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Halo 3 ranked play 'infected' for Halloween

As a treat for Halloween, Bungie has announced that for 27 hours they will be offering zombified playlists for online Halo 3 matches. "It is infection and it is the playlist of the Living Dead," said content manager Frank O'Connor.

Infected gametypes pit human players against one or more "zombies," and although the humans start out advantaged, every fallen soldier comes back as a zombie. There are two main infected styles: Save One Bullet, which gives humans limited ammunition to expedite the failure process, and Creeping Death, which slows down the zombies but also makes them invisible. (A third variant, Creeping Rockets, was noted by Frankie where humans are more armed but zombies are more powerful.) The playlist is ranked, meaning you are more than welcome to use the time and rack up achievements.

All other questions should be directed at this F.A.Q. set up by Frankie (and protected by a demented guard dog, pictured). The playlist of the Living Dead kicks off tonight at 12:01 a.m. PDT (that's 3:01 a.m. ET) and remains in rotation until 3:00 a.m. PDT on November 1.

Joystiq pumpkin-carving contest - vote on the finalists!

Over the last week you've gotten a sneak peek at some of the entries into our pumpkin-carving contest. Now we've whittled down the entries to only 25 finalists and, believe us, picking those 25 proved to be quite a chore! Now it's your turn to select the 10 winners, each of whom will receive one copy of the beautiful 2.5D Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles for the PSP, courtesy of our pals at Konami.

Peep the 25 finalists after the break, and vote for your favorites by selecting your favorites in our handy, embedded poll at the bottom. When you're all done, take a leisurely stroll through the gallery to take in all of the entries. We'll close the poll and select our final winners tomorrow, Halloween day, at 6pm ET. Good luck!

Continue reading Joystiq pumpkin-carving contest - vote on the finalists!

EA signs celebs Henstridge and Lumbly for Kane's Wrath

Sci-fi sex alien Natasha Henstridge of Species fame will join the cast of Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath, as will former Alias star Carl Lumbly, better known around these parts as the voice of J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter on the Justice League animated series.

The pair will join veteran C&C actor Joe Kucan, a.k.a. Kane, as the central characters in the upcoming expansion, which will cover 20 years of in-game history, from the rebirth of the Brotherhood of Nod following the second Tiberium War to events beyond that of the most recent game.

The use of digitized actors is something of a ghost of gaming past, but Command & Conquer has nonetheless continued to embrace tradition in using live actors in its games, and any news that gives us an excuse to (go)ogle Natasha Henstridge is just fine by us.

Resident 'Wii'-vil 4 ships a million units

Looks like the spit and polish Capcom put on Resident Evil 4 for the Wii paid off as the game has shipped one million units worldwide. It seems we're now able to say that the Wii version of RE4 brought the old game back from the bargain bin grave and gave it life once more at a consumer friendly $30 price.

Capcom plans to keep showing that third party developers can cash in on the Wii with the launch of Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles on Nov. 13 and We Love Golf early next year. It's worth noting that Capcom really has been the publisher to watch on new consoles. So far they've had numerous million sellers this generation like Dead Rising and Lost Planet -- well, at least outside of Japan.

Grimm starts next spring on GameTap

The fractured fairy tale of American McGee's Grimm starts next spring on GameTap. The 24 episode series will follow the darker narrative of the original Brothers Grimm tales and have players in a "sandbox world which contains missions assigned in episodic fashion." The series will be set up in a way to have cliffhangers and keep players interested in future episodes. Images below in the gallery are what to expect to see from Grimm's characters.

If the thought of waiting until next spring for Grimm makes you feel uncomfortable, there's always the the new season of Sam and Max (starting Nov. 8) to keep you busy.

Gallery: Grimm

SKATE will have no downloadable content

One of the major trends of this console generation is the prominence of downloadable content, released sometimes simultaneously with the title itself. That's why it's so surprising to us that Electronic Arts, one of the pureyors of the DLC for consoles, will not be offering any downloadable content for SKATE.

In an interview with EGM, executive producer Scott Blackwood said that they are "not planning any new content for Skate 1 ... We didn't want to go back and ask [people] for more money to get more shoes and shirts." Blackwood added,"that's not how we wanted to enter this market."

