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Inside IT


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  • Who lost our data expertise?

    Nov 29 2007:

    Careless use of personal data highlighted the malaise at the heart of the government's IT infrastructure - but will it change the internal culture, wonders Michael Cross

  • IT does more to hinder democracy than it does to enhance it

    Nov 29 2007:

    The "discgate" scandal is an example of how IT can give government more power over us while at the same time making it less efficient. Andrew Brown reports

  • Schools should teach data security

    Nov 22 2007:

    Schools teach computing in the dreariest way imaginable, failing to prepare children for the electronic world as it really is

  • Are happy days here again for the PC market?

    Nov 22 2007:

    Jack Schofield: It looks that way, from Hewlett-Packard's latest financial results, which showed sales up by 15% to $28.3bn (£13.7bn) - almost $1bn more than expected

  • Cracking the case for a museum of computing

    Nov 22 2007:

    Jack Schofield: Experts want Bletchley Park, the home of the code-breaking Colossus, to become a National Museum of Computing

  • A filter for stupidity?

    Nov 16 2007:

    The creators of StupidFilter say it will remove all those dumb comments people post online. But can a program really tell dumb from smart, wonders Charles Arthur

  • Apple goes Ram raiding

    Nov 9 2007:

    How does Apple get away with charging a fortune for something you can buy cheaply elsewhere – extra Ram?

  • 192.com's founder raps 'pure greed' of data re-use system

    Nov 8 2007:

    Michael Cross: Company's decade-long battle to win access to information emphasises need for change.

  • Train spotters get a ticket to ride

    Nov 6 2007:

    Japan's love affair with ticketless technology continues, writes J Mark Lytle, in this month's roundup of what's hot in Tokyo.

  • A Storm before the calm?

    Charles Arthur Nov 2 2007:

    The Storm worm may be dwindling in power, but don't worry - there'll be another one along soon to take its place, writes Charles Arthur.

  • Lords rap government response to security fears

    Nov 1 2007:

    Two months after a parliamentary committee described the internet as a 'wild west', the government said such talk was unwarranted, and online crime was not a problem. What's going on?

  • The realpolitik of selling hard drives to store films

    Nov 1 2007:

    Charles Arthur: Why do retailers advertise drives in terms of how many movies they can store, when it's illegal to make a backup of a DVD film?

  • A better way to digitise prints

    Nov 1 2007:

    A technique to 'unwarp' smudged, distorted or incomplete fingerprints could make it easier to use them as a biometric tool.

  • Dismay in Derry as figurehead hi-tech employer closes computer factory

    Oct 30 2007:

    Northern Ireland's attempt to move from a public sector-dominated economy into one driven by private hi-tech companies suffered a shattering setback yesterday with the loss of more than 900 jobs in an American computer company.

  • Reviewed: Mac OS X Leopard

    Oct 26 2007:

    What's new in Apple's long-awaited operating system update? A host of small things that will make your life better, says Fraser Speirs.

1-15 of 1051 for Inside IT.

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