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Use the 'secret menu' for better fast food

I used to eat pretty regularly at a Waffle House in Atlanta. I'd usually show up with some friends in the wee hours, looking for a snack before getting some shut-eye. It would usually be pretty slow in the restaurant, so we'd spend some time joking with the regular late-night cook, named Thomas. We'd always say that we would love to eat some pancakes -- and as any Waffle House devotee knows, you can't get pancakes at the big yellow house. Only waffles.

One night, though, Thomas said he had a surprise for us. A few minutes later, a stack of hot, golden pancakes sat before us on the counter. Thomas said that from now on, he would cook us anything we could think of, as long as he had the ingredients, starting with these pancakes, which most certainly were not on the regular menu. Thus began a month-long culinary odyssey through the freezer of our local Waffle House. We started with pancakes and worked our way up to potato hash, sloppy joes, and, finally, butterflied pork chops. It was quite an experience, and ended, sadly, when Thomas was fired. I've never known for sure, but I think it had something to do with our off-menu explorations.

The Christian Science Monitor recently ran an article about the "secret menus" at various fast food restaurants. Apparently, I'm not the only one who has gone off-menu in search of something beyond the usual fare. The article claims that at In-N-Out Burger, the justifiably famous burger chain in southern California, you can order a hamburger "protein style" -- meaning without the bun. Apparently, you can get a McBruschetta at McDonald's (NYSE: MCD), which has toasted tomatoes, onions, and a bun; a Naked Chicken at Popeye's, which has no breading (!); and a Short Cappuccino at Starbucks (NYSE: SBUX), which is served in a kiddie cup.

Not surprisingly, the main office usually denies that these secret items exist. For example, In-N-Out Burger headquarters says there is no such thing as a "protein style" burger. But the rulers never quite know what's going on in the kingdom, do they?

Sometimes, employees and customers work together to overrule the decreed operating procedures, and come up with better products along the way. Maybe headquarters should pay attention. If people want fried chicken without breading or strong coffee in tiny cups, why stop them?

On the other hand, once these items become standardized and available to everyone, they may lose their appeal. It's the "secret" part that makes the secret menu so tasty. I can't say that pancakes at the Waffle House were actually better than pancakes at IHOP (NYSE: IHP), but somehow, knowing they were illicit, they tasted extra sweet. But sorry, Thomas, about you getting fired -- I hope you're keeping the secret menu alive, wherever you are.

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Reader Comments (Page 1 of 8)

1. Um, sorry but wrong. The In-and Out "secret" menu is actually posted on their official site. The company doesn't deny its existence...


Posted at 2:15PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Laith

2. This is not a secret menu item, But, years ago my sister in law had a thing about fresh hot fries, if not in a hurry order them without salt and they will make up a fresh batch...

Posted at 2:24PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Judy

3. The secret I have always kept about fast food restaurants I keep away from them. Ssssssh

Posted at 2:48PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Vivi

4. Most restaurants will go off the menu if they have the ingredients and you ask pleasantly, not demandingly. It never hurts to try.

Posted at 3:09PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Roger

5. I had a similar experience at a waffle house, but now they put pancakes on the menu and I never order them, becuase I felt special when they were "just made for me" now they are made for everyone.

Posted at 3:10PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by ernest

6. a lot of restaurants actually will keep off the menu ingredients around just in case someone asks about them, there is a local restuarant that my mom worked at, but she wouldnt talk about work with us so we would never know. My grandmother is very southern and was hungry for liver and onions, dont ask e why but she was, so she asked my mom if they had it, her boss told her to call the restaurant at least an hour before she came in so they could thaw it out and then they would prepare it for her when she got there.

Posted at 3:17PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by ernest

7. This article was totally wrong. As one reader noted the In and Out protein burger is not secret. Popeye's served the Naked Chicken as a monthly special several years ago. Starbucks does not hide the fact that they sell short cups of coffee. They are not on the menu b/c they don't have a high enough profit margin. The Starbucks fact was revealed when they were investigated for heavily promoting their higher profit and unhealthy coffee drinks.

