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Posts by Brigitte Dale at That's Fit
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How Many Calories... in a Starbucks Caramel Macchiato?

Posted: Oct 17th 2007 6:00AM by Brigitte Dale
Filed under: How Many Calories?

Cool weather calls for hot drinks. My latest guilty pleasure is the Starbucks Caramel Macchiato. It's made with espresso, steamed milk, vanilla, foam and caramel sauce. It kind of looks like a fancy little pie, doesn't it?

When it comes to guessing calorie counts, the fact that this drink looks like a miniature pie worries me a little. How many calories are in a Tall Starbucks Caramel Macchiato with 2% milk?

A) 100 calories
B) 180 calories
C) 250 calories
D) 290 calories

Continue reading How Many Calories... in a Starbucks Caramel Macchiato?

How many calories... in Creme Brulee?

Posted: Oct 3rd 2007 6:00AM by Brigitte Dale
Filed under: How Many Calories?

We all need to spurge a little from time to time. We treat ourselves to dessert, and the very slurpgiest (that should be a word) of desserts, for me, is creme brulee. I realize the recipe is simple, but there's something about creme brulee that says "celebration!" I think it's the way you get to crack of the sugar top with your spoon. Plus, making it requires a torch.

This isn't something we're eating everyday. When we splurge, how many calories are in one average serving of creme brulee?

A) 280 calories
B) 350 calories
C) 420 calories
D) 575 calories

Continue reading How many calories... in Creme Brulee?


How Many Calories... in a caramel apple?

Posted: Sep 19th 2007 6:00AM by Brigitte Dale
Filed under: How Many Calories?

There are certain foods that I crave only in certain seasons, and caramel apples are definitely one of them. If autumn comes and goes and I haven't eaten at least one caramel apple, I feel a little bit deprived. I think we all have little food traditions like that.

My annual caramel apple-eating tradition will continue, regardless of the answer to this question. But just out of curiosity, I wonder:

How many calories are in an average caramel apple?

A) 80 calories
B) 150 calories
C) 300 calories
D) 500 calories

Continue reading How Many Calories... in a caramel apple?

Fit Links: It's so easy to love cranberries

Posted: Aug 28th 2007 6:00AM by Brigitte Dale
Filed under: Fit Links

As fabulous as we at That's Fit think this blog is, the truth is there are hundreds of wonderful blogs on healthy living to be seen all over the blogosphere. So in this feature, Fit Links, we'll introduce you to some that have caught our eye.

Some foods just can't stop getting positive press coverage lately, and cranberries are one of those "it" foods. Keep all the news straight by checking out Get Fit Source and Whole Food Supplements, which both have information on all the reasons to love cranberries for their health benefits.

Then, while you're feeling all informed and in love with cranberries, try out some new cranberry recipes like the ones you can find at Alder Lake Cranberry Corp.'s recipe page.

How Many Calories... in A McDonald's Iced Coffee?

Posted: Aug 22nd 2007 6:00AM by Brigitte Dale
Filed under: How Many Calories?

The latest trend to hit fast food menus is the iced coffees and iced mochas. I love my iced coffee, and given a choice would always buy mine from the local coffee shop. But if I'm traveling, I never know where to find a coffee shop and the drive-through version starts to look pretty good . I noticed that McDonald's even has my favorite flavor, hazelnut, on the menu.

How many calories are in a medium McDonald's iced coffee (any flavor)?

A) 120 calories
B) 195 calories
C) 280 calories
D) 340 calories

Continue reading How Many Calories... in A McDonald's Iced Coffee?

Fit Links: Balancing acts

Posted: Aug 21st 2007 6:00AM by Brigitte Dale
Filed under: Fit Links

As fabulous as we at That's Fit think this blog is, the truth is there are hundreds of wonderful blogs on healthy living to be seen all over the blogosphere. So in this feature, Fit Links, we'll introduce you to some that have caught our eye.

Don't forget about your core muscles! Strengthening these muscles with balancing exercises have all kinds of benefits beyond just looking better. Here's some blogs to get you pumped about core training this week:

Prevention.com's Get Fit blog with Chris Freytag
talks about trying out the BOSU® ball.

