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Microsoft struggling with UK Xbox 360 demand

According to Microsoft's Xbox UK head, Stephen McGill, the company is currently struggling to keep up with demand. Speaking with Gamespot UK, McGill says the warehouse is receiving stock and then getting it out to retailers as quickly as possible. He even says the company is having difficulty in finding enough vans to get systems out.

We're all quite aware of the Wii shortages, but Xbox 360 shortages? Anything is possible as this generation of game consoles really begins to gear up. We know that the PS3 has been rallying in Europe according to Sony, so why not the Xbox 360? In the absence of Wii, others will win.

Reminder: New Halo 3 maps available now

We know that with the slew of new games being released, it's easy to forget about a little indie title called Halo 3 that came out in late September. But don't you miss those first days? Don't you miss that feeling you got when you first ripped open the plastic, greedily snatching the disc within and sliding it into your 360, praying all the while that the rings would not choose this day to visit you?

Now, you can reclaim a bit of that old wonder with the new, 800-point Heroic Map Pack, which is now available on Xbox Live. For $10, you can get three new maps (Foundry, Standoff and Rat's Nest) and remind yourself why even old, old, old men can recognize Halo 3's greatness.

Gallery: Halo 3 - Heroic Map Pack

Free 360 content now coming to Silver members a week late

With the PS3 constantly expanding its free online offering, the onus has been put on Microsoft to justify (or drop) its fees for Xbox Live Gold. The company has given Gold members a pseudo added value by keeping free content (demos, DLC, etc.) exclusive to Gold members for one week, after which it will be passed down like a threadbare, stained Led Zeppelin T-shirt to Silver members.

You read that right, Gold members: Your newest perk is that Silver members are getting hosed. We'll give you a moment to luxuriate in the exclusivity. Making it even sweeter, Silver members will still be able to see the content, it will just be undownloadable, a status signified by a red circle with a line through it. We Gold members will be pushing to have that symbol replaced with a picture of Bill Gates giving you the finger.

[Via X3F]

Microsoft launches family timer for Xbox 360

Microsoft has finally released its 'Family Timer' for the Xbox 360, a long rumored update which was only recently confirmed by MS exec Robbie Bach last month. Once applied, the timer can be used to adjust and set the amount of available console playtime "on a daily or weekly basis...and the feature will automatically turn off the console when the predetermined time limit has been exceeded." Thankfully Microsoft has included reminders which it says will appear to notify players when their time is growing short, so hopefully they can make a mad dash for the nearest save point instead of being cut off without warning.

Interestingly, Microsoft notes that this feature came about as a result of two independent surveys conducted by the company throughout Europe and the United States, which included 800 parents in the US and some 4,000 parents in the U.K., France, Germany and Italy. According to the company, the surveys found that the majority of respondents (75% in Europe, 62% in the US) welcomed the idea of having such parental controls built into their game consoles, though it remains to be seen how many of said parents will actually take the time to implement and use the controls now that they are available.

Microsoft reveals XBLA games coming in December and January

As anyone who follows the new releases already knows, the quality of retail releases has been dropping precipitously since November. Thankfully, we spotted some help on the horizon when Microsoft recently released a list of XBLA games that will be coming to the 360 this month and next.

We already knew that Sensible World of Soccer was coming on Dec. 19, but we also have games to look foward to like N+, Arkadian Warriors, Rez HD, Brain Challenge, Omega Five, GripShift and Poker Smash. So keep up the the faith, even as only The Golden Compass stares up at you from the new release shelf: Fun is on the way.

New Silent Hill V details finally surface

It's been a while since Konami first announced Silent Hill V, and details revealed since have been few and far between. A new issue of Official Playstation Magazine, however, has revealed some new tidbits of information about the latest in the survival horror series.

The radio and the flashlight -- which were abandoned in the previous Silent Hill game -- return in the fifth console installment of the series. Unlike previous games, the camera will feature full 3D movement, and the article hints at some possible Sixaxis functionality in the PS3 version. The rest of the article features some new, "exclusive" images and character renderings, and recaps story and gameplay elements that were already known, but it could be a nice refresher for anyone who's forgotten exactly what to look forward to.

