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Posts by Fitz K at That's Fit
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The healthiest candy around

Posted: Oct 19th 2007 1:53PM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Fitness, Food and Nutrition, Diet and Weight Loss, Healthy Kids

Nah! Not really the 'healthiest' candy, cause candy in general is useless...and mostly unhealthy. But if you're interested to find out which candy is the least bad to either pass out or consume this Halloween, visit http://www.acaloriecounter.com/candy-chocolate.php.

Even though the site provides a full-blown side by side comparison of the most popular candy, I'm going to pass on it all together October 31st. I found mini containers of PLAY-DOH to give out to the kiddies in my neighborhood.

Ask Fitz! Your Fitness Questions Answered - Sabotage and Mirror Madness

Posted: Oct 17th 2007 6:04AM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Emotional Health, Fitness, Food and Nutrition, General Health, Women's Health, Diet and Weight Loss, Healthy Kids, Ask Fitz!

Have fitness questions? Fitz has your answer. Our ThatsFit.com fitness expert -- and now your own virtual personal trainer -- will help you get fit, increase your overall health and do it in a fun way. Drop your questions here in the Comments section below and we'll choose two per week to publish on That's Fit! Learn more about Fitz here.

Q. Hi Fitz.. I am 18, 5'6, and 220 lbs. I try to eat right and be fit, but it's hard to do since I am so busy. I recently started SCUBA diving and through all the equipment and the swimming, I consider it a workout. Especially because we usually do two and sometimes three dives most days. I live overseas in a place where there are no cars, so we ride bikes everywhere. I feel pretty good, but when I see myself in the mirror I cringe. I don't even bother buying new clothes.

Between diving and my full time job, I don't have time to plan meals or even go to the gym. I've tried to get up and go to the gym in the mornings before work, but I'd have to get up at about 5 and I'm NOT a morning person. What can I do to fit fitness into my busy schedule and what is an easy way to eat healthier? Amanda

A. Argh Amanda! It makes me so sad to know that you cringe when you see yourself. I used to do the same until I really figured out the science of eating right, exercising appropriately, and pursuing fitness in a healthy way. Funny thing is, I only lost the weight I had wanted to lose when I stopped beating myself up. For real! I actually decided to recognize all of the ways that I am great, (good student, caring friend, a consistent volunteer) and only then did the weight come off. I think spending so much energy despising myself didn't leave any for making positive improvements.

I think you should start there. Find out why you're great. Why you're worthy. Then focus on adopting healthier habits. Exercising in the morning usually starts of hard, but becomes easier as you get used to it. Gyms are packed at 5:00am. If that's truly your only free time, then I suggest giving it at least one month's chance. Along with that, get moving on your lunch break. A few ten minute walks each day will add up! Private office? Try push-ups, crunches and lunges behind closed doors. You can do these things without getting too sweaty.

Eating healthy should not take any more time than eating junk food. Throw things like a banana, apple, and baby carrots in your bag at the beginning of each day. That way you'll always have a nutritious, filling and low fat snack available. Choose lighter fare at restaurants. Even fast food joints offer grilled meat and other healthy options. Make it a point to choose those.

Amanda. If you pursue a healthy lifestyle, your body will become what you've guided it to be. You can do this! Take care of yourself, and stop with negativity. You're worth the effort! Fitz

Q. Dear Fitz, I am having a problem with losing weight! I take three hours of dance and I do cheer leading at my school (one day of practice and two days of games, each about 2 hours). My biggest problem is eating. I get home from school and eat a lot but I always figure that I do so much exercise that I will burn it off. I try to jog around the block but its just not really my thing. I also never have time to go to the gym. What can I do to lose weight, but remain healthy and happy at the same time? Jennifer

Continue reading Ask Fitz! Your Fitness Questions Answered - Sabotage and Mirror Madness


Celebrity Fitzness Report: Jacki Donaldson, Author & Breast Cancer Survivor

Posted: Oct 11th 2007 6:00AM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Celebrity Fitzness Report

Curious to know how celebrities squeeze fitness into their daily lives? Want to know the secrets of the stars? Bi-weekly our That's Fit fitness expert Fitz sits down with the celebs we want to know more about, and digs out their great and not-so-great methods to staying healthy.

