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Life Fit with Laura Lewis: Grass Fed Cattle - What a great idea!

Posted: Nov 6th 2007 6:00AM by Laura Lewis
Filed under: Life Fit with Laura Lewis

Being Life Fit is about your total health, including the health of all of your relationships. Life Fit is a journey, not a destination. It is a process of continuous growth: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Check in each Tuesday to Life Fit with Laura Lewis, author of "52 Ways To A Healthy You," as we explore our total life fitness. Then, weigh in with your own thoughts over at Laura's "Life Fit Chat" each Wednesday and Thursday for further discussion on the week's topic. For more information visit Laura at www.LauraLewis.com.

"Grass Fed Cattle Benefits Animals And People." Is it just me, or do you find this headline to be a bit weird too? I find it strange that Americans have become so removed from their food source that the idea of feeding an animal its natural diet is actually newsworthy! And yet, that is precisely the society we live. The primary focus of the US feedlot is strictly on the bottom line--get the most cash out of every cow. The health and well being of the animal itself is of little to no concern, nor is the health and well being of the consumer who purchases it and eats it.

The digestive system of the cow is designed for fiber-rich foods such as hay. They are not anatomically equipped for grain-based feed. And yet, US feedlots feed their cattle a diet that is 90% grain. Why? Because the grain makes the cattle grow faster--up to three times faster--than their normal rate of development. Well, what happens when you eat something that your stomach does not agree with? It has to work overtime to break the food down, and in the process of slowly digesting this unnatural food, E. coli bacteria can begin to set in. Fortunately for the cow, it does not live long enough to experience any real harm from the bacteria; however, the bacteria can spread through the meat of the animal and infect humans. The consumption of this bacteria can be fatal. As a matter of fact, half a million children have died from E. coli since 1993.

But that is not all. The grain feed in which cattle are fed make them ill. So much so, that the grain must have antibodies added to it to prevent the animal from becoming diseased. YUM! Those bovine antibodies are transferred straight to your plate, or basket should your beef be of the fast food variety.

In addition, grass fed cattle have the recommended ration of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids making the meet lean and nutritious. Grain fed cattle is deficient of Omega 3 fatty acids (the good guys) and packed full of Omega 6 fatty acids (the bad guys).

It is important to note that organic meat is not synonymous with free range, grass fed cattle. While organic is certainly better than its non-organic counterpart, it does not necessary exclude the possibility of the cattle having been fed a grain diet. Organic simple means the grains were organic and no antibodies or pesticides were used in the feeding process.

Unlike grain fed beef, grass fed beef is ...
  • A high source of omega 3 fats
  • A good source of beta caroten
  • 400% richer in vitamins A and E
  • Devoid of of any risk of Mad Cow Disease
And if you care, the grass fed cow gets to live its life just exactly as it should ... free to roam about the range. While the grain fed cattle are typically packed shoulder to shoulder on a feed lot standing in its own, and its two neighbor's, excrement. And, that is not just terrible sad, it is terribly gross too!

Life Fit with Laura Lewis: Weighing in on breast cancer

Posted: Oct 30th 2007 6:00AM by Laura Lewis
Filed under: Life Fit with Laura Lewis

Being Life Fit is about your total health, including the health of all of your relationships. Life Fit is a journey, not a destination. It is a process of continuous growth: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Check in each Tuesday to Life Fit with Laura Lewis, author of "52 Ways To A Healthy You," as we explore our total life fitness. Then, weigh in with your own thoughts over at Laura's "Life Fit Chat" each Wednesday and Thursday for further discussion on the week's topic. For more information visit Laura at www.LauraLewis.com.

Did you know ... According to a recent study conducted by the U.S. National Cancer Institute, women who gain weight at any point during their adulthood can have a 1.4 increased chance of developing breast cancer. With National Breast Cancer Awareness month coming to an end, and the Breast Cancer 3-Day walk wrapping up locally, I have found myself reflecting over the past several days on how grateful I am for my health. While I am always conscious about my dietary and fitness choices, October is always a time of increased awareness about making choices that decrease cancer risks.

Just as weight gain seems to increase the risk of breast cancer, there is a new study that indicates that at least six hours of strenuous exercise each week can actually reduce one's risk of developing breast cancer, and also increases survival rates for victims of breast cancer. There are actually quite a few lifestyle choices that will reduces one's risk of developing breast cancer. Check out the following tips and make a conscious effort to incorporate these suggestions in your life when possible.

  1. For starters, say "no" to alcohol. While there is certainly evidence that suggests a heart healthy diet includes red wine, women with a family history of breast cancer should pass on alcohol altogether. Women who consume two to five drinks daily are one and a half times more likely to develop breast cancer.
  2. Quit smoking. Smoking is not only a risk factor for you, but also for everyone else around you. And, of course, by stomping out the cigarette, you also reduce your risk for developing lung cancer (and the risk for those around you).
  3. If possible, avoid hormone replacement therapy. Studies suggest a link between longterm hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer due to the combination of estrogen and progesterone. Also, HRT has a tendency to increase the risks of weight gain in women, an additional factor in the development of breast cancer.
  4. Maintain a low fat diet. Estrogen is a big player in the risks of breast cancer and fat tissue actually houses small amounts of estrogen. So, even once a woman has gone through menopause, weight gain can still pose a dangerous threat.
  5. Have children and have them sooner rather than later. Having no children, as well as having children in your late thirties actually increases a woman's risk of developing breast cancer.
  6. And, when you have those kiddos, breastfeed them! Research indicates that the months postpartum without menstruating actually reduces one's risk of developing breast cancer.
  7. Lastly, have a regular mammogram. While a mammogram certainly does not reduce one's chance of developing breast cancer. A mammogram certainly increases one's odds of surviving it.
The American Cancer Society estimates that 40,000 women die each year from breast cancer. Simple lifestyle choices can significantly reduce your chance of developing this terrible disease and increase your chances of survival if caught in time. The fight against breast cancer is one fight every woman should take personally.

