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At the intersection of Your Money and Your Life: WalletPop

PS3 Poll Police: Which Naughty Dog game do you want to see?

The Poll Police are back again and cruising the streets in an effort to sway the minds of one infamous development house known only as "Naughty Dog". We don't know how many victims this developer has gotten to purchase their games, but the victims we have spoken to claim to have felt "strong senses of happiness," or "a euphoric feeling, like I finally found my gaming goddess," even "I want to go treasure hunting and it's all Naughty Dog's doing!" Truly, a frightening ordeal. We've come to understand this Naughty Dog has currently expressed plans to create both an Uncharted sequel and a Jak and Daxter title for the PlayStation 3, but we are not sure which title they will strike first with. Our question to you: which would you want to see by Naughty Dog first?
Uncharted 2 or Jak and Daxter PS3?
I need some more Drake -- Uncharted 2.
It's time to bring back Jak and Daxter on PS3!
They should make another new IP.
I don't really want either of those, because fun is evil.
pollcode.com free polls
We're being sarcastic above -- Naughty Dog has made some excellent games. If you thought we were being serious, you've really got to get that funny bone checked out because it might be fractured. We know the company wants to use the Uncharted engine in their next Jak and Daxter game, but they haven't decided what game to work on next. If Uncharted was a big enough hit and people demand it, they might thrust themselves into a sequel before working on something else, though we imagine that's unlikely -- they'll probably want to do something different first. Last week's poll results are after the jump.

Continue reading PS3 Poll Police: Which Naughty Dog game do you want to see?

New player-created Folklore revealed

European fans of Folklore were asked to draw new creatures for Game Republic's PS3 adventure. The Malion emerged victorious, and will appear in a future downloadable expansion for the game. The Malion is certainly far more attractive than the winner of the American contest, the Quasarilli. However, it'll certainly be interesting to see how these two creatures are brought to life by Game Republic and implemented in the game.

PS3 Poll Police: Scandal at the Gamespot!

In light of recent events, the Poll Police are scrounging up every resource they have to scramble to the streets and get your thoughts on the conundrum that befell Gamespot. If you are unaware of the scenario, read up on it here, or listen to a very short version by us. Jeff Gerstmann was fired from Gamespot for a ton of rumored reasons, the most prominent being a negative review of Kane & Lynch, which caused Eidos to pull out all the advertising revenue from the site. Advertising pressure to give a game a positive score, mostly. Anyhow, we'd like to gauge your thoughts on the situation: is there more than meets the eye, or is this all there was to it? Is it fair or not?

How do you feel about Gerstmann's termination?
He was wrongfully executed, so to speak.
Gamespot lost a lot of money, so he needed to go.
There was something more to this, so I don't know.
He was biased and this is a part of restructuring Gamespot.
pollcode.com free polls

Whatever the decision, we can't reverse what's happened. A lot of Sony fanboys criticized Gamespot for having a glaring anti-PS3 bias in their reviews, which may or may not be substantiated by equally questionable pressure from "advertisers" or "sponsors" or whoever. If this is part of a restructuring for Gamespot in their practices, and letting Jeff go was the first step in getting the site back in order, that's a different story. However, the world is a shady place and the lack of solid information in this event makes us wonder what the scoop really is. Last week's poll results are after the jump.

Continue reading PS3 Poll Police: Scandal at the Gamespot!

The ultimate gaming bling: diamond encrusted PS controller

This black diamond encrusted PS controller is the most blinged up gaming item we've seen in quite some time. A gift for a friend of blog Boy Genius Report, this controller looks one part cool, one part tacky, and all parts uncomfortable. Like friendship, this is the kind of fandom that only money can buy.

[Via PlayStation Boards]

ZOMG, the winners of our anniversary contest revealed

Congrats to Torgo, the lucky PS3 Fanboy reader that won our Uncharted loot. All of it. He's taking home a frame piece of concept art, a replica ring from the game and a brand new copy of our favorite PS3 game (so far).

Also, a big cheer to mkernan, the newest addition to the PS3 Fanboy ranks. He's taking home an 80GB PS3 system with Motorstorm and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Yowza!

