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Bionic Commando trailer swings in with game footage - Joystiq
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Bionic Commando trailer swings in with game footage

"Forces ... dormant since long." Or should that be, "Forces ... long since dormant?" Damn this pesky English. Anyway, those are the first words in the trailer for the recently announced return of Capcom's Bionic Commando on next-gen systems. It doesn't take very long to figure out that the game looks like a mix of Capcom's Lost Planet (thawed) and a Spider-Man game.

On the plus side, Lost Planet was fun, if not just a tad on the short side. On the negative side, anything compared to a Spider-Man game automatically has two strikes against it out of the gate. There's still a long way to go before this game makes its debut and hopefully we'll get a better idea about combat in future trailers instead of all this Spidey swinging.

Tags: bionic-commando, bioniccommando, capcom

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Mr Slavio
Mr Slavio
Oct 17th 2007
He sounds an awful lot like Snake.
Uhhh since when did Spiderman become a BAD thing?

Yeah Friend vs Foe is a joke but all the other ones were pretty sweet.

As for this game however the main character looks retarded...not feeling it at all.

Thank God they also announced SFIV. Plus we've got RE5 to look forward to sometime in 2008...
have you ever played spiderman 3?

and why didn't the voice actor tell them they translated the script wrong?
2.5 hearts vote downvote upReport
Spiderman 3 the MOVIE was horrible. I think most of us can agree on that.

Or at least thats my opinion. The storyline...or should I say lack of storyline. The randomness of all the crap going on. Emo Peter Parker. Venom coming in for like 15 minutes.

It makes me sick to think about it. Especially after all the previews and the hype. I fell for it all too.

Luckly Transformers came along and made up for my huge disappointment.

Anyways I didn't play Spidey 3 the game but my bros did and they liked it alright.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 17th 2007
Your brothers lied to you.
2.5 hearts vote downvote upReport
really? Transformers? That shit was horrible. Much worse than Spiderman 3. I mean at least that was decent. Transformers was utter crap.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 18th 2007
Are you serious Vegeta? You are one retarded kid. The Transformers movie was fantastic and faithful to the original show. Not to mention they had as many of the original(the ones that are living) voice actors as they could. Spiderman 3 was a clusterfuck of halfbaked characters riped from wildly different timelines in the Spiderman universe. The games however are a different matter, the Spiderman games are atleast playable.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 18th 2007
You're showing your age Vegeta (I base this on the theory that no grown man would call himself Vegeta).

Venom didn't even get the one phrase that told you EVERYTHING you needed to know about Venom, "We. Are. Venom". Hell the poor bastard didn't even get his name out. The only saving grace of the film was Bruce Campbell. When the most likable main character in the film is Green Goblin, you have a serious script problem.

Transformers had Peter Cullen as a main characte. Rest of the film be damned, he alone is enough to top Spider-man 3.

Also while the Spider-man 3 game was crap compared to Spider-man 2, it was still halfway decent. Just don't compare it to Spider-man 2, it all falls apart at that point, still not sure why they took out most of the FUN parts of Spider-man 2 for the sequel, but there you go.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 17th 2007
Looks like they found a way to screw up a great game from my childhood. Other than the hand grapple, Joe looks like crap.
Looks like a third-person shooter with swinging mechanics.
Oct 17th 2007
OH DEAR GAWD.. they're going to f*ck up one of their classic franchises... this has BombermanActZero written all over it.
lost planet meets spiderman meets summer time meets end world plot meets dood with dreads equals YOU STILL FAIL CAP!
Oct 17th 2007
Voice acting... aweful.

Remixed theme... FUCKING AWESOME.
Oct 17th 2007
God, I love the Bionic Commando theme song.

The dude's dreadlocks, on the other hand, are absolutely freaking horrendous.
Oct 17th 2007
... I don't remember there being a story in Bionic Commando. At the time I played it, I couldn't care less if there was one either.

This shit should have gotten the Konami Contra 4 treatment, not this 3D crap.

Oct 18th 2007
Nice comment.

When i first saw this article I was really hoping for a game played in two-dimensions. Don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean that I wanted it for the DS or PSP per say, but I'm guessing that keeping it a side-scroller, (2D or 2.5D...doesn't matter), would give it a hell of a lot of a better chance at being good.

So far it looks like it COULD be good, but there's still that 75% chance that the transition from 2D to 3D will be down right horrific. I'll remain optimistic for the time being, but in the event that this turns out...not so good, a 2D sequel for a handheld, (if not a console...developers, where's the 2D love?), would be great.
2.5 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 17th 2007
yeah Im not too sure about Bionic Commando...

But I still cant get over how awesome that Street Fighter IV teaser is!
Oct 17th 2007
i dunno i kind of enjoyed it, will i buy it? probably not
but it should be worth a rental
Oct 18th 2007
This is a sign to me that the gaming industry has truly become like Hollywood.
They see an opportunity to make money, so they completely rape what made a good game and completely miss the point.
Some suit looks back to how cool and fun a simple game was back in the day, then adds a bunch of shit that "sells."

Welcome "Hollygaming" or "Gamingwood"...I like that last one, I'm trademarking it right now.
Oct 18th 2007
Spider man 3 sucked. Not accurate to the comics. Transformers just kicked ass. Nuff' said
ummm. You do realize that the marvel movie universe and comic universe are suppposed to be somewhat different? You know since one appeals to comic readers and one appeals to mainstream viewers.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
And no Transformers did not kick ass.