Life Fit with Laura Lewis: How to age younger in 90 days

Posted: Oct 23rd 2007 6:00AM by Laura Lewis
Filed under: Life Fit with Laura Lewis

Life Fit ... Mind. Body. And More.

Being Life Fit is about your total health, including the health of all of your relationships. Life Fit is a journey, not a destination. It is a process of continuous growth: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Check in each Tuesday to Life Fit with Laura Lewis, author of "52 Ways To A Healthy You," as we explore our total life fitness. Then, weigh in with your own thoughts over at Laura's "Life Fit Chat" each Wednesday and Thursday for further discussion on the week's topic. For more information visit Laura at www.LauraLewis.com.

Lotions, potions and pills are just some of the vices in which many women indulge to achieve a youthful appearance; however, Michael Roizen, M.D., co-founder of RealAge.com, has reviewed more than 35,000 medical and scientific studies about aging and has found some proven tips on how to tilt the fountain of youth in your favor.

Tips for lowering your real age:

  1. Reduce your real age by as much as 1.9 years: For women over the age of 40, an aspirin a day may be just what keeps the doctor away.
  2. Reduce your real age by as much as 6.4 years: Floss your teeth every day and brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  3. Reduce your real age by 25 years: Women with a low blood pressure of 115/75mm Hg can be as much as 25 years younger than her same age counterpart with high blood pressure.
  4. Reduce your real age by 30 years: Let go of stress by building strong support systems and incorporating stress-reduction strategies in your life.
  5. Reduce your real age by 6 years: Pop a one-a-day multi-vitamin. Dr. Roizen recommends 1200 mg per day of vitamin C, 400 IU per day of vitamin E, 1200mg per day of calcium, 400-600 IU per day of vitamin E, 400 mcg per day of folate and 6mg per day of vitamin B6.
  6. Reduce your real age by 8 years: If you smoke, stop. If you are around smokers, try to eliminate as much exposure to second-hand smoke as possible.
  7. Reduce your real age by 5 years: Regularly participate in at least 20 minutes of exercise every day.
  8. Reduce your real age by 3.4 years: Slow down and wear your seat belt! That is an easy one!
  9. Reduce your real age by 2.5 years: Eat a diet rich in fiber (at least 25 grams per day).
  10. Reduce your real age by 12 years simply by living a proactive, healthy lifestyle.
  11. Reduce your real age by 8 years: Laugh! Laughter actually boosts the immune system and reduces stress.
  12. Reduce your real age by 26 years: Become a student of life. Make a point to learn something new every day.
If you want to check your real age go to www.RealAge.com.

Life Fit with Laura Lewis: Science proves the power of intentions

Posted: Oct 16th 2007 6:00AM by Laura Lewis
Filed under: Life Fit with Laura Lewis

Life Fit ... Mind. Body. And More.

Being Life Fit is about your total health, including the health of all of your relationships. Life Fit is a journey, not a destination. It is a process of continuous growth: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Check in each Tuesday to Life Fit with Laura Lewis, author of "52 Ways To A Healthy You," as we explore our total life fitness. Then, weigh in with your own thoughts over at Laura's "Life Fit Chat" each Wednesday through Friday for further discussion on the week's topic. For more information visit Laura at www.LauraLewis.com.

We hear it all the time, "Be careful what you wish for, it just may happen." Well it seems that there is actually scientific evidence that supports that statement. The Intention Experiment, conducted by Lynne McTaggart, is an on-going experiment that has produced compelling results in just six months. The experiment has produced extraordinary evidence indicating that "group mind," or "collective intention," is capable of changing the physical properties of plants and speeding up their growth. This experiment has also produced the first evidence ever that suggest that "experienced intenders," or people well trained in the power of intentions, have more powerful results than their less educated or trained counterparts.

The latest study in the Intention Experiment demonstrates that a group as small as one hundred participants is powerful enough to have a significant impact on the growth of seeds and seedlings more than 7000 miles away; however, when a group of "experienced intenders" participated the growth of the seeds experienced an even more significant growth spurt. The study involved four different target seeds. An audience of intenders was shown a photo of one of the seeds and asked to send an intention to the seeds to enjoy enhanced growth and greater health for the duration of a full ten minutes. The scientists participating in the experiment were not informed of which seed was chosen to be the recipient of the well wishers. As soon as the ten-minute duration was completed, the scientists planted all four sets of seeds and too regular measurements during the following weeks. This experiment was conducted with four different audiences in four different geographical locations all with varying degrees of intense mental focus training. After analyzing the data from all four trials, the scientists discovered that in each experiment, the seeds that were the recipient of the good intentions sprouted significantly earlier and grew significantly longer that the control seeds. Interestingly, the most significant growth of all occurred when a group of experienced healers (all member of Healing Touch International) participated.

The study has found that intention seems to work best when the subject matter is sent very specific instructions. In this case, the instructions were for the seeds to sprout a certain number of inches by a certain date.

So, our thoughts DO matter. Our thoughts create our reality, careful what you wish for!

