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Microsoft, Daamit, INQUIRER caught peddling cobblers - The INQUIRER
The Wayback Machine - https://web.archive.org/web/20071213092539/http://www.theinquirer.net:80/gb/inquirer/news/2007/12/11/inq-letters-amd-erratum
Thu 13 Dec 2007

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Microsoft, Daamit, INQUIRER caught peddling cobblers

Letters With some dodgy errata enumerated

Subject: I caught AMD / ATI Support Lying about the Radeon Video Card

I caught them claiming my Dell Precision 650 with the Intel E7505 chipset as only having a 33MHz bus speed when in fact it has a 533mhz bus speed.

See here. WIth picture goodness


Subject: Microsoft VP says IP address and hard drive serial number can't be used to identify individual PC users

Microsoft VP Mike Sievert made a statement in an AP story that an IP address and a hard drive serial number can't be used to identify an individual PC user.

So far, the author of the AP story has not expressed an interest in
correcting the story regarding whether an individual PC user can
identified with an IP address and hard drive serial number.

Looking at the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Genuine Advantage\ registry address, it looks like Microsoft also uses the MAC address.

Your IP Address is what law enforcement uses to track you down in the event you do something illegal (e.g. use a pirated copy of Microsoft software).

The serial number on your hard drive is what they would use as an additional piece of evidence to show it was you.

Here is the AP story:

"Windows Genuine Advantage collects several pieces of information about a PC during the check, including the serial number on the hard drive and its IP address, but Sievert says none of that can be used to identify individual PC users."

Here are some references to lawsuits related to Windows Genuine
Advantage invading privacy:





Rene Sugar

Subject: Everywhere girl; makes it big.

Sure a career at KPMG but first she needs to study!
SAP to be precise - in swedish!

She is one remarkable girl!

The text says
"It is easy when you know how: SAP education"


Subject: The Post

Being an ex-employee of the Post, I have to say this is by far one of the best I've ever read.

If reading his article wasn't quite enough to understand how arrogant and whiny some of the writers are at TWP, you definitely made it about as clear as I ever could, having worked there.

It seems as if these tools wake up from Dupont circle and make sure they have every mac cliche in check before they walk out the door. They all drive VW's with a nice little mac sticker on the window, and possibly a bike rack on the roof.

If they use a Mac at work, it's never enough for them. They need the latest and greatest each year, and it MUST be the best. Why? They work for the Post and must be envious of other people (who don't give a shit about them), and the Post will buy it for them. There's no reason for it, just that everyone needs 2 watercooled clovertowns with 8 gigs of ram that's used for photoshop, safari and iTunes.

The things I've learned while working with them were:
1. They are better than you. Face it.
2. They whine a lot, because everybody sucks but them.
3. They're all OCD to an extent that cannot be fathomed.
4. In their native environment, they tend to like granola.
5. If it takes paying obnoxious amount of money for an item that will impress someone (or better yet, yourself), you are now "cool".

With the exception of the man who was the Mac admin at the Post, all the Apple fans there were obnoxious douchebags.


Subject: thebloomin everywhere girl

For christ sake, give it a rest. Yes the dell/gateway thing was a little amusing but that's the only interesting bit. Stock photo's get used all over the place, so what is this a slow news day? do you save the "sightings" especially for slow news days?

greig aitken

Subject: VMware

Johnny, my AMD lover -

Did I fail to mention that Intel's current profit of $669,275,000 on its VMware investment is exactly $669,275,000 more than AMD's total profit in its near 40 year existence?

Quite a coincidence - isn't it?

And I thank you for loving our failures so much that you never ever would mentiion this to the public - after all - we both hate winners - don't we, Komrade?

Suing and Puking-From-My-Gut, Intel Screwed Me Up ! -Bowing Down To Mecca - And Gestapo Raids At Dawn, Hector

Subject: AMD

Hey it is Monday and i see nothing that would count as a surprise... I am calling you on this


Subject: SMIC smacks 12-incher in your face

Dear Editors,

We regret to see the news regarding SMIC's 300mm Shanghai fab opening ceremony titled as SMIC smacks 12-incher in your face. The title does not match with the content and I wonder if your editor-in-chief is aware of this.

Appreciate your immediate attention to this.