Posted at 3:19PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Quint Martin

8. You're making way too much of this "secret menu" stuff. McDonald's will do anything anybody wants within reason. They're called "grills". Respect to frys, just tell them you want to wait for your order until the next batach comes out of the fryer. You don't have to do the "no salt" deal. You may have to wait a little longer than usual.

Posted at 3:22PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by FXS

9. I have had several "protien" burgers at In&Out; and as a diebetic they are wonderful for me. This is fast food that has little effect on my blood sugar, is delicious, and has made me a loyal In&Out; customer.

Posted at 3:25PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Bruce Lawyer

10. What about Wendy's?
in New York City I order a burger any way I want
it, even with Bar-B-Que. It takes about an extra
7 to 10 seconds. All you have to do is ask.

Posted at 3:30PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Trent

11. I'm stuck in decaffainated hell & so far Starbucks is the only one that tastes like REAL COFFEE!

Any alternatives would be welcomed!

Posted at 3:39PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Judy

12. I've been ordering "protein burgers" for years. Here's how I do it: I order a regular burger. The bun abosrbs much of the excess fat. Then I eat only the meat. Often times when the meat is ordered alone, it comes out swimming in its own fat.

Posted at 3:46PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by e tate

13. Most places do this sort of thing, in particular with local food "items." Thus, in Maine, you can get a lobster roll at the local chain (one of the big ones, I just can't remember which) and around where I live you can get fries with cheese and gravy. Not that I recommend doing so! It's basically called customer satisfaction. But the profit margin of fast food places is based on standard items prepared a standard way, so they aren't going to go too far to satisfy special demands. If you want that kind of food, go somewhere with a real chef and real food.

It all depends on what your time, finances, and cravings add up to at the time. I'm sure we all know good, cheap, local places around where we live which aren't chains and yet deliver some good tasting and hopefully healthier quick food.

Posted at 3:48PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Marcia

14. Jamba Juice also has a secret menu. if the location knows it (not all locations do so you have to ask) you can get starburst smoothie, white gummy, or red gummy smoothies. their amazing my personal favorite is the red gummy!

Posted at 4:01PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Sara

15. I used to work in the restaurant industry. I worked MANY different places mostly because of wage issues. I wanted to be the highest paid in town, some of my bosses felt otherwise. But, I never backed down from going after the most. Until I got there and then realized I hated cooking. Now I do directory assistance and own the top marks for the company. Still a wage issue, but better then sweating in a 110 degree kitchen.

Any who, secret items were my specialty. But I didn't like certain people so they were never offered. In a restaurant, the cooks know they aren't doctors and lawyers, but, they still wat to be treated like normal citizens. Bad enough the pay sucks and the hours suck. Don't need some pompous a-hole giving you an attitude. Your actions will grant you access to the "special" menus.

Posted at 4:13PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by jim

16. At an Indianapolis Dairy Queen, they would go beyond a large Blizzard and ask if you would like to upgrade to a X-large or even a XX-large blizzard, and these were NOT on the regular menu. To make these they would just put the ice cream and toppings in soda cups which are much bigger than their Blizzard cups.

Posted at 4:17PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by AAA

17. LOVE!!! Waffle House. I only care for the breakfast, not much of a fan of the lunch/dinner menu. Only get to eat there when I am down south though. We don't have any up North :-)

Posted at 4:17PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Michele

18. Chili's is also the same way. A lot of their "older" menu items are available even though they're no longer on the menu. Chili tacos, for example. Also, if you ask, they'll make the mushroom jack fajitas with beef instead of chicken -- incredible flavor with the mushrooms.

Posted at 4:19PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Wes

19. Try a Gold Rush Chicken Sandwich at Roys... But Grilled on Sour Dough! The look (from the cashier) is worth the great taste!

Posted at 4:28PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by JJ

20. I used to pull through BK and ask for a 'double wopper' - 2 beef patties on one bun (plain -cause I do not eat condaments) about 20 years ago!! It wasn't on the menu at all and it never 'hit' me really - I just ORDERED it MY way :-)

Posted at 4:29PM on Oct 22nd 2007 by Karen

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Last updated: October 25, 2007: 10:53 PM


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