[Via PS3 Fanboy]

Today only: Halo 3 Legendary for $60 on Amazon

Amazon.com's deal of the day is the Halo 3 Legendary Edition for $59.99 USD, making it the same price as the standard edition, and ten dollars cheaper than the Collector's Edition. The Legendary Edition includes three bonus discs of Halo-related content, as well as the Master Chief cat helmet scale replica helmet case.

To top it all off, Amazon is offering free shipping on the bundle. For sixty bucks -- less than half the bundle's original cost -- this is easily one of the best deals we've seen in a while. The offer is only good today, so if you've been holding off on that Halo 3 purchase for whatever reason, there are no more excuses.

Hell, even if you don't have an Xbox 360, this bundle might still be worth picking up, if only for the cat helmet.

Update: It seems that Halo 3 Legendary Edition is now completely sold out at Amazon. Condolences to those who weren't quick enough with their credit cards.

[Thanks to everyone that sent this in.]

Man returns gutted Xbox 360 for cash

We all know stealing is not only easy and fun, but it's also very cool. But did you know that sometimes, stealing can go too far? Take, for instance, this tale of an unassuming store clerk who opened up a returned 360 to find that the console had been gutted, the controllers were missing, and the HDMI cables had been replaced with printer cords.

Sure, we know what you're thinking, because we're thinking it too: That's very funny and not at all immoral. But where we have to draw the line is what was stuffed into the 360 to make it seem weighty enough: An old medical textbook. Gosh, otherwise-pretty-successful thief, don't you have any consideration? Stealing is fine, but shoving a giant hunk of flammable material into a console known for capturing the sun's heat and using it to play DVDs and eventually, inevitably die? That's just dangerous.

[Via CVG]

Browse others' friends lists with 360 fall update

The size and quality of your Xbox 360 friends list is sort of like the thickness and number of pockets in your Trapper Keeper were in middle school: It's an undeniable barometer of coolness among a very specific subset of people. After Dec. 4's fall update, you'll finally be able to judge your friends' binders e-popularity with the new "Friends of Friends" feature.

Unless they've disabled it right here, you'll be able to flip through others' friends lists to see how they stack up to yours, maybe even add a few prized names to your own. It's a cool feature, but it has us a bit worried about list capacity. With the new opportunities to make friends, could we have more than 100? Please?

[Via X3F]

Freeverse discusses porting Marathon 2 to XBLA

Gamasutra's postmortems are excellent opportunities to look back at certain games, and hear with unabashed honesty what went right and wrong throughout the course of development. Such is the case with developer Freeverse's postmortem on their enhanced port of Bungie's classic Marathon 2: Durandal for Xbox Live Arcade.

Freeverse employee Mark Levin goes into insane levels of detail describing the arduous task of bringing Marathon 2 -- originally a Macintosh title -- over to the Xbox 360. He discusses the team's decision to re-work the graphics for HD, and the difficulty of bug-testing very old code, but somehow neglects to discuss the game's propensity for causing upset stomachs.

Regardless, it's a great and honest read, with some real insight into the treacherous task of bringing old games to new consoles.

Joystiq Holidaze: explaining the Xbox 360 SKUs

We'd love to say picking up Xbox 360 is as easy as going to the store and grabbing the first box with the console's name on it. For better and worse, this generation of consoles gives consumers many choices at the (potential) expense of causing confusion at the store.

So it's with this in mind that we present you this handy guide for discerning the difference between the various Xbox 360 versions (aka SKUs) out there. Please note that the red and green coloring is not only festive decor for the holiday season but also a subjective highlight of what each version excels in (or subsequently lacks).