Life Fit Chat with Laura Lewis: Four Fall Fit Tips

Posted: Oct 11th 2007 6:00AM by Laura Lewis
Filed under: Life Fit with Laura Lewis

Life Fit Chat with That's Fit Life Fit Expert Laura Lewis brings conversation provoking tidbits to your table, served up with a touch of spice! Byte-sized information that pack some punch, brought to you every Wednesday and Thursday!

Autumn is a great time to commit to getting back in shape. The summer heat is a welcome thing of the past. Kids are back in school, which means schedules have leveled out again. And, the holidays are fast approaching! It is always a good thing to start a new exercise regime prior to the holidays to keep your commitment to wellness on the front burner, rather than your pecan pie.

Fall Fit Tip 1
Seize the moment: Time, or the lack of it, is the most cited "excuse" for not sustaining an exercise regimen. Exercising does not have to be huge time commitment. Take a walk through the neighborhood or hit the gym for a 60 minute circuit workout. The holidays are right around the corner and you want to feel your best as you go into the party season.

Fall Fit Tip 2
Seize the season: In many parts of the United States, autumn is the most glorious season. With the leaves changing colors and the brisk, cool weather, this is the best time of the year to get outside and enjoy the season by bicycling, walking, hiking, jogging, and playing golf and tennis. Make an effort to explore local parks you have not yet ventured to or trails you have yet to explore.

Fall Fit Tip 3
Seize the sacred: Join an outdoor yoga class. Greet the day with a "sun salutation" and embrace the ancient meditative practice as your start your day.

Fall Fit Tip 4
Seize the sustenance: Fall harvest foods such as pumpkin and winter squash are packed with healthful carotenoids that repair damaged DNA and work to keep our bodies young and fit. Fall is also the time for harvesting apples, which are an excellent source for antioxidants and flavonoids, both of which reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and dietary fiber.

Life Fit Chat with Laura Lewis: Natural alternatives to chemical sweeteners

Posted: Oct 10th 2007 6:00AM by Laura Lewis
Filed under: Life Fit with Laura Lewis

Life Fit Chat with That's Fit Life Fit Expert Laura Lewis brings conversation provoking tidbits to your table, served up with a touch of spice! Byte-sized information that pack some punch, brought to you every Wednesday, and Thursday!

Are you addicted to to those little pink, blue and/or yellow packets available at every conventional restaurant and super market? Do you suffer from any of the following symptoms?

  • systemic lupus
  • fibromyalgia symptoms
  • spasms
  • shooting pains
  • numbness in your legs
  • cramps
  • vertigo
  • dizziness
  • headaches
  • tinnitus
  • joint pain
  • depression
  • anxiety attacks
  • slurred speech
  • blurred vision
  • memory loss
If so, you may be suffering from Aspartame Disease. Sweet'N Low® and NutraSweet® are both artificial sweeteners that contain Aspartame, which is highly toxic to our bodies. According to an article written by Nancy Markle, Aspartame can cause symptoms that actually mimic the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. "When the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood alcohol in Aspartame coverts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. (Formic acid is the poison found in the sting of fire ants). The methanol toxicity mimics multiple sclerosis; thus people were being diagnosed with having multiple sclerosis in error."

If Splenda® tends to be the packet you pick most frequently, you may find yourself suffering from the following symptoms:
  • skin rashes/flushing
  • diarrhea
  • muscle aches
  • intestinal cramping
  • bladder issues
  • stomach pain
Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP comments, "As food additives, artificial sweeteners are not subject to the same gauntlet of FDA safety trials as pharmaceuticals. Most of the testing is funded by the food industry, which has a vested interest in the outcome. This can lead to misleading claims on both sides. But one thing is certain: some of the chemicals that comprise artificial sweeteners are known hazards - the degree to which you experience side effects just depends on your individual biochemistry. Manufacturers are banking on the fact that our bodies won't absorb very much of these compounds at any one time. And many of us don't. But what happens when we are ingesting a combination of artificial sweeteners like Splenda dozens of times a week through many different "low–sugar" or "sugar–free" products?"

The good news is there are natural alternatives. Stevia is an herb that is native to South America and has been used as a natural sweetener for hundreds of years. Stevia is actually 30 times sweeter than refined sugar but has no calories or negative side effects. Date sugar and sugar from dehydrated cane juice are also healthful alternatives to refined or artificial sweeteners. The next time you feel compelled to reach for one of those pretty pastel packets try a natural alternative instead.

Life Fit with Laura Lewis: Fall's Fountain of Youth Foods

Posted: Oct 9th 2007 6:00AM by Laura Lewis
Filed under: Life Fit with Laura Lewis

Life Fit ... Mind. Body. And More.

Being Life Fit is about your total health, including the health of all of your relationships. Life Fit is a journey, not a destination. It is a process of continuous growth: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Check in each Tuesday to Life Fit with Laura Lewis, author of "52 Ways To A Healthy You," as we explore our total life fitness. Then, weigh in with your own thoughts over at Laura's "Life Fit Chat" each Wednesday through Friday for further discussion on the week's topic. For more information visit Laura at www.LauraLewis.com.

Living in Texas, autumn is always a welcome reprieve from the intensity of the summer heat. While autumn may come a little later here than in other parts of North America, we are at least fortunate enough to reap the benefits of the fabulous foods of the fall harvest.

The fall harvest is abundant with "fountain of youth foods" such as carrots, winter squash, pumpkin (which is actually a squash) and sweet potatoes. As a matter of fact, you can tell a lot about a food by its color. Orange hued foods are packed full of carotenoids which actually protect against the kind of DNA damage that happens with age.