Blackwood also lamented on the dearth of female characters in the game, noting that "we are going to make it up to [the players]. When we do it -- and we will -- it's going to be done very well." Given that DLC is reportedly not an option for the first title, look for female skaters -- and the possibility of paying a premium for more in-game shoes and shirts -- in the inevitable sequel, SKATE 2.

Journey to madness again with 'alarmingly these are not lovesick zombies'

We're pleased as punch about the burgeoning indie gaming scene, and we're sure you are too. We bet you probably have your favorite developer who's out there on the edge, pushing the boundaries of what we consider a video game to be. So here's a newsflash: Your guy is nowhere near the edge, if they live in the same reality as Jason Nelson. Jason Nelson makes Jonathan Mak and Phil Fish look like the guys who made Blinx.

If you still have your wits about you after the experience, you might remember Nelson's last project: Game, Game, Game and Again Game. Astoundingly, he managed to come up with an even better title for the follow up: alarmingly these are not lovesick zombies. This time, he tries his hand at a shooter of sorts with predictably reality-bending results. What? He's trying to make a point about the nature of the video game industry too? Shh, you'll ruin it for everybody else.

GameStop halts 360 replacement plan sales

If you're going to plunk down your hard-earned cash on a product replacement plan for a game system, it's got to be for the Xbox 360. You don't have be a statistics major to figure out that you've got a good chance for troubles with the system and if you don't want to be out a console for a few weeks or out some money, the replacement plan on the 360 is probably the only one that's not a rip-off.

Perhaps realizing that they were inadvertently offering the consumer a good deal (and losing a fair bit of coin in the process) GameStop has halted sales of the product replacement plan on all 360 models, according to a memo gathered by GamersReports. If you were among the smart kids who already had a PRP though, don't worry though: Yours is still in effect until it expires.

Metareview: Manhunt 2 (Wii, PS2)

The horror, HORROR; Manhunt 2 is apparently bloody -- bloody awful. Reviews are starting to squirt out of outlets like a punctured carotid artery about Rockstar's juggernaut of controversy and it's pretty much what most were expecting. Looks like little Timmy won't be getting that "murder simulator" he wanted for the Wii this holiday, unless his parents want to punish him with bad gameplay. According to many of the reviews, the edits forced on the game by the ESRB actually hurt the overall Manhunt experience.
  • IGN (77/100): "Manhunt 2 for Wii is, in my opinion, the version to buy, if only because it looks ever-so-slightly better and offers a deeper level of interactivity since the Wii remote is used to act out executions. I've referred to this game as Splatter Cell before and I still think that's a fair comparison. Even with its blurred and darkened executions, Manhunt 2 is still an incredibly violent game – easily the most brutal you will find on Nintendo's console. ... The ESRB has forced Rockstar to make content changes which have in turn significantly reduced the impact of the franchise's trademark executions. In fact, oftentimes you won't even able to see who Danny is murdering or how he's doing it – instead, you'll behold a big, dark, motiony blur accompanied by gruesome sound effects. By comparison, many of the executions in the original Manhunt are much more satisfying."
  • GameSpy (50/100): "The biggest issue that fans of the original Manhunt will have with Manhunt 2 is the way that Rockstar toned down the violence in the game in order to appease the ESRB's ratings board. The game's trademark executions have been altered significantly, to the point where the player loses nearly all recognition of the events taking place onscreen. Initiating a killing maneuver cuts the camera to an angle more suitable for viewing, which is then browbeat by an unwieldy series of camera edits and obnoxious crimson filters that distort the images to the point where it's anyone's guess what exactly is taking place."
  • 1UP (40/100): "Finally, and most unforgivably, the Wii version plays host to unskippable cut-scenes. Better still, they're frequently positioned after checkpoints so you can enjoy them over and over again whether you want to or not. Just in case the adolescent violence, clunky exposition, and lengthy visual explorations of 'kinky' S&M bars weren't embarrassing enough the first time around. Really, the game warrants a 4 because it's technically playable and, despite its best efforts, probably won't plunge the industry into a period of navel-gazing and political sanction. Everything else about it is largely forgettable. "

DIY Weighted Companion Cube costume

It's one day before Halloween, do you have your costume prepared? If not, allow us -- or, rather, Karen Chu from 1UP -- to help you out. Chu has created a Weighted Companion Cube (of Portal fame), just over one cubic foot in volume, and outlined the process on her blog.