Thanks so much,

Reiko Chang

Subject: AMD will surprise on Monday

Oh Mikey,

We are literally DANCING IN THE AISLES !!
Things are going SO GREAT !!!

Yields are SUPER !!!

Barforama speeds are at 2.9 GHZ - and the Phlea Bugs have disappeared !

AMD is once again the KING OF CPUs !!

And my Arab friends want to meet me in the loo.

Suing and Puking-From-My-Gut, Intel Screwed Me Up ! -Bowing Down To Mecca - And Gestapo Raids At Dawn, Hector

Subject: Its Monday evening

everybody is waiting for the amd news


Subject: Patents

Dear Egan,

FYI, the reference article is being taken slightly out of context. Not all 'patents' are equal and neither are they meant to be.

Many countries have petite patents or utility models which have a low inventive step requirement and are relatively easy to get - the flip side being that they give relatively restricted protection and have a shorter life than a full patent. We dont have utility models in the UK, but France, Germany and Ireland do, among many others. Its therefore not fair to compare the patentability standard for the utility models to that for full patents.

The 'invention' patents mentioned in passing in the reference article are the Chinese equivalent of a full patent, and have a reasonably high standard of inventive step. 'Invention' patents are what most international companies would be trying to get when they seek patent protection in China.

The rep would seem to be complaining about the value of the utility model cases, this is not suprising as the comparable systems in other countries are also often slated as having limited value (but in the right circumstances they can be very useful).


Subject: Sing this tune:

* To the tune of paul mccartney's,"uncle albert/admiral halsey"

We're so sorry Atyguy
We're so sorry if Dave caused you any pain (oh yea)
We're so sorry Atyguy
But there's no one left at home
And I believe AMD's also going down the drain
We're so sorry and we haven't made a dime for days
We're so sorry Atyguy
But now that Dave is fired we'll be sure to give a ring

We're so sorry Atyguy
But at AMD we haven't made a bloody dime all day
We're so sorry Atyguy
But the ship is sinking and soon to go away (oh yea)

Hands upon their options (options)
Heads about to fry
Hands upon there options (options)
Heads about to fry
Chief pumpers theinquirer notified me
their now inflamed prostates made it hard to pee
Nvidia's market domination was a bitter cup of tea...and Dave knew it too
(Yet he still profited handsomely at a huge cost to you)

Hands upon their options (options)
Heads, about to fry


Subject: O2 security

You aren't talking about the little 'feature' whereby you stick *ahem* your O2 number into their PUK code request page and zero security questions later lo and behold you have the PUK for the number you just entered... Twas certainly that way a year ago, probably still the same now :)

S Casey

Subject: AMD PR offensive

In response to this, I couldn't find the email of the actual author of the article linked in the post and thought to flame the next best person, an inquirer hack.

I couldn't help but notice the author of this couldn't be bothered putting up his name and email address on the article. Seems like he wants to be more a "nuisance factor" than anything else.

Did you see the subject of his email? Maybe a 14 year old could do better trying to to get the spam can and trying to get the attention of whomever...

And WTF he puts contact details for AMD executives up with the article? For what? Google?


I love Inquirer, read it every day. I think the source article referenced by Inquirer doesn't stand up the quality I have come to expect from your professionals.

Thanks anyway and keep up the good work.


Subject: Phenom errata

These are scary Phenom errata, for which (as a low-level programmer) I see no feasible workaround in a consumer machine, which can run OS/applications not under the control of the BIOS programmer.

"244 A DIV Instruction Followed Closely By Other Divide Instructions May Yield Incorrect Results
Description: A DIV instruction with a divisor less than 64 that is followed in close proximity by a DIV, IDIV, or AAM instruction may produce incorrect results.
Potential Effect on System: Possible data corruption.
Suggested Workaround:" [none given]

"280 Time Stamp Counter May Yield An Incorrect Value
Description: Reads of the time stamp counter may yield an inconsistent result.
Potential Effect on System Undefined behavior for software that relies on a continuously increasing time stamp counter value.
Suggested Workaround:" [none given]

This is straight from this pdf linked as "AMD Phenom Processor Technical Documentation / Revision Guide for AMD Family 10h Processors" here.