Thanks to everyone that participated in our giveaways. We hope to have more soon!

PS3 Poll Police: See anyone grabbing PS3's lately?

The Poll Police are back from stuffing their predominantly American faces with food and napping for unnaturally lengthy periods of time and want to know if you braved the roads the day after Thanksgiving. Nothing else seems too important the past week, so we want to check and see if a rumor going around the internet is true -- have PS3's been flying off the shelves for this holiday season? Scouts, report!

See anyone grabbing PS3's over Black Friday?
Yeah, most stores were sold out.
I saw a few people with them.
No, nothing particularly out of the ordinary.
I saw people returning them!
Dude, I don't celebrate Thanksgiving or this Black Friday business.
pollcode.com free polls

That's all you have to do and we'll process the data and get back to you next week. If you're curious about last week's poll, feel free to take the jump, although if you're a diehard Sony fanboy, you might get a little weepy. We didn't though, as it was a fair decision the masses came to.

Continue reading PS3 Poll Police: See anyone grabbing PS3's lately?

Wear PlayStation to work with these cufflinks

Want to impress at your next social event? Why not wear these PlayStation cufflinks? Combining high class style and geekdom into one convenient package, this will easily be a conversation piece amongst your nerd friends. Too bad it costs $150.

[Via Engadget]

Fan-made PS3 ad focuses on future exclusives

PS3 Fanboy darkmatt3r took Saliva's "Ladies and Gentleman" promo song and made his own variant of the new PS3 ads. His original piece includes footage from upcoming exclusives such as Final Fantasy XIII, Killzone 2 and Little Big Planet. It's an incredibly well-cut trailer that would be quite effective if shown on TV. Looks like next year's holiday ads are going to be even better than this year's.

One year down: How do the PlayStations stack up?

On the eve of the PlayStation 3's first birthday, the entire team was huddled inside PS Fanboy Headquarters, located deep inside a cavernous mountain off the coast of Bangladesh. There, we were visited by a celestial being who spoke only one immensely insightful sentence: "There is perhaps no greater litmus test for measuring success than to look back at one's past accomplishments."

At first, we weren't quite sure what our ethereal host wanted us to do with this incredibly important message. After hours upon hours of internal discussion, we made no headway into uncovering what we believe is certainly the key to finding the meaning of life.

With nothing else to do, we began talking about our undying love for the PlayStation 3, but the PS2 and PS1 kept creeping into the conversation until we started to compare the three systems. And now that the PlayStation 3 has just turned a year old, what better time to look back at how it stacks up against the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation than the present?

So sit down, grab a hot cup of cocoa and be prepared to be wowed, because some of our findings may surprise you.

Continue reading One year down: How do the PlayStations stack up?

Fox News offers their unique 'reporting' on PS3 dust story

We love Fox News, if only because they offer such a unique perspective on things. Here's their reporting -- you decide on how hilarious it is. You may have read about one man's crusade to get his PS3 replaced ... but it was "too dusty" to be repaired. Sony is supposedly refusing to repair his machine due to "neglect." (Here's a picture of the system in question.)

It's fascinating to see the mainstream media pick up on this "story." With so much attention being placed on one man's defective machine, it seems wise for Sony to simply hush him with a replacement system, even if its unwarranted.

The games press looks at the PS3's first year

The PS3's first year has come to a close, and we wanted to ask our friends at various gaming outlets to tell us what they thought about Sony's debut performance in this new gaming generation. Obviously, the company has received a lot of flak, but can they turn it around? Read on in this PS3 Fanboy exclusive:

Sony took a step in the right direction by slashing the price of the Playstation 3 and introducing the 40 GB model. Sure, it doesn't play Playstation 2 games, but the cheaper model will get the PS3 into more homes and that makes it a more viable console for third party developers. Yes, the Playstation 3 needs more games, but more importantly it needs a unique experience that is only on the PS3. Easier said than done right? Perhaps, developers can look at the Playstation 3's underutilized features for inspiration like remote play, the MMC slot for importing media and the Playstation 3's internal web browser. I'm imagining an alternate reality hacking/detective game where players surf websites, carry their PSPs to get data from sham networks around the world and then create their own mysteries with the help of the MMC reader.
-- Spencer Yip

Sony's sheer dominance in the prior generation of consoles seemed to pave the way for a clear run at the crown in this generation of gaming, but by not offering the complete online experience or game play innovations delivered by its prime competitors, Sony has taken a significant hit in the current console war. A revamped online presence, key PS3 exclusives and a clear approach to the system as game machine and not just an media centerpiece for high-income families will be essential for Sony to return to it's once dominant position of prominence.
-- Daniel Kayser

Continue reading The games press looks at the PS3's first year

PS3 Poll Police: Was the PS3's first year the best, or worst?