Orange foods are also rich in vitamin A. One cup of pumpkin actually has 117% of the daily recommended allowance of vitamin A. Vitamin A plays an important role in the formation and maintenance of healthy skin, hair and mucous membranes. Vitamin A also helps is to see in dim light and is essential for proper bone growth, tooth development and reproduction.

Most people think pumpkins are for decorating and whatever is in pumpkin pie comes out of a can. But, you can actually eat the "flesh" from the real thing! Try out this recipe I borrowed from Barbara Kingsolver's most recent, must-read book, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle (HarperCollinsPublishers 2007).

Pumpkin Soup In Its Own Shell
  • 1 five-pound pumpkin (if smaller or larger adjust the amount of liquid): Cut a lid off the top, scoop out the seeds and stringy parts, and rub the inside flesh with salt. Set the pumpkin in a large roasting or deep pie dish.
  • 1 quart chicken or vegetable stock
  • 1 quart milk or soy milk
  • 1/2 cup fresh sage leaves (use less if dried)
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2 teaspoons sea salt
  • Pepper to taste
Roast garlic cloves whole in oven or covered pan on low heat, until soft. Combine with liquid and spices in a large pot, mashing the cloves and heating carefully so as not to burn the milk. Fill the pumpkin with the liquid and replace the lids, putting a sheet of foil between the pumpkin and its top so it doesn't fall in. (If you accidentally destroy the lid while hollowing the pumpkin, just cover with foil.) Bake the filled pumpkin at 375 degrees for 1-2 hours, depending on the thickness of your pumpkin. Occasionally open the lid and check with a spoon, carefully scraping some inside flesh into the hot liquid. If the pumpkin collapses or if the flesh is stringy, remove liquid and flesh to a blender and puree. With luck, you can serve the soup in the pumpkin tureen.

Enjoy a bowl full of this healthful harvest soup!

Life Fit with Laura Lewis: Check your stress

Posted: Oct 2nd 2007 6:00AM by Laura Lewis
Filed under: Life Fit with Laura Lewis

Life Fit ... Mind. Body. And More.

Being Life Fit is about your total health, including the health of all of your relationships. Life Fit is a journey, not a destination. It is a process of continuous growth: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Check in each Tuesday to Life Fit with Laura Lewis, author of "52 Ways To A Healthy You," as we explore our total life fitness. Then, weigh in with your own thoughts over at Laura's "Life Fit Chat" each Wednesday through Friday for further discussion on the week's topic. For more information visit Laura at www.LauraLewis.com.

Did you know ...The more people are stressed out, the less likely they are to be aware of the amount of stress they are under. The human being responds to stress as he or she would have thousands of years ago. When survival was the name of the game, he or she either fought with or ran away from the cause of danger. For example, if you were faced with an angry, hungry saber-toothed tiger that happened to be looking at you as if you were the main course, your stress response would naturally go full throttle!

Why don't zebras get ulcers? Or heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases when people do? According biologist Robert Sapolsky in his book, Why Don't Zebras Get Ulcers: An Updated Guide to Stress Related Diseases, and Coping, people develop such diseases partly because our bodies are not designed for the constant stresses of a modern-day life such as sitting traffic jams or growing up in poverty. Rather, they seem more built for the kind of short-term stress faced by a zebra, the zebra cortisol or stress level shoots through the roof, but thereafter it returns to normal once the threat is gone. Our bodies act like we are being under attack each time we experience a stressful event.

Physically speaking: Your hypothalamus, which is located at the base of your brain, is also known as the "master controller" of stress. It notifies the rest of your body to go on "full alert." In other words, get ready to fight or run! This is scientifically referred to as the "fight or flight" response. Your adrenaline output increases, which gives you abundant energy to deal with the "stressor" or immediate cause of stress.

Your heart rate increases, your breathing becomes shallow, and your blood pressure rises. Any available sugar or glucose, also known as glycogen, is released from your liver into your bloodstream to serve as a source of extra energy. And to make matters a little more demanding, all or your muscles get tense, except for the muscles in your bladder and rectum ... they relax. What would be the outcome of the hungry tiger encounter? You would probably find yourself at the top of the closest tree, heart racing, body on full alert, and in dire need of a restroom!

Meanwhile in the present time: So what happens today with this inborn mechanism to deal with stress? Your body reacts to modern-day stress the very same way it did thousands of years ago. What is different is the outcome of the stressful event. You ran from the tiger, expending a great deal of energy, using the extra adrenaline and blood sugar floating around in your system. Today, when you are stressed, you normally don't respond by getting involved in a fist fight with your boss, or jogging five miles thirty minutes before you get married. Remember, your reaction to stress also increases your blood pressure, heart rate and respiration. With your number of stressors you encounter in our stress-filled society, as compared to less complicated days gone by, it is no wonder the rates of physical and emotional illness have escalated. The link between optimal health and your ability to deal with stress go hand in hand.

Stress spells trouble: Some people thrive on stress. Their ability to cope with a stressful event or situation might be much better than another more sensitive individual. If you are not able to nip the stress in the bud with some form of stress reduction technique, whether it is learned or innate, your immune system will suffer. Your hypothalamus will continue to dictate to the rest of the body, including the adrenal glands that it is still on high alert. Your adrenal glands not only produce adrenaline, but also send out chemicals designed to repair tissues that might have been damaged in y our encounter with the tiger! However, the proper functioning of your immune system is suppressed due to this redirection of energy. So, when you are stressed, your body's infection-fighting capabilities are lowered.