Poster Boy


Comment erratum

to the guy above me...this is whats in the PDF

244 A DIV Instruction Followed Closely By Other Divide
Instructions May Yield Incorrect Results

A DIV instruction with a divisor less than 64 that is followed in close proximity by a DIV, IDIV, or
AAM instruction may produce incorrect results.

Potential Effect on System
Possible data corruption.

Suggested Workaround
Contact your AMD representative for information on a BIOS update.

Fix Planned

And the other one mentioned

Suggested Workaround
Contact your AMD representative for information on a BIOS upgrade.

Fix Planned

If your going to "quote" something atleast get it right and not change it.
posted by : cliffro, 11 December 2007

Subject: I caught AMD / ATI Support Lying about the Radeon Video Card

Allen Harkleroad should learn how to read. Brian Sherman is not talking about bus speed of the processor, He is talking about the bus speed of the chipset. On any system that has agp slot and pci slots they work on a bus system measure in mhz. The pci system has a bus speed of 33 mhz. That was what he was refuring to.
Quote "Specifically, the Intel E7505 chipset based motherboard has an onboard bus speed of 33 mhz,".
The second thing Mr. Allen Harkleroad should of done was google his machine like I did. And he would of found this bit of info http://www.dell.com/downloads/us/products/precn/ws650_spec.pdf.
Under graphics support you will notice that only Fire GL and Quadro are supported. And just to stop further arguments I will add to my information. The 533 mhz bus Allen is referring to is the speed between the processor and the North chip and then to the ram. Anything else that is connected to the northchipset works of of a sub system. From the north chip to any other chip, works off of 33 mhz bus for example: pci slots, onboard internet connectors, onboard sound. The only thing that doesn't is the agp slot. It works on a 66 mhz bus.
posted by : carscomp, 12 December 2007

your both wrong about the x1950

in regards to allen's Q, he is getting mixed up with CPU FSB and the bus of the AGP,
your right allen the cpu runs at 533mhz, the agp port which your x1950 AGP plugs into is 66mhz (if its AGP 2.0 spec) if not 33mhz,your question is just getting mixed up in translation
posted by : stewart, 12 December 2007

Intel E7505 Vista support.

So many items packed into one...

My comment on the the X1950 Pro:
Have you actually confirmed with Dell the Precision 650 supports Vista and have updated drivers? That seems like an older system and I have gotten replies from computer makers telling me they don't have updated drivers for my aging systems.

Secondly, have you tried Intel that their E7505 chipset have fully compatible Vista drivers?

In both cases, I could not find any hints of Vista drivers on google. Vista may have compatible generic drivers / sub-optimal drivers? Now I don't have a Vista system (still using XP) nor a motherboard with E7505 chipset so I wouldn't know.

The reply about 33 mhz bus is likely incorrect but could also be a result of sub-optimal chipset drivers just to get system running.

AGP 8x is backwards compatible with AGP 4, 2, and 1x but the "AGP bus" speed is always 66 mhz and 32-bit wide so I have no idea where the 33 mhz bus comes into play.

The 533mhz listed by Intel and noted in pics are actually the FSB (CPU-Northbridge).

My guess is your computer is not actually operating at 8x AGP and you probably don't have Vista drivers for your chipset.
posted by : Lans, 12 December 2007

Mistake, perhaps?

Allen's complaint about AMD lying.... couldn't it just be some poor non-techie helpdesk person reading verbatim off of some internal fact sheet that has an error... a numerical mistake.... especially since they seem to be going on the information from DELL and not ATI's own records...

Is that so unlikely?

posted by : James, 12 December 2007

Vista Ultimate is not supported

Dear mr. Allen,
maybe you should pay attention that neither your system are certified for use with Windows Vista Ultimate.
1) The Dell Precision 650 is certified for Windows 2000 operating system family and for Windows XP
2) The Sony VAIO VGC-RA710G is certified for Windows XP MCE and Windows Vista Home Premium only
posted by : Koshchey, 12 December 2007

Identify the "user" or the "pc"?

Rene Sugar wrote that Microsoft lied about whether the hard disk serial number could identify the user. In a strict legal sense it can identify the *machine* (assuming that you get some affidavits from disk drive manufacturers that the machine readable serial number is in fact unique). But it can't identify who was sitting at the keyboard operating the machine.

Sadly the distinction between these appears to be lost on the courts.
posted by : Tony, 12 December 2007
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