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 Halo 3: Death By Traffic Cone | Game Stooge
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Halo 3: Death By Traffic Cone

Saved films in Halo 3 might just be one of the greatest gaming innovations of all time. Why? The headline says it all… Best. Suicide. Ever.

[Original YouTube link.]

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23 Responses to “Halo 3: Death By Traffic Cone”

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  1. Ben Says:

    Best game ever!

  2. The worst way to get fragged, EVER! « The Xbox Domain Says:

    […] Game Stooge] -William “thewilleffect” […]

  3. Halo Trilogy - Yeah We Kind of do Love Halo! Says:

    […] This has to be the most hilarious suicide ever. Video Link […]

  4. LOL Says:

    I wonder if thats a one of a million, or if you can replicate it.

  5. definitely not safe here » Suicide Trifecta Complete Says:

    […] down below, and then saw my own personal experience with the Spartan Laser and a turbine, then this new video now completes the trifecta. […]

  6. Xbox Player Says:

    Halo 3 features invisible parking attendants

  7. anonymous Says:

    I’ve only played online once. I feel like I’m neglecting myself. If only BF2 wasn’t so much fun.

  8. Death by traffic cone. the funnies death i have ever seen. - Xbox 360 Forum Says:

    […] by traffic cone. the funnies death i have ever seen. I still laugh every time I watch this. __________________ The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that […]

  9. Jonah Falcon Says:

    It was Gordon Freeman using his gravity gun on Master Chief.

  10. Somken’s Blog » Halo 3: Death By Traffic Cone Says:

    […] suicide in Halo 3read more | digg […]

  11. chris Says:

    Sweet video!! but: “Saved films in Halo 3 might just be one of the greatest gaming innovations of all time.” This feature has been around for ages in the pc gaming world, it is nothing new.

  12. .... Says:

    haha. that’s the coolest death i’ve seen.

  13. Console Game Player XBox and XBox 360 News » Halo 3: fun with teleporters and traffic cones Says:

    […] killed. Through a bizarre bout of physics and chance, the Spartan in question is killed by … a traffic cone. Yeah, the same orange traffic cone your likely to see on any given day in the city. It’s […]

  14. Andretii Says:

    that u get for wasting ammo

  15. Dave Says:

    I guess they found the one flaw in the Spartan’s armor.

  16. anonymous Says:

    what font are you using in the vid?

    BTW, the vid’s awesome

  17. Eric Monse Says:

    That’s gotta be the worst way to go!

  18. Dynesh Says:

    I don’t know what games you are talking about that have saved games like Halo. The ability to record what you’re playing in PC games has been around forever, but the control you have in Halo 3 saved games to view from any angle, that’s something I wish every game would copy from here on out.

  19. Xbox 360 News » Blog Archive » Halo 3: fun with teleporters and traffic cones Says:

    […] killed. Through a bizarre bout of physics and chance, the Spartan in question is killed by … a traffic cone. Yeah, the same orange traffic cone your likely to see on any given day in the city. It’s […]

  20. Anonymous Says:


  21. Video Game News » Blog Archive » Halo 3: fun with teleporters and traffic cones Says:

    […] killed. Through a bizarre bout of physics and chance, the Spartan in question is killed by … a traffic cone. Yeah, the same orange traffic cone your likely to see on any given day in the city. It’s […]

  22. links for 2007-10-23 at James A. Arconati Says:

    […] Halo 3: Death By Traffic Cone | Game Stooge Saved films in Halo 3 might just be one of the greatest gaming innovations of all time. Why? The headline says it all… Best. Suicide. Ever. (tags: funny video-games stupid video video-games/pc) […]

  23. yo Says:

    Halo 3 might just be one of the greatest gaming innovations of all time.

    Oh yea, sure. It is like Quake 3 which was released… errr. dunno 5 years ago? 7? The voice chat was introduced … like 3-5 years ago. Halo 3 uses the guns from the prev series. You could drive vehicles… dunno…

    Ah you mean greatest console game so far? Right, well, you could bought a pc so you had this gaming experience for years ;)

    no offense, just trying to help you out.

    [You, sir, might want to re-read that. The part about Halo 3’s SAVED FILMS in particular -Ed.]

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