Action Tips
  1. Exercise daily. People who exercise moderately are more physically able to deal with stress than those who do not workout at all.
  2. Try relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga and biofeedback and incorporate them into your daily life.
  3. Get an aromatherapy massage.
  4. Take five minute "breathing breaks" and laugh it off.
  5. Drink herbal tea. Do nothing else but sit and sip.

Life Fit with Laura Lewis: Be your own nutritionist

Posted: Sep 25th 2007 6:00AM by Laura Lewis
Filed under: Life Fit with Laura Lewis

Life Fit ... Mind. Body. And More.

Being Life Fit is about your total health, including the health of all of your relationships. Life Fit is a journey, not a destination. It is a process of continuous growth: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Check in each Tuesday to Life Fit with Laura Lewis, author of "52 Ways To A Healthy You," as we explore our total life fitness. Then, weigh in with your own thoughts over at Laura's "Life Fit Chat" each Wednesday through Friday for further discussion on the week's topic. For more information visit Laura at www.LauraLewis.com.

Did you know ... The only person on earth who can make a difference in your quality of life is you. Supreme beings aside, you are essentially in charge of your destiny. You know the old saying, "Where there's a will, there's a way!" Being your own nutritionist is really the only way you are going to know what is right and what is wrong for your body. If you are fortunate enough to be able to able to see a professional nutritionist or dietitian, it would still be helpful to have some working knowledge of your own nutritional status.

The dreaded food diary: There is nothing like writing down every single morsel of food that passes your lips to give you a clear picture of your food reality. Many people are mindless eaters ... they munch on something and forget about it. Then thy wonder why they can't lose weight!

Starting today, purchase a small notebook and list in the columns at the top of each page:

  1. Type of food
  2. Amount (ounces, tablespoons, cups, etc)
  3. Time of Day
  4. Place
  5. General Feelings.
Keep track of what you eat for seven days. Then using a book of food counts, calculate the number of calories, grams of protein, grams of fat and grams of carbohydrates and create totals per day.

Women should consume the following per day:
  • 1200-2200 calories
  • 20-40 grams of fat
  • 40-60 grams of protein

Men should consume the following per day:

  • 1800 - 2800 calories
  • 30-50 grams of fat
  • 50-80 grams of protein
Of course, this will vary depending on activity level. Pregnant women should consume 100 grams of protein daily.

These amounts are equivalent to between six and eleven servings of carbs per day, with one slice of whole-grain bread or one small potato representing one serving each.

If you find your numbers do not fall in these ranges, your nutritional profile is out of balance. You need to put it back in balance. Be sure you eat frequently throughout the day, get plenty of complex carbohydrates, a small amount of lean protein and a bit of essential fat in your diet daily. Iced tea, soft drinks, coffee and hot tea are poor substitutes for clear water. Stay away from fast or frozen foods. Keep your focus on fresh foods!

You are unique! Some of us need more protein than others. Some need a little less essential fat; others do better on a predominately high carbohydrate or "semi-vegetarian" diet. Most importantly, focus on how you feel and listen to and respect your body's responses to your diet!

Life Fit with Laura Lewis: Super charge your life

Posted: Sep 18th 2007 6:00AM by Laura Lewis
Filed under: Life Fit with Laura Lewis

Life Fit ... Mind. Body. And More.

Being Life Fit is about your total health, including the health of all of your relationships. Life Fit is a journey, not a destination. It is a process of continuous growth: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Check in each Tuesday to Life Fit with Laura Lewis, author of "52 Ways To A Healthy You," as we explore our total life fitness. Then, weigh in with your own thoughts over at Laura's "Life Fit Chat" each Wednesday through Friday for further discussion on the week's topic. For more information visit Laura at www.LauraLewis.com.

Want to clean up your act with a supercharged life? If you are like most Americans, you are constantly trying to find the necessary energy to accomplish everything on your "Life Task" plate. Kids, career, spouse, friends, workout, errands ... the daily operations of life have a way of sucking our energy right out and leaving us depleted. In order to find the energy to check everything off our list each and every day, we typically stock up on caffeine and other energy (read: junk) foods.

Fortunately, there are better--and healthier--ways to energize your body, mind and spirit. And remember, supercharging all three aspects of your life are equally important. Without a sharp, clear mind, your body will still feel sluggish. Without a clear and grounded spirit, your mind and body are unable to realize their full potential. To super charge your life, you must be holistic in your method.

If you want to have energy, rather than have to find energy, follow these five tips for supercharging your life:

  1. Have a cuppa chamomile. Non-caffeinated, herbal teas such as chamomile, valerian root, peppermint and ginseng have been widely known for centuries to aid the mind and body in alleviating stress and enriching relaxation. Peppermint and ginseng are wonderful as early morning energy boosts, while chamomile can ease you into a stress-free evening. Green Tea can increase your metabolism which will provide additional energy while at the same serving as a natural fat-burner by destroying free radicals that can cause significant damage to the body and enhance the aging process.
  2. Move it or lose it. Inactivity is the best way to sabotage our energy. While it may seem like the opposite should be true, sitting at a desk or computer all day an wreak havoc on our energy level. If you do not move your body, you will lose your desire to do so! For many, post-office hours are just as hectic as the 9am-5pm (Which is really a joke, because honestly--who works only 9-5 these days?). If you can't exercise pre-work, take your lunch hour and hit the sidewalk, the gym or even walk the hallways and stairs at your actual office. A quick 30-45 minute exercise routine will not only break up the monotony of the day, but will also give you the boost you need to get through part two of your workday without sneaking off to vending machine for guilt-packed "energy" foods.
  3. Eco-Size. Challenge yourself to get out of the car and start peddling. One way of keeping myself motivated is to bike around town rather than drive. I bought myself a cute bike with a basket. I love riding "Rosie" in town. The fresh air and waves and nods of neighborly drivers always super charges my attitude while I super charge my energy. And, knowing that I am contributing to one less car on the road in that moment of time always leaves me feeling energized.
  4. Endorphin enlightenment. Endorphins are addictive. Endorphins are the wonderful result of exercise. These feel good hormones are secreted in the brain and nervous system and serve to motivate us to exercise more and more. Each time we exercise, our bodies secrete more of this feel good hormone. Endorphins enhance brain functioning and mood--two must-have superchargers!
  5. Rainbow bright. Eat a rainbow of colors in order to ensure balanced nutrition. Every meal should include fresh, leafy greens along with a variety or red, orange and yellow fruits and vegetables. The more colorful and fresher the food, the more nutrient dense your meals will be and the more energy your food will be providing you!

