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Sierra's ambitious Winter XBLA plans

If you're planning your next XBLA purchases for the next few months then be sure to not count out Sierra's upcoming library of games, because they actually look promising.

The crew over at IGN got some hands on time with all six, count 'em six, of developer Sierra's new games that are set to release on the Xbox Live Arcade this Winter. So, enough of the fluff let's get to the goods. Sierra's bountiful and very diverse Winter XBLA lineup includes a 3D space shooter called Aces of the Galaxy, a mystical hack, hack, slash slasher called Arkadian Warriors, the TV based Battlestar Galactica, a puzzling bunny game called Boogie Bunnies, a casual gamer's RTS Commanders: Attack of the Genos, and finally Switchball. See, we told you it was a diverse group of games. You can check out IGN's hands-on take of each Arcade title as well as screenshots and video from each game after the jump. And with such an interesting lineup of adventure, sci-fi, shooter and action based games we can't help but be most excited to play Boogie Bunnies. Dancing bunnies ... what more can we say?

Puzzle Quest and Yaris now on XBLA

Today is an interesting day for Xbox Live Arcade. We have two new games available, both of which have someting unique to bring to the service. First, there's Puzzle Quest, which is a combination of a role playing game and a puzzle game. Every time players do battle with a monster, they do so by playing a round of Bejeweled. See? Interesting, no? Yaris, on the other hand, presents XBLA with its first advergame. If you're not hip to the latest cars, a Yaris is a vehicle from Toyota. If a free game featuring said vehicle is enough to make you consider purchasing one, then we suppose those marketers will be getting a hefty Christmas bonus this year. You should probably know that a real Yaris won't drive up walls and on ceilings though. Puzzle Quest may be had for the always controversial price of 1200 MS Points. Yaris, as we mentioned above, is free.

PopCap Games' games are headed to retail

Today, PopCap Games announced that they'll be bringing some of their Xbox Live Arcade hits to retail stores November 15th with the release of PopCap Arcade Volume 1. This first Arcade volume will include XBLA games Bejeweled 2, AstroPop, Feeding Frenzy and Zuma and retail for $29.95 on the 360, a savings of $10 if purchased separately via the XBLA.

The move by PopCap to bring their XBLA games to retail is smart and almost a no-brainer especially for those who want to get a taste of the Arcade at a discounted price or for those who aren't connected to Live and want their Arcade fix. To be honest, we aren't sure why Microsoft has given up on their Unplugged series and maybe, just maybe, if PopCap makes a habit of releasing their Arcade games to retail it'll spur Microsoft into action. Good move PopCap, good move.

Puzzle Quest and Yaris are XBLA bound

Even though we were tipped off about one XBLA release this week Microsoft decided to surprise us with another. Releasing to the XBLA this Wednesday, October 10th are two new Arcade offerings including the puzzle adventure Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords which is priced at 1200 Microsoft points and a racing game sponsored by Toyota called Yaris which, to US and Canadian Live members, will be absolutely free.

We're sure Puzzle Quest fans are already frothing at the mouth in anticipation for this Wednesday and already purchased their Microsoft points cards, but where the heck did this Toyota Yaris game come from? Total left field here, but a free corporate sponsored game and some free Gamerscore is something we won't question.

Speedball II heading to the Arcade next week

According to a very official looking press release sent out by Empire Interactive, Speedball II: Brutal Deluxe will be hitting the Xbox Live Arcade next Wednesday, October 17th. And Speedball II fans will be pumped to know that there will be additional features in this 800 Microsoft point XBLA edition of the game including more teams, improved graphics, a 3D option, online versus and an improved upgrade system too. We don't think anyone can deny that futuristic Speedball has ever played so good.

So, looking at our unofficial Microsoft XBLA calendar, we've got some unofficial Puzzle Quest fun going down this Wednesday and some unofficial Speedball II coming next week. Microsoft better get their act together with announcing these XBLA games before we have publishers releasing press materials for games that come out in December.

Puzzle Quest just might make a release this Wed

In a press release that was sent out yesterday, D3 Publisher announced (maybe somewhat prematurely) that Arcade game Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords would hitting the XBLA this Wednesday if "all goes well". The press release didn't mention any other specifics and we haven't heard anything from Microsoft yet, so things could change by the time Wednesday rolls around. But knowing publishers' batting averages as of late, we're confident in saying that come October 10th we'll paying 1200 Microsoft points to play Puzzle Quest on our Xbox 360. Anyone willing to take up our bet?

New Schizoid video is Pac-Man-esque

A new video of the upcoming Schizoid from Torpex Games has surfaced on GameTrailers. The video showcases the game's unique teamwork dynamic, in which players must attack enemies of the same color in order to clear a level. The twist is that running into an enemy of a different color results in death. Hence the teamwork, you see. It's a very interesting idea and looks like it will require some quick thinking. In the video, we see a new enemy that drops dots behind it as it moves, which player can gobble up Pac-Man style. The dots, as it turns out, are the opposite color of the enemy. You see how this could get confusing really quickly? Confusing in a good way though.

RealNetworks joining the XBLA bandwagon?

