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Blue Notes: Deathwish change justification, new repair bot info

Many Fury warriors are wondering why their Deathwish skill is being moved to the Arms tree as of patch 2.3, trading places with Sweeping Strikes. In response, Bornakk had this to say:

Some warriors felt forced to pickup certain talents and this left them with few options. This change could allow people in these situations to have some extra options while the weapon expertise and threat reduction improvements to the deep end of the fury tree allow for more consistent sustained damage.

I'm not convinced. Basically, this reads like another case of forced diversification: Blizzard is taking certain cookie-cutter specs that were very good, and breaking them, thus, in theory, causing people to spec with more variety. What always happens in real life, though (and I've observed this several times over the time I've been playing WoW), is that people come up with new cookie cutter specs. It's inevitable, really: people want to know what the "best" spec is for their purpose, and eventually one will be agreed upon. Breaking cookie cutter builds just makes people come up with new cookie cutter builds.

Players are wondering what the point of the new repair bots is, given that the mats to make them are pretty steep and BC raids for the most part aren't long enough to need repair breaks like the old-world raids used to. One poster claims they are only there to make something engineers can auction off; in response, Eyonix said:

The Field Repair Bot's purpose is actually so that engineers can offer a means for their party or raid to repair if needed. Additionally, the new repair bot will sell poison and spell reagents, arrows, bullets, and a limited supply (1-2) super mana and healing potions.

So now we know what the bot will be selling, which is nice. One or two potions isn't going to go very far but, depending on how much the bot sells them for, will offer a way to recoup some of the mats cost (super mana potions go for 5G on my server).

In other news, Nethaera grew up in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, although she is now, of course, in the great state of California.

WoW Moviewatch: Engineering flying mount

Here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for! (All of you engineers, anyway.) And I think it looks pretty awesome. It definitely looks more gnome than goblin, but I always liked the gnomish stuff better anyway. This video was linked recently, in a post about the mats list; however, it may have passed some people by, and I think it could use more exposure. Thoughts?

And if you're looking for a way to level up your (newly acquired?) engineering skill in order to make this fine piece of machinery, Lisa has a dynamite article (no pun intended) on that very topic, posted earlier this morning, so have at it.

New recipes in Patch 2.3

We've already covered the new Engineering Flying Machines (and what it takes to get them!), but there are also many other new recipes introduced with Patch 2.3. Our very own Insider Trader gave us an overview of profession additions and changes, but I wanted to focus on some of the new recipes that will be available.

First, there is a new weapon enchant in town that drops from the bosses in Zul'aman: Executioner. It ignores 840 of your opponent's armor, which is an increase of 2-5% dps according to the commenters on WoW Head. The proc rate isn't clear yet. There are two movies of it on YouTube. This one showcases the glowy effect and this one shows the weapon in action. It's a 375 enchant and takes 6 Void Crystals, 10 Large Prismatic Shards, 6 Greater Planar Essences, 30 Arcane Dusts and 3 Elixirs of Major Strength.

New Jewelcrafting , Engineering and Cooking recipes after the jump!

Continue reading New recipes in Patch 2.3

Insider Trader: Engineering -- The Final Stretch

Insider Trader is your inside line on making, selling, buying and using player-made products.

Today's special issue of Insider Trader is all about business. Your profession? Engineer. Your goal? Engineering (375) and a Turbo-Charged Flying Machine. We'll show you how to get there as quickly and painlessly as possible. Link over to our favorite 0-300 leveling guides, and then mull over our collection of tips for the final stretch from 300 to 375.

Before you begin, consider this: As with "recommended" powerleveling paths in all professions, your mileage may vary according to your individual server's current pricing and demand for both the materials you need for crafting and the products you create as you go. A non-traditional path to 375 may just be the ticket, depending on what's hot and what's not.

No matter how you choose to get there, it's never too soon to start collecting your Flying Machine mats and getting ready to take flight in style. Prepare for liftoff!

Continue reading Insider Trader: Engineering -- The Final Stretch

Insider Trader: Professions 2.3 -- The Way I Are

Insider Trader is your weekly inside line on making, selling, buying and using player-made products.

What's in store for your profession in patch 2.3? Without further ado, Insider Trader is here to update you on what craftspeople should be looking out for, now on the test realm. (Sure, you could read the official PTR patch notes -- but then you wouldn't get links to all our helpful posts at WoW Insider!)

The big news for professions, of course, is the new engineering mounts. Now that the mats list for these sweet little rides is out, we know you're all revving your engines to get those last engineering skill points. Early next week, we'll run a special engineering leveling guide with some inside advice on that brutal stretch of leveling from 300 to 375.

Until then, here are the collected notes for profession changes in patch 2.3.

Continue reading Insider Trader: Professions 2.3 -- The Way I Are

Patch 2.3 on the PTR: Engineering flying machine reagents

EDIT: YouTube video! ~ Thanks RogueJedi86

Look at the screenshot. It's like Christmas came early courtesy of Patch 2.3. Seriously, that is one of the coolest flying mounts in the game. And if that's not good enough for you, click here to see an animated gif of it in action. This mechanical wonder can all be yours if you have the skill.

