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Dumbledore is Gay, Says Rowling - Cinematical
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Dumbledore is Gay, Says Rowling

At a reading of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Friday night at Carnegie Hall, author J.K. Rowling revealed what many fans have suspected all along: Albus Dumbledore is gay. The outing of Dumbledore came during a question and answer period following the reading, when a young fan asked if Dumbledore ever found true love. "Dumbledore is gay," Rowling responded. Gasps, prolonged applause. So now it's official, Potter fans, Dumbledore is out of the closet.

Rowling, who has since the publication of the final book in her enormously popular series, revealed to fans bits and pieces of the back stories that aren't in any of the books, further elaborated that Dumbledore was smitten by his former friend and later rival Grindelwald, who figures heavily into the last book, and that his love for Grindelwald blinded him for a while to the Grindelwald's true nature. Rowling called Dumbledore's love for Grindelwald, "his great tragedy" before noting with a laugh, "Oh, my god, the fan fiction!"

Rowling revealed that while working on the planned sixth Harry Potter film, she noticed a reference in the script to a girl Dumbledore once loved, and passed a note to the director, David Yates, revealing to him the truth about Dumbledore's sexuality. Fans have long suspected Dumbledore was gay -- he's had no significant relationship with a woman, and his past has always been clouded in mystery.

Rowling noted that some Christian groups already don't like the Harry Potter series because the books allegedly promote witchcraft. Dumbledore being gay, as she noted will give them one more thing to not like about it. Not that Rowling -- or most Harry Potter fans -- seems to care.

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1. Brilliant!

Posted at 2:22PM on Oct 20th 2007 by Ryan

2. Did the actor know that before he accepted the role? Tolkien could have learned from Rowling. Just think how much better "The Lord of the Rings" would have been if Gandalf liked to wear women's lingerie....or the elfin queen was an S&M; mistress. Well, I can understand why she didn't let us know early on. She might not have made 7 trillion dollars or whatever it is she made. At any rate, I must say I didn't see it coming. My guess would have been Harry himself for funnyboy.

Posted at 8:03PM on Oct 20th 2007 by Hany Hanna

3. That's the last straw! I will never read another Harry Potter book ever again!

Posted at 1:23AM on Oct 21st 2007 by Joe

4. I have been a die hard Harry Potter since the begginning. I always looked at Dumbledore as someone people could look up too. Now I wish I had never read any of the books. It was bad enough she slaughtered his entire character in book 7. Bringing his character from a great role model to a power hungry maniac, but now she says he was gay and in love with his rival?? Why make the series into a soap opera? If I had known before, I never would have read them and allowed my daughter to read them as well.

Posted at 12:35PM on Oct 21st 2007 by jessica

5. I'm surprised at the revelation, but even more surprised at the reaction. This doesn't actually change anything in the books at all. Why such a fuss?

Posted at 4:34PM on Oct 21st 2007 by Emily

6. Jessica, that's a funny comment you wrote. Seems maybe you should take notice that when you enjoyed the series BEFORE you knew he was gay, everything was fine. Still the same books... Just your perception that was changed.

The whole thing is a soap opera already; seems you just don't want 'gay' in your soap opera.

You were able to maintain your 'willing suspension of disbelief' about magic occurances in the books, and even the fact that gay people are part of everyday society in real life... Maybe you can pretend you didn't read about all this?

Posted at 8:05PM on Oct 21st 2007 by Scaramanga

7. @29 - Regarding Luna and Neville - I wonder if it counts as canon if the author doesn't write it into the books? It's just the way they see the characters, but if they haven't written it down I think people get to make up their own minds. =)

Posted at 9:47PM on Oct 21st 2007 by Phonicia

8. Jessica -

Why would you rather your daughter didn't read about gay people?

Would you prefer she didn't know about their existence?

Posted at 5:21AM on Oct 22nd 2007 by ET

9. I am just gonna pretend that Jessica's comment was sarcasm, maybe it was. I hope.

Posted at 9:12AM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Eric

10. Wow, was it really necessary to make this an issue in children’s book? Let parents bring the issue up or not as they will. Nothing like having the “politics of homosexuality” rammed down your throat. Like so and so has two mommies or daddies or some other tripe. If you are truly good, whole, and spiritual you have no agenda to promote or refute. I am not against any kind of sexuality between two consenting adults, only the promotion of associated agendas in that regard. I think it was totally unnecessary to make this an issue one way or another in the Harry Potter series. I mean, come on, imagine if Disney said Cinderalla was really bi-sexual and secretly in love with Anastasia. Nothing seems to be off bounds today. How sad.

Posted at 10:52AM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Dan Taylor

11. It doesn't matter one way or another to the stories if Dumbledore was gay ... which makes me wish Rowlings would have left well enough alone. Do we need a compendium that lists every character's sexual preference, favorite color, and what kind of tree they would be if they were a tree?

I mean, as a publicity stunt I'm sure it's gonna help sell another few bajillion copies once "Hallows" hits paperback, so there's that. But honestly, do we really need to feed the stereotype of the older mentor taking an abnormal interest in school boys?

Posted at 10:57AM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Joseph Moore

12. I dont really care if he is gay or straight, but if she was going to make him outly gay she should have put it in the book, he is now dead so why does it matter?

Posted at 12:30PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Heather

13. I enjoyed each of the potter stories I really did not need to know one of the favorite characters is really a fairy.

Posted at 2:58PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by traybrooks32

14. The people who support the fact that Rowlings has done this and want to comment is fine, what I don't understand is why they have to attack those who were caught unawares and don't see the point or care for what she did. Also upon reading this piece I noted that it is written differently here than in the original one over the weekend, this one has Rowlings blatently referencing Christian groups while the original could have been interpreted in a couple of different ways, hmmmm, a little creative editing perhaps????

Posted at 4:31PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by faye

15. I too have been a huge fan of the books since the beginning. I'm not sure how I feel about the "outing" of Dumbledore. He was one of my favorite characters. I cried when he died in the 6th book, and was anxious to see the role I knew he would play in the last book. What I want to know is how would Harry, Ron and Hermoine feel about his sexual preference? I have nothing against gays, but I agree with those who said Dumbledore's sexual preferences should have been left out of the media. Would that have changed any of the storyline if the Hogwarts students had known their leader and mentor preferred men sexually???

Posted at 7:44PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Sheri Brown

16. Well don't Witches, Wizards, Goblins, and FAIRIES all exist in the same universe?

Haha... Dumbledore's a pimp anyway, no matter what sexual orientation.

Posted at 9:53PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Kevin

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