Our featured celebrity this week is one of our very own That's Fit bloggers, Jacki Donaldson. Jacki has published and become the feature of more than 1,000 magazine and online articles. She's an eloquent writer who guides her readers towards healthier, more appreciative and joyful lives with ease.

Jacki is also a Breast Cancer Survivor. Jacki was diagnosed in November of 2004, when her two small sons were only three years old and 18 months, Soon after, Jacki endured a lumpectomy, radiation, chemotherapy and all of the great side effects that go along with it. Jacki lives in my neighborhood and approached me about personal training in April of 2006. I considered her a friend before this, but truly had no idea what an inspirational and fun person she would be to have in my life.

As I've cheered for her, she's inspired me to become a better person in every aspect of my life. Her writing makes we want to be more insightful. Her parenting makes me want to be more creative. Her friendship makes me want to be a better person in general. Jacki has turned her experiences with cancer into a positive somehow. She's turned the most rotten lemons into the sweetest lemonade. She's now a role model for health and I'm grateful to be able to share her with you. I recommend visiting JackiDonaldson.com to get her full story.

Fitz: Describe your original diagnosis of breast cancer and your life at that point.

Jacki: I found a lump in my breast while washing in the shower. I knew in my gut it was cancer. After a mammogram, ultrasound, and biopsy, I knew with absolute certainty. I had cancer. I was 34 years old, with a husband and two little boys, ages three and 18 months.

Fitz: What type of treatment did you undergo and for how long?

Jacki: I had a lumpectomy to remove my tumor and four lymph nodes. Then I had four doses of chemotherapy, six weeks worth of radiation -- I was zapped every week day for all these weeks -- and then a year-long targeted drug therapy with a new wonder drug that cuts the risk of recurrence by 50 percent. I also received physical therapy -- both surgery and radiation affect range of motion in the arm -- and talk therapy, and I took an anti-depressant for more than one year. My treatment began in January 2005 and ended in July 2006, just more than one year ago.

Fitz: You hired me as your personal trainer about 17 months ago. You said you wanted to "get strong." How were you weak?

Jacki: My body had been battered by both cancer and the treatment designed to save my life. I was fatigued, worn out, and without physical strength. I knew I needed to make a comeback. I just didn't know how. Then I found you.

Fitz: You were still undergoing chemotherapy once every three weeks for your first few months of training. Small things like lunges and strength training with tubes would leave you dizzy quite often, but you persevered. What kept you coming when you certainly were not required to?

Jacki: I believe the healthier and stronger I become, the less likely I am to develop cancer again. So I require myself to work hard. It's my way of controlling an unpredictable disease.

Fitz: You began training in April, 2006 and ran the entire Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5k in October, 2006. You were the first survivor to cross the finish line as you ran every step of the way. As I finished a few steps behind you, I couldn't think of a more proud moment in my career. What did that physical accomplishment mean to you?

Jacki: It meant I really could run, not just around the block which I could barely do even before cancer, but for 3.2 whole miles. It meant that I was taking powerful steps against a disease that threatened to take my life. It meant I could keep up with you -- which is no small feat!

Fitz: You've now revamped your entire way of eating. Tell me about the changes you've made and the results you've experienced. You look really hot by the way!

Jacki: I love you! I've cut out all sweets, soda, and red meat. I eat low-fat, low-sugar foods and lots of fruits and veggies. I drink only water. I've cleared my kitchen of butters, oils, dressings, and more. Results? I've lost 15 pounds, 10 of which crept up on me during treatment. I'm leaner, firmer, and so much happier in my slimmer body.

