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Nintendo Wii Fanboy
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20071026032914/http://www.nintendowiifanboy.com:80/
GreenDaily: Because nature can't wait until tomorrow.

Because playing Table Tennis with a fake racquet attachment would be silly

You weren't actually thinking about playing Wii Play's table tennis the Wü's Ping Pong Game with a tennis racquet peripheral, were you?

Pssssh. Come on, now. Why would you do that when all the cool kids (read: not cool kids) are using these? After all, how can you go wrong with a "Ping-Pong Bat," which are currently being sold over at DealExtreme for the random price of $16.14.

We'll give $10 to the person who guesses the next peripheral to come out on the Wii.* We're betting on some Wiimote maracas for the upcoming Samba de Amigo, since Sega just announced they won't be making any.

*We won't actually give you $10 if you guess right, you silly rabbit.

[Via Technabob]

Nintendo: You're hired

With George Harrison and Perrin Kaplan headed out the door, Nintendo have been stuck with the duty of replacing them. Turns out, they found themselves a couple of folks to fill in those shoes left behind. And, considering that Perrin was with Nintendo for 15 years and George was there for just as long, we're sure those shoes are quite old and smelly.

Replacing Perrin is Cammie Dunway, who took the job after parting ways with Yahoo!, where she served as chief marketing officer. Based on where Yahoo! is now, you can imagine how integral she was there. And, replacing George, is Shigeyuki Takahashi, who was promoted internally from a previous position he took up in 2006 as president of Nintendo Research Inc (although it looks like the position's responsibilities are expanded). His previous employment involved a position at Sanwa Bank, where he worked for thirty years.

Pop on Wii Ware looks cooler than we thought

Okay, we admit that we were a little skeptical about Pop, Nnooo's upcoming Wii Ware title. You might even say we were blatantly snarky. We fear that we might have to eat an unhealthy serving of crow, however, after seeing IGN's impressions of the game.

Even though it has a simple concept, Pop appears to be surprisingly deep. Not only does the game have an enchanting aesthetic, with sixteen different background variations, but the gameplay also has many different facets. The multiplayer mode seems to be the game's bread and butter, allowing four players to compete in some bubble popping madness. Strategy comes heavily into play here, as you have to pop big bubbles to add more time to your meter, yet pop small bubbles to get more points and beat your competitors. Pop also gets harder as it progresses, putting our fears to rest that the game would be too easy.

Nnooo also tries to deliver a fulfilling single-player experience by adding achievements to the game, which they call "badges," as well as various playing modes. You can also earn badges in the multiplayer setting, not to mention have your scores tracked and pimped via WiiConnect24 notifications. IGN reports that the soundtrack is pretty enticing, too, and might be sold over iTunes at some point.

We're starting to become excited about this title, at least a little bit, and if pulled off correctly we think it can only mean good things for the future of Wii Ware. What do you guys think? Can Pop be the next Geometry Wars?

Virtually Overlooked: Umihara Kawase

Welcome to our weekly feature, Virtually Overlooked, wherein we talk about games that aren't on the Virtual Console yet, but should be. Call it a retro-speculative.

The recent reveal of a new Bionic Commando game for the PS3 and Xbox 360 got us very excited. Not about the new game, which looks heartbreakingly bland, but about old grappling hook games. But we can't exactly detail the NES Bionic Commando here. You've all searched for Super Joe, accidentally fired off shots in neutral zones, and blown up Hitler Master D. And the arcade version isn't as awesome. But there's another grappling game, for the Super Nintendo, that is even more grappling-focused than Bionic Commando.

Continue reading Virtually Overlooked: Umihara Kawase

Super Mario Galaxy floating freely into space

Apparently GameStop/EB stores have been receiving full Super Mario Galaxy discs to use as in-store demos. On the store systems, gameplay is restricted to 10 minutes, but the restriction is not inherent to the disc ... which means that if an unscrupulous EB employee were to sneak off with the disc and rip it, he or she could then make the full game available online.

Which is exactly what has happened. Soon, people who wouldn't buy the game anyway will be playing it for free, weeks before its release. We don't know where it's available, and we're not going to look, and neither should you. Of course, the dumped game will only work for chipped Wiis.