MMO-Champion was able to get a scrounge up the recipe for the two Engineering Flying Machine schematics:

Engineering: Flying Machine
  • Adamantite Frame (2)
  • Fel Iron Bar (30)
  • Handful of Fel Iron Bolts (8)
  • Star Wood (8)
  • Fel Iron Toolbox
  • Elemental Seaforium Charge (4)
BoP, Req Level 70, Engineering 350+ to make and at least Expert riding skill to use.

I'm not a Grandmaster Engineer myself, but these components don't look too difficult to gather. The only sticking point I see is the Elemental Seaforium Charge comes from a recipe that requires Revered faction with the Consortium to purchase. But the Charges aren't BoP so you can always buy them from another Engineer.

The Epic Flying machine after the jump!

Continue reading Patch 2.3 on the PTR: Engineering flying machine reagents

The dark legacy of engineering mounts

More good news for engineers everywhere! Those clever gnomes over at Dark Legacy have figured out what the engineering mount should look like, and they've told us the whole story about how they came up with the idea for designing it. Next, they should really design some more trinkets and bombs and other gadgety items for us to use!... or should they?

Click here to read their comic, then come back and tell us what you think of their design.

WoW Moviewatch: Rocket Boots, part 2

This movie is the sequel to Rocket Boots, with improved stunts and multiple songs (including a Bill Cosby-esque Pokemon gag I always love)! It's kind of funny to watch the orc jump off of various ledges with his rocket boots and wonder where exactly he'll land -- as well as if he'll live through the landing.

When it's my own character, I find falling to be very suspenseful. Whenever I accidentally leap off Aldor spire, for example, my heart skips a beat and I hold my breath. I straighten up in my chair and and instinctively look for a parachute cloak or something something I can use to prevent my death, even though I know in my head that this character doesn't have any slow-fall items or spells. There have been times when, on an engineer alt, I was similarly tempted to jump off huge ledges just to see where I would end up; at the time I told myself that the prospect of having to retrieve my body from who-knows-where was just too painful -- but now I wonder if I just find falling a bit too scary, like one of those dreams where you fall and fall, sure that you're going to die, only to wake up just before you hit the ground.

WoW Moviewatch: Racecraft

This music video by Baron Soosdon is for all those who ever wondered what it might be like to participate in the races held between gnomes and goblins at the Mirage raceway in the Shimmering Flats. It's particularly timely in light of the new Engineering flying mount that will be coming out soon. Is this about what it will look like? Surely some players would be interested in the Goblin-engineered land mount featured here as well, if only they were making that for players too.

For those who are interested in a higher-quality version (which I recommend), this video is also available on Stage 6.

Previously on WoW Moviewatch...

Back on schedule?

There was a flood of patch 2.3 news yesterday, which almost certainly means the CMs hit some sort of release date for 2.3 info (not to mention that they said they'd talk about 2.3 after 2.2 released, though we didn't realize it would be the day after). At any rate, the CMs made a lot of people happy yesterday-- from numerous amazing class changes (Fear Ward! No Blind reagent!), to info about new Engineering flying mounts and daily PvP and cooking quests, 2.3 is looking pretty groovy all around. Finally, something to get excited about again! Sure, there's the next expansion, but it's tough looking forward to something Blizzard hasn't even designed yet.

And the best news is that patch 2.3 is likely to show up sooner rather than later. Eyonix, at the very beginning of the big Blue forum rampage yesterday, once again cited voice chat and the new sound system as the reason for the long wait on 2.2. It wasn't a class balance or content patch, it was a completely technical one. And that's why it's been three months since new content. It'll be interesting to see if Blizzard ever tries something technical like this again-- lots of players have asked about upgrading the graphical engine, but if their efforts on the sound engine are any indication, that's just too large an undertaking for them to handle while also being expected to release new content.

But hopefully 2.3 will make up for lost time-- while the coders were working on editing sound channels, hopefully the developers were thinking up new ways to make the classes more powerful and interesting. Of course they haven't announced any release dates (this is Blizzard, after all), but my guess is that we'll see 2.2.2 with a week or two, and 2.3 about a month or so after that, definitely before Christmas.