So, this weekend marks the advent of the PlayStation 3's birth and like most children, it experienced what can only be called Growing Pains. It gets into hilarious situations in which Kirk Cameron and Alan Thicke must reconcile their differences and ... oh, wrong scenario. Anyway, the Poll Police are charging you with assessing the progress of the Sony brand and the PlayStation 3 over the past year. What did you think? What will happen from now on? The future is unknown, until it, well, becomes the present. So: will the PS3's first year be remembered as the worst, or does it mark itself as the high point in its life cycle?

Will the PS3's first year be the worst, the best, or meh?
It was a rough start, so this was the worst year.
It had a slow start, but it went okay.
I'd say the PS3 did pretty well in its first year.
Are you kidding? This year can't be beat!
pollcode.com free polls

That's that, then. Last week's poll was interesting, because we focused on a single demo to see how the world was receiving Sony's latest title in Naughty Dog's Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. How did it fare? Well, you'll have to take the jump to find out.

Continue reading PS3 Poll Police: Was the PS3's first year the best, or worst?

PS3 gets a birthday cake

We don't know exactly what Russel does, but his office received a cake from the fine folks at SCEA, celebrating the first birthday of PS3. While it looks pretty, supposedly it doesn't taste too great. Too bad! Of course, we're celebrating next Monday, in time for the launch of Uncharted.

Celebrate the one year anniversary of PS3 with us

You're Invited!

Dear PS3 Fanboy readers,

The one year anniversary of the PS3 is coming soon, and we want you to celebrate it with us. Join us on Monday, November 19th as we throw the best virtual party around. We'll have prizes and tons of features ready:
  • Win an 80GB PS3! Includes Motorstorm.
  • Win an Uncharted: Drake's Fortune prize package! Includes a copy of the game, exclusive framed concept art, and a replica ring from the game.
  • Uncharted: Drake's Fortune mega-review. Read our impressions of the year's most anticipated PS3 game yet.
  • One year retrospective. A look at the PS3's first year, with commentary from our friends at our favorite video game sites.
Readers in the NYC area: Also, you're invited to join an exclusive gathering at PS3 Fanboy HQ in NYC. Join us as we have a casual meet-up and play Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and other hit PS3 games. Light refreshments will be served, and prizes will be given away. Space will be very limited. There are no more RSVP slots available.

PS3 Poll Police: How was the Uncharted demo?

The Poll Police have upgraded their patrol cars! Now, instead of rolling around in soapbox racers, they've got Pow-Pow-Power Wheels to help them do their jobs. All kidding aside, this was a fairly good week for news. We had the firmware update and a pretty impressive list of other things. However, one item did stand out in the weekly PS Store update and that is the Uncharted demo. We want to know what you guys thought of it. Be honest, as it is always the best policy when dealing with the long arm of the law.

What did you think of the Uncharted demo?
I thought it was excellent.
Nice graphics, tame gameplay.
Tame graphics, nice gameplay.
It was okay.
This was a terrible demo of a crappy game.
What's Uncharted?
pollcode.com free polls

Our thoughts are to remain secret, as we'll be reviewing the game shortly after its release. We're hoping the final build is even better than the demo, as anyone rightly would. Who would wish for a game to be worse than its demo, anyway? If you're curious about last week's poll results, check it out after the jump.

Continue reading PS3 Poll Police: How was the Uncharted demo?

Next Page >


Happy birthday PS3 -- win an 80GB system from PS3 Fanboy!PSP Fanboy review: SOCOM Tactical StrikeCheck out the PlayStation Fancast podcast!


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