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Hey Mr. Thompson now in video form - Xbox 360 Fanboy
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Hey Mr. Thompson now in video form

Hey, remember that wacky "Hey Mr. Thompson" song we mentioned a while ago? We posted it as a respite from our constant torrent of timely and poignantly written 360 news. Well, Sarcastic Gamer has created a video now, and we think you should watch it right now. Go ahead, take a break from all this 360 nonsense. Seriously, the video has something for everyone. If your idea of a good time is watching someone in a crazy white wig pretending to be Jack Thompson, then this video is right up your alley. If not ... perhaps you fancy guitar playing men that serenade the camera? The point, if this rambling post has one, is that the video is hilarious, and we all like making fun of Jack Thompson, right? Good, then that's settled. Now, watch and enjoy.

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1. Brilliant!

Sad that he'll never get it, even if he did get through the entire thing and listen to the lyrics.

Posted at 5:34PM on Nov 19th 2007 by warrenpeace™


Posted at 5:35PM on Nov 19th 2007 by yokken

3. Havent I seen this a week or two ago?

Posted at 5:42PM on Nov 19th 2007 by gundamxzero

4. The audio alone was out like 2 weeks ago or so... I didn't listen then, and I'm glad... the video seems to tie it all together. Good stuff...

Posted at 6:03PM on Nov 19th 2007 by c4v3man

5. poor Janet Reno, lol.

the thing i like best about this song/video is that it explains exactly who JT is in about 4 minutes, something that would take most people about half an hour.... unless they simply use profanity.

Then you can sum him up rather easily: "douchey ass dick fuck-tard"

Posted at 7:06PM on Nov 19th 2007 by Grant

6. Haha, awesomesauce!

Posted at 7:37PM on Nov 19th 2007 by phantomgrave

7. I didn't think it was hilarious, but it was good. I would like to see them take on something more current, like Xbox Originals.

Posted at 7:40PM on Nov 19th 2007 by Gemini Ace

8. I wouldn't be surprised to see Sarcastic Gamer and AOL (owner's of Weblogs, and hence X360 Fanboy) added to his lawsuit right below Game Politics, The ECA, and Dennis McCauley.

I think it is almost an honor to be added to the suit.

Posted at 8:05PM on Nov 19th 2007 by Evan

9. I still think we should just ignore him. He's just a gnat.

Posted at 11:40PM on Nov 19th 2007 by Keyth.Halloween

10. I called 555-6000 and I sued Bungie for making me play Halo 3 and go on a violent rampage with my needler and plasma grenades. I'm now getting a huge pile of money thanks Jack Thompson. I'm rich B****h.

Posted at 1:48AM on Nov 20th 2007 by micheal82 (MCDF- Halo Ring)

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