Patch 2.3 and you: Professions edition

There are a few interesting changes on the horizon of patch 2.3 for the gadget (and explosive) fans among you. The engineers are a long-suffering bunch, and it seems every patch promises engineering improvements, but fails to deliver. In 2.3, at least, we know exactly what we should be getting: flying mounts, as you know about from earlier this evening, and now repair bots. And there's a bit in here for cooks, as well:
  • And for your dedication, flying mounts for engineers only will be available in patch 2.3. There will be normal and epic versions of this mount for you to parade around and show how proud you are to have passed all the exams and call yourself an engineer. (Bornakk)
  • I also heard this rumor that some Gan'arg Analyzers in Blade's Edge Mountains stumbled upon plans of a new Field Repair Bot and are hoarding them for their own purposes. Anybody plan to investigate this in patch 2.3? (Bornakk)
  • I saw me one uh them new repair bots! I swears it! It wasn't tweren't not only repairin' items, it was hawkin' wares! I never didn't not did not didn't see nothing not like it never in my life! (Drysc)
  • You'll need cooking to be at a relatively high level to complete the cooking daily quests that are coming in 2.3, so I recommend leveling it up. ;-) (Bornakk)
Yay! Yay yay yay! Er...sorry about that. Flying mounts and new repair bots would have to be my two biggest engineering wants for BC. And what do you think they'll be selling? Food/water and reagents is my guess. That would be amazing. How are you engineers feeling now? And speaking of food and water: cooking daily quests? Awesome.

Engineering crafted flying mounts confirmed

Gyrocopter pilots of Azeroth, your day is coming. So says CM Bornakk today in the official forums. He mentioned both normal and epic mounts arriving in Test Patch 2.3. He went on to clarify where Blizzard is on the development of these:

The specifics of the mounts, such as skill and materials, isn't finalized yet, but we really want to get this mount/machine/gizmo into the game for engineers to enjoy. Whether it is easy or a challenge, the road to it will begin in 2.3, keep an eye out for when it hits the PTRs. ;-)

This news is so cool, makes me want to go out and level up engineering. But the question now is: what form will this mechanized flying mount take? WoW Wiki has an entry on gnomish flying machines from Warcraft 2 and their evolution into dwarven gyrocoptors and then gnomish biplanes.

But where's the line between fantasy and science fiction in Azeroth? Is Engineering just another kind of "magic"? What form would you like to see the engineered flying mount?

Phat Loot Phriday: Remote Mail Terminal

We've done some rare items here on Phat Loot Phriday, but we've never done anything this rare. This high level engineering item is so rare it's not even in the game. (I promise next week we'll do something everyone can get.)

Name: Remote Mail Terminal
Type: Engineering Item
Damage/Speed: N/A
  • When used, creates a Remote Mail Terminal that can send and receive ingame mail from anywhere.
  • Last for five minutes.
  • Pretty cool device, because I'm pretty sure the only mailboxes not in towns are in Gnomeregan, right? And just like the Repair Bot, this could be put to good use during raids-- instead of having to make your alt come all the way into the instance to trade with a group member, you could just put this baby down, and both check and receive mail right there in Karazhan.
How to Get It: There's just one problem: you can't.

Sure, all it requires is an Engineering level of 335, an Adamantite Frame, two handfuls of Fel Iron Bolts, a Khorium Power Core, and Fused wiring. But while the plans for this were a world drop in the Burning Crusade beta, they never made it to the live servers. GMs have said that apparently mail was getting lost sometimes in the send. And while sometimes is good enough for Goblin Jumper Cables, it's not good enough for player mail, so the Remote Mail Terminal is MIA for engineers until Blizzard decides to put it back in.

Getting Rid of It: The schematic sells for 1g 25s, or did, when people were selling it. But it was also selling for thousands on the AH during the beta. Blizzard has already promised Engineers are getting some love soon, so maybe the Mail Terminal will make a return with the next expansion, if not before.

Engineers continue to dream

Rikora over on the official forums posted about some hopes she has for what engineers will be able to do in the next expansion, such as building siege weapons and other such machinery. You've probably already heard that engineers will be able to craft flying mounts, but other than that we haven't heard so much.

Other posters got pretty creative too, though. There were suggestions of more goggles, more pets, more fun trinkets of course, but one suggested that we make remote controlled planes that can shoot each other down. Another person suggested that there be little remote controlled machines that could sneak past enemies and scout about or throw an optional switch in an instance.

The obvious thing that somehow didn't happen with the Burning Crusade, is just to provide upgraded versions of existing trinkets that actually help as much as the old trinkets did, a Gnomish Battle Piglet, perhaps, or a Goblin Gnome Launcher. One poster to the forum thread said Engineering should be a bit on the overpowered side, and I agree wholeheartedly, especially since many of its items can't be used in Arenas.

To my mind, it should almost be like a secondary class unto itself, with lots of different abilities, from crowd control to healing -- nothing as powerful as a native class ability of course, but something to make engineers feel really glad for choosing their profession and putting lots of work into it.

One of these days, Blizzard has got to listen.

WoW Moviewatch: Chawana's Rocket Experiment

This is an epic tale of love lost and honor forgotten as two star crossed lovers pine for what they once had while -- I'm just kidding. It's five minutes and forty-five seconds of a L70 Orc blowing unsuspecting Alliance toons into next week with his Rocket Launcher. Over and over and over. To operatic power-metal.

Does it get any better than this? I think not.

Previously, on Moviewatch...

EDIT: Corrected the music genre. Consider my mind expanded.

Next Page >

Brewfest event coverage at WoW Insider!All the Patch 2.3 news you need to know.


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