For some reason, we can't muster up the expected level of outrage for this egregious crime. Sure, a guy broke the law, but very few people will actually download this, and we're pretty sure that Super Mario Galaxy will do a nice amount of business. Besides, you totally don't get a free coin when you steal the game. Right?

Okami might not be a straight port now?

Despite Ready at Dawn stating that Okami would be an exact port of the PS2 game, Capcom's Senior director of strategy Christian Svensson doesn't want us to fret that this will be a "quick and dirty" port. He assures us that Ready at Dawn will be doing their best to make sure this game stands out from the PS2 version.

Of course, that doesn't mean he's ready to discuss possible additions to the Wii version. First priority is to get the game up and running, as he states "The game is enormous. If after we have everything working correctly, cleanly and as desired so as not to "break" the amazing experience that is Okami, we will worry about potential enhancements." That time could be a ways off, however, as he further adds "As we are NOT at that point in the process yet, we are loathe to even mention any potential changes or enhancements for fear of disappointing the fans/media."

What would you guys like to see make it into the game? What kind of improvements and/or changes would make the title more desirable on the Wii for yourself?

[Via Siliconera]

First Samba de Amigo art is exactly what we all imagined

New developer Gearbox, at least, hasn't made many changes to Samba de Amigo's mascot character, Amigo the monkey. Same festive hat, same red neckerchief, same permanent, vacant grin. The only major difference we can see in the first promotional art for the Wii Samba de Amigo is the very obvious addition of the Wiimote. That's Sega's subtle way of telling us that this is a Wii game, that you play on the Wii using the Wii controller. The press release, after the break, confirms this, reporting that the Wiimote and Nunchuk will take the place of the sublime maracas controller from the Dreamcast and arcade versions.

This is not the first time in the short history of the Wii that Sega has released Wiimote-holding-monkey artwork. This time, however, the monkey is wearing a hat.

Continue reading First Samba de Amigo art is exactly what we all imagined

Matt C.'s new hype train: Medal of Honor: Heroes 2

Now that Zack & Wiki has been released into the wild, IGN's Matt Casamassina needs something new to hype, and we're all sorts of behind this latest choice: Medal of Honor: Heroes 2. In a recent blog entry, he reports that the controls are out of this world. In fact, he says the WWII title "beats the pants off Metroid Prime 3 in the FPS control department. This is the new Wii benchmark, period." That's a bold statement, but it seems to jibe with what we've seen and heard so far about the game ... and hey, we get bonus incredible multiplayer to boot. Put us down in the excited column on this one.

In the same post, he drops possible hints of an Elebits sequel. Exciting!

[Via Joystiq]

Confirmed (again): Nintendo nauseatingly rich

Once upon a time, in a land called Eighteen Months Ago, a new games console called "Wii" was announced. With its easily manipulated name, unusual motion-sensing controls and standard definition visuals, many onlookers instantly chose to hoot and holler at this most unconventional piece of hardware. Amidst much snickering, God-awful puns and subtle anatomical jokes were cracked.

Fast-forward a year and a half, and it is Nintendo that is laughing longest, loudest, and yes, hardest. Earlier today, the company published a half year profits forecast that practically glowed with positivity: profit is expected to treble for this fiscal year, the previously mocked Wii is expected to sell 17.5m units by March 31, and Ninty has raised expected software sales during this fiscal year by 35%.

Translation: Nintendo is neck-deep in lovely, filthy lucre. And to think both Wii Fit and Brawl are yet to touch down in stores.

Dojo update: King Dedede is a playable character

Today's dojo update is a huge one, as a new playable character is revealed in King Dedede. He's a big mofo with a hammer, so what's not to love? It'll be nice to have a new heavy hitter to take against DK and Bowser, that's for sure.

Yesterday's update involved a look at the Target Smash mode, which consists of five different levels. The neat thing is that you can record replay data and send it to your friends over Wi-Fi.

Read - King Dedede
Read - Target Smash!

[Thanks to everyone that sent this in!]

Metareview: Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure

For once, it looks like something may almost live up to the hype: Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure is getting great reviews (though of course, the best comes from the game's biggest fan). Despite the two -- count 'em! -- less-than-awesome titles, the game seems to have managed to pull through into the realm of eminently playable.

