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Monday 10.12.07

You review: The Golden Compass

Film: Ben Child 06:00pm Is The Golden Compass the perfect festive fantasy spectacular? Or has excising the anti-Catholic polemic removed the soul of the story?

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Catch of the day: Amy's new tattoo

Music: Mark Hooper 05:00pm La Winehouse has got new ink - but maybe she should have researched it first. This could all end in tears

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You review: the panto season

Theatre: Chris Wiegand 04:30pm Where can you find a proper dose of double entendre-laden, cross-dressing Christmas spirit?

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Where are the LA stories in print?

Books: Rob Woodard 04:00pm Southern California has a short but relatively illustrious literary history. However, it seems to have more or less stopped in 1970

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The Donmar's Othello would make a boring movie

Theatre: Mark Fisher 03:15pm Hollywood should forget the obvious choices and make more films from offbeat plays. Any suggestions?

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Lawrence: the pop star who relished failure

Music: Alan McGee 03:00pm Felt's deadpan frontman equally loved and loathed the cult superstardom he inhabited throughout the 80s

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Do-It-Yourself theatre

Theatre: George Hunka 01:30pm Existing theatres can find my plays too experimental to risk showing, so I created my own

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Cave art rocks

Art: Jonathan Jones 12:45pm From France to South Africa, here are my top five rock painting sites. What are yours?

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Welcome to McLean on TV!

TV & radio: Gareth McLean 12:45pm Who is the Cranford killer? What should you be watching tonight? Join my new daily blog for previews, reviews and a place to talk TV

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Titanic achievement at the box office

Film: David Thomson 12:30pm Despite lukewarm reviews, 10 years later the film is still the most profitable ever in cinemas

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Channel 4 loves to reheat old programmes

TV & radio: Kate Bevan 11:00am Padding out new series with 'revisits' - or repeats - just short-changes the viewer

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Poem of the week

Books: Carol Rumens 10:30am Today, a couple of cautious dips into the surging torrents of Walt Whitman's verse. Come on in

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Is the Christmas No 1 dead?

Music: Peter Robinson 10:15am Thanks to X Factor, these days the festive No 1 has become something to sabotage, rather than strive for

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Why were film critics stumped by The Magic Flute?

Film: Ronald Bergan 10:00am When it comes to opera, most movie buffs can't tell their Parsifal from their Butterfly

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The Spice Girls: A fitting tribute act?

Music: Mark Ravenhill 09:30am The Spice Girls are the ultimate tribute act - they're pretending to be themselves, 10 years ago

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The weekend's TV: This Is Civilisation

TV & radio: Zoe Williams 08:45am It had mountains and big concepts, but This Is Civilisation would have worked better on radio

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Previous posts

Art | Books | Film | Music | Theatre | TV&radio

Editors' picks


You review: the panto season

Chris Wiegand Monday 10.12.07, 04:30pm

Where can you find a proper dose of double entendre-laden, cross-dressing Christmas spirit?

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Titanic achievement at the box office

David Thomson Monday 10.12.07, 12:30pm

Despite lukewarm reviews, 10 years later the film is still the most profitable ever in cinemas

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TV & radio

Welcome to McLean on TV!

Gareth McLean Monday 10.12.07, 12:45pm

Who is the Cranford killer? What should you be watching tonight? Join my new daily blog for previews, reviews and a place to talk TV

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Cave art rocks

Jonathan Jones Monday 10.12.07, 12:45pm

From France to South Africa, here are my top five rock painting sites. What are yours?

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You review: The Golden Compass

Ben Child Monday 10.12.07, 06:00pm

Is The Golden Compass the perfect festive fantasy spectacular? Or has excising the anti-Catholic polemic removed the soul of the story?

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Is the Christmas No 1 dead?

Peter Robinson Monday 10.12.07, 10:15am

Thanks to X Factor, these days the festive No 1 has become something to sabotage, rather than strive for

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Poem of the week

Carol Rumens Monday 10.12.07, 10:30am

Today, a couple of cautious dips into the surging torrents of Walt Whitman's verse. Come on in

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Tipping the sound of 2008

Kitty Empire Sunday 09.12.07, 06:00am

'Tis the season for predicting next year's big things: but does it really do music any favours?

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More arts & entertainment

Art & architecture

BanksyIn praise of Banksy: Why we love the Scarlet Pimpernel of spraypaint


RadioheadRadiohead released a landmark album, and gave it away for free. Craig McLean asks the questions of the band changing everything - with a little help from you, the people

Theatre & performing arts

OthelloChiwetel Ejiofor makes an inspired Moor in a production that brilliantly reinvents the tragedy, says Suannah Clapp

Your photographs

Georgina DeanGeorgina Dean: After running out of things to burn, we found a large pine cone. The flames licked the cone but it never seemed to catch fire. No Photoshopping

Got a picture that would be perfect for the arts blog? Email us with images and the best will be posted here and in our gallery

Song of the day

Song Of The DayThe Fast Life has a regular slot it likes to call (best Borat voice) 'High 5'. Topping it today is Boom Bip's Snook Adis, which 'feels like hanging around with Crockett & Tubbs in Kavinskys crib', apparently. Wow

The poll

Question Of The Week Does what Morrissey says matter any more? Vote now.

For the answers to previous questions click here

What I’m up to… Jean Hannah Edelstein

Ben ChildI’m spending Tuesday afternoon at one of the free lunchtime concerts in St Martin-in-the-Fields – Beethoven piano trios, which will make me nostalgic for the cello-playing days of my youth – followed by a visit to the Photographic Portrait Prize exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery. If I meet my writing deadlines, on Friday afternoon I’m going to reward myself with a matinee screening of Les Chansons d’Amour, which has Ludivine Sagnier, a star-crossed ménage a trois, and is a musical, so it’s got to be good.

Much as working from home has its perks, it can be a bit lonely. To keep me cheerful in the ‘office’, this week I’m listening to the back catalogues of my favourite Canadian indie artists – Sloan, Kaya Fraser, Stars, Malajube – and catching up on This American Life podcasts, which are kind of like the New Yorker, but in radio form.

On the literary front, I’m enjoying Francis Spufford’s meditations on youthful reading in The Child That Books Built: it has made me consider what I would have expended all of my energy on if I hadn’t been so obsessed with reading since I was quite small. Tap-dancing? Glassblowing? Football? I’m mystified. And I am loving the new issue of Bad Idea magazine, and not just because I sometimes write for it – it is both brilliant and beautiful.

My tip of the week: If you’re going to be in London between December 23 and 30, it's really worthwhile to sign up for a couple of days as a volunteer at the Crisis Open Christmas – I’ll be helping out at one of the centres before heading to Baltimore to see my family.

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