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Betty Boop: Double Shift: new screens in color

In a shocking turn of events, DSI Games continues to work on a Betty Boop game despite the fact that linear time continues to move away from the 1930's. If time moved backwards, or perhaps in a cycle, such that we would some day approach the first half of the 20th century, we'd totally understand, but no. Betty Boop is continually losing relevance as we speak.

As expected, Betty Boop: Double Shift features Betty dashing through a diner. For what it's worth, it includes ... a bunch of other cartoon characters we vaguely recognize but can't identify. But it's not all Diner Dash. There's an extraordinarily simple rhythm minigame as well!

Keep in mind that DSI is also publishing Barnyard Blast, which more than balances out one or two projects like this.

Itagaki says Dragon Sword is halfway complete

Tomonobu Itagaki has been a busy man, ever since he revealed his fan favorite franchise Ninja Gaiden would be seeing an iteration on the DS in Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword and a sequel on the Xbox 360. He's conducted lots of interviews about the DS game since then, answering the same question as to why he chose the DS over the PSP over and over again. Aside from the almost God-like status he enjoys in the gaming industry, he's quite the unlucky guy.

Aside from the quote where he says the game is 50% complete, he also comments on one of our concerns about the handheld title: the elaborate and breathtaking environments. Team Ninja is striving to meet those expectations on the portable platform. Not only that, but the handheld's lead programmer was almost single-handedly responsible for the fighting engine in both Dead or Alive 4 and the first Ninja Gaiden.

Way in Dusk announced, seems promising

Developer Elephant Games decided to enter themselves into the DS arena, announcing their new project Way in Dusk. In the game you play as a guardian angel in a post-apocalyptic world, sent to shoot up some zombies mutated humans.

Elephant Games boasts a lot of nifty features for their new title, including world-shifting (from the real world to the astral world) and slow-motion mode. The game is also meant to have multiplayer battles for up to four players, as well as some minigame action.

With all the things that Elephant Games is promising, we might just have to keep our eye on this title and see how it turns out.

Play Tetris ... in your car

Park to Play is a "drive-in gaming" installation that allows any car parked within to become a gaming device. You select games by flashing your lights at the screen, and control gameplay by messing around with stuff on your dashboard. The system broadcasts the games' sound to your car stereo.

What a novel design! Finally, someone has conquered the problem of how to play video games inside a car. The next step will be to create a mobile version of this device, with a tiny car dashboard, or some kind of simplified representation of the controls on a dashboard, that allows you to interact with the system while outside of the car.

[Via MAKE: Blog]

Show and Tell: The best things

Fanboys (and girls), what is best in life? Normally, we're right there with all the driving of enemies and girly lamentations, but today, we're gonna have to go with something a little more unusual: having a significant other who makes you awesome little gifts that reflect your fandom. Reader Ronny is lucky enough to have that very thing: a girlfriend who puts together awesome Zelda bracelets for him. Suddenly, i feel the need to teach the man of the house how to thread beads.

Got something that makes you particularly proud? We like thingamabobs and doohickeys and swag of all sorts, as well as food and furniture and anything fun ... so long as it's related to Nintendo! Just take some pictures, tell us what's up, and send it all to showmeit [at] dsfanboy [dot] com. We'll take care of the rest.

Continue reading Show and Tell: The best things

Mushroom Men site leaps into action

The trailer above might not be full of the gameplay footage we normally look for in our trailers, but the concept art for this game looks absolutely amazing. The atmosphere it sets is so rich and real, we feel as if we can reach through our monitor and touch these little men made of mushrooms. And if, like us, you find the above trailer to only leave you wanting more, the official site for the game also has some info on the game world itself and some concept art for three different character classes.

Nintendo dusts off their TV tuner accessory

First seen back in February of last year, the DS TV tuner accessory kind of disappeared. Now that it's back and Nintendo is actually planning to release it, the DS is a very different system. The DS Lite was being shown off at the same conference as the TV tuner, yet to become the massive cultural phenomenon that nobody expected it to be. New Super Mario Bros. had yet to be released; the first Brain Training game was out and selling well, but not ridiculously well. Maybe Nintendo just got busy and forgot about the accessory.

It's back now, and it has a firm release date of November 20th. If you have access to the 1seg digital audio/video broadcast system (which means you live in Japan), you can use this device to receive programming! You can also write notes and save them, which can be useful for sports scores. Nintendo will be selling this exclusively online for 6,800 yen ($59), and preorders start November 8th.

The sudden resurgence of this accessory was predicted by the Japanese magazine Gamelabo, whose predictions are usually not worth caring about. However, since this one turned out to be true, it may bode well for the other rumors they mongered in that issue: a new Square Enix RPG for DS starring Shonen Jump characters, and a PSP version of Dragon Quest IX. Or it could be that Gamelabo has a strict lies:truth ratio they have to keep up.

[Via Dengeki]

The Simpsons pushing envelope on DS audio, FMV

We're not yet sure where we stand on the DS version of The Simpsons. On the one hand, it's The Simpsons, and thus automatically has the potential to be pretty great. We also applaud the idea of parodying other games; even if other companies want to stomp their feet about being cutely mocked, that send-up of Nintendogs is just too irresistible. On the other hand, the gameplay itself, the meat of the package, looks just a little ... vanilla.

One thing it probably won't lack, according to producer Eric Dallaire, is top-drawer production values, particularly as it's EA throwing big bucks at this release. Chatting to IGN about the title, Dallaire spoke of "pushing the limits" of the platform, and discussed how the game will boast "the most audio lines and total FMV on a DS cartridge to date." How much, precisely? "We've crammed one-fifth of the audio lines from the console versions [and] the equivalent of a TV episode's worth of FMV onto the cartridge."

