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Posts from the Firmware Updates Category at PS3 Fanboy
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System update 1.93 is out now [updated]

While it doesn't really do a whole lot other than fix the bugs you may have encountered from version 1.92, a new software update has been released for the PS3 and you should download it. If you can't get on the network to even download the update, there's always the option of sticking it on a flash memory and uploading it directly.

From what we saw at the PlayStation forums, that doesn't seem to really be an issue for anyone yet, but it may happen if you're somehow locked out of all things internet-related. Well, enjoy being able to play Warhawk again, if you were hit with the bug!

[Update: the servers seem fairly unstable at the moment, so if you're in no big rush, it's probably a better idea to wait until the morning to download the update. It's not necessary, just saves you a bit of trouble if you keep getting a network error.]

PS3 firmware 1.93 on its way

Sony have updated the PlayStation.Blog to tell us that two new firmware updates will be available - one for PS3 and one for PSP. PS3 version 1.93 will (supposably) fix all problems caused by v1.92. The latest firmware update has prevented people from accessing the PlayStation Network, including the PlayStation Store and, probably most importantly, blocked people from playing Warhawk online.

We're happy to see that a fix will be available "in the next few days" as a couple of PS3Fanboy.com bloggers have fallen foul of the 1.92 curse ourselves. We can't wait to start playing Warhawk again, but how are we going to fit it in between Heavenly Sword and sleep? Can Sony release a new firmware that fixes that for us?

1.92 unlocks Cell processor's kitten spawner?

Remember that 1.92 update? The one that did nothing for Europe and may have messed up the connection to Warhawk servers?

All is forgiven! 1.92 means kittens for everyone! Yes, this truly is the power of Cell. Well, not really, but the guys over at Penny Arcade sure wish so. Lair fans may also be wishing that the comic would come true. People allergic to cat dander however, maybe not so much.

PS3 firmware v1.92 does nothing in EU

Sony has revealed to Eurogamer that the latest PS3 firmware update was completely ineffective in Europe. Well, ineffective is perhaps the wrong word as it implies that it failed to perform as it was meant to. We prefer to think of it as superfluous. Pointless. Moot. It didn't do anything and it was never intended to.

A SCEE spokesperson stated to Eurogamer that "all the changes in the firmware update were for the US and Japan, and actually had no effect for us in Europe." All it did do on our end is prevent us from playing Warhawk. Thanks, Sony!

Network issues with 1.92? Sony is aware and trying to fix it

We've received many, many complaints from PlayStation 3 owners who are complaining that after upgrading to firmware 1.92, they've been unable to connect to the PlayStation Network, the Store, or the Warhawk servers. The problem seems to happen immediately after the upgrade, but for some people (PS3 Fanboy writers included) the issue will crop up randomly days later.

We contacted Patrick Seybold, Sony's Senior PR manager, about the ongoing network issues and he confirmed that Sony is indeed aware of it and are actively working on a fix. When he gets more details, he said he'd pass it on to us and of course we'll let you know as soon as we hear anything.

It's frustrating when a minor firmware patch breaks something major, but it's good to know that Sony is actively researching methods to ease our pain. Put down your pitchforks and torches folks, hopefully we'll all be playing Warhawk again soon.

Firmware update 1.92 released [Update]

The latest firmware update is now available and, sadly, everyone hoping for the legendary 2.00 release is going to be disappointed. 1.92 hit sometime late last night and adds a nice selection of new features/fixes, even though an official release list has yet to be revealed. We're hoping to see a post on the PlayStation.Blog regarding what exactly is new at some point today. We would quite like to know where exactly 1.91 went too, but that's really neither here nor there.

[Update: Patrick Seybold clarifies: "This update focuses on some PS3 compatibility and playability issues for select titles."]