Continue reading Celebrity Fitzness Report: Jacki Donaldson, Author & Breast Cancer Survivor

Ask Fitz! Your Fitness Questions Answered -- Baby Fat and Teen Fitness

Posted: Oct 10th 2007 6:00AM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Emotional Health, Fitness, Food and Nutrition, General Health, Women's Health, Diet and Weight Loss, Healthy Kids, Ask Fitz!

Have fitness questions? Fitz has your answer. Our ThatsFit.com fitness expert -- and now your own virtual personal trainer -- will help you get fit, increase your overall health and do it in a fun way. Drop your questions here in the Comments section below and we'll choose two per week to publish on That's Fit! Learn more about Fitz here.

Q. Hey Fitz. I know I'm a little young, I'm 13 years old. I'm not a weight obsessed person, but I just hate the weight that I'm gaining. I was always the thinnest person in my grade and I didn't have to work to stay trim. I'm 5 foot 6. I love to play basketball, but that's only one season and I don't really practice outside of it. I push myself to run, but it's just not really my thing. How can I get back in shape and lose the extra fat on my tummy? Can you help me out? I would love to be fit again! Thanks, Jessica

A. Hi Jessica. Just received your question yesterday along with about 40 others. Apparently my last column appeared on the AIM Today Welcome Screen and it generated about 95,000 hits. Nice to be able to teach so many people in one day! I chose your question, but if anyone would like to link back, you'll see dozens of other questions from teen readers in your same situation. It left me feeling both concerned and inspired. Concerned because so many teens like yourself are stressed, and unhappy with themselves physically. Inspired, because so many of you are seeking out sound advice on how to properly become more fit.

I was 35 pounds heavier in high school than I have been for the past 14 years. I grew up playing sports and began teaching aerobics at age 15, but I still had issues with my weight. In fact, I ended up dealing with Bulimia (which never lost me a pound by the way -- a foolish answer for anyone!) for several years as a result of my insecurities. It stunk! It was so bad that today I spend oodles of time volunteering with kids your age and younger trying to teach the importance of caring for their health. I never want another child to face: eating disorders, poor self-image, depression and more. We are NOT our bodies! Our bodies are vital to getting us around in this world for the next 80 years, but it does not and should not define who we are!

Fitness is crucial to a long healthy life Jessica, and I want you to focus on that. Focus on being strong, capable, flexible, energetic and vibrant. If you visit any doctors office and read the little pamphlets available, you'll see that almost every ailment out there can be prevented, controlled or cured by a healthy diet and regular exercise. That's what counts! G.E.R.D., Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, Osteoporosis, premature death, etc... can be avoided by simply taking care of yourself! Let's start there, with the BIG picture. Look yourself in the mirror each day and convince yourself to pursue a fit lifestyle in order to live well and live long. If you do that, and make good on your pledge...belly fat will never be an issue again.

Continue reading Ask Fitz! Your Fitness Questions Answered -- Baby Fat and Teen Fitness


Ask Fitz! Your Fitness Questions Answered - Love Handles & Man Boobs

Posted: Oct 3rd 2007 6:02AM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Fitness, Women's Health, Men's Health, Diet and Weight Loss, Ask Fitz!

Have fitness questions? Fitz has your answer. Our ThatsFit.com fitness expert -- and now your own virtual personal trainer -- will help you get fit, increase your overall health and do it in a fun way. Drop your questions here in the Comments section below and we'll choose two per week to publish on That's Fit! Learn more about Fitz here.

Q. Can you please tell me what work out exercise is good for those annoying love handles? I have a somewhat flat stomach, but can't get rid of the extra stuff on both sides of my belly. Thanks, Shirley

A. Hey Shirley. You didn't provide me with a ton of information about yourself, but since you said you have a flat-ish tummy.....I'm guessing you don't have a ton of weight to lose. However, the part of our bodies most people get really frustrated with is usually the last place we lose it. Obviously body type has a huge amount to do with our specific shapes, but if you simply have fat gathered on both sides of your belly....you need to lose some more weight. An exercise to make fat disappear from a specific place, sadly does not exist. To get rid of fat.....you'll need to lose weight. It could be those last five pounds that make all the difference.

