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Joystiq presents

Fan-made Zelda video makes us drool

Because this video has been out since May, you might have seen it already. If not, though, we highly recommend taking a look at this fan-made Zelda movie called "Dark Sage." Using a program called 3DS Max, Youtube member Coloniser combined his game designing skills, talent, and awesomeness to create this Zelda homage.

We're definitely impressed by this project, and only hope that there will be a sequel in the future.

[Thanks, Jack!]

All that glitters is gold decal

We've showed you some nice DS sticker skins from South Korea before, but we think these decals are a little bit nicer. Why? Because they're 24-karat gold, of course. The SGP Metal pack, which makes the DS shiny and delicious, is being sold in South Korea for 26,200 KRW (approximately $29 USD).

Adding metal trim to the DS is apparently all the rage in South Korea, which is fine by us. If we ever make it over there, we'll have to keep an eye out for all the pimped out handhelds.

Hit the jump to see what this DS looks like on the inside.

Continue reading All that glitters is gold decal

DS Daily: Missing out

Time and time again, we feel the need to remind you that there are tons of training games for the DS. We're not complaining, we're just in awe.

The sad thing? Most of these nongames only come out in Japan. Sure, we can improve our brains or the brains of our fake pets. Soon our DS will even teach us yoga. But, as life dictates, we always want what we can't have. So, which Japanese training game do you wish you could play?

DS Fanboy Lite: Oct. 20 - Oct. 26

Just as with our beloved DS Lite, DS Fanboy Lite is like the original, but smaller. Sleeker. Only not necessarily better. Herein you can see some of the best we've had to offer in the last week, encapsulated for your reading ease.

News of note

Boy risks life for GBA, we wonder what he would do for a DS

Fight a lion bare-handed?

Maybe, as the kid has more guts than we could ever hope to imagine, risking life and limb for his beloved handheld gaming system. Heck, the thing is your run-of-the-mill GBA SP! In him resides a devotion to and love of gaming that we could only hope for. But, Danyelle Miller is probably thankful for the lives of his family, as well.

For more information on the fires that are currently affecting California, head on over here.

[Via Go Nintendo]

Become a Virtual collector

New to Nintendo handhelds with the DS? Interested in learning firsthand about one of Nintendo's weirdest, most baffling missteps? Or maybe you just want the full catalog of releases for a Nintendo system, and want to take the easiest way out? The DS has hundreds of games-- you can't collect all of those! Maybe you love red.

Whatever the (crazy) reason, you now have the opportunity to buy the full set of US-released Virtual Boy games for $1,500 (or best offer.) They're all complete in their boxes, where they should remain for all time. It even includes Nester's Funky Bowling, the only game to star a character created for Nintendo Power magazine! Well, the only game other than Pilotwings 64, which kind of featured Nester as well.

[Via GameSniped]

Friday Video: Remake retrospective

There are two things we follow with a special level of interest around here: Final Fantasy and remakes. Thanks to Square Enix, we can even follow them together these days! The latest in Game Trailers' Final Fantasy retrospective series looks at the many remakes in the series and some of the translation issues the franchise has faced as well. Considering all of the upcoming (and past) remake excitement, this is definitely one of the episodes in the retrospective that's worth a watch, and so we've put it in our weekly video spotlight. Check it out after the jump!

Continue reading Friday Video: Remake retrospective

Checking out spell casting in Orcs & Elves

While we'll agree that Orcs & Elves could definitely use some better graphics, as well as maybe a more intuitive control scheme as far as controlling your character's movement goes (not the spell casting, that certainly looks fun enough), but that doesn't mean we're just going to write the game off.

1UP recently got their hands on the game and found it to be oddly engaging. They obviously share our sentiment that the game lacks a fine touch in the graphics department, but feel the rest of the title they were lucky enough to get their hands on was actually pretty good. We're happy to hear that, to be honest.

- Spellcasting trailer
Read - 1UP preview

Updated multi-region release lists, software sales

For a lot of us, this updated list of current and forthcoming "primary" Nintendo releases doesn't offer much, but for European gamers, there's a lot to speculate on. We keep seeing this DS Novel pop up, but what exactly is it? When it's shown up before on lists, there was also a "temporary title" tag attached, but no longer, though other titles on the list are tagged as such. Is it settled? Is it just the e-book reader? Literature-themed nongame? Sounds like it might be worth importing for litgeeks in the rest of the world. If you know something we poor Americans don't, please clue us in!