Folding@home 1.2 adds Remote Play folding, Advanced Participation, more

It appears that more and more PS3 systems are getting access to a new version of Folding@home for PS3. Version 1.2 contains some noteworthy additions, such as the ability to activate folding from your PSP through Remote Play, and a new Advanced Participation mode for those that fold more than eight hours a day (!). Here are the updates:
  • Support for Remote Play for PSP - Turn on Remote Play and feel free to activate folding when you're on the go. Requires PSP firmware 3.50 or above.
  • Visibility of Donor Locations on the Globe - See night and day users.
  • Support for Additional Protein Simulations - PS3 now supports even more kinds of proteins!
  • Advanced Participation Mode - Recommended for users that fold at least eight hours a day, this mode will allow users to tackle advanced calculations that take significantly longer than standard operations. A new energy graph will show the energy level of the protein over time.
  • Screensaver Mode - After three minutes of controller inactivity, the screen will go blank, allowing users to save on power consumption.
  • Link to Project Information - See what you're folding, and what cause it's going for.
  • Protein Visualization Enhancements - Four new visual modes have been added:
    Tapioca – Displays the protein as a smooth surface with improved shading and depth. (Replaces "ISO Surface" visualization from earlier versions.)
    Caviar – Displays the protein as a smooth surface with defined edges.
    Licorice – Displays only the protein's bonds.
    Backbone – Emphasizes specific sections of the protein that are of the most scientific interest to researchers.
Get folding! To join the PS3 Fanboy Folding@home team, add your PS3 to our group: 57793.

Firmware 1.90 is now available in North America

Firmware 1.90 has hit North America earlier than expected and is now available to download onto your shiny PS3s. The firmware update brings with it one of the most frequently requested features for the PS3 -- custom backgrounds. Also added is the ability to arrange game titles in the XMB and the ability to change video options without leaving the movie. The wallpaper feature and the ability to access scaling and video options while watching a movie are huge pluses in particular and showcase Sony's continued efforts to increase the usability and feature set of the PS3.

Here is the full list of updates in Firmware 1.90:
  • A wallpaper feature has been added. You can now select a photo to display as the XMB background.
  • You can now use emoticons in messages under [Friends]
  • Support for text entry in simplified Chinese characters has been added.
  • You can now select traditional Chinese characters as a text entry method.
Also included (but not listed in the install process):
  • You can now sort games in the XMB via Creation date from the top, from the bottom, and by format.
  • You can now also modify almost all video options while watching a DVD/Blu-ray.
  • The ability to eject a disc via the Triangle menu.
  • You no longer have to plug in your controller to update. Thanks BK! (I knew I wasn't hallucinating!)
Considering Sony's track record, the update probably added even more functionality. Consider it an Easter egg hunt, find all the changes you can!

Firmware v1.90 hits Japan; Arriving in Europe tomorrow

As hinted at last week firmware version 1.90 has been released in Japan, with reports that it will arrive in English speaking regions within the next day or so. But what does it do? We're glad you asked. The following is a list of confirmed features that are worming their way around the internet. We'll let you know when the full patch notes become available.
  • Ability to rearrange games on the XMB
  • Option menu now includes "eject disc"
  • Press triangle on the XMB to eject the disc
  • XMB backgrounds
  • Change the folder classification
  • Emoticons
  • Change CD output to 44.1/88.2/176.4kHzきろへるつ
  • Force 24Hzへるつ output for Blu-ray over HDMI
  • Change PS3 video settings in-game
  • "Bit Mapping" in the "Music Setting"
  • Save AVCHD type animations from a Memory Stick
  • Change settings like upscaling while playing PS and PS2 games
  • Add bookmarks
  • Web browser security function in the browser's tool section
  • Avatar moves during audio visual chat
Overall, pretty nice indeed. That'll keep us going while we wait for the fabled 2.00 patch. XMB backgrounds and the ability to organise XMB content are things that we've seen requested many times. As for us, we're loving the ability to eject the disc from a distance, saving us precious seconds of seat-time before having to actually walk towards our PS3. Yes, we're that lazy.

Seybold says firmware announcement coming early next week

Patrick Seybold, Senior PR Manager for SCEA, has replied to a comment on the latest post on the PlayStation.Blog with some information on when we can expect the next firmware update. He states that "early next week, we'll have something on the firmware." We have also heard that a member of the Sony customer support staff has let on that the 1.90 update will be happening on Tuesday the 24th of July.