Elite Halo
Pro Arcade Core
Price $449.99 $399.99 $349.99 $279.99 $199.99*
Storage 120GB HDD 20GB HDD 20GB HDD 256MB
memory card
Color Black Green/Orange White White White
HDMI port Yes Yes Certain models** Yes Certain models**
Bundled Accessories
Ethernet cable Yes Yes Yes No No
Headset Wired Wired Wired No No
Play &
Charge Kit
No Yes No No No
Video cables HDMI 1.2,
Composite Composite
Controller Wireless Wireless Wireless Wireless Wired
Xbox Live Silver,
1 Month Gold
1 Month Gold
1 Month Gold
1 Month Gold
Yes Yes Yes No*** No***


* The Core model has been discontinued. The $199.99 price tag is based on the GameStop refurbished price.
** See explanation below
*** Hard Drive required

And just in case you still have questions, we've gone ahead and written up a F.A.Q. after the break.

Continue reading Joystiq Holidaze: explaining the Xbox 360 SKUs

Rock Band store accessories and the drum bag

Harmonix's Rock Band store is mostly full of unnecessary merchandise, but there are a few things that might help in protecting your $170 "music platform." As the drum set taking up a square meter of real estate in the living room grows into an eyesore, the one handy thing the store has is the Rock Band drum bag.

The $50 drum bag is an easy storage solution when "company" comes over. Nobody likes the first question out of a new visitor during the holidays when they see the drum kit to be, "What the hell is that thing?!" There are also guitar and drum stick sleeves, plus new drum sticks and stickers in the store that are neat, but the drum bag does feel like an obvious solution to something that will be an issue in time. Disassembling the kit and putting it into a Bloomingdales Big Brown Bag just seems wrong. But if someone finds other DIY storage solutions we're all ears.

Gallery: Rock Band accessories

Study shows casual gamers interested in Halo 3

We knew Microsoft was aiming to bring in a more casual audience, but we didn't think that Halo 3 could be part of that hook. Nevertheless, a new study reveals that casual gamers are unusually interested in Bungie's triple-A FPS, which many would describe as anything but casual.

The study, performed by the BrandIntel research group, looked at the appeal of both Halo 3 and Guitar Hero III across multiple demographics. While Guitar Hero III performed as expected, the BrandIntel report indicated that Halo 3 "over-achieved," with regards to the reactions garnered from casual gamers.

This could simply be due to the game's gigantic mass marketing push, which admittedly made it hard for anyone to not be aware of the title. There could, however, be other elements of Halo 3 -- such as the open-ended "Forge" mode -- that are appealing to the casual sector. As seen in the picture above, we're still investigating any potential connection between Halo 3 and games like Chain Factor. We'll get back to you if we make any startling discoveries.

10 free XBLA games for new European Xbox 360 owners and a friend

European gamers often get shafted on prices, release dates, etc., so it fills our hearts to see them get treated with the loving care they so richly deserve for living on the planet's fanciest continent. For instance: If you can trick a friend into buying an Xbox 360 between Oct. 1 and Dec. 14 and fill out this form you and he/she can both get 10 free XBLA games, a full list of which is after the break.

Sadly for gamers in the States, you also have to live in the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal, Greece, Sweden, Denmark, Finland or Norway. It's a great deal for those who can get it, though, almost enough to make us wish late 1770s colonists had taken a dive.

[Via SavyGamer]

Continue reading 10 free XBLA games for new European Xbox 360 owners and a friend

Microsoft aiming for Nintendo's family market

Not content with simply attracting the hardcore gamer demographic, Microsoft has been working overtime to build a more family-friendly image for the Xbox 360, in a move that's clearly working to capture the same audience currently hypnotized by the Nintendo Wii.

Develop Magazine profiles Microsoft's new angle, which includes cartoon downloads on Xbox Live Marketplace and marketing campaigns focused around the Xbox 360's newly revamped parental controls. In addition to these strategies, Microsoft also plans on pushing more casual gaming titles to Xbox Live Arcade, as well as relying heavily on developer Rare to help deliver family-friendly content to the console.

Rare's time spent developing for the Nintendo DS has apparently given them new insight into how Nintendo works its magic mojo -- valuable knowledge for Microsoft as it plans its assault (many Bothans likely died for the information).

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