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Create a high-definition speaker -- for a few pennies (seriously)

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to scrounge in the kitchen and sofa cushions for these items:
  • A penny (a shiny one)
  • Some aluminum foil
  • Some tape (like clear packaging tape)
  • A paper plate
Add a 3.5" stereo mini-plug from an old pair of headphones to the above recipe and you'll have the workings of a high-def (but decidedly low-tech) speaker system for that iPod, PC, or any other device that outputs sound through a 3.5" connection.

This is the coolest low-to-no-budget hack I've seen in a long time. These things, when completed, may not look the best, but try it today and see if the sound fits your bill. Invite some friends over and pump up the jams. The music will flow, but nobody will believe that paper plates and other junk could be transformed into a decent speaker.

Chinese toy recalls: What better reason to build a toy?

Wood pull toyIn honor of yet another round of recalled products originating in that country, I give to you a selection of toys and things that you can make and do yourself. None of these neat ideas requires lead based paint, poison toothpaste or tainted pet food. Follow the links and follow the instructions and I guarantee some great family fun.

Start at the Science Toy Maker for easy science learning crafts. If you need your science craft projects to be a little on the elementary side, you'll find a nice selection of early learning projects there. There are also science projects for the older kids including such things as a candle powered steam boat and an air powered rocket. The site is easy to navigate and it promises a lot of fun.

This page I found on About.com provides loads of leads for family fun. Find sources for toys, games puzzles and mazes. Tantalize your brain for hours without ever increasing the trade deficit.

I found a site that will help you learn the ways of toy making for the birds. Yes, you read that right. The Toymaker by Birds n Ways has a web page absolutely jammed full of fun things you can make and do for your bird. Hanging toys, chewing toys and bird games are just some of the interesting categories over there. In fairness to our cat owning readers, here's Aunt Annie's, Cat Toys from Trash. You know, cats are true do it yourselfers.

If you want to create your new non-imported toys in wood, you can view toy, craft and furniture plans at WoodcraftPlans.com. If you want your wood toy project to have a retro feel, check out MAKE Blog for some toy plans from the 1950's. For serious wood workers, or those who are working on becoming one, you might like to look at The Country Business Directory, Do-It-Yourself Wooden toys. If you need your monthly dose of both wood and crafts, be sure to check out the cornucopia of ideas at Woodworker's Workshop.com, the place is an absolute blast.

Now you have some good leads to get you thinking about toys made closer to home.. The closer to home your stuff originates, the better it is for all of us.

Ghostbusting for beginners

Some fine Ghostbusters cosplay. By Flickr user rparle.

It's been over a week since Halloween. For days, you've been nagging your roommate to take down that ghost decoration they put up in the corner of the living room, near the ceiling. The trouble is, said roommate (who is usually pretty good about washing the dishes and not using all the toilet paper without buying more) claims not to have put up a ghost decoration anywhere in the house.

Meanwhile, the ghost stares at you balefully, waves its arms around, attempts to make spooky noises, leaves ectoplasm stains on the walls, and is starting to gather dust. You think you may have a bit of a problem on your hands: you're not afraid, you're annoyed. So, who you gonna call? There aren't many actual exorcists in the phone book, let alone Dr. Peter Venkman. (Does he even count as an "actual exorcist"? I mean, have you seen the man work?)

My prescription: get a copy of Ghostbusters and run it incessantly on your DVD player this weekend. At the same time, visit the Ghostbusters Prop Archive, a site dedicated to building all sorts of replica props from the film. Make a point of lingering on the pages for Proton Packs and Ghost Traps: print out a few plans, make some notes, and, most importantly, let your uninvited house-guest see you doing it. Periodically make calculating glances in his direction. Munch on marshmallows.

If your ghost is a reasonably bright ghost, he'll put two and two together and head for someone else's apartment. He doesn't have to know that you're not figuring out how to build real ghost traps, right?

If you just want to make some costumes and props for Ghostbusters cosplay or fan films, the GPA would probably work for that, too, I guess... because I'm joking about the exorcism idea. The site has all the detailed information, screen grabs, and building suggestions you could possibly need to make your project a success. There's even a small shop full of elements that may be difficult to find: knobs for the goggles, belts for the uniforms, etc. Get busting!

The cheapest iPhone stand you'll ever make

Yes, most of us geeky news watchers know that there are plenty of iHacks for the iPhone these days. For those that don't want to use AT&T with those svelte and newer iPhones, there are software tools that will unlock that iHandset and allow you to use it with any GSM wireless carrier you can find.