In other news, Nintendogs continues to lead the pack among DS titles in sales, with Pokémon and New Super Mario Bros. lagging a little behind. Unsurprisingly, the phenomenal Brain Age duo keeps churning out the dollars as well.

To see the full list of releases, check after the jump.

Continue reading Updated multi-region release lists, software sales

WRUP: Trials and Tribulations edition

As we said in our initial releases post this week, there's really only one game of importance releasing this week, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations. We know you're playing it, you know we'll be playing it (first thing's first: remove this ball and chain from our ankle), so why dance around the subject? Tell us how far you are, tell us how you're finding it or tell us how you plan on scraping together the dough to eventually get it.

If you're one of those freaks who are playing something else, let us know about that too!

Pac-Man jewelry is pretty, buy it for us

If Namco Museum DS wasn't enough to sate your Pac-Man fix, perhaps you need a dose of something shiny. It's rare that we see video game jewelry that's both nice and for sale, but the creations by Tiny Armour are exceptions to the rule. Of course, we never said anything about them being affordable. This Ms. Pac-Man ring, for example, will set you back $68.

Check out more Pac-Man related jewelry after the jump!

Continue reading Pac-Man jewelry is pretty, buy it for us

Jimi Game Shells take on multimedia

Months ago, the folks behind the Jimi line of products did something very smart: they made a DS accessory. Clearly, we approve of this production line, considering our rabid fandom. Sure, there are lots of other options, but most of those are either limited to DS-only, or are more open, leaving your various cards rattling around so loudly that they could be used to entertain infants. We were hoping that the new Jimi shells would provide a solution that suits the best of both worlds -- but at first glance, that was a no.

Determination, however, sometimes means taking a closer look.

Gallery: Jimi Game Shells

Continue reading Jimi Game Shells take on multimedia

Cosplaying Brit reviews Phantom Hourglass

As we've proven many times over, what with our posts on cowboy pigs and mutant cats, we have a penchant for the non traditional. Take Play Digital's Phantom Hourglass review, for example -- it completely reinvents the standard video review conducted by some dude, updating the formula with a video review conducted by some, uh, dudette.

Alright, so female gamers are nothing new (we happen to have a couple of them on our staff, so I'm told), but the video still stands out for its success at appealing to people with two different, specialized fetishes: girls with British accents and girls who cosplay as Link. Even without those selling points, the review and its cutaway clips are entertaining enough to warrant watching.

Katharine, Play Digital's English critic, has put together about a dozen of these videos, her other pieces covering titles like Jam Sessions, Naruto Ninja Council 3, and Sonic Rush Adventure. Before you run to see what furry outfit Katharine suited herself in for that last one, keep in mind that she doesn't usually dress up for these reviews; you'll have to yiff elsewhere.

[Via Penny Arcade Forums]

DS Fanboy presents: Game Night 10/25/07 aftermath [update]

Personally, we had a blast playing The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass last night. Many of you were late in arriving to the chat, throwing down in some Metroid Prime Hunters, Overall, it was a pretty good night, but we're sure that most of you regulars could've managed to make it. We understand things come up, but you better be there next week.

Oh, you better ... or else.

Update: Due to popular demand, we've added Worms: Open Warfare 2 to the poll. If you want other games added in the future (or ... right now), let us know in the comments here or feel free to email me at david at dsfanboy dawt com.

What should be our theme game for 10/30/07?

A special after-school game

Konami's Houkago Shounen (After-school Boy) is targeted directly at gamers' sense of nostalgia. The adventure game, set in 1975, casts the player as a young elementary student one month before he moves away, doing the best he can to have as much fun and spend as much time as possible with friends before saying goodbye.

The game features a town to explore, with childhood haunts like parks and candy shops, as well as a school (obviously) and a shrine. Time with friends is passed playing minigames-- the examples given by Famitsu include an eraser racing game and menko.

The subject matter and easygoing tone of the game draw immediate comparisons to Sony's Boku no Natsuyasumi (My Summer Vacation) games. Also similar to the Bokunatsu series: the low possibility of a localized version.

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