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Make your own cardboard furniture

foldschool.com is a collection of cardboard children's furniture patterns, that you can download and then assemble yourself. All for free!

To the right, you see the foldschool chair. foldschool also offers patterns for a stool and a rocker. The finished products are, of course, eco-friendly as cardboard is recyclable.

Would be super cute with some creative artwork on them too!

(Via dorkmag)

2007 Solar Decathlon lights up renewables

Lithium bromide, Aerogel and building integrated photovoltaics are not necessarily part of mainstream vocabulary, but 20 teams of college students who are competing in the third annual Solar Decathlon on the Mall in Washington, D.C. this week are hoping to change that.

%Gallery-8728%The teams built homes that rely on solar power for the international contest incorporating features such as rooftop solar panels and thermal collectors, radiant floor and wall heating, induction cooktops that use magnetism to transfer heat to special cookware, wireless light controls and combination washer/dryers that use heat from the wash cycle to dry clothes. The structures were built on the students' campuses and then transported to Washington. Future plans for the structures varied; at least a couple had already been sold for public use and display.

Soy candles

Most conventional candles are made of paraffin, which comes from petroleum. According to a information site at the Zionsville Candle Company, you'll often notice that when you burn conventional candles, there will be black soot around the rim of the jar. Yuck.

Soy candles are made of soy wax, which comes from soy beans. It is thought that there is less soot emission with soy candles when compared to those made from paraffin. Soy candles are also biodegradable.

Bluewick is a popular soy candle brand; see their website for store locators or to shop online.

World's weirdest bikes

World's Largest TandemAs you're undoubtedly aware, a big way to cut down on your environmental impact is to transport yourself with good 'ol human power. But just because you're ditching the car and biking around town, it doesn't mean your only option is the straightforward, single seat mountain bike you've had in the garage for years -- you can ride bikes sideways, bikes that fold, and even bikes that let you carpool (or would that be bikepool?).

You'll find a host of interesting bicycling alternatives at Odd Bikes -- a website dedicated to "20 of the weirdest, most bizarre, strangest bicycles on Earth." Some personal favorites are this absurdly tall bike, and this bike made from found materials that's been fashioned after a chopper motorcycle. Awesome!

Inspired by these truly off the wall cycling options, here's a few others that might change the way you look at riding to work.


Does cutting your engine at red lights save gas?

image of a stoplightIt's an age-old question that's been brought into sharp focus again these days as fuel prices arc ever higher. Is it more energy efficient to turn your car off at a stoplight (so that you don't waste gas by sitting there idling) or is it best to let it idle, as turning it on again using a bigger push of fuel than idling would?

This is one of the questions that Jonathan Welsh answered yesterday in his Wall Street Journal column, Me and My Car. He says that once a car is warm, the extra fuel used to turn it on is negligible and that it is actually standard practice in Europe to turn the car off at long lights. However the savings are minimal and an argument could be made that it puts unnecessary wear and tear on your starter motor.

If you have a car like mine (15 years old and 140,000+ miles) turning it off at the light isn't much of an option as you never know if it will turn on again. I thank my lucky stars each time it starts and don't like to tempt the fates.

Halle Berry to use eco-friendly diapers

Halle Berry is trying to go all organic and eco-friendly for her new baby, including eco-friendly diapers. The star states in an interview with People, "They even have organic disposable diapers now that you can use."

She is also working on the nursery for the baby. The four-months-pregnant star said, "There are so many things out now that you can use. I'm going to really try hard to make it all organic!"

Go Halle!

BP ditching green energy programs?

I'll admit, as oil companies go, I was relatively found of BP. Especially in light of their work in developing more viable forms of renewable energy, their "Beyond Petroleum" slogan seemed to be more than just advertising shtick.

But maybe not. BP has a new CEO, who's sick of all that hippy crap messing with the company's profitability (obviously I'm paraphrasing here). The company will continue to build wind turbines and solar cells, but the gas power and renewables divisions within the organization have been absorbed by parts of the company dedicated to exploration and refining.

To quote James Harding, a London Times financial analyst: "Mr Hayward is setting out to make BP resemble Exxon, not The Body Shop." Zing.

Just when you thought you'd found an oil company you could snuggle up to. Bummer.

Sustainable Christmas trees help you plan ahead

Who care about Halloween? The best thing about the end of October is that we're heading toward the really good holidays -- like Christmas. So you might as well start planning -- and while you're at it, let's look at one way you can have a more sustainable celebration: buy your tree from Oregon's Noble Vintage Live.

You get the tree now, let it hang out on your deck or terrace for the rest of the fall, then move it inside for decorating, presents, etc. When you're done with the seasonal revelry, you can then plant the tree in your yard -- thus avoiding any unnecessary waste. Fortunately, the trees have a tight, self-contained root season and are 30% lighter than what you'd normally buy, so the planting process will be super easy.