It starts out with a foam core cube, modifies plans from a papercraft found on 4chan, and finishes with a liberal application of metal spay paint and six foam core discs to form a friend guaranteed not to stab you. It's rather amazing the culture that has sprung up over a virtual, inanimate object. If anyone has the schematics for a model portal gun, we'll be happy to drop our current costume plans and run around our respective downtown establishments in an orange jumpsuit and aforementioned accessories, blasting Jonathan Coulton from a portable stereo.

Two new DS Lite models, both branded & bundled

Nintendo's making a final push to indoctrinate the rest of the world's pet-deprived tweens and twenty-something geeks, according to a new Sears ad. Come "Black Friday," two more DS Lite models will hit retail ($150 ea.), each branded and bundled with a corresponding game.

There's the metallic pink Pound Puppies Nintendogs case, complete with (bloody?) paw print and game -- which reminds us, our lil' pixelated Shih Tzu hasn't been fed in about two years ... Anyways, moving on: there's also the gold-sprayed Zelda unit, (spotted a few weeks ago and) bundled with Phantom Hourglass, featuring the Triforce logo for those of us not quite ready for the more-permanent expression of our faith.

[Via DS Fanboy]

Grand Theft Auto IV mock boxes for retail

Although it's great of website XboxFamily.com to think they got six copies of Grand Theft Auto IV's final box cover art -- and it's very nice of them to share the three different images (pictured) -- it just ain't so. Apparently someone at Take-Two shipping thought the site was a retail outlet, because what they actually received were mock boxes intended for retailers to put out.

A representative at Rockstar wrote back to Joystiq saying, "Those are NOT final box art ... [they] are actually mock boxes provided to retail outlets." Don't expect the final box art to be revealed until closer to release. Rockstar just wants consumers remembering that GTA IV is expected next year as they are browsing the game section this holiday season.

Continue reading Grand Theft Auto IV mock boxes for retail

PSP firmware upgraded to 3.72

Big news! Hackers have cracked the brand new PSP fir-- No, wait, sorry. We got our posts out of order. What we meant to say is that Sony has just released the brand new PSP firmware: Version 3.72. If you're interested, you can get the fresh new firmware through the PSP's "Network Update" feature.

If you don't have a PS3 though, it may not be worth your time, as it seems like the only functionality it adds is expanded support for PlayStation Network titles. We'd bet there's some under-the-hood type stuff designed to thwart hackers once and for all hidden within though, if you're a glutton for futility.

Sexy shots of Xbox 360 Rock Band USB hub

Some may think Rock Band's Fender Stratocaster-inspired guitar is the sexiest thing in that $200 box [correction: $170 box!], but they're forgetting about the USB hub that Xbox 360 players will be using to plug in all those wired instruments. We have to admit, we got a little hot and bothered when we first spied the above picture of the sleek, stylishly-designed four-port hub.

1UP has even more naughty, gratuitous shots of this bad boy, and baby oh baby, they are smoking. We just can't wait until we get to fondle that hot piece of tech for ourselves come Nov. 20. *Drool*

Update: We just noticed that this hub seems to require external power from an A/C adapter wall unit. Significantly less sexy ...

40GB PS3s run cooler, quieter, use less energy

A report from German site Computer Base reveals that consumers giving up backward compatibility on their 40GB PS3s are at least getting something in return. The new systems utilize the new 65nm version of the Cell processor, reducing the power usage from 200 watts to 135 and further limiting the heat and noise the system gives off.

With both the Xbox 360 and PS3 now having the cheaper, more efficient 65nm CPUs integrated into their designs, the race to 45nm can truly begin. After that? We're predicting microscopic quantum CPUs.

[Via Engadget]

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