Spot reduction is not a reality outside of plastic surgery. You can't crunch those love handles away, and I think you should ignore the knife. This sounds like something you can do on your own. Consume fewer calories and burn a bunch with frequent workouts and an active lifestyle. Dig in and improve your overall fitness. A tapered waist requires awesome effort, but it's well worth it. You'll love it when you have it. Keep me posted on your success! Fitz

Q. Hello Miss Fitz. I am a 28 year old male. I have been running a couple of miles a day, two or three days a week all summer, but I just can't get rid of my stomach or man boobs. I've had the same figure my whole life. Is there anything that I could focus on to shape up? George

Continue reading Ask Fitz! Your Fitness Questions Answered - Love Handles & Man Boobs

Ask Fitz! Your Fitness Questions Answered

Posted: Sep 26th 2007 6:04AM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Fitness, Food and Nutrition, Healthy Aging, Natural Beauty, Women's Health, Men's Health, Diet and Weight Loss, Healthy Kids, Healthy Products, Ask Fitz!, Cellulite

Have fitness questions? Fitz has your answer. Our ThatsFit.com fitness expert -- and now your own virtual personal trainer -- will help you get fit, increase your overall health and do it in a fun way. Drop your questions here in the Comments section below and we'll choose two per week to publish on That's Fit! Learn more about Fitz here.

Q. Hi there. I'm a 32 year old male and recently my girlfriend has (repeatedly) suggested that I start moisturizing my skin. I've always considered the whole moisturizing market to be a bit of a scam, right up there with "anti-wrinkle" creams. So come on, level with me, is there really any (proven or otherwise) benefit to moisturizing? Thanks and Regards,Dan

A. Hey Dan. Your letter made me giggle, cause my husband gives me the same response when I encourage him to address skin care. I frankly don't even think the man even washes his face every night. Weird to me, but fine for him he says. In fact, when I first began dating him...he had these tremendous calluses on his palms from weight-lifting. I'd beg him to wear weightlifting gloves and moisturize, but he refused because the calluses "reminded him of his Dad. "

Rob adores his father who's been a builder all of his life and has apparently always had rough 'man hands'. That was enough for Rob to think scratchy skin was cool. UNTIL! Last year Poppi (Rob's dad) came for a visit and started bragging about this lotion he was using to make his hands amazingly soft. He was ecstatic! He even suggested that the other girls in the family and I should use it on our faces. I wasn't sure whether I should take that as an insult, or a thoughtful suggestion. Either way...he loved the dramatic results of his , and my honey's hands are now smooth enough to for touching me.

Look Dan. There are a lot of things very different about men and women. One of the things we do have in common though, is the fact that we all have skin. Many products on the market legitimately do what they advertise. Even the anti-wrinkle creams. Check out this article on skin care, and decide what your skin care needs are. At minimum, it would be nice for you to apply a lotion with sun protection each day.

Sounds like your girlfriend cares a lot about you, and is just trying to share some of the knowledge she's come to appreciate. You're going to wear that skin of yours for a very long time, so you might as well take care of it! Fitz

Q. Hi Fitz. The school my daughter attends will be hosting a parent education seminar, and one of the topics is about providing healthy foods. My concern is that this presentation is being made by another mother who has absolutely no official health or fitness education. I think she's an accountant or something. Should I even bother going? How can I trust her? Rebbecca

Continue reading Ask Fitz! Your Fitness Questions Answered

Floating poop leads to weight loss

Posted: Sep 20th 2007 9:30AM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Fitness, Food and Nutrition, Health in the Media, Women's Health, Men's Health, Diet and Weight Loss

Dr. Oz was once again on Oprah this week. As usual, he had a ton of new and interesting, traditionally gross-ish research to share. Floating poop ranks right up there in all three categories.

