 (14.24%)
- PS3: 10,822 2,283 (17.42%)
- PS2: 10,446 2,534 (19.52%)
- Xbox 360: 1,547 3,668 (70.34%)
- GBA SP: 195 146 (297.96%)
- Gamecube: 109 36 (49.32%)
- DS Phat: 90 60 (200.00%)
- Game Boy Micro: 47 182 (79.48%)
- GBA: 0 41 (100.00%)

[Source: Media Create]

See: Previous Japanese hardware sales charts

Joystiq review: Yaris (Xbox 360)

Chris Grant, playing the Danny Trip to my Matthew Albie, and I concocted a rather novel concept for Joystiq's Yaris review on Tuesday, wherein Toyota's old marketing slogans would be littered throughout the text. Phrases such as "Moving forward advert gaming" or "Oh what a feeling we get when playing Yaris" would have been the inopportune solid object collision with your funny bone. Unfortunately, to chase the laughs and satirize the release of the Xbox Live Arcade game would be doing a disservice.

Crafted in a circle of Hell even Dante didn't believe existed, the developers of Castaway Entertainment created Yaris with an objective I can only believe is to cultivate anger in those who play it. I know an allusion to Dante's Inferno seems passé, the standard go-to reference for the sophomore year English Lit major, but forgive me because I feel that this accurately conveys what a truly diabolical creation this game is. Rosemary's baby's got jack on Yaris.

Continue reading Joystiq review: Yaris (Xbox 360)

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