We have no idea exactly what the update will bring, but we're hoping that it'll be something substantial. Gamer's Creed has a list of suspected features that are due to be added, however this is all currently just speculation. One of the features listed is "XMB is now accessible during gameplay." If this is the case, we might actually explode with excitement. We'll keep you updated with any developments.

[Via Gamer's Creed]

Firmware 1.82 is available for your downloadable pleasure

Since the launch of the PlayStation 3 in America, Sony has released at least one firmware update every month. This month we pulled down two firmware updates, though they were kind of tiny. 1.81 fixed an error that some people had with RGB Full feature and thanks to the PlayStation.Blog we know that this update includes better support for the h.264 and better support for PS2 titles. And now firmware 1.82 is available for download onto your hot little PlayStation 3s.

The update appears to be surprisingly large considering the lack of major changes, but Sony's efforts are appreciated nonetheless. And who knows, maybe they're saving up all the big changes for next month.

PlayStation Blog alerts us to upcoming firmware update

The PlayStation 3 has yet another firmware update coming our way. Over at PlayStation.Blog, Eric Lempel announced that the team has 1.82 in the wings for release later this week (we assume the usual Thursday night update). While we're used to scrambling for data about what will be changing in each update, Sony has really gotten its act together and let us know already in their post. Firmware 1.82 will enable "the playback of AVC High Profile (H.264/MPEG-4) files." Along with that, the PSN team is hard at work increasing backwards compatibility further and further. We're glad to see Sony is taking the time to let us know what's getting updated, so our hats go off to them for this heads up.

Future PS3 firmware updates could improve upscaling 30% to 40% [Update]

If you're already impressed by the PS3's upscaling of older PlayStation games and DVD movies, wait until you see what Sony engineers have in store for future updates. SCE chief technology officer Kawanishi and AV manager Kanehide were talking about the future of the PS3's firmware updates when a very interesting claim was made. "We have gotten feedback from critics regarding several failure patters for upconverting, but we are getting closer to the goal. I think we can improve another 30 to 40%," said Kawanishi. He is talking about the upscaling performance, as in, 30 - 40% better than what was given during firmware 1.80. The dynamic duo also believe they can give this performance boost without additional fan noise, further believing in a future, fanless PS3 console. Very cool indeed.

[Update: We had previously, failed to source Next-Gen Biz for the original story. The links have slightly changes, but all sourcing is cited correctly. Apologies all around.]

[Via CVG]

Firmware version 1.81 ready for release tomorrow

Despite PlayStation.Blog having only been live for three days, we at PS3 Fanboy are pleased to see such frequent and interesting updates. Through posts that include interesting revelations and thought provoking industry pieces, the blog is clearly a means for Sony to communicate directly with their audience. An excellent example of this is the latest post, in which we are alerted to the arrival of a new firmware upgrade, which will appear tomorrow.

Unless you're having problems with the RGB Full feature that was added as part of firmware version 1.80, however, I wouldn't get too excited. The update is simply a fix for people who found that the RGB Full option in the setup section of the XMB was slipping from "full" to "limited" whenever they reset the system. If that includes you, then rejoice. If not, then just ignore this post and wait a wee while for the next monthly firmware update.

Go! Puzzle headlines this week's Store update

Jem, and the rest of our European friends, have been able to play Go! Puzzle for the past two weeks. Now, America gets to join in on the puzzling fun. This collection of puzzle games may not demonstrate the power of the PS3, but at least it's playable, unlike last week's disappointing Store update.

The collection includes three games, Swizzle Blocks, Aquatica, and Skyscraper. The "Starter Pack" is free and allows players to try three minute demos of each of these games. Full versions of each the games cost $2.99 each, or $5.99 for the entire collection.

Finally, the weekly Store update wouldn't be complete without some videos. Here's this week's selection:
  • Hot Rod trailer

Gallery: Go! Puzzle

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