IGN -- 90%
: After Matt Casamassina stopped hyperventilating over the title, he regained consciousness and found that the control scheme worked really well with the Wii's setup: "It's a strange thing to write, but despite utilizing a control method more akin to classic adventure games - you don't actually control the hero and his sidekick so much as you direct them through levels - Z&W really uses the Wii remote well. If you've been playing videogames as long as we have, you'll be able to recall those old-time favorites - your Kings Quests, Monkey Islands and Full Throttles - whose point-and-click setup and clever hurdles drew you in."

Game Informer (second opinion) -- 78%: Another Matt, Matt Helgeson, to be exact, didn't quite wet himself over the game: "It's certainly charming, and its Wii remote controlled action/puzzle gameplay is nothing if not unique. At its best, it gives you a mix of intriguing puzzles and novel motion-based minigames that's like nothing else out there. However, this game is frustrating as often as it's fun, and at times the Wii control features seem to be doing little more than making the gameplay sloppier and less exact than it should be. It's an interesting concept that could have used a bit more polish."

Gamespot -- 85%: Gamespot let a dude who wasn't named Matt have a crack at the title, and while he thought it was a little disjointed, overall, Zack & Wiki comes out on top: "All told, Zack & Wiki is a winner. It might not win you over with its characters or story, but it will with its wonderfully crafted puzzles and sharp control mechanics. It's just the sort of game Wii owners have been pining for, the sort of game that blends accessibility and challenge into one seamless whole, and does it without devolving into yet another minigame collection."

All in all, it looks like the hype train has pulled through the station and is chugging along at a good clip. Are you on it?

Fanswag reminder: You only have hours left

You like free stuff, right? Well, then maybe you would like to enter our giveaway we have running right now. Today is your last day to do so. And we're dying to give this stuff away, because our closet is too full of the corpses of fallen comrades, who gave their lives for a very good cause.

So, be sure to head on over to the contest post (we'll link it again for you) and get your entry in before 11:59pm EST tonight. Oh, and remember: one entry per person. We'd hate for you to be disqualified.

Japanese No More Heroes fans get their own beam katanas

The events of No More Heroes are catalyzed by Travis Touchdown's purchase of a beam katana in an online auction. Now preordering the game will enable Japanese gamers to reenact that part of the story, in miniature, and probably without the subsequent murders.

The "beam katana accessory" will be given out in limited numbers to people who reserve a copy of No More Heroes. It's made of metal (probably aluminum) and is 70 mm (2.5 inches) long. Dengeki considers it potentially suitable as a phone charm or as something to attach to a bag, although it may crunch your phone in your pocket, we think. Chances are most people will keep it in its packaging forever as a keepsake, a reminder of the time they went to a store.

Get Mario on your 360

Last week, you may recall our sister site DS Fanboy frothing over a Zelda-themed Xbox 360 faceplate, a fine, one-of-a-kind piece of fanwork that eventually sold on eBay for the criminally low price of $31.

At the bottom of said auction, creator 'worldwidewebbs' (who has a bit of a knack for these, it would seem) promised us a Mario version within the week, and has duly delivered. Impressively, this fantastic Super Mario World faceplate (which, as we type, is still only at $21.50) boasts moving parts (the Piranha Plant emerges from its pipe at the touch of a spring-loaded button) and even a sound chip that plays the jaunty Mario theme.

Sir, we applaud your talents! While simmering beneath the surface with envy.

Mario and Sonic exemplify 'comic mischief'

Okay, these "viral" videos are kind of ridiculous. The rotund Sonic suit looks pretty bad, and we question the validity of calling something "viral" when it's distributed via the same channels as officially-released material, just because it's intentionally kind of cheap-looking.

But we have to admit, that this video for Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games made us laugh out loud. At first, there was something hilarious about the interaction of a normal human person with a guy in a Mario suit speaking in Charles Martinet's voice. Then Sonic came along and replicated a classic Kids in the Hall skit and we, shamefully, LOL'd.

The other video, not so much. But it's embedded after the break anyway.

Continue reading Mario and Sonic exemplify 'comic mischief'

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