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September key metrics and statistics

The latest metrics and statistics are out from Meta Linden this month, covering September. The August figures were widely described as disappointing.

Let's see how Second Life fared for September. Highlights after the fold.

Continue reading September key metrics and statistics

Motorati claims to have sold "most expensive" cars in SL for non-profit

On October 12th, Motorati put two SL replicas of real life vintage cars up for sale at the sum of 100,000L each. All proceeds would go to benefit the Electronic Frontier Foundation. After only two days, both vehicles sold! While I think this is wonderful, I can't help but feel it is overshadowed by their claim. They would have been fine saying that it was one of the most expensive.

Unfortunately this just isn't the case. When will companies learn to fact check before they make a claim like that? Not only is it not the most expensive, nor the second most, but it's also not the most expensive virtual car to benefit a non-profit. If they had comments enabled on their blog, someone might be able to inform them of their mistake.

As it happens, I know the anonymous owner of the actual titleholder. They purchased a limited edition Dominus Shadow during Relay For Life 2006 for a whopping 600,000L! I believe the runner up purchased their limited edition RFL 06 Dominus Shadow for around 400,000L. Congratulations to all of the lucky owners of these vehicles. Now if everyone would just ease up on the bigger, better, first, most ...

Second Life Avatars Controlled by the Human Brain

The Biomedical Engineering Laboratory at Keio University has been up to some cool stuff. They recently announced that they were able to control a Second Life avatar using an electrode-filled headset that monitors the motor cortex and translates the data into control inputs for a Second Life avatar. You can see this technology in action in this video.

So how would this all work and what would it mean for Second Life? I'm going to take a stab at it and say ... this is huge.

Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) isn't a new technology as scientists have been researching BCI to help the physically paralyzed for years. But most BCI experiments have come from invasive implants that target specific areas of the brain with better signal resolution. Not surprisingly, asking the user base of a virtual world to accept a brain implant poses some difficult marketing challenges. Fortunately, using the electroencephalogram (commonly known as the EEG) as a non-invasive method of getting brain inputs may eventually create a marketable input device for the masses, albeit with some challenges, for example the BCI using an EEG requires training.

Continue reading Second Life Avatars Controlled by the Human Brain

Mashup Islander Exhibit: A Journey into Real-Time 3D Art

Mashup Islander, or Christopher Dodds in real life, unveils connections between literature and real-time 3D art through his virtual moiré sculptures. His exhibit opened recently among a sea of enthusiastic visitors who immediately began exploring the interactive pieces. You may experience the work yourself on Info Island until November 15th, 2007.

Many thanks to Daruma Picnic, Elizabeth Rookwood, and Rookie Voyager for showing me around!

Continue reading Mashup Islander Exhibit: A Journey into Real-Time 3D Art

NBC's The Office to feature Second Life

NBC's hit faux reality show The Office is coming to Second Life. Well ... at least Dwight is coming. Photos and info can be found on Just Jared including images of Dwight playing his identically dressed avatar. In fact, you can find the Dwight Shelford's avatar in search featuring a profile that proclaims his love of a variety of NBC Universal movies and shows, and his desire to "calculate the exchange rate between Schrute bucks and linden dollars."

I suspect this all ties in with the show's recent theme where the intern-turned-district manager attempts to drag the Scranton office (kicking and screaming) into the computer age.

Now, I'm a diehard fan of The Office, but as one who lives and breathes Second Life, I sincerely hope they don't paint the virtual world as yet another haven for slightly-twisted, socially inept, loser oddballs. We have our share of Dwights in Second Life, but we have our Jim and Pams too!

(Via anais on Second Life Universe. Thanks!)

I Am Legend Gameplay In Depth

I recently had the good fortune to be given a tour of the I Am Legend Survival game by ESC members Cory Edo and NeoBokrug Elytis. What follows is a lightly-edited transcript of our meeting. Rest assured, all edits are to enhance clarity; there are no substitutions or purposeful omissions, other than to weed out no-relevant chatter. Thank you both, Cory and Neo -- hopefully everyone will come mob the game and partake of the goodness!

This game has the feel of a cross-over hit to me. I'd love to see this thing on a handheld console -- PSP or DS, perhaps -- if not an actual full-featured console. XBox Live Arcade, perhaps? As you'll see, the Sheep have turned what might have been a lame movie tie-in into something worthy of praise on its own merit. Drop in and check it out! Also, there's a Flickr account with photos of the various players and their mods available here.

Transcript after the jump!

Gallery: I Am Legend Survival

Continue reading I Am Legend Gameplay In Depth

Yesterday's Money: 14th October

Linden Money

Yesterday in Second Life we:

  • Spent US$1,125,000 at an exchange rate of L$268.9 to US$1
  • Exchanged US$218,000 at an average of US$9,100.0 per hour.
  • Market buys were US$150,000
  • Market sales were US$68,000
  • Limit-limit buys were US$1,200
  • The busiest time was at 9am when about US$13,000 was exchanged.
  • The quietest time was 12pm when about US$5,000 was exchanged.

Today in Second Life - Sunday 14 October, 2007

The end of one day and the beginning of anotherToday in Second Life we had:
  • 21,622 new signups bringing us to 10,065,246 signups total.
  • A peak concurrency of 52,935 (a new record!) at 1:50PM, and a minimum concurrency of 27,761 at 11:50PM. Median concurrency for the day was 39,557.
  • The Grid Stability Index for the day was 1.73 (lower is better).
  • Problems with login servers around noon, and a failure at Vivox that led to widespread problems with voice on the mainland this-evening.