Recently a study was conducted where the subjects were placed on a highly controlled yet moderate diet, which was low in calcium for one week. At the end of the week, each subject 'contributed' some doo in a jar as their sample to be analyzed. (Imagine doing that!) The next week, subjects were placed on the exact diet except this time tweaked it to provide the subjects with 1200 mg of calcium each day, which is ideal for adults. At the end of the week, once again they had the pleasure of providing a sample.

The poo samples were frozen, dried, turned into a pill, and then crushed (hate to be that scientist). The samples were then analyzed. The study showed that by the end of week two, the high calcium week...the subjects samples contained 100% more fat than the previous week. Which means, calcium is an excellent transporter of fat. Ideally, we'd prefer to expel the fat we consume rather than absorb it. This in the long run, will help lead to weight loss.

Continue reading Floating poop leads to weight loss

Celebrity Fitzness Report: UFC Octagon Announcer Bruce Buffer

Posted: Sep 20th 2007 6:09AM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Fitness, Health in the Media, Men's Health, Celebrities, Celebrity Fitzness Report

Curious to know how celebrities squeeze fitness into their daily lives? Want to know the secrets of the stars? Bi-weekly our That's Fit fitness expert Fitz sits down with the celebs we want to know more about, and digs out their great and not-so-great methods to staying healthy.

Bruce Buffer is known worldwide as the Voice of the Octagon as he announces for the UFC. If you're not familiar, UFC and mixed martial arts is the hottest sport in the world earning fanatics by the millisecond. So is Bruce. He's got a pretty face, hot body, big voice and the business savvy most millionaires still wish for.

By day, the man is President and CEO of Buffer Enterprises, managing not only his career, but the career of his big brother Michael Buffer. If you've ever heard the phrase "Let's get ready to ruuuuuumble!",(Michael's below) which I'm positive you have....Bruce made some money off of your listening pleasure. He's turned a phrase into an empire and he's not done yet. By night, Bruce stands amongst some of the most athletic, aggressive and entertaining athletes in the world. He starts the UFC action with his infamous phrase, "It's time....to begin", and all hell breaks loose. Definitely a guy to keep tabs on.

Fitz: You spend so much time surrounded by some of the most elite athletes in the world at events, how does that motivate you?

Bruce Buffer: I have always approached life with an athletic winning attitude and being surrounded by superior athletes only motivates me more to keep it all together.

Fitz: Do you ever train with any of the competitors you announce for?

Bruce Buffer: I rolled with Randy Couture years ago in which was an eye opener.

Fitz: Who is the last person you'd ever want to be struck by?

Bruce Buffer: Bas Rutten, Chuck Lidell and most any 200 lb. or heavier striker.

Fitz: Sometimes UFC fights get gory. Do you flinch much? Look away?

Bruce Buffer: No, it's all part of the job.

Fitz: Even though it' your voice people pay attention to and value, you're in show business. Besides staying fit, what measures do you take to stay so 'pretty'?

Bruce Buffer: Vanity and personal pride... thanks for the compliment.

Fitz: Where is your favorite vacation spot? Do you workout on vacation?

Bruce Buffer: The south of France or any place tropical with waves. Yes, I workout on vacation by surfing or at the very least 30 or more minutes of cardio.

Continue reading Celebrity Fitzness Report: UFC Octagon Announcer Bruce Buffer


Ask Fitz! Your Fitness Questions Answered -- Britney Spears and Losing the Belly Fat

Posted: Sep 19th 2007 6:05AM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Fitness, Food and Nutrition, General Health, Health in the Media, Women's Health, Men's Health, Diet and Weight Loss, Celebrities, Ask Fitz!