It was a horrible horrible horrible action flick.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 18th 2007
Whatever. I liked it. I thought it was great. Can't get enough of prime's voice. I still think that old school the transformers is better, but the movie was very good and did not disappoint me at all. And spiderman, that is true that the movie universe and the comic universe are supposed to be some what different, but this was way way different. I mean Topher Grace as Eddie Brock? Sandman and Venom teaming up? It was bad. Not as bad as that horrible movie that is known as X-men 3
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
X-men 3? I don't think that was a movie, blughhh; still trying to get the flavor outta my mouth! Curse you Brian Singer!! We could have had a decent trilogy, but nooo, you have to go make a movie about some dork in tights!!
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 18th 2007
Actually, it was Brett Ratner that directed it. Bryan Singer directed the first two x-men movies, but was unable to direct the third because he was directing the superman movie. Brett Ratner must die
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 18th 2007
First of all, what is with main characters and the name Nathan? First it's RFoM, then Uncharted, and now this. Second, my interest in this game has significantly dropped after seeing the gameplay. I know it's very early to start tearing this game apart, but I hope there is a lot more to it than shiny grapple points.
Oct 18th 2007
You know what really made me go "ugh!" in this game?

That they sold out to the current wave of "apocholytpic shiny brown" look like ever other game.

For comparison, here is what Bionic Commando looked like. Noticed all the colors:


At this rate they might as well add in blood and tits for good measure to pander to the 14 year old 360 crowd.
Oct 18th 2007
Actually, I disagree with you. The reason why older games are colourful, is merely because of colour limitations. If you want a colourful, non-realistic, swinging action game, you can always play Spiderman.

I'm just still not sure how this can improve on the swinging and grappling mechanic already present in Spiderman games though.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 18th 2007
Uh dumbass, have you ever played the Metroid series? The old games? Dark and colorful. The Prime 3D games? Dark and colorful.

Why? They keeped the same fucking style!

That is what they should have done here. I mean hell, look at Pit? Is all of a sudden an Emo looking kid in Smash Brothers? No! He does look older and is in a new game...but he still is a flying colorful kid that shoots arrows.

You can look more "mature" and not look like a black and white movie you know that?
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 18th 2007
A 3D Bionic Commando with liberal physics? Hell yes.
Paul Gale
Paul Gale
Oct 18th 2007
The Bionic Commando trailer is pretty sweet. I'm really looking forward to learning and seeing more of this project.
Lost Planet meets Spiderman? More like Spiderman meets Spiderman meets Spiderman meets name of a random classic game. Looks like a Spiderman clone to me. I don't remember swinging through the entire game with my arm being that ridiculously long.

How do I shot bionic arm?
Oct 18th 2007
Not to mention that you can't jump and can only shoot either straight up or at 45 degree angles.

Sometimes following an old formula directly doesn't work. (especially when it's this old. From the video someone posted, I don't see how it would actually be fun other than the novelty, it's too difficult to navigate because of the grappling limitations.)
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 18th 2007
It looks good so far. The gameplay appears to be a good transition from 2D to 3D, though I've got to say I'm not a fan of this rendition of the bionic arm.

In the interview with the game director, (or was it producer?), when they showed the different versions of character art, I really liked the streamlined one with the blue lights they had previous to this one. That one looked somewhat believable, at least in the terms of suspension-of-disbelief.

This one on the other hand seems bulky and unsightly...almost as if they tried TOO hard to make it look cool as well as obvious. It's negligible really, and I'm sure any fan of the original game will have his or her own opinion on this, but still...that's my opinion.

It doesn't really matter what he looks like as long as it plays well. It LOOKS like it plays well, and that director, (producer? I'm too lazy to check...), seemed to understand the importance of gameplay transition, but WILL it play well? That's the real test.
Oct 18th 2007
Sure, use vulgarities when you can't make your case.

a) The point is that you can't make anything without "colourful" in the old days (because of colour limitations, which I'll repeat here in case you missed it the first time). If you can find a "dark" only game, then maybe you have a point.
b) Pit is not even in his own game, therefore he can't undergo a change to begin with. I'll give a counter-example: The colour schemes of Metal Gear games changes drastically between games, coincidently in different locations/eras.
Oct 18th 2007
I'm not going to take sides here, but I'll say one thing...people insult one another without any valid reason here far too often. I find it unacceptable.

One person states a valid and inoffensive opinion on something only to find other members that disagree to the point of using derogatory terms. It proves nothing and shouldn't be used in any form of debate unless stating a direct quote, (which is rarely the case on the interwebs).

I have nothing against swearing...infact, I probably swear too often by most standards, but the fact remains...

Sorry for this slightly off-topic post, and again, not taking sides on this. I'm just stating a personal opinion. No offense is intended towards either side.
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 18th 2007
And on another note, it's irritating that when I open a "reply" in a new tab, I have to click on the reply button again in order to reply, else I post a new comment instead. Could you edit the reply link so that it'll let me (and presumely others who opens new tabs like I do) be ably to properly reply if I open it in a new window?
2 hearts vote downvote upReport
Oct 18th 2007
Gameplay aside for a moment, the voice acting was done by a some poor schmuck on work experience trying to be a cross between Solid Snake and Wolverine I think. Awful, utterly awful.

I'd prefer a BC game on the DS after seeing that trailer, I reckon something could be done with the touch screen and the arm. Plus there's only so much generic rage you can fit onto a handheld.

Hey anyone remember Bionic Commando: Elite Forces on the GBC? That was a beautiful game at the time.
Oct 18th 2007
I like how they throw in the level music from the old school version.

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