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Turbine announces fourth pair of DX10 screenshot contest winners

Filed under: Fantasy, Screenshots, Lord of the Rings Online, Contests, News items

Week four of Turbine's screenshot contest for The Lord of the Rings Online has come and gone, and the fourth pair of winners has been selected.

This time the winners are players Morreion and Brisbanoch. Their entries have been posted on the official LotRO forums. Morreion's screenshot is pictured here. It shows off the dynamic tree shadow effects you can enable if you're playing with a DirectX 10-ready video card in Windows Vista.

Turbine's been hosting this contest to celebrate LotRO's place as the first MMO to fully support DX10 features. It's not too late to send in an entry yourself if you've got the high-end hardware needed to support DX10 -- and if you run Windows Vista. That's a big if at this point.

Guild Wars Wintersday prep, FAQ and patch updates

Filed under: Guild Wars, Contests, Culture, Events, real-world, Events, in-game

The developers at Arena.net are hard at work in the code mines, keeping Guild Wars up to date. Patches since the lowering of level-based access to Eye of the North have mostly focused on getting the annual Wintersday event up and running. The official Guild Wars site has a complete run-down on this year's event, from start to finale. The decorations and such will go up next Friday, the 21st. You'll be able to once again choose sides in the war between the grentches and snowmen, as well as partake in the daily city quests. Folks who take part in the event finales on the 1st and 2nd of January will (of course) be getting stylish hats.

In the tradition of the season, you will also receive special holiday-themed headgear if you attend the Wintersday finale. And this year, the hat you receive will depend on which deity wins the day, so choose wisely. We look forward to seeing you this Wintersday. Come join the fun, and don't get left out in the cold!

The site is also offering up patch notes for the Dec. 7 and Dec. 11 updates, and a FAQ on the newly offered skill pack unlocks.

Turbine adding to their arsenal for gold-spammer warfare

Filed under: Fantasy, Lord of the Rings Online, Patches, News items

No one likes gold spamming. It's intrusive and annoying, and takes away from your enjoyment of a game. In Lord of the Rings Online, spam in the chat channels has been cracked down on in a big way recently, so the spammers have gone back to doing a lot more mail-based spam. A recent post on the official forums clued us in on what's next for the on-going battle in the spam wars.

Book 12 will include an option when viewing mail to "Report as Spam", greatly increasing the ease of reporting a character for the player, and getting the information back to Turbine much quicker than before. But the really big weapon here is a solution that should already be in place: "...and we now have the ability to delete all mail sent by a character, so some of it you'll never see at all before it's nuked."

The ball is in your court spammers.

Mounted combat in Age of Conan (and Warhammer, too?)

Filed under: Fantasy, Age of Conan, Game mechanics, New titles, PvP, Warhammer Online

Keen on Keen and Graev points out an interesting announced feature of Age of Conan: mounted combat. Yup, Funcom is going to put people on all kinds of different mounts (horses, rhinos, and even a wooly mammoth, seen above), and pit them against each other in PvP. And each mount will not only have its own stats (in terms of defense, HP, and manuverability), but players will able to customize their mounts (as, I'd guess on the spiked tusks above). Wild.

So, wonders someone on the Warhammer Online forums, will WAR do the same thing? Developer Marc Jacobs doesn't exactly say "no," but he does say that they promise nothing-- mounted combat is tough to get right, and Mythic isn't overextending any promises if they can manage it. Fair enough.

But wow, if AoC does everything awesome that Funcom says it will, we might have a real bit of competition on our hands. Massively will have lots more on AoC tomorrow-- stay tuned for some exclusive coverage of what might be one of the best MMOs of 2008.

Rumor: Entire guild Unhallowed Triad moved from EQ2 Test Server to live

Filed under: Fantasy, EverQuest II, Guilds, News items

A thread on popular forums EQ2Flames is asserting that a guild from the EverQuest II Test Server, Unhallowed Triad, has been moved over to the live server Unrest. This is something that SOE had said would never happen, due to the doubled experience gain on Test making it unfair on live players. The poster also claims that there was a GM account in the guild that assisted them in killing things that they could not take down on their own, in order to obtain some of the best gear in the game.