Have fitness questions? Fitz has your answer. Our ThatsFit.com fitness expert -- and now your own virtual personal trainer -- will help you get fit, increase your overall health and do it in a fun way. Drop your questions here in the Comments section below and we'll choose two per week to publish on That's Fit! Learn more about Fitz here.

Q. Greetings Fitz. So far I've lost 25 lbs and have a few more to go to get rid of that annoying belly fat. I'm training for a duathlon. I bike one to two hours a day, run for 30 minutes or so every other day, and workout every other day (different day than running). I'm 155 pounds, 68" and eat about 2,000 calories a day (I keep track in a spreadsheet). So let's say I burn 900 calories/hr biking, 300 calories/half hour running, and some more doing other workout stuff. Is it okay that I only take in 2,000 calories a day? Should I take in more, less, etc? I eat 5-6 small meals a day and am feeling great, but I just want to maximize my effectiveness for fat loss. Thanks, Ryan

A. Wow Ryan! Sounds like you've turned your life all the way around. Going from 180 to 155 is not an easy task, and your exercise routine is really athletic. I'm inspired! The reason your 'belly fat' is taking longer to go away, is because you're nearing your goal weight. It's easy to lose five pounds quickly when you have 35 to lose. When you are nearing true leanness the pounds take a little longer to lose.

2,000 calories a day is not starving in anyone's book. In fact...it's quite enough calories to fill up almost anyone. I'm really not concerned that your body may be in 'starvation mode', especially since you didn't even mention feeling hungry. You are burning a ton of calories it's true, but you shouldn't need to add calories to lose weight. Accept that this process will take time. You're striving to look like an athlete and that is a lofty goal. Not a silly goal.......just a really high one.

Have patience, keep doing what you're doing, and add some intense ab training to your routine. I recommend push-ups, roman-chair leg lifts, and crunches on a stability ball or BOSU. Do this at least every other day. Keep me posted Ryan. Send before and after pictures when you get to your point B. We're all dying to see your new abs! Fitz

Q. Hi Fitz. The world is bashing Britney Spears' body after her performance at the Video Music Awards and now I feel like garbage about mine. I'm no where near as trim as she is. Does she really look that bad? If so......I'm screwed! Is there hope for the non-perfect people? Angelina

Continue reading Ask Fitz! Your Fitness Questions Answered -- Britney Spears and Losing the Belly Fat

Do you eat like a fat person?

Posted: Sep 15th 2007 6:29PM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Fitness, Food and Nutrition, General Health, Healthy Habits, Women's Health, Men's Health, Diet and Weight Loss

Ugh. I hate the word 'fat'. I even hate the word 'hate', but I couldn't think of a better way to start this bit. I took my family to Disney last week, and one of the other guests made me think. I was passing by a set of picnic tables somewhere inside the water park Blizzard Beach when I came across a very large woman eating several chili dogs. At least I think that's what they were. Now, since my profession is fitness...I NEVER look at anyone large or small and think nasty thoughts. I traditionally just see potential. This woman made me think though.

When I saw her camped out with these truly bad for her snacks I thought, "why is she eating that"? And, I thought it in a way that meant, gee....if she would only trade those wieners for chicken and fruit, she'd be able to have a healthy future. And then I thought, "well of course she's eating that!". That's how she ended up so large. Duh! Right? Right.

The thing is....if you are overweight and don't like being overweight.....you don't have to be! Stop eating like an obese person eats. Not to oversimplify, but the situation is truly that simple. Most obese folks fill their plates with high fat, high calorie foods and leave only crumbs when they're done. Most trim people fill up half to most of their plates with moderately healthy food....and finish only part of it.

Continue reading Do you eat like a fat person?

Which Wiggle can kick your A**?

