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Fanpoll: Rock Band Vs. Guitar Hero III - Xbox 360 Fanboy
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Fanpoll: Rock Band Vs. Guitar Hero III

It's time for another Fanpoll kiddies. This week we take on one of gaming's most pressing questions: Rock Band or Guitar Hero III? Neither of these games are available just yet, but they're both right around the corner. We're sure many of our readers (pssst ... that's you!) already have at least some idea of which one they desire more. As such, we ask that you follow your heart and place your vote accordingly. Once you place your vote, feel free to explain your reasoning in the comments. Also, you'll find the results of last week's Fanpoll, skate Vs. Tony Hawk's Underground, after the break.

Which do you plan to buy, Rock Band or Guitar Hero III?
Rock Band
Guitar Hero III
I'm getting both
I'll wait for the reviews, thank you very much

Wow. So skate pretty much ruled last week's vote, taking home a full 88%. Judging by the comments, the key factor here is innovation. As one commenter mentions, it's ironic that innovation and EA are used in the same sentence in a positive light, but there you have it. It seems that Tony -- Jackass with skateboards according to OTAM -- is getting stale. That's not to say that Tony Hawk doesn't have its supporters, but skate is the clear winner here.

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1. It's not even a comparison to me anymore. I understand there's a higher cost of entry for Rockband, but the possibilities of it are pretty amazing. I'm EXTREMELY excited about the full album DLC too. It's a very big deal to me and I hope it's priced reasonably. I'll be getting the Who album they announced right away. That was kind of the final blow for me.

There's a lot of stuff I'd like to see on there, but one that comes to mind would be Weezer's Pinkerton. That would be fun singing or on guitar or on drums.

I also have to admit that I'm not fond of this new guitar battle mechanic in GH3. The addition of power ups and stuff kind of just doesn't interest me at all.

Posted at 5:52PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Tony

2. Is Guitar Hero III seriously winning? What a shame.

Posted at 5:55PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Zack

3. Guitar Hero 3 for me. I was going to get Rock Band, even had it pre-ordered but when Tour Mode turned out to be offline only it basically made me not want the game, oh well there's always hope for Rock Band 2. Till then GHIII will tide me over.

Posted at 5:55PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Charles Nickerson

4. Since I never bought GH2 for the 360, which took A TON of patience.. Buying GH3 will provide my bass (or guitar) for Rock Band. Both FTW

Posted at 6:02PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Guy4

5. Definitely Guitar Hero. I'm not interesting in the drums or Karaoke, so the $170 entry price makes little sense. That, and the track list for GHIII beats the hell out of Rock Band's.

Rock Band's Fender looks a lot nicer than the Les Paul, but that's not enough to win me over.

Posted at 6:06PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Santo

6. I voted both, but I'm actually looking forward to Rock Band more.

GH3 will slake my thirst for more songs to shred with the guitar, but Rock Band is much more appealing in terms of everything that you can do. I think the multiplayer is going to be more fun than the battle mode in GH3 also.

Add to that I'm more confident that Rock Band will churn out weekly DLC.

Posted at 6:07PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by ChromaTick

7. I'm Getting Guitar Hero for sure. Still on the fence about Rock Band. BTW the bottom Guitar is the PS2 Version for Guitar Hero 3 not the 360

Posted at 6:09PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Pieman523

8. I'll be getting both of these. on their launch days.

I've been waiting since Guitar hero 1 for a Drum game. and the fact that it comes with another kick ass guitar that i can use for guitar hero franchise, will be awesome. yes. its alot of money (273 dollars for GH3 + RB) but its worth it.

Posted at 6:11PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Jack

9. I think people would be crazy to take GH3 over Rock Band. You get more for your money and obviously a lot more songs considering the downloadable content. I have Rock Band pre-ordered. What got me to get the game is Rock Band is the ULTIMATE co-op experience. Two guitars, drums, and a mic. The Tour mode sounds awesome and it really didn't matter to me whether it was online or not. I also thought Rock Band's soundtrack was much better than GH3. GH3 game modes don't really pull me into buying the game and i'm really not interested in the boss battles against the computer...kinda lame if you ask me. Finally....GH3 has been the SAME game since the original guitar hero in my opinion. Rock Band all the way.

Posted at 6:16PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Brandon

10. I also think people need to read about the tour mode in Rock Band. It's well beyond what is present in the GH series.


Posted at 6:18PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Tony

11. both ftw

Posted at 6:28PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Jon

12. Despite me getting both, I like this guy's quote:


"... but the tour mode described here is so beyond what even GHIII is attempting that it doesn't even matter. What's the comparison? Guitar Battles? If I wanted power-ups I'd go play Mario Kart."

Posted at 6:30PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Jon

13. Both, but I'm forced to wait a) for the European release of Rock Band, and b) for the seperate instruments to become available, for said game.

Posted at 6:32PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by jose_edwaldo

14. The programming for these is so easy that GHIII doesn't rate the cost of the game title alone, but neither does Rock Band. I favor Rock Band as the inclusion of the drums provides for much more game play. Combine the drums with two guitars and the mic and now you've got a party favorite.

Posted at 6:34PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Greg

15. @12 - Ha, I'm pinksandcocaine. Bonus points to anyone who knows what it is from.

Posted at 6:34PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Tony

16. i suck miserably at all rhythm games games...so neither.

Posted at 6:36PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by DjDATZ

17. You must be crazy to want rock band over Gh3. less songs on release, much larger price tag and much shittier setlist. I will be playing the metal version of devil went down to georgia while your playing OK Go's "Here we go again" LOL. Also I hope you know someone with a decent voice on xbox live or all you will hear is prepubescent voices crackling over the mic. Seriously...Nine Inch Nails "Bite the hands that feeds"...RadioHead "Creep"...the worst songs by the performers. Radiohead came out to the public and apologized for how shitty that cd was.

Posted at 6:38PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by CDubzz

18. will you apologize for how shitty you are?

Posted at 6:40PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Jon

19. okay, i dont mean it, i'm sorry before you bash me

Posted at 6:41PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by Jon

20. Seriously, the fact that Rock Band is coming with wired controllers is the only detterent. It was too much of hassle before so I'm not doing that again.

Posted at 6:46PM on Oct 23rd 2007 by CalabreZ

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