Machinima Festival UK Winners - SL takes 3!

With the award ceremony taking place yesterday at around 10am PDT, you would think that the award winners would have been announced shortly thereafter. Instead, I've been pacing the floor and scouring the internet searching for a sign. I finally found the winners on a blog, called Free Pixel, and I must say, 3 out of 9 total nominations for SL aren't bad.

At last year's Machinima Festival, in New York, SLers received 7 nominations over 4 people, and only one person won. That was Eric Call, for his Linden Lab hype machinima, Silver Bells and Golden Spurs. I'm excited to see that our numbers have grown. For the complete list of winners, check out Free Pixel's blog. Congrats to the nominees and winners!

Here is a list of the Second Life winners:
  • Best Commercial - When the Postman Spits Twice - SL-Inworld Productions
  • Best Technical - Machinima Island - la.interactiva
  • Best Series - The Grid Review - ILL Clan

Yesterday's Money: 13th October

Linden Money

Yesterday in Second Life we:

  • Spent US$1,128,000 at an exchange rate of L$268.1 to US$1
  • Exchanged US$215,000 at an average of US$9,000.0 per hour.
  • Market buys were US$154,000
  • Market sales were US$60,000
  • Limit-limit buys were US$600
  • The busiest time was at 2pm when about US$14,000 was exchanged.
  • The quietest time was 4am when about US$5,000 was exchanged.

Today in Second Life - Saturday 13 October, 2007

The end of one day and the beginning of anotherToday in Second Life we had:

KMADD sim offers menswear from many designers in one location

Kirk Claymore and Maddox Dupont, of KMADD ENTERPRISES, are providing a much needed service for men in Second Life. Tonight, at 7:30 pm PDT, they are opening their new sim, Kmadd Enterprise, to the public. In the sim, you can find men's shapes, skins, and clothing from over 35 designers in one convenient spot! Previously, guys had to travel all over the grid to get their shopping done.

In addition to housing menswear, there will be a Center for the Arts, where SL artists can showcase their work. If you can't get enough of a fix tonight, they will be holding a fashion show tomorrow, October 14th, at 5pm PDT. I encourage the ladies to bring a few male friends, or alts, along, and I hope to see everyone there!

Machinima Festival UK - Reallusion presentation

Not all of the speakers are recording their presentations for immediate playback, but one speaker, John Martin of Reallusion, had the foresight to do just that! He couldn't make it to the Festival, so he streamed live, using his webcam and desktop, to a website, Operator 11. It allows you to upload webcam media and play it in real time. You can find the high quality version of his iClone demo here.

One of the most common questions that I'm asked about making machinima in SL is how I make my avatar's lips move. Reallusion just so happens to make this wonderful software, CrazyTalk, that is my companion in filmmaking. John demonstrates both CrazyTalk, using our very own SL resident Aren Mandala's work as an example, and their other program, iClone. That software is a 3d engine for filmmaking, but can ALSO be used in conjunction with Second Life through chroma keying. It's nice to see Second Life being recognized!

Machinima Festival UK - I was going to tell you ...

I was going to tell you that the UK Machinima Festival is being streamed right now from 2:30am-9am PDT/SLT on both Saturday and Sunday. I was going to tell you that SLers account for a whopping 8 nominations! I was going to tell you that we're all gathered at Hathead II island to watch the stream. I was ALSO going to tell you that you could watch it online from Quicktime.

Then I found out that the actual awards ceremony won't be streamed. I discovered when I got here that it would be recorded and aired online on the 20th. This is extremely disappointing as us Americans were planning to stay up to watch the content all morning, and now we don't even get a payoff. If you are attending the awards ceremony, PLEASE email us and let us know if we won anything!

If you are still interested in watching, you can find the program here.

RL to SL: Annie's Costumes

[UPDATE: Foolishly left out the SLurl!] It's not just big corporations and chain companies that decide to hang their shingles in SL; one of the nice things about SL is it's still a fairly even playing field. Megacorps and mom-and-pops compete equally. So it is with Annie's Costumes, an online Halloween costume store created with the assistance of Ten Golden Rules and LeftBank Studios.

Originally opened in RL in 1989, they created a web presence in 1996, and were so successful with their online presence that they shifted the business to be entirely on the 'Net in 2003. "Going virtual just seemed like the next step for our costume shop," states Shari McConahay, Marketing Director for Annie's Costumes, "We worked closely with Ten Golden Rules and LeftBank Studios to design a Second Life costume and clothing line that would reflect the true spirit of Halloween. All the classic Halloween costumes are represented from vampires to witches, from pirates to princesses."

As the gallery shows, these are well-done avatars and clothing, on a par with any of the more popular designers in SL. The costumes range anywhere from 450L (the 'Kissing Booth'), to 2000L (the 'Wise Old Wizard'). The costumes are no mod/no copy/transfer, and the prims are modifiable. While you're there, don't forget to visit the Halloween Hall of Fame!

And hey, is it just me, or does the male Vampire look like Jack White?

(Thanks, Michael!)

Gallery: Annie's Costumes

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