Life Fit with Laura Lewis: Cleansing foods

Posted: Sep 11th 2007 6:00AM by Laura Lewis
Filed under: Life Fit with Laura Lewis

Life Fit ... Mind. Body. And More.

Being Life Fit is about your total health, including the health of all of your relationships. Life Fit is a journey, not a destination. It is a process of continuous growth: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Check in each Tuesday to Life Fit with Laura Lewis, author of "52 Ways To A Healthy You," as we explore our total life fitness. Then, weigh in with your own thoughts over at Laura's "Life Fit Chat" each Wednesday through Friday for further discussion on the week's topic. For more information visit Laura at www.LauraLewis.com.

This week we are focusing on detoxing the body, mind, relationships, as well as our environment. But, before we can begin to detox anything in our lives, we must first start with our bodies.

Fortunately, eating cleansing food is easier than you may think. Below you will find the ten top foods to assist you in cleansing your body. Remember, it is imperative that the foods you consume in this cleansing process are all organic. Conventional foods are packed full of toxic pesticides, which is obviously counter-productive to the goal of detoxing!

These foods will provide nutritionally dense liquids that will flush nasty toxins out while pouring nutrients in. You will be adding lots of fiber to keep your gastrointestinal tract in shape. These foods will also provide energizing and cleansing enzymes to the liver, which is your body's detox headquarters.

Top 10 Detox-Definites

  1. Green leafy vegetables. Eat lots of organic, raw, green, leafy vegetables. Green is the goddess of detox. These veggies will provide the necessary chlorophyll to clean out environmental toxins, as well as protect the liver.
  2. Lemons. The most important vitamin for effective detoxing is vitamin C. Fresh lemon-water provides the fluid necessary to keep fluids moving throughout the body. Vitamin C will assist in converting toxins into a water-soluble that our body can easily eliminate.
  3. Watercress. Rich in minerals, this fabulous diuretic will keep your intestines in shape so that can keep everything moving and dumping out of your body. An added benefit ... watercress is also rich in minerals.
  4. Garlic. This flavor enhancing bulb activates important enzymes in the liver to filter out the junk. Just make sure your honey is getting plenty. If you are going to be stinky, you will want your partner stinking right along with you!
  5. Green Tea. Rich in antioxidants, green tea speeds liver activity and will provide another source for healthy fluids. Squeeze some lemon in your green tea and get an added benefit.
  6. Broccoli Sprouts. These little organic, broccoli babies provide 20 to 50 times more cancer-fighting, enzyme-stimulating activity into each bite than a fully grown broccoli..
  7. Sesame seeds. Sesame seeds protect the liver cells from effects of alcohol and environmental toxins. Puree sesame seeds to create a tahini paste and mix it into various spreads such as hummus or on sandwiches or even in a stir-fry.
  8. Cabbage. Cabbage has both of the two main types of detoxifying enzymes in the liver. For the best results, eat organic cabbage in its raw form.
  9. Psyllium. This plant is rich insoluble fiber. Psyllium is the Mr. Clean for soaking up toxins and cholesterol and is also great as a colon cleanse.
  10. Fruits. Fruit provides a multitude of healthful detoxing agents: vitamin C, fiber, nutritious fluids, antioxidants and mouthfuls of nutritious goodness!
Tune in to this weeks The Daily Turn On! and Life Fit Chat with Laura Lewis for more detoxing tidbits to keep you Life Fit!

Life Fit with Laura Lewis: Three Rules of Rejuvenation

Posted: Sep 4th 2007 11:11AM by Laura Lewis
Filed under: Life Fit with Laura Lewis

Life Fit ... Mind. Body. And More.

Being Life Fit is about your total health, including the health of all of your relationships. Life Fit is a journey, not a destination. It is a process of continuous growth: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Check in each Tuesday to Life Fit with Laura Lewis, author of "52 Ways To A Healthy You," as we explore our total life fitness. Then, weigh in with your own thoughts over at Laura's "Life Fit Chat" each Wednesday through Friday for further discussion on the week's topic. For more information visit Laura at www.LauraLewis.com.

Three Rules of Rejuvenation
While summer may not be officially over, summer break is and the autumnal season is upon us. The change of seasons always inspire a need for rejuvenation in all aspects of life. Summer has a way of inviting a break from our whole way of life and by the time fall comes around, I am ready for change!

