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Apple: "we plan to have an iPhone SDK in developers' hands in February"

That's right folks. You read it correctly. Cats & dogs are living together, and in other news Steve Jobs has, via Apple's 'Hot News' page, announced that Apple will, FINALLY, support third-party development of native applications for the iPhone.

The SDK will arrive, for iPhone and iPod touch (!), in February 2008 after MacWorld San Francisco. Apple "[is] excited about creating a vibrant third party developer community around the iPhone and enabling hundreds of new applications for our users," but they are taking the time to do it properly "because we're trying to do two diametrically opposed things at once -- provide an advanced and open platform to developers while at the same time protect iPhone users from viruses, malware, privacy attacks, etc."

I think I can speak for everyone here at TUAW, and of course our loyal readers, when I say that this move is so incredibly welcome and WOW. All I can say to Steve is: "What took you so long to let us at your beloved devices?" Now the only question is whether the various iPhone dev teams can sit on their collective coding hands until Valentine's Day...

Thanks to all those who sent this in!

Apple adds 2 million more iTunes Plus tracks

After much speculation, Apple has finally announced that iTunes Plus is finally expanding - and keen to point out (perhaps to Amazon's chagrin) "The iTunes Plus catalog is now the largest DRM-free catalog in the world." Whilst three major labels are sadly missing in action - how many more hints do they need that DRM-free music might just be popular with their customers? - there is a plethora of independent labels now going DRM-free in addition to EMI such as "Sub Pop, Nettwerk, Beggars Group, IODA, The Orchard and many others."

In addition to the expansion of iTunes Plus, Apple has now officially dropped the price of the DRM-free tracks to the usual 99¢ per song in the US and 79p here in the UK (although there's no word on whether the upgrade pricing of $0.20 a song remains, or what's happening in other international markets).

New Xserves in the pipeline?

With the release of all the Leopard Server specs, eagle-eyed reader Tony notes that Apple's Server Administration information page shows a screenshot of an intriguing configuration: a 2x 2.7Ghz Dual-Core Intel Xeon-based XServe. No such machine with that processor config is currently available from Apple.

Factor in that Intel doesn't actually ship a 2.7Ghz Xeon dual-core chip at the moment, and it seems that Apple and Intel may well be plotting a new build of the XServe on a new CPU for eager enterprise customers, just in time for Leopard Server.

Atomic Bird celebrates 5th birthday with a sale

Atomic Bird software, makes of MondoMouse and Macaroni (an app designed to automate maintenance, according to our fine commenters-- thanks!) has reached its five year birthday, and to celebrate, owner Tom Harrington is giving away some software. Through the 19th, every fifth order on Atomic Bird's website is going to be completely free. If you've been thinking about picking one of those up (or give one of them a try and decide you'd like it) order before the 19th and you've got a 20% chance of getting it for free.

And even if you don't buy anything, Tom's got a good writeup on his blog about how he got started selling software over the internet. I've always enjoyed hearing stories like this-- whenever you make good software, the Mac community seems completely ready to support what you do. While users of other systems (no names) seem to grab at the free stuff, no matter how buggy or slow it is, Mac users always seem ready to pay a premium price for a premium product. Then again, maybe I'm putting the horse before the cart on that one.

At any rate, congrats Atomic Bird on five years of successfully selling that software, and here's to many more.

[via Gus Mueller]

Apple Insider previews iChat 4.0

Apple Insider continues their series looking ahead to Leopard (boy, it's nice to know next Friday for sure, isn't it?) by previewing the new iChat, version 4.0.

As with the Dock review they did last week, they first take a look at the history of iChat, but iChat actually got started fairly late in the world of instant messaging. Apple started it out by working with other protocols (one reason it's worked so well since then, I'd bet). iChat AV was the most significant update so far, adding videoconferencing that, thanks to the built-in iSights on most Macs nowadays, made the feature widespread.

To me, iChat 4.0's most exciting new feature is the document and screen sharing. Via VNC, both Mac and PC users have been able to share screens for a while, but the process has always been complicated (in most cases, so complicated that the problem you're actually trying to fix by screen sharing is less complicated than sharing screens itself). But iChat 4.0 is meant to make the process easy. There are also lots of fun video implementations-- including an "Obi-wan" setting I can't wait to try-- to go along with videoconferencing.

Day to day, I generally use Adium as an IM client (the look and configurability sells it for me), but the new features in iChat 4.0 will definitely tempt me to check them out, if not switch completely. Just 9 days left!

Leopard Server details posted

With all the excitement over the Leopard client, we neglected to mention that Leopard Server will also be shipping on October 26th. Apple has updated the Leopard server website with lots of details including:
And more!

OS X Leopard Server will cost you $499 for the 10-client version and $999 for the unlimited version (this version is included with Xserves). Leopard Server is covered by both the Apple Up to Date program and Apple Maintenance Program so if you recently purchased a copy you can get the new version for $9.95 (or as part of your Maintenance).

iTunes Plus price drop, 'Today or tomorrow'

Ars Technica first reported yesterday that Apple was ready to lower the price of iTunes Plus tracks from $1.29 for the DRM free music to $.99 which puts it in line with the pricing on the DRM laden tracks in the rest of the iTunes Store. Steve Jobs, and you can't get a better source than that, has confirmed with the Wall Street Journal that this will be happening either today or tomorrow.