All of which will mean diddly-squat if they don't nail the gameplay, but it's always good to see boundaries being pushed, right?

DS Fanboy presents: Game Night 10/25/07

Thank goodness it's Thursday, because we need our weekly gaming fix. We need to get our game on bad. And, hopefully, you do to. So, head past the break for the deets and prepare yourself to meet with us this evening for some DS action.

Continue reading DS Fanboy presents: Game Night 10/25/07

Teenage Zombies won't eat your neighbors

Despite its similarly campy plot and titular promises of zombies, Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Brain Thingys (due next spring) won't be the spiritual successor to Konami's Zombies Ate My Neighbors. Yes, we were fooled too when we initially saw the game announced -- jumping off the couch and doing karate kicks in the air, such was our excitement -- but reading more about Ignition Entertainment's title revealed very few similarities with the SNES/Genesis classic.

Instead of fighting off zombies and their B-movie colleagues, you'll be playing as the undead in this comic book-styled adventure, choosing from one of three reanimated characters, each possessing unique abilities. You'll swap between the three to take advantage of their powers and defend the Earth against invading Alien Brain Thingys.

Also, while Zombies Ate My Neighbors was a run-n-gun shooter from a top-down perspective, Teenage Zombies will be a side-scrolling platformer supplemented with puzzles and stylus-based minigames. ZAPS! (Zombie Assembly Pop-up Screen), one of the minigames, has you collecting dismembered body parts to put together a zombie and regain "unhealth points."

Though Ignition Entertainment's short trailer for Teenage Zombies shows very little in the way of action or the actual game, we've embedded it past the post break anyway. To make up for the brevity and vagueness of the video, we've also pasted some lyrics from Salt-N-Pepa's hit single, "Let's Talk About Sex," reimagined as an ode to zombies. We have a lot of these "fixed" songs just lying around our hard drive, waiting to be shared with you.

Continue reading Teenage Zombies won't eat your neighbors

Captain Linebeck, as played by Al Pacino

"I know it was you, Link. You broke my heart. You broke my heart!"

Like everyone else, we imagined Linebeck, Phantom Hourglass' cowardly sailor seaman, as the Jack Sparrow character he was more than likely modeled after. We never really connected him with Al Pacino, but artist Margeaux McClelland insists that the two are one and the same, reading the mariner's lines with the Scarface star's raspy voice.

Margeaux went so far as to paint Pacino's likeness in Linebeck's threads, complete with his flamboyant red scarf. We still don't see the resemblance, but it's a great piece, nonetheless! (We won't ever take sides with anyone against the family.)

A Wii Sports-alike on the DS? Simple!

D3 Publisher's Simple DS Vol. 29: THE Sports Daishuugo (The Big Sports Assembly) is exactly like Wii Sports. Except it doesn't look as good, has different sports, doesn't have any kind of motion controls, is probably lacking in polish to the point of glitchiness, and nobody's ever heard of it. But outside of those and probably some other things, the two are the same.

THE Sports Daishuugo contains five main games: baseball, golf, volleyball, tennis, and futsal, as well as minigame variations on all of those. Like any decent casual sports game, it allows for multiplayer-- four-player single-card play.

We're actually surprised by how bad this doesn't look. The characters are cute and the graphics are non-awful. We wonder if this cute sports game will take off in Japan, where Wii Sports sells tons as a standalone product.

[Via Siliconera]

DS Daily: Inspiration

We love game-inspired art of all kinds, from crafts to drawings and paintings, and for good reason -- they're usually executed with an unparalleled passion ... or at least a deep understanding of things which are dear to us. Whether they're funny or serious, brilliant to sorta crappy, there's usually something to appreciate in most of the gaming-related projects we stumble across. This revamped Shadowgate screen from deviantARTist stalk-chan is a great example; it not only shows off one of this blogger's most beloved moments in gaming ever, but it's also a plea for a reappearance of the game on the DS. Shadowgate would be such a great fit, after all, and hey, it was a game, which means it's automatically qualified for the remake craze.

But that's just one example. What we'd like to hear about are some of your favorite examples of game-inspired projects, from Tetris shelves to cakes to paintings. What kinds of things do you like best? For extra credit, roll out the links.

First Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 shots

Pro Evolution Soccer games may not always get pulses racing in the US, but the series does enjoy hit status here in Europe. Given the limitations of the DS, last year's PES 6 provided a surprisingly serviceable soccer game, despite being stripped of much of the detail and gameplay intricacies that appeared in the home console versions.

Indeed, it sold well enough for Konami to give things another shot on the handheld, and CVG now has some of the first screens of Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 DS. Like last year, the whole thing is blocky as hell, but hey, at least it looks a little more intuitive than the holy mess that is the Wii version.

Feint past the break for another couple of screens, or head to CVG for the full set.

Continue reading First Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 shots

The DS Life: Damaris

The DS Life is a weekly feature in which we scour the known world for narrative images of Nintendo's handhelds and handheld gamers. If you have a photo and a story to match it with, send both to thedslife at dsfanboy dot com.

Make the most out of what little warmth the autumn months haven't stolen yet. Grab your portable system, find a place outside where no one can bother you while you play, and enjoy these dwindling days when you can still afford to leave your coat at home. These weeks never stay still for too long, and before you know it, Halloween is long forgotten and there's no more Thanksgiving dinner to look forward to. Evenings creep in at 6PM, and the cold -- oh, the cold!

You spend an extra minute shivering in your car while waiting for the engine to warm up, visible puffs of breath fogging up the windows until the damn defrost finally starts working. Chips of snow sneak into your shoes somehow, despite your best defenses, melting and leaving your socks wet. Week nights are spent staying in and watching television, and you walk around the house with a comforter draped around you like blanket royalty.

So play with your DS outside now, while you still can!

Continue reading The DS Life: Damaris

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