Posted: Sep 15th 2007 4:11PM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Fitness, General Health, Health in the Media, Women's Health, Men's Health, Diet and Weight Loss, Celebrities, Healthy Kids

There's two actually! Both Anthony Field, the blue Wiggle and Paul Paddick (Paddie), who plays Captain Feathersword would be really tough contenders. How do I know this? I trained with them. Big deal you say!? Well, the big deal is that I know the difference between guys who exercise and guys who could pummel you. I'm not only a fitness expert, but I've been competitively kickboxing and working with the ISKA since 1995. I've sat ringside and wrapped big belts around men who have earned the title of World Champion. Anthony and Paddie are tough!

Paddie not only looks the part, barrel chested with bulging biceps, but he's got the moves and the stamina to torture anyone who deserved it. Anthony, a former soldier in the Australian Army, is tall and lean, yet quite muscular. I personally watched the man do about 50 pull-ups with his legs straight out at a ninety degree angle in front of him. Highly advanced. His reach would be spectacular and the amount of force via rotation he could deliver to your poor face by the power in those abs alone would lead to utter destruction.

Laugh at The Wiggles doing silly dances all you want as your kids rock out with them each morning. Just make sure you don't do it if you should cross them in person! Since they are such kind and gentle souls, I would guess they'd let you off the hook...but I still wouldn't advise taking the chance!

Continue reading Which Wiggle can kick your A**?

10 Tips for healthy tailgaiting

Posted: Sep 13th 2007 9:51PM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Fitness, Food and Nutrition, General Health, Health in the Media, Women's Health, Men's Health, Diet and Weight Loss

Tailgating is usually a very unhealthy event. Burgers, dogs, chips and beer. Folks sit around and just consume, consume, consume! I'm a huge fan of football, and love to tailgate before Gator games. I also am a huge fan of my lean waist and am not willing to sacrifice it for the Orange and Blue. Why should I? I wear my colors, cheer till my lungs practically bleed, and dance all the crazy touchdown dances we do when the Gators score. I don't need to grow because I love my Alma mater. Right? Neither do you.

If you tailgate or just host a home cookout the day that your favorite team plays, good for you. Just make your day.....good for you! Here are ten things you can do to keep your weight from sky-rocketing in the fall and have more fun while you party.

#1. Opt for lean meat. Burgers and dogs are traditionally full of fat. Choose lean cuts, and you'll be fine!

#2. Choose low calorie or no calorie beverages. Everyone seems to have a constant beverage in the hand on game day. Ditch regular colas all together. Each can packs almost 200 calories. Water, un-sweet tea, and diet soda is preferable. If you're a beer drinker, choose light beer and don't consume more than four throughout the day. Less is obviously better.

#3 Enjoy the catsup, mustard, and barbecue sauces. They're naturally fat-free and fairly low in calories.

#4 Bring a veggie and fruit platter.

#5. Choose baked chips and low fat dips or salsa. They taste great and allow you to enjoy the crispy salty snack you love. You'll save hundred of calories this way!

Continue reading 10 Tips for healthy tailgaiting

Football makes you fit not fat

Posted: Sep 13th 2007 8:48PM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Fitness, Food and Nutrition, General Health, Health in the Media, Women's Health, Men's Health, Diet and Weight Loss

I train a guy who has lost a spectacular 50 pounds since Christmas Eve 2006. I'm thrilled with his progress, but at 270 pounds....he's still got a long way to go. We come from a place where football is king, apparently so is basketball. We're Gators. Nonetheless, he's been using all of his football booster meetings, tailgating, pre-parties, sky box parties and more....to eat like a gluttonous doof.

I've been anxious about football's arrival, because of this man....and my fears were originally proven legitimate. He has the capability to progress so quickly, but he's seriously been on the verge of blowing it because of his frat-boy mentality. I had a knock down drag out with him a bit ago, but this is the message I want to relate to you.

Football makes you fit, not fat! If you have such a grand obsession with the sport and the amazing athletes who play the game, get your a** out on a field and run to catch a ball. Get a group of buddies together and act like Emmett. Run, tackle, throw, catch, become like the heroic running back you idolize. Football is not an excuse to gain weight, clog your arteries or drive drunk.