The following is what I call the Three Rules of Rejuvenation:

Rule #1: Refresh
September marks the beginning of the routine. If you have kids, you know the importance of staying on a routine and after three months of lax-living the routine is quite refreshing. If you don't have children, September is monumental in other ways: the pools all close, the social scene shifts--kids leave town or arrive en masse, depending on if there is a university in your town--and activities and obligations soar by several notches.

Start this new chapter of '07 a refreshing makover to your routine.
1. Refresh your workout. Get a trainer. Join a gym. Take a new class. Run a different route. Add a yoga or pilates hour to your week.

2. Refresh your body. Spend a day at the spa. Start this new chapter feeling relaxed and ready to take on the challenges of work and school regaining its normal level of intensity.

3. Refresh your mind. Start a daily meditation. We should all spend at least 20 minutes per day in quiet meditation. You may focus on particular aspects you would like to strengthen such as love, compassion, kindness, etc. Or, you may want to meditate on nothing. That is right, great clarity comes from sitting quietly and clearing out everything from your mind. Just be.

4. Refresh your space. Look around your house, office, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, etc. and get rid of the excess. Pare down the amount of stuff you have in you space. When you get the excess out, you create space for calm. Embrace the calm.

Rule # 2: Re-Organize
Get an organizational journal and spend a week writing in it. Pay close attention to the particular times you experience frustration. Is your frustration grounded in time management inefficiencies, dysfunction in your living or working space or even dysfunction in your relationships. Pay very close attention to your emotions during this week. Write everything down. Be honest with yourself. At the end of the week, evaluate what you experienced and seek the appropriate support. You may need to hire a professional to assist you: a life coach, a therapist, a professional organizer or a physical trainer. Care enough about yourself to hire the experts!

Rule # 3: Reward
Once Rule #1 and Rule #2 are accomplished reward yourself. Reflect on your progress and all the hard work involved in your mini-makeover and reward yourself in way that supports your efforts towards rejuvenation. Take a day off and spend it at the botanical gardens. September is wonderful time to experience the miracle of the changing seasons. Spend a day with your favorite companion and indulge yourself with your favorite activities: biking together, watching movies, gardening together or laying around lazily in the hammock. Pamper your self, reward yourself just be careful to not confuse reward with sabotage--this is about rejuvenation after all!

Autumn is about sloughing off the old and rejuvenating the soul. Enjoy!

Life Fit with Laura Lewis: The Love Factor

Posted: Aug 28th 2007 6:00AM by Laura Lewis
Filed under: Life Fit with Laura Lewis

Life Fit ... Mind. Body. And More.

Being Life Fit is about your total health, including the health of all of your relationships. Life Fit is a journey, not a destination. It is a process of continuous growth: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Check in each Tuesday to Life Fit with Laura Lewis, author of "52 Ways To A Healthy You," as we explore our total life fitness. Then, weigh in with your own thoughts over at Laura's "Life Fit Chat" each Wednesday through Friday for further discussion on the week's topic. For more information visit Laura at www.LauraLewis.com.

Love is as love does. Love is an act of will--namely, both an intention and an action. Will also implies choice. We do not have to love. We choose to love. - M. Scott Peck

And there in lies the question. Why do we choose to love. Believe it or not, we can actually look to science for the answer. According to Helen Fisher of Rutgers University in New Jersey, there are three stages to the Love Factor.

Love Factor Phase 1: Lust
Good old-fashioned lust is the first step to falling in love. Driven by sex hormones, testosterone and estrogen, men and women alike experience this initial stage of falling in love. Our sex hormones are the motivating factor for getting "dolled up" in our sexy outfits, hot cars and hard bodies as we peruse the town looking for love.

Love Factor Phase 2: Attraction
According to Fisher, this is the "Love Struck" stage. This is the stage where Cupid's victim can think of nothing else but their love (read LUST) for their lover. At this stage people lose all interest in food, sleep, work, school or anything else that claims their time in the real world. In this stage, a group of neurotransmitters called monoamines begin to wreck havoc or heaven on us depending on how you view the Love Factor.

The first is Dopamine. While dopamine is activated by lust and attraction, it is also activated by cocaine and nicotine. The second is norepinephrine, AKA adrenaline. Norepinephrine is responsible for the racy heart and sweaty palms that can be so embarrassing! The last of the monoamines is serotonin. Serotonin is Cupid's heavy-hitter and can sometimes render us temporarily insane.

Love Factor Phase 3: Attachment
The attachment phase is when a couple truly bonds (
read: Hey, my chemicals really like you. Good, because my chemicals would like to keep you around too!). Oxytocin and Vasopressin are two hormones that are released into the nervous system that impact a couples ability to chemically bond. This is what people are talking about when they refer to their "chemistry connecting" with another person. That is not woo-woo, that is actually science!

You may have heard that oxytocin is released during childbirth and during breastfeeding. Oxytocin is actually the hormone that cements the mother-child bond. But guess, what? It is also released during an orgasm. When either sexes climax this hormone is released and establishes a deeper connection with your partner. Have you ever felt like your soul just opened up and merged with your partner during your climax? That was your oxytocin exchange. So, the more oxytocin you and your partner exchange, the deeper your bond develops.

Vasopressin is released during intercourse and is the hormone responsible for the desire for long-term partnering. Think of vasopressin as the coupling or monogomy hormone.

And there you have it. If you enjoy sex, you will find it hard to not enjoy the love that is certain to follow! Word to the wise: Choose your sexual partners wisely, as your hormones will see to it that you fall insanely in love!

Life Fit with Laura Lewis: Life Fit Moment

Posted: Aug 21st 2007 6:00AM by Laura Lewis
Filed under: Life Fit with Laura Lewis

Life Fit ... Mind. Body. And More.

