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Judge Judy: World of What? - WOW Insider
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Judge Judy: World of What?

Oh, Judge Judy. This crazy kids bring their problems to you, ask you to fix things, and then they start talking nonsense about some videogame that you've never heard of. This looks super edited to me, but you can tell what's going on-- a girl decided to kick her boyfriend out of the house for playing too much World of Warcraft, and Judge Judy can't seem to make head or tails of the whole thing.

The classic moment is asking the fake baliff, though. It would have been even funnier if he turned around and said "Hell yes, for the Horde!"

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1. Haha this was great.

Posted at 3:37PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Krystian J

2. ha

Posted at 3:42PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Nails

3. Last line of article was classic! "For the horde!" That would have been fantastic TV.

Posted at 3:50PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Amok2006

4. Judge Brown would of known what WoW is....

Posted at 3:50PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Hooper

5. Judge Hatchet would be a great name for an axe wielding warrior...

Posted at 3:56PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by locomoco

6. *COUGH COUGH http://community.livejournal.com/worldofwarcraft/6244727.html?nc=8&style;=mine COUGH COUGH*

I'm sure all the non-lj'ers are excited to see our ljwow community echoed on this blog... but come on, give credit where credit is due. Like every third wowinsider post is ripped off of wow_ladies or worldofwarcraft as is... I'm starting to wonder if you guys should just include our rss feed as part of your blog? At least then, wowinsider readers could separate out who posted what first.

Posted at 3:58PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by megalomaniac

7. @6

I'm willing to bet you're not the first/only person to see this.

Also, every time another source is used, they give credit. Get over yourself.

Posted at 4:14PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Matt

8. @6 - And I've seen some other sites that are straight RSS rips of wowinsider. What's your point?

Posted at 4:17PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by makabak

9. So, you're saying that you originally posted that clip on You Tube or wherever it came from? You had an internet first on this one?

Posted at 4:18PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Wolfkin

10. What #6 is saying is he read it there first, therefore, Wowinsider MUST have ripped it off...

Posted at 4:26PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Corbinn

11. @6 They probably found this on the official forums, saw the show, or the daily search for WoW on youtube. It's no coincidence all blogs and news sites have the same things, that's the news there is to report. And I've never seen a site quote their sources as well as WI does.

Posted at 4:29PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Jeff

12. WoW got a mention at the end of How I Met Your Mother last night too. This time, it was actually funny! It's the second WoW reference for CBS in...three weeks? :-)

Posted at 4:35PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Tryst

13. So your site uploaded the Youtube video? nope, so you link it add one line commenting on it and if anybody else uses that same video they are lifting from your site..

Posted at 4:36PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by caylee

14. She was right to kick his sorry @$$ out. Dude needs to get a job and pay for his own WoW subscription. LOSER!

Posted at 4:42PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by ThorinII

16. @7: I'm positive I'm not the only one to notice, and awareness in the lj community is on the rise. Lets be fair on this though. If you don't cite your sources, it's called plagiarism. It's well known that the wowinsider staff monitors livejournal for it's "news," and thats fine... it gives wowinsider more stuff to talk about, and occasionally a discussion on here augments something that happened on lj. What you seem to think is that since wowinsider "regularly" cites lj as a source, that it somehow makes it okay when they don't. That is just plain wrong. Make a freaking wow_ladies / wow-lj tag, and tag your stuff to give proper credit in finding this stuff. I'm not asking for anything unreasonable, i'm simply asking wowinsider for some integrity. Mention the lj community at the start of the article. Otherwise wowinsider is both being both dishonest and exploitative.

...and while its good advice for me to "get over myself," it doesn't solve the issues of wowisider plagiarizing from other wow blogs, or of being dishonest and exploitative.

Posted at 4:44PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by megalomaniac

17. I saw this on Youtube doing my daily World of Warcraft searches. Good to see that LJ had it too.

Posted at 4:44PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Mike Schramm

18. lol@everyone

sorry, I'm obviously asking too much from wowinsider to cite their sources. I suppose that because they "do it better" than all the other wow blogs, that is justification enough for when they don't.

@9: I obviously did post the youtube video myself and thats why im upset. It has nothing to do with asking a web blog that is read by a large wow audience to straighten up their journalistic integrity.

@10: I AM presupposing that Mike didn't just wander onto this little gem outside of lj. I find it curious that anytime a new wow video is posted on the lj community, that not more than a few hours later, it shows up on here... sometimes cited, sometimes not. In all fairness to me, and my position, all I'm asking for is for wowinsider to "lead the way" in terms of not just ripping off info and claiming it as their own. From what I've seen, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that this particular video, as well as a few other instances prior to this, we're blatantly taken from the lj community without proper citation. It's not difficult to do, but it does require a little bit of footwork.

Posted at 4:45PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by megalomaniac

19. And Megalomaniac, I also do source things from WoW Ladies and WoW LJ all the time, and every time I do, I give them credit and a link.

Posted at 4:46PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Mike Schramm

20. Big Bang Theory WoW-ish reference...


Posted at 4:47PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by ThorinII

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