Most people credit the strong showing that Amazon MP3 has made to this move. Whatever the cause I'm just happy to be able to purchase DRM free music at a lower price.

Google Picasa Web Albums Uploader updated for iPhoto '08

The Mac folks over at Google have announced the release of an update to their Web Albums Uploaders for their online photo sharing site Picasa. The single download actually contains two packages. One is a plugin for iPhoto that adds compatibility with iPhoto '08 and automatic conversion of iPhoto keywords to Picasa tags. The other is a standalone drag-and-drop uploader application. In both cases, under the hood there are more substantial changes involving automatic updating and a new Picasa API. In any case, if you're a Mac Picasa user you'll want to check this out.

Update: Unfortunately, it looks like Google forgot to change the download link and it still points to version 1.0 instead of 1.1. The actual download can be found here.

TextExpander 2.0 released

SmileOnMyMac today released an update to one of my favorite applications: TextExpander. This snippet expanding utility automatically replaces typed text "labels" with longer user-specified "snippets." Version 2 adds several new features including snippet groups allowing you to organize your snippets better, snippet syncing across .mac, and even AppleScript snippets "which expand to the result of the script."

Version 2.0 is a free upgrade for registered users, and $29.95 for everyone else; a demo is available. If you're upgrading remember to disable TextExpander before you install the new version (I had some problems with that).

Apple posts Back to My Mac information

It looks like .Mac subscribers are going to get a little more out of Leopard than the rest of us. .Mac's Back to My Mac feature is new in Leopard, and is pretty neat. Basically, it allows you to connect to a remote Mac over the Internet and access files or log into the Mac remotely. I imagine this is being done with some sort of dynamic DNS (.Mac keeps track of your remote Mac's IP address and allows you to connect to it).

There is a video demoing the feature on its .Mac page, so go check it out.

iTunes: Free Tuesday

Once again, it's Tuesday and TUAW is pleased to present you with a selection of free songs and videos from around the world. Many of these iTMS items won't be free for long--so grab your copies before the week is up. Pay attention UK folks: There are two free selections this week for you.

Continue reading iTunes: Free Tuesday

France finally gets the iPhone

In what's been nothing but a busy news day for our favorite Cupertino-based company, Apple has announced that the iPhone is, at last, France-bound. Whilst there's no mention of tariffs, the handset will cost €399, and will be available to purchase, croissants and beret optional, from Thursday November 29th.

Bienvenue a la famille iPhone, notre amis Français!

iPhone Dev Team announces free unlock

For all of you who have been holding off on paying iPhone SIM Free $60-$100, good news. The iPhone Dev Team has announced AnySIM 1.1. According to the announcement by netkas, the software has been tested with both 1.0.2 and 1.1.1. AnySIM offers a free unlocking solution for iPhone users and apparently, if I'm reading this correctly, does NOT fix baseband problems from earlier releases. This is meant for "virgin" locked phones only. Download your copy here. Be aware that as AnySIM works, it switches off your WiFi until you reboot. Also, this is NOT intended for phones that will be updated. Do not unlock 1.0.2 and then update to 1.1.1. Updating a locked 1.0.2 to 1.1.1 will relock your iPhone. The team is testing a 1.1.1 restore on 1.1.1 unlocks right now. Remember guys: although the software here has been tested to make sure it avoids corruption--it does not hurt NVRAM/seczone--it is very new and has not had a lot of field testing yet. Caveat hackteur.

The team is now working on finishing the iPhone revirginizer that will safely revert your iPhone to its shipped (locked) state. You like? Buy the guys a beer or something. Nazdrovyeh!

Update: The team says if you get a "failed to unlock" on 1.0.2, you're still probably unlocked. Reboot and give it a try.

Update 2: Mirror here.

Update 3: Instructions have shown up here.

Lakeside (UK) Retail Store opens this Saturday

Rejoice, UK Apple fans, for England's green and pleasant land is about to be graced with another Apple retail store, just in time for Leopard's release next week (and the iPhone launch early next month). This Saturday morning, the UK's twelfth retail store is opening its doors at the Lakeside mall in Essex. All the usual paraphernalia of a store opening is scheduled from 9am on the 20th, with 1,000 commemorative t-shirts up for grabs, and the "Digital Lifestyle Collection that includes a 13-inch black MacBook and a silver 4GB iPod nano" offered as a raffle prize.

As ever, if there's any TUAW operatives visiting Lakeside this weekend, do send us stories and photos - and let's hope you score a t-shirt!

Apple raises Leopard Academic price

One of the many benefits to working in Higher Ed (as I do), or being a student (other than all that book learnin') is Academically Priced software. Many software vendors offer up their products that significantly lower prices for people in the academic circle. Apple has long done this, but it seems they have adjusted their pricing. Tiger cost a mere $79 with the academic discount, but sadly that steep discount it gone.

Numerous readers have emailed us the new academic price for Leopard: $116. That's right, if you're a student Apple understands you have a budget and will gladly knock $13 off the sticker price.

While this price increase is bound to make some folks grumble, Leopard is a pretty sweet deal even at full price.

Thanks to everyone who sent this in.

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