Being Life Fit is about your total health, including the health of all of your relationships. Life Fit is a journey, not a destination. It is a process of continuous growth: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Check in each Tuesday to Life Fit with Laura Lewis, author of 52 Ways To A Healthy You, as we explore our total life fitness. Then, weigh in with your own thoughts over at Laura's "Life Fit Chat" each Wednesday through Friday for further discussion on the week's topic. For more information visit Laura at www.LauraLewis.com.

What is a life fit moment?
Simply stated: Life fit moments are those mysterious moments when we are 100% focused in the present moment or as Eckhart Tolle calls it, the power of living in the now.

I recently watched the movie, The Peaceful Warrior, and was reminded of the power of slowing down and experiencing every nuance of NOW. Life gets hectic, stressful, chaotic and overwhelming; I find myself in constant need of reminding myself to slow down. When we take it slow we experience the smell of the moment, the sound of the moment, the texture of the moment. We see the color and the action.

When we slow down we are able to experience everything the present moment has to offer. As the movie claims, there is never nothing happening. Something mysterious is always happening. Something beautiful is always in motion. Something is living out its purpose right before our very eyes -- right now. When we live in the now, we enrich our lives and experience the beauty of being alive.

When we choose life fit moments, we have the wherewithal to consciously make decisions that are healthful and in our best interest.

How to create life fit moments ...

1. Check in with yourself.
Every day sit quietly by yourself. Close your eyes and check in with your body. How do you feel physically? How do you feel emotionally? What can you do right this second to shift your physical and emotional well being?

2. Practice doing "nothing." While sitting quietly each morning, practice clearing your mind of everything. Push out all the junk. When something comes to mind--push it out. Once you quiet your mind open your eyes and just be in the moment.

3. Move it. Health and total wellness is a holistic process. You can't ignore the physical and only focus on the mental any more than you can ignore the spiritual. Find an exercise you enjoy--dancing, walking, swimming, skating, riding a bike, gardening--anything you enjoy that involves movement will keep you in a life fit moment. When exercising, focus on the activity only. Do not let your mind wander off from the activity you are currently experiencing. Stay in the life fit moment.

4. Experience your food. Everything you put in your mouth (in theory) is or was alive. Honor its life force with gratitude in your heart and mind.

5. Connect with the Divine. We all experience the divine differently. However you connect, stay in the moment and connect with complete focus. Experience what the Divine has to offer you.

Be Fit - Live in the Life Fit Moment

Life Fit with Laura Lewis: Life Fit Choices

Posted: Aug 14th 2007 6:00AM by Laura Lewis
Filed under: Life Fit with Laura Lewis

Life Fit ... Mind. Body. And More.

Being Life Fit is about your total health, including the health of all of your relationships. Life Fit is a journey, not a destination. It is a process of continuous growth: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Check in each Tuesday to Life Fit with Laura Lewis, author of "52 Ways To A Healthy You," as we explore our total life fitness. Then, weigh in with your own thoughts over at Laura's "Life Fit Chat" each Wednesday through Friday for further discussion on the week's topic. For more information visit Laura at www.LauraLewis.com.

What are Life Fit Choices? Life Fit Choices are forks in the road. One direction points to balance, health, wellness and well being while the other points towards the Now Factor. We all know what that is ... Have fun now! Feel good now! Have it all now! Give me instant gratification. But, I am sure you have figured out that the Now Factor does not have any sort or relationship with the Forever Factor. So, how do we live in the Now and make choices that impact the Forever and still have a good time in the present? The answer is choosing wisely when presented with Life Fit Choices.

The key to happiness lies in the decision to set and keep our goals or another way to put it is ... to stay on the path that leads to our soul's ambition. Life Fit Choices are presented when the Now Factor gets in the way of Forever Factor and diverts the path of our soul's ambition. Determining which way to go will directly impact your total life fitness.

Ask yourself the following five questions when presented with a Life Fit Choice:

  1. Am I am making time for myself? In other words, will this choice consume so much of my time that I will not be able to focus on or accomplish the things that matter most to my well being and ability to achieve a fit life?
  2. Am I focusing on my strengths? What we focus on is what will grow and manifest in our lives. In every decision, ask yourself, "Is this thought or action promoting self-growth or self-destruction?" And then choose wisely.
  3. Am I living in sync with my core values? Stress, dis-ease, anxiety, depression, fatigue, restlessness and guilt are all the results of living a life that is not inline with your value system. It is not about being a "good person," it is about living a life of authenticity.
  4. Am I paying it forward? What we do today impacts tomorrow. In every choice you make, make it for tomorrow as much as you make for today.
  5. Am I modeling the life I want for my child (niece, nephew, etc.)? Remember the lanyards that said, "What would Jesus do?" I think the more telling question is "Would I want my child to make this same choice?" If you can answer yes, it is probably a Life Fit Choice!
Making the right choice for you in a society that often dictates what your right choice should be is not always easy. Keep the following five guidelines in mind as you progress down your own soul's path.

  1. Don't worry about how you feel as our feelings can be misleading. Stay true to your core values.
  2. Be open to changing your ideas. Our reality changes with our experiences. Be open to growth.
  3. Don't wait till you feel happy to make a choice. It can be the choosing that results in happiness.
  4. Don't worry about what you need to do. Spend your time doing what needs to be done.
  5. Be grateful today. The lessons of today will prepare you for tomorrow.
As you journey down your path, keep your head high and notice the forks in the road. Make your Life Fit Choices consciously and deliberately!

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