Buried in a news report about RealNetworks purchasing a company called Game Trust -- which should expand Real Networks' RealArcade features -- it was revealed that the company has begun working on casual titles for home consoles. While no specific titles have been announced, nor has support for XBLA been explicitly confirmed, Real's VP of game content Erik Goossens did note that console development is "happening as we speak." It's worth noting that Game Trust was purchased by Real so that the company could use Game Trust's technology to implement community features (leaderboards, chat, etc.) into its games. Sounds like exactly the sort of features you'd need to make an XBLA game, doesn't it?

[Via XBLArcade]

Minter's next XBLA project: Gridrunner++

Space Giraffe, Jeff Minter's psychedelic 3D shooting jumble of a game that some ended up falling in love with while others, well, don't love at all. And so after his Giraffe antics Minter is heading back into the XBLA arena for round two with a remake of the space shooter Gridrunner++. According to Minter's personal blog, he's back to work on a Gridrunner++ port for the XBLA, updating the graphics and formatting it for a widescreen display. Here's to hoping Gridrunner++ on the 360 features trippy visuals, confusing graphics and nauseating gameplay. Oh joy!

[Via IGN]

Carcassonne and Soltrio get expandified

Brand new on the Xbox Live Marketplace are two new expansions for XBLA games Carcassonne and Soltrio Solitaire that should help the longevity of the titles, albeit for a price. For 300 Microsoft points you can get the new King & Baron Expansion Pack for Carcassonne which will add seven new tiles to the game including the king and robber tiles thus adding an extra layer of strategy to all your Carcassonne fun. Soltrio Solitaire is getting its ninth expansion today (a little overkill, no?) and for 150 Microsoft points it adds ten new card games including Pyramid, Fourteen Out and Block Ten. Both expansions are available for purchase right now in their respectively offered territories, so spend your cash and expand away.

[Thanks, Jonah Falcon]

Tetris makes a Splash on XBLA

It's Xbox Live Arcade Wednesday folks, and that could mean only one thing: a brand new Xbox Live Arcade game. This week's title is Tetris Splash, one of a seemingly infinite series of games trying to improve on Tetris. Thankfully, Splash doesn't attempt to change the classic formula, but merely presents the action in an aquatic theme. The game also has cooperative and competitive multiplayer modes for up to six players. So, if underwater, online enabled Tetris sounds like your cup of tea, go give it a try. If you like what you see, the whole kit and kaboodle can be yours for 800 MS Points.

25% off offer on select XBLA games ends tonight

Tonight, at around 7:59PM eastern, Microsoft will be flipping the XBLA discount switch to the "off" position and the week long 25% discount on select Arcade games will expire. So, if you've been procrastinating tonight is your last chance to pick up Frogger or Hardwood Spades each for 300 Microsoft points or Bankshot Billiards 2 for 900 points. True penny pinchers would have already taken advantage of the savings, but you can still be an honorary penny pinching member if you make your 25% off Arcade purchase while the gettings are good.

Tetris Splash splashes onto the XBLA this Wed.

Old-school Tetris fans will have a splashy-wet good time this Wednesday, because the Gamerscore Blog crew announced that Tetris Splash will be diving into the Xbox Live Arcade this week. For the uninformed, Tetris Splash is a six-player Xbox Live enabled version of Tetris that is all about going back to the basics and is simply solid, clean and untainted Tetris fun. And don't be worried about the "Splash" in Tetris Splash, because it is nothing more than decoration as the game is focused towards an aquatic theme with marine life and watery wetness all around. So, nothing crazy that'll change up what Tetris is all about. With three different game modes, solo or multiplayer play local or over Xbox Live and even an aquatic screensaver mode Tetris Splash sounds like a solid purchase for Tetris enthusiasts at 800 Microsoft points.

SSFIITHDR sprite watch: Cammy & M. Bison

We always love checking out new sprites for the upcoming (deep breath) Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (whew!). Today we bring you two of the latest additions, M. Bison and Cammy. Now, we're not knocking scantily clad women in video games -- far from it -- but something about this Cammy sprite is just wrong. It's like a train wreck. We don't want to stare, but we can't look away. If you find yourself with a similar conundrum, you'd best make the jump and check out the new sprite of M. Bison.

Continue reading SSFIITHDR sprite watch: Cammy & M. Bison

Hexic 2 and Texas Hold 'Em feelin' update love

There are two things you can count on in life, taxes and random Texas Hold 'Em title updates. And that's what is headed down the infamous Microsoft certifcation tube, a new title update for XBLA games Texas Hold 'Em and Hexic 2.

There is no specific date for when the title updates will roll out, but we do know that the leaderboards for the games will be reset (to keep things fair) and that the Texas Hold 'Em update is geared more towards fixing bankroll exploits while the Hexic 2 update is aimed at fixing or improving bomb and timer gameplay elements. So, welcome the changes with open arms when they get rolled out otherwise the XBLA police will break down your door and rough you up. Not that we know from first hand experience or anything ... we heard about it from a friend. Full list of all the changes coming for these XBLA games can be viewed after the jump, happy gambling and happy bombing!

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