Fit Sugar has one balancing move in particular, the forearm stand, that you may not have tried before. If you can do a headstand but not a handstand, this may be the perfect next step for you.

Fit Fiend also has advice on core training, plus scroll to the end of the post for a funny clip of what NOT to do, taken from The Office.

Fit Links: Back to School

Posted: Aug 14th 2007 6:00AM by Brigitte Dale
Filed under: Fit Links

As fabulous as we at That's Fit think this blog is, the truth is there are hundreds of wonderful blogs on healthy living to be seen all over the blogosphere. So in this feature, Fit Links, we'll introduce you to some that have caught our eye.

When the "school supplies" section is moved front and center of every store, and those isles are full of parents holding crumpled checklists and a mix of excited and panicked-looking children, you know that back to school time is getting close.

Such a big part of your child's life obviously plays a big part in their health, so here's a few blogs to keep you in the back-to-school health loop this year!

Back2School2007 is on top of all kinds of health issues relating to school, from backbacks and back health to the campaign for healthier school lunches.

The Lifestyle Section of the Detroit News has medical checklist to help make sure you haven't forgotten anything your child needs to get a healthy start to the school year.

Busy Moms Recipes has a great list of healthy lunch and snack ideas - beyond sandwiches!

How Many Calories... in a Bloomin' Onion?

Posted: Aug 8th 2007 6:00AM by Brigitte Dale
Filed under: How Many Calories?

One of my first jobs was as a waitress at Outback Steakhouse. The most popular appetizer we sold, by far, was the Bloomin' Onion. Other restaurants have their own versions and they're all basically the same thing: a huge sweet onion that's been cut, breaded and deep fried, served with some kind of dipping sauce.

The entire time I worked at Outback, I never got sick of eating the Bloomin' Onions that the cooks would give us for for free when they accidentally made too many. They're delicious. They're pretty. It didn't bother us that if we didn't eat them when the were hot and freshly cooked they became a slimy, greasy brown wad within an hour.

We knew back then that all of those Bloomin' Onions were unhealthy, but now I wonder just how bad they really were. How many calories are in a whole Bloomin' Onion from Outback Steakhouse?

A) 820 calories
B) 1450 calories
C) 1780 calories
D) 2210 calories

Continue reading How Many Calories... in a Bloomin' Onion?


Fit Links: Coffee, tea, both?

Posted: Aug 7th 2007 6:00AM by Brigitte Dale
Filed under: Fit Links

As fabulous as we at That's Fit think this blog is, the truth is there are hundreds of wonderful blogs on healthy living to be seen all over the blogosphere. So in this feature, Fit Links, we'll introduce you to some that have caught our eye.

The coffee versus tea debate can divide people just like politics, and it doesn't help that there are constantly new headlines about which one is healthy and which one does more harm than good. No matter which side you're on, you should stay up to date with this week's Fit Links:

The Tea Blog by the teavangelist (cute name) covers all things tea, especially tea making health headlines.

Morning Coffee and Afternoon Tea has an amazingly good recipe suggestion for Jasmine Orange Iced Tea.

Health and Coffee is exactly what the name suggests, news and information regarding my two favorite things, of course, coffee and health!

Fit Links: Choosing the right running shoes

Posted: Jul 31st 2007 6:00AM by Brigitte Dale
Filed under: Fit Links

As fabulous as we at That's Fit think this blog is, the truth is there are hundreds of wonderful blogs on healthy living to be seen all over the blogosphere. So in this feature, Fit Links, we'll introduce you to some that have caught our eye.

For serious runners, choosing the right running shoe can make the difference between success, failure, and permanent injury. But the best choice isn't always obvious. What's comfortable in the store may not be comfortable after a twenty mile run, and what looks pretty on your foot might not be comfortable at all.

This week I'm passing along some fitness blogs that offer advice on choosing the right running shoe:

FitFAQ.com, Not Your Average Fitness Blog, and the final blog, Trying Fitness I'm throwing in mostly because I like their tag line. Trying Fitness: Because you've tried everything else.

How Many Calories.. in Biscotti?

Posted: Jul 25th 2007 6:00AM by Brigitte Dale
Filed under: How Many Calories?