But sometimes, the greatest joys in our iLives are those low-tech hacks. You know -- the kind that take virtually no effort or resources but which allow for complete satisfaction at the end of the day. Enter the iStand. Or, at least, that is what I am calling it.

Using a larger-sized paperclip coated with wither electrical tape of some thick heat-shrink tubing, you too can make that stand to ensure your iPhone stands at a perfect angle while you watch that movie or video clip -- or if you just prefer to sand your iPhone up all the time instead of it laying flat on its back. Cost: virtually zero.

Make an adorable ipod nano case

nano caseThe iPod case has become a fashion accessory of its own. If you're looking for a cute, custom, handmade case then follow this tutorial and craft your own. The felt case has buttonhole stitching and is adorned with a precious sheep character. The great thing about these tutorials is that you can follow it exactly or use your own creativity. Add your own characters and change the colors for a truly custom look. You can make one to match every outfit! Once you've made one for yourself, make them for friends and stock up as stocking-stuffers.

You'll find all the materials and instructions in this easy to follow tutorial.

Charge those USB devices by breathing

Just in case your USB charger for your cellphone or other gadget (like an MP3 player) has been lost or your just plain tired of charging it the 'normal' way, who says you can't have a little fun charging that gadget. That is, as long as you have the capability of breathing at will.

Yes, this body/gadget hack involves arresting your breathing habits and in turn using that power to actually charge devices that require a USB-type mini-plug to get that battery juiced up again. Almost all MP3 players -- including the iPod - charge by USB, and many newer phones do as well (even the aging Motorola RAZR).

Think this hack cannot be done? Using parts from an old CD-ROM drive, a few rubber bands and a little knowledge in electronic circuits will have you ready to charge those USB devices just sitting at your desk all day. Now, some of you would prefer your nearby PC to all the work, but if you really need to charge those devices in a pinch with no PC or electrical outlet around -- like camping on a mountaintop -- this would do the trick.

Magknits: November 2007

Don't let this cat get your yarn. By Flickr user tommyhj.November's MagKnits went up a few days ago, slightly late. This month brings us seven new knitting patterns, perfect for late autumn and early winter.

Most of the patterns this month are what I would describe as "quietly useful": attractive, without bowling you over. The standouts are the two sweater patterns: Basic Black, my favorite of the new designs, is a stylish v-neck cardigan, while Fibonacci is a slightly more complex cardigan with stripes and a shawl collar.

Read more about the rest of the new patterns after the break! There's a bunch of cold-weather accessories and a few baby items, one of which is an innovative solution to a problem lots of moms have.

Continue reading Magknits: November 2007

11 ways to brighten a room

single windowIf you're missing the bright days of summer you might be finding some rooms in your house too dark. A dark room can affect your work, change the impression of your decor and impact your mood. Learning how to brighten up a dark room can change your space so drastically. Here are the 11 suggested ways:
  1. Turn on a lamp
  2. Install a light fixture
  3. Add task lighting
  4. Replace bulbs with higher wattage
  5. Open curtains or blinds
  6. Install a skylight
  7. Use diffused lighting
  8. Mimic the sunrise
  9. Use mirrors
  10. Paint and decorate the room
  11. Clear the clutter
After the jump I'll share the details of my favorite tips.

Continue reading 11 ways to brighten a room

Change a broken light bulb with a potato

potatoI think it's safe to assume that you all know how to change a light bulb. What you may not know is how to change a broken light bulb. Broken bulbs that are still in the socket can be hard to change and very dangerous. A potato can be your saving tool. Make sure you read all the instructions on how to change a broken light bulb before getting started.

What you'll need

  1. 1 raw potato
  2. 1 knife
  3. 1 replacement light bulb
  4. 1 bag for trash/glass shards
  5. Gloves
  6. Protective eye wear
  7. Vacuum
After the break I'll fill you in on the 12 steps to changing a broken light bulb with a potato.

Continue reading Change a broken light bulb with a potato

How to catch a rainbow - on film

rainbowThe rainbow is one of nature's more beautiful occurrences. It doesn't matter where you're headed or the hurry you're in, a rainbow has the power to stop you in your tracks and take a moment to look in awe. If you love photography, you catch that awe inspiring moment on film. All too often, I develop my film only to find that I failed to capture the true wonder on film.

The wet fall days and clear crisp skies mean that rainbows are plentiful and the opportunities to practice photographing them are in abundance. How to photograph a rainbow gives you tips on taking the best picture.

A tip that I found particularly useful is this one about positioning the end point of your rainbow.

