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What's in your wallet?

Tim Watkin Dec 07 07, 10:00pm: Credit card companies' aggressive marketing can verge on the rediculous. But the culture of debt in America is no laughing matter

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A sea change in US energy policy

David Roberts Dec 07 07, 09:00pm: The progressive energy bill - as passed by the House of Representatives - encouraged renewables and told oil and car makers to bugger off

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Only interconnect

Tom Standage Dec 07 07, 08:00pm: Until now, we've seen the real and virtual worlds as mutually exclusive. But the new information technologies are blending them seamlessly

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Carbon-taxing the rich

Joseph Stiglitz Dec 07 07, 07:30pm: The Bali summit: Countries generating emissions must pay the cost, and the fairest and simplest way of forcing them to do so is through tax

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Mitt Romney's theoconservatism

Damon Linker Dec 07 07, 07:00pm: Romney's speech on faith was not an appeal for tolerance but a promise to uphold the divisive ideology of George Bush and the religious right

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Blears' band of bruthas

Joseph Harker Dec 07 07, 06:30pm: The government's appointment of black role models to lead disaffected kids to the path of righteousness is beyond parody

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Dirt in the nappies

Melissa McEwan Dec 07 07, 06:00pm: If Hillary Clinton can attack an opponent for something he wrote at kindergarten aged six, then why stop there?

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A drip-drip of revelations

Philippe Sands Dec 07 07, 05:30pm: The waterboarding controversy has lifted the veil on the fact that the Bush White House gave the CIA a green light to use illegal torture techniques

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Gluttons for punishment

Agnes Poirier Dec 07 07, 05:00pm: The French approve discipline: even their children, it seems, agree with smacking. But it must be done as an aesthetic practice - very correctly

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Downing truncheons

Gregor Gall Dec 07 07, 04:30pm: The police may be moving closer to being 'workers in uniform'. But would they ever really go on strike?

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Editors' picks


Modern Macho by Martin Rowson

It is time to end the culture of impunity

Peter Tatchell: Instead of embracing Robert Mugabe as an honoured guest, Portugal should arrest him on torture charges

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Boris, Israel, 9/11 and me

Sarfraz Manzoor: Some Cif writers will stoop to anything to attract more comments on their threads

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The surge is a sideshow. Only total US pullout can succeed

Jonathan Steele: When resistance leaders are given an assurance that the Iraq occupation will end completely, real negotiations can begin

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A self-fulfilling prophecy

Geoffrey Alderman: Had David Abrahams donated funds in an open manner, transparency would have saved him from the antisemitic rumours he had hoped to avoid

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Building barriers to peace

Abe Hayeem: Plans by Israel to extend an illegally annexed area in East Jerusalem show a complete disregard for Annapolis and the entire peace process

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O temps, o mores

John Harris: Genuflecting to business, the government has again blocked EU reforms on temporary employees - a shortsighted move that will end in social strife

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Clash of the 'titans'

Juliet Lyon: The building of giant new prisons entrenches the use of jails as social dustbins. It will backfire on ministers

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Well versed

Michael Rosen: Poetry is not about right and wrong answers and does not have testable outcomes, but Ofsted's call for more variety in teaching it is welcome

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Today's Guardian comment

Polly Toynbee

Polly Toynbee

The planned increase in jail capacity is a disastrous admission by Labour that it expects its social programmes to fail

Simon Jenkins

Simon Jenkins

PCs have a multitude of uses, but, as a string of recent scandals illustrate, private information storage is not one of them


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Fallon cleared of race-fixing

Case against jockey Kieren Fallon dropped, leaving him free to race horses in Britain again...

CIA destroyed 'waterboarding' video

Evidence of coercive interrogation of al-Qaida operatives destroyed to shield agents...

'PM sent Amos because she's black'

Former minister Clare Short claims Brown sent Lady Amos to EU-Africa summit because she is black...

Composer dies aged 79

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Supermarkets fined for price-fixing

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  1. Nick Robinson: Change of command - The news that Daddy Rupert is making way for son James is not good for the prime minister.
  2. Andrew Sullivan: The US is a banana republic - Our government detains indefinitely, tortures in secret, and destroys tapes of torture sessions to protect its own staff.
  3. Free Exchange: Squaring a vicious circle - The blogosphere is chewing over the Bush Administration’s plan to offer assistance to struggling homeowners.
  4. Political Betting: Will Labour lose liberals? - What political advantage would come from forcing through an extension of detention limits?
  5. Global Voices: Hostage videos - Videos discovered containing poignant images of hostages held by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.

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