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Special report Pakistan A protest against the government's emergency rule outside the presidential palace in Islamabad, PakistanInteractive guide The key players, flashpoints and events in Pakistan's political crisis

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Pakistan and Britain accused of deal to swap terror suspects
December 11: Two men wanted in Pakistan for alleged terrorist activity have been arrested in London as part of what human rights campaigners claim is a secret deal between the two countries

Nawaz Sharif
Sharif starts Pakistan election campaign
December 10: The former Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif today began campaigning for his Muslim League-N party before the expected January general election, despite being barred from standing

Sharif rules out Musharraf pact
November 26: The former Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif today ruled out a power-sharing deal with the president, General Pervez Musharraf
26.11.07: Musharraf's troubles deepen as Sharif returns
24.11.07: Exiled ex-leader ready to come back

Pakistan opposition parties issue election demands
December 6: Pakistan's opposition parties are close to agreement on a set of conditions for their participation in elections scheduled for January

Bhutto and Sharif draw up wish list
December 4: Pakistan's two main opposition parties today began to draw up a list of demands that President Pervez Musharraf must meet to ensure free and fair elections
04.12.07: Opposition leader Sharif barred from fighting Pakistan election
03.12.07 Sharif banned from Pakistan poll

US policy
Bush handed blueprint to seize Pakistan's nuclear arsenal
December 1: Architect of Iraq surge draws up takeover options
ˇ US fears army's Islamists might grab weapons
20.11.07: More US special forces to aid fight against insurgents
19.11.07: US looks to make allies of Pakistan's tribesmen
19.11.07: US could enlist Pakistan tribal leaders

Pervez Musharraf
Musharraf promises to end emergency rule
November 30: Opposition boycott likely despite concessions
ˇ Lawyers clash with police as president is sworn in
30:11.07: Declan Walsh - 'A time of sacrifice'
30.11.07: Read Palwasha Chaudhry's letter
29.11.07 Musharraf to end emergency rule before elections
29.11.07: Derobed and lonely: life on civvy street
29.11.07: Musharraf says emotional farewell
29.11.07, audio: Declan Walsh reports on the swearing-in
28.11.07: Musharraf bows out to Auld Lang Syne
28.11.07: President 'to lift state of emergency'
28.11.07, video: Musharraf steps down (2min, 43 sec)
27.11.07: Musharraf courts military loyalty
27.11.07, leader: the plot thickens
26.11.07: The autumn of the patriarch
25.11.07: Musharraf set to be civilian president
23.11.07, leader: Court politics
19.11.07, audio: 'A totally impartial election'
14.11.07: Simon Tisdall - Musharraf's last stand

Prisoners released
Pakistan frees 3,000 held under emergency rule
November 20: Opposition leaders and judges remain in custody amid first hint of thaw in crisis measures
20.11.07: Court dismisses challenges to Musharraf
20.11.07, news blog: Countdown to Pakistani elections
20.11.07: In praise of Jemima Khan, unlikely freedom fighter

The former Pakistani prime minister Benazir BhuttoBhutto attacks media curbs
November 20: 'This is against democratic values,' says opposition leader
16.11.07: Bhutto remains defiant
14.11.07: Musharraf's pledge

In pictures
Riot police and journalists Further protests in Pakistan
November 20: The crisis in pictures
16.11.07: Pakistan's continuing crisis
15.11.07: Imran Khan arrested
13.11.07: Pakistan in turmoil
12.11.07: Bhutto meets supporters

Musharraf widens his sphere of punishment
November 18: US envoy urges Pakistan's president to lift state of emergency as thousands more are detained
17.11.07: Bhutto freed as top US aide arrives

'I have visited many prisoners over the years. Now I am one'
November 17, Noor Naz Agha, a prominent lawyer in Karachi, describes what it is like to be under house arrest
15.11.07: Musharraf appoints ally as caretaker prime minister
15.11.07: Khan arrested as Musharraf defends crackdown
13.11.07: Commonwealth ultimatum to Pakistan

British terror suspect
Suspected Atlantic airline plotter faces deportation
November 16: Extradition edges closer as Pakistan charges dropped

Comment and debate
An uprising may be the only way to dislodge the general
November 15, Seumas Milne: Benazir Bhutto is back at the head of a struggle against dictatorship, but Pakistan needs a more radical transformation
12.11.07, Anita Inder Singh: The limits of influence
08.11.07, Sidney Blumenthal: Tyranny on the march
08.11.07, Paul Cruickshank: Not our dictator