End Points of the Rainbow - the point where a rainbow hits the ground/horizon is an important point in any rainbow photograph. This is a natural point of interest so think about where you'll put it in the frame. You might want to zoom in on this spot or even quickly change your own position so that it lines up with some other object in the scene.

The tips address everything from foreground to composition to filter. Read through their suggestions and go searching for your subject. By the end of this rainy season you'll have a collection of rainbow photos.

[via: Lifehacker]

DIY maternity jeans

maternity jeansMaternity clothes have come a long way. I'm sure our mothers would say that we have nothing to complain about considering the huge selection of styles that we have available to us now. Still, despite all the cute tops and smart pant suits, maternity jeans haven't evolved as well. For the jeans that do pass your standards of style and fit they are going to cost a fortune and only be useful for a few months. Necessity is the mother of invention here as the patchwork princess takes us through a tutorial on DIY maternity jeans.

If you're a savvy thrift store shopper and have 30 min at a sewing machine, you'll have a trendy new pair of maternity pants in no time. All you need is a pair of jeans the fit everywhere except the belly, a funky print T-shirt, scissors, thread and a sewing machine. The full tutorial and pictures make this project foolproof (or should I say "baby brain" proof). Maternity couture is all the rage, you just never thought you could get it for $6.

Build your own humidor

humidityThe humidor is an elegant accessory for regular cigar smokers. The humidor is a box with constant humidity and temperature control designed to keep cigars at their best. They range in size from those that hold a few dozen to entire rooms. Cigar care is very important to connoisseurs, but humidors can be prohibitively expensive. These instructions on building your own humidor might be more up your alley.

Here's what you need:
  1. Container (the author uses a Rubbermaid which works well)
  2. Strong cutting knife
  3. Digital hydrometer/thermometer
  4. Humidification device
  5. Cigar boxes
  6. Distilled water
Follow the instructions as you put the pieces together to make your humidor. Next time you are celebrating and go to offer your guests a cigar they will be blown away by the quality and freshness you are maintaining at home.

Make edible place cards for your Thanksgiving dinner

Graham crackersThanksgiving place cards range from elegant calligraphy on heavy card stock to construction paper creation by the kids. This Thanksgiving, go with edible place cards that are sure to be popular among guests and add a little interest to your table setting.

The place cards use the cornucopia theme which is a symbolic of abundance and good harvest. The base is a graham cracker and the names written in icing. They could be a desert snack or a party favor wrapped in cellophane and finished off with a ribbon.

  1. Whole graham cracker
  2. Bugle snacks (plain flavor)
  3. Mini M&M's
  4. Hard drying icing (homemade or store-bought)
  5. Icing tube or bag
After the break I'll tell you how to make these delicious place cards.

Continue reading Make edible place cards for your Thanksgiving dinner

Wedstravaganza, Part 8: creating the picture-perfect wedding in under five weeks

Well, here we are -- the final edition of Wedstravaganza! It's been a long and bumpy ride for me going through all the final details of the gorgeous wedding that blurred past my wife and I this past August, but now the journey is just about complete for regular readers of this series. For those of you who would like to read all seven past editions of Wedstravaganza, I've included all the links below:

Wedstravaganza, Part 1
Wedstravaganza, Part 2
Wedstravaganza, Part 3
Wedstravaganza, Part 4
Wedstravaganza, Part 5
Wedstravaganza, Part 6
Wedstravaganza, Part 7

View the picture galleries, then be sure and read the rest of this feature after the break.

Gallery: Wedstravaganza wedding pictures

Gallery: Wedstravaganza honeymoon images

Continue reading Wedstravaganza, Part 8: creating the picture-perfect wedding in under five weeks

Vehicle maintenance - Let Service Beacon track it for you

car gagesWe all know how important vehicle maintenance is. Keeping up on regular service appointments or doing the maintenance yourself is key to your car's continued performance. Most of you will diagnose and fix your car problems independently and quite successfully. The real problem is that if you wait for an issue, you've already lost time and money. Maintenance is key and it is so easy to lose track of our maintenance schedule. Dumb Little Man points us to the perfect solution: Service Beacon.

For car owners it's completely free. You can store all your car maintenance records on their site. While the idea is that you can book your service appointments through your dealer online, most of you will opt for the DIY method. I know it would be useful to us having a reminder each time we're due for a service. The site will also keep you up to date on all of the recalls and notifications relevant to your vehicle. Let Service Beacon track your car maintenance schedule so that your car keeps serving you. Take the tour, it's quite impressive.

[via: Lifehacker]

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