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Circuit City steps up to educate customers about DTV cutover - Engadget HD
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20071020030930/http://www.engadgethd.com:80/2007/10/17/circuit-city-steps-up-to-educate-customers-about-dtv-cutover/
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Circuit City steps up to educate customers about DTV cutover

It'd be too easy to just mark off Best Buy's earlier announcement regarding its decision to no longer sell analog TVs as a simple coincidence, but whatever the case, Circuit City is hitting back to let the whole world know that it cares, too. Aside from confirming that it plans on participating in the NTIA Converter Box Coupon Program, it also announced that it would be "incorporating DTV transition reminders and messages into the closed circuit videos that run on its TVs," include cutover advisory information in its advertising supplements, install store signage to inform customers of the impending change and train employees to be well-versed on the whole matter. Stay sharp, though, we can just hear the PSAs turning into sales pitches now.

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Daniel Gensler @ Oct 17th 2007 11:12PM

Best Buy's had the Digital Transition in their loop for months now...

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Mike @ Oct 18th 2007 1:57AM

CC is just now telling people about the digital/analog change? Where have they been?

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Britboyj27 @ Oct 18th 2007 2:30AM

Where have they been? Close to bankruptcy I'd say. ;)

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Michael @ Oct 19th 2007 8:22AM

And this is a bad thing how???

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