At my local coffee shop, they have a partnership with a local bakery. This means that next to the counter there's always a selection of fresh-baked bagels, monster muffins, scones and biscotti tempting me to add a snack to my coffee order.

If I had to guess, I would think that biscotti would be the least offensive of the home-baked snack options at most coffee shops, since they are small and not covered in frosting or overly sweet. But how many calories are in one average cookie of biscotti?

A) 50 calories
B) 100 calories
C) 140 calories
D) 200 calories

Continue reading How Many Calories.. in Biscotti?

Fit Links: Mood Boosters

Posted: Jul 24th 2007 6:00AM by Brigitte Dale
Filed under: Fit Links

As fabulous as we at That's Fit think this blog is, the truth is there are hundreds of wonderful blogs on healthy living to be seen all over the blogosphere. So in this feature, Fit Links, we'll introduce you to some that have caught our eye.

Do you know this feeling? You can feel that you're in a bad mood, and you don't want to be, but you're also not sure how to get out? I hate that feeling. Here's some of my favorite links with quick fixes for a bad mood:

US News: Health has a list of seven instant, classic mood boosters including exercise and meditation.

Good Housekeeping also has a list of mood boosters, with a few surprising ones, like scents. Who knew the scent of Play-Doh could have the power change your outlook on life?

Redbook has also compiled a list of suggestions for fixing a bad mood fast. Their list includes a bit of everything, from physical (specific pilates moves) to ironing your favorite shirt. Hey... whatever works!

Note: If your bad mood isn't just temporary and a quick fix is definitely not enough, talk to your doctor about depression.

Fit Links: Dealing with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Posted: Jul 17th 2007 6:01AM by Brigitte Dale
Filed under: Fit Links

As fabulous as we at That's Fit think this blog is, the truth is there are hundreds of wonderful blogs on healthy living to be seen all over the blogosphere. So in this feature, Fit Links, we'll introduce you to some that have caught our eye.

Are you tired all the time? Have you heard of something called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and wondered if you might be suffering from this syndrome, undiagnosed?

eMedicineHelath is a good place to start to learn about the symptoms and diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or CFS. Hint: it's not just about being tired or having a lack of energy.

For those diagnosed with CFS, two great sites for staying up-to-date on the latest news, studies, and new treatments for this syndrome are Fighting Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Treatments.

How Many Calories... in KFC coleslaw?

Posted: Jul 11th 2007 6:00AM by Brigitte Dale
Filed under: How Many Calories?

At Kentucky Fried Chicken, if you're watching your calorie intake, everything except the actual Kentucky Fried Chicken can start to look like a relatively good choice. Coleslaw sounds especially healthy since it isn't fried in grease and also is made with fresh cabbage. Plus, on a hot summer day, cool coleslaw can sound like a really refreshing alternative to other sides like mashed potatoes.

The cabbage is healthy, but it's smothered in sauce. How many calories are in one serving of KFC coleslaw? The answer will also give you a rough idea of how many calories are in each serving of coleslaw at that company picnic, too.

A) 150 calories
B) 231 calories
C) 325 calories
D) 412 calories

Continue reading How Many Calories... in KFC coleslaw?

Fit Links: Stings and bites

Posted: Jul 10th 2007 6:00AM by Brigitte Dale
Filed under: Fit Links

As fabulous as we at That's Fit think this blog is, the truth is there are hundreds of wonderful blogs on healthy living to be seen all over the blogosphere. So in this feature, Fit Links, we'll introduce you to some that have caught our eye.

Today just happens to be National Don't Step on a Bee Day. (Don't worry, I had never heard of it before now either.) Really, every day is a good day not to step on a bee, and also a good day not to get bit by a mosquito or tick. Fight back against bugs with these informative blogs:

Did you know Vicks Vaporub can help relieve the itching caused by mosquito bites? Skinverse.com can tell you why.

Dr. Green can help you differentiate between a normal reaction to a bee sting in your child and an allergic reaction which requires immediate medical attention.

Families.com has home remedy ideas for dealing with the pain and itching of insect bites once you've determined that no professional medical care is needed.

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