Granted, you could just buy a fake tree, but that's like drinking eggnog that isn't spiked with rum -- not to mention that you'll miss out on that lovely evergreen scent. So get in the spirit! Plant trees! Merry Christmas!

One...two... flush level is up to you!

If the Mister Miser is just a bit too far of a leap for your household, or you require something more than a urinal to take care of business, you don't have to count yourself out of the green-toilet race yet. One solution is the dual-flusher -- two levels of water for two different occasions. Even if you already have a low-flow toilet this could still conserve up to 28 gallons per day! Some city or water companies will even provide a rebate for a dual-flusher.

There's no time like the present to upgrade your john and save more water!

Via Ideal Bite

Recycle your plastic bags into fashion wear

I've mentioned some of the ways to recycle plastic shopping bags before but wearing them is a new concept to me! Apparently there are a lot of wearable crafts that can be made from shopping bags.

One trip over to Etsy and I found hair rosettes, a crocheted purse, and earrings. Plastic bags can be made into yarn and even fabric by fusing several layers together. The creative possibilities are endless. Now if only I could find the time to make my own fabulous creation.

The new jobs are "green collar"

There used to be just "white collar" and "blue collar," but now we've got "green collar" thrown into the mix too. What is a green collar job? Any number of things people do that center mainly around environmental, global, and energy saving issues -- basically any job that involves helping people or companies be greener. A good example is a consultant that you might have come into your home to advise you on ways to save energy costs.

Green collar jobs are in such demand that The U.S. Green Building Council was actually formed about 7 years ago to help regulate and educate 'green' professionals. They offer LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Development) certification and over 38,000 professionals to date have acquired it.

With the environment and 'going green' being such a hot (and permanent) topic I'm really not surprised that the term "green collar" has cropped up -- I'm sure they're going to be in big demand for a long time!

Eco-friendly toothbrushes save the earth

Every few months the blue section of my toothbrush head fades to the base and I march myself to the store to get a new one. But considering I am in my mid-20's and have probably been doing this since I was at least 5 years old, that means with 4 replacements a year I have added 60 toothbrushes to the landfill in just 15 years! Yikes! Thank goodness for the tip from Ideal Bite about eco-hygiene. Recyclable toothbrush heads are available for a very reasonable price and their eco-friendly content doesn't make them any less able to eliminate plaque. Check out the few brushes they recommended: Preserve Toothbrush; Radius Source Toothbrush; and Fuchs Ekotek Toothbrush. And remember, a clean mouth can still preserve a clean earth!

Green Halloween

Green Halloween is a Seattle-based group aiming to make Halloween healthy and green. One of their first suggestions is to remove the emphasis on candy by giving out alternative treats. Here are some of their suggestions:

  • Organic juice boxes
  • Organic fruit leathers
  • Organic raisins
  • Soy crayons
  • Stickers
  • Mini cookie-cutters
  • Barrettes
  • Temporary tattoos

Also, Green Halloween suggests having a green Halloween party, instead of focusing on amassing as much candy as possible by going door-to-door. Green Halloween will also be raising money for Treeswing, a non-profit dedicated to improving the health and wellness of children.

I like the idea of reducing the amount of candy involved in Halloween, but I'm not sure that totally removing it is the answer. It is part of the tradition in my mind. I might try mixing it up this year though, giving out a little bit of candy along with a few non-candy trinkets, depending on the age of the kids. Check out their website for more Green Halloween ideas.

Via TeensyGreen

UN supports organic farming

The term "organic" gets tossed around a lot these days. There is no doubt that not using poisons on food is the healthier choice. The United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) has taken notice and declared organic farming a good thing.

Citing the decreased reliance on non-renewable resources, the FAO believes that a global shift to organic farming will help to put an end to world hunger and stop global warming. According to their studies, conventional farming is responsible for emissions of 30% of the CO2 and 90% of nitrous oxide worldwide. The FAO also seems to believe that organic farming will help the smaller farmer get more money for their crops which is especially important in developing countries. Of course, I'm not sure that me, here in the US, buying produce shipped in from Zimbabwe is the most ecological route to go but the UN might be on to something otherwise.

Biodegradable packaging that goes a step farther

Plantable packaging, which is exactly what it sounds like, is not just plain 'ol biodegradable: when it breaks down in the earth it sprouts fragrant herbs and beautiful wildflowers. Embedded with seeds that sprout after a few weeks, plantable packages give a unique spin and motivation to use recycled post-consumer fiberboard -- which can save millions of trees per year if more companies would jump on board with it.

I really like the idea of buying something for myself (or giving a gift) that isn't only eco-friendly but also comes with the option of some blooms and greenery!
See the GreenDaily Glossary!

Tip of the Day

Remodeling your home? Go green to save money, and avoid noxious fumes.

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