Continue reading Football makes you fit not fat

Ask Fitz! Your Fitness Questions Answered -- Strength training for seniors and weight fluctuations

Posted: Sep 12th 2007 6:00AM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Fitness, Food and Nutrition, General Health, Healthy Aging, Women's Health, Men's Health, Diet and Weight Loss, Ask Fitz!

Have fitness questions? Fitz has your answer. Our ThatsFit.com fitness expert -- and now your own virtual personal trainer -- will help you get fit, increase your overall health and do it in a fun way. Drop your questions here in the Comments section below and we'll choose two per week to publish on That's Fit! Learn more about Fitz here.

Q. Hi Fitz. I am 61 years old and would LOVE to have better looking arms and legs. I will do what ever is recommended if someone who knows what they are talking about would tell me that exercising WILL bring back muscle tone! I just don't want to do it if it is a waste of time. I don't have flabby arms and I do play tennis for fun, but I don't want to end up with flabby arms either! They are softer than they used to be. I want to have muscular arms. Is that possible at my age - or a waste of time?? I do walk about 1 1/2 miles three times a week and I have lost 20 lbs. in the last three months. I am now 153 lbs. Is there real hope for us senior women? Carol

Carol. Thanks so much for writing, and I'm so glad you did. As I read your email, I was thinking that it probably represented what about a billion other senior women were wondering as well. Truly glad you wrote. First. Congrats on losing the 20 pounds. That's not easy, and I'm proud you've done it. You actually just accomplished something that most of the 60+ crowd thinks has become impossible. Weight loss. Lots of people think they can't lose weight after the age of 25. Apparently not true, right?

As for concern about your arms and legs. Get to work sister, cause you can definitely make progress! Strength training will absolutely help you gain the muscle tone you're longing for and keep you strong and sturdy. In fact, I've trained many women in their sixties and early seventies who have done push-ups, kickboxing, weight training, tubes, and more. They've all seen significant improvement in their muscle tone and have loved the new feeling of comfort wearing sleeveless shirts and shorts in the hot sun again. The only thing I find truly working against us as we age is skin elasticity. From arms to boobs and butts. Skin just gets looser. Argh! I hate it, but it's true.

Pursue a safe strength training program that is challenging for you. Strength train at least three times a week and the results will come quickly. Let me know how it goes! Fitz.

P.S. Check out this story about this 86 year old body-building great grandmother. You'll love it!

Q. Fitz. I stepped on the scale yesterday and weighed 168 pounds. Today I got on and weighed 174! What gives? How could I have gained six pounds in one day? Alan

Continue reading Ask Fitz! Your Fitness Questions Answered -- Strength training for seniors and weight fluctuations

Daily Fit Tip: Say bye-bye to your belly

Posted: Sep 12th 2007 5:55AM by Fitz K.
Filed under: Fitness, Food and Nutrition, Women's Health, Men's Health, Diet and Weight Loss, Daily Fit Tip

Flat abs are not only the status symbol of men and women of all ages, flat abs are a decent reflection of overall health. Ever see a chubby guy with a skinny middle? Probably not. Know a lot of plus-sized mamas who flaunt a whittled waist? Not so much. A trim waist line is usually a good predictor that one is doing the right thing.

Of course there are the rare exceptions. We know the folks who eat all sorts of junk food and can never gain a pound. Skinny people die of heart attacks too. Having said that, most little middle people take decent care of themselves. It's almost a tad frustrating, because tight flat abs are usually the last thing people earn on their fitness journey. Trim legs and arms come waaaaaaaaay faster than abs worthy of a teeny bikini.

So how do you get yours? The formula is simple. Burn more calories than you consume to become leaner, and work your abdominal and back muscles to create a firm and tight core.

Continue reading Daily Fit Tip: Say bye-bye to your belly

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