His bridges burned, Musharraf has nowhere to turn
November 13, analysis: The Musharraf era could be in its death throes with the general facing a united domestic opposition and increasing scepticism from the US, writes Mark Tran
09.11.07: Bhutto faces make-or-break decision
17.10.07: Into a cauldron of uncertainty

Expelled press return to UK
November 12: Two British journalists expelled from Pakistan, following a Daily Telegraph editorial about Pervez Musharraf, returned to the UK yesterday

Timeline: Instability in Pakistan
November 15: Key events in the latest crisis in Pakistan

Interactive guide: Pakistan's political crisis
November 14: Emergency rule has been declared and confusion reigns

Q&A;: emergency powers
November 6: Emergency rule gives General Pervez Musharraf vast powers. Can anything stop him exercising them?

Imran Khan: Cricket star who turned to politics
November 14: Khan supported General Pervez Musharraf's 1999 coup but he has since turned into one of the president's most vociferous critics
06.10.07: Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry: Thorn in Musharraf's side

In pictures
Women dance outside the 'golden gate' at the central shrine of the Sehwan Sharif festival in PakistanPakistan's Glastonbury
October 4, audio slideshow: Declan Walsh at the Sehwan Sharif festival
The greatest party on earth?

The former Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif is arrested upon his arrival at Islamabad airportSharif's brief return to Pakistan
September 10: The former prime minister is arrested and deported on his return from exile
11.07.07: Red Mosque siege

Pakistani girls wave national flags and sing during celebrations to mark 60 years of independenceIndependence day
August 14: Pakistan's 60th anniversary of independence from British rule
15.08.07: India and Pakistan at crossroads as they celebrate
More picture galleries

Quake - one year on
Nation unites to remember earthquake victims
October 9 2006: On the first anniversary yesterday of the earthquake that killed more than 73,000 people, Pakistanis united in a spirit of remembrance, aching grief and impatience at reconstruction
06.10.06, Living with the last quake, preparing for the next
06.10.06: Desperate refugees pray for another miracle
06.10.06, Pakistan criticised over quake response

An earthquake victim sits in front of his collapsed house in Muzaffarabad, PakistanSouth Asia quake
Interactive: Full details of the earthquake and its aftermath
Map: Where the quake happened

Q&A;: Pakistan's nuclear secrets
Simon Jeffery explains the background to the proliferation of Pakistan's nuclear knowledge

Key texts and documents
Adbul Qadeer Khan's apology
February 5 2004: The following is the full text of the televised apology given by Abdul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani scientist who admitted selling his country's nuclear secrets

 Recent articles
11.12.07   Foreign Office accused of swap deal over terror suspects
10.12.07   Sharif starts Pakistan election campaign
06.12.07   Pakistan opposition parties issue election demands
04.12.07   Opposition leader Sharif barred from fighting Pakistan election
04.12.07   Bhutto and Sharif draw up wish list
03.12.07   Sharif banned from Pakistan poll
01.12.07   Bush handed blueprint to seize Pakistan's nuclear arsenal
30.11.07   'A time of sacrifice'
30.11.07   Musharraf promises to end emergency rule by December 16
29.11.07   Derobed and lonely: life on civvy street
29.11.07   Musharraf says an emotional farewell
29.11.07   Musharraf to end emergency rule before elections
29.11.07   I am a proud child!
28.11.07   Musharraf bows out to the strains of Auld Lang Syne
28.11.07   Musharraf 'to lift Pakistan state of emergency'
15.11.07  An uprising may be the only way to dislodge the general
06.11.07  The wary optimism of 1999 is lost. Today is only gloom
05.11.07  A proud, but failing, state
20.10.07  Outside powers have turned Pakistan into a powder keg
19.09.07  The death of relativism
11.09.07  A strong-arm tactic that only exposes weakness
01.09.07  A friend of feudalism
20.08.07  Pakistan can work it out
10.08.07  Pakistan's people want an end to the nightmare
06.08.07  Obama's tough call
16.07.07  Pakistan's big problem
11.07.07  The rules change when dictators serve US interests
03.07.07  More honest than the facts
17.05.07  Paranoia in Pakistan
03.04.07  The end of the general


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