EVE Trinity: CCP's take on the boot.ini debacle

Filed under: Fantasy, EVE Online, Bugs, Expansions, Forums, News items

In a recent EVE Dev blog, Dr. Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson, big shot Director of the EVE Online Software Group shed some light on the installer code that ended up bricking computers running certain Windows XP installations. I'm not a programmer, but I can tell the EVE: Trinity installer code was a wee-bit sloppy from reading the following discussion thread. The good software Doctor also poses several questions and answers to instill a little clarity on what CCP is doing to make sure this doesn't happen again.

According to the Dev blog 215 players contacted CCP directly for assistance. Other numbers are missing, left to the wayside, numbers much bigger than 215. How many premium patch clients were downloaded prior to the applied fix? CCP has those numbers, but in this case, Thorsteinsson leaves an impression that CCP is downplaying the boot.ini fiasco as something that more or less only affected a handful of players. As seen in this thread and many others like it, tons of players took their own initiatives without contacting CCP at all. Anecdotal evidence alone would put the number much higher, into the thousands, but probably not in the tens of thousands. CCP has gone on to implement better testing (you know normal Windows XP installs their players actually use) procedures to improve QA procedures and practices.

World of Warcraft
Starr Long talks Tabula Rasa's future

Filed under: Sci-fi, Expansions, Interviews, Tabula Rasa

Laura Genender, community manager for MMORPG.com, recently spoke with Starr Long, producer for Tabula Rasa, about the future of this sci-fi fragfest. What they have planned will most assuredly keep players coming back for more. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Control Points will eventually be controllable by clans, and yes - other clans can then challenge them for it. This will be absolutely huge!
  • A revamp of the Logos tablet seems imminent. For starters, players will be able to hear the entire story of the Eloha all at once instead of just bits and pieces at a time.
  • Higher end game areas are being planned and "big plans" are in store for upper level content, some of which is already being worked on for release in near-future patches.
  • A crafting revamp will occur early next year based on player feedback.
  • Within the next few months they hope to release more new level 50 instances, Hybrids, PAUs, and the Clan ownership of Control Points. Just to name a few.
For the complete manifest of new features, be sure to read the entire interview with Starr Long on MMORPG.com.

Falling back to Earth

Filed under: Sci-fi, Fallen Earth, Forums, New titles, Previews, News items

Fallen Earth is an upcoming MMO from Icarus Studios set in the year 2154, long after a plague known as the Shiva has killed off 90 percent of the world's population. Those who remain have divided into six factions (Children of the Apocalypse, Travelers, Enforcers, Techs, Vistas, and the Lightbearers) all struggle for dominance as they try to rebuild on the ashes of a fallen earth.

I geek out at all things post-apocalyptic. One of my favorite flicks is The Road Warrior (aka Mad Max 2). My favorite book is Stephen King's The Stand. Don't even get me started on the Fallout series (so yes, I am completely geeked about Fallout 3!). And I weeped a little when Auto Assault bought the farm. Now, combine all those apocalyptic bits and pieces, roll 'em all together and you got Fallen Earth. Supposedly. Hopefully.

The guys at Icarus updated the FE community a few days ago and things appear to be moving along accordingly. Seventy towns have been laid out with fifty or so functional (not polished, functional). Nearly 3,000 missions have been created and upwards of 7,500 items are locked and loaded into the database. The guys answer five burning questions (like how many weapons players have access to at one time, what recipes will be available to what factions, and so on). When is it coming out? Well, when it's done of course. For all the details check out the Fallen Earth forums.

Nicholaz "No ass-tachments" Second Life patch available on all platforms

Filed under: Patches, Second Life

NicholazFollowing yesterday's news that Nicholaz has an experimental Second Lifepatch for windows that ought to fix the ass-tachment issue, today Mac and Linux versions of the patch were announced.

All of the authors comment that this appears to be stable, but is still regarded as an experimental version - try to keep your latest version (U if you're on 1.18.5) to hand just in case.

The rise of Warbook and other casual social games

Filed under: Business models, Culture, MMO industry, New titles, Making money, Free-to-play, Browser, Casual

I've been playing this brand new MMO with my friends lately. Already, I've formed alliances, earned millions of gold, commanded thousands of soldiers and wizards, and collected a kingdom of thousands of acres of land. And yet I've never seen any of it in person, and in fact, I've never left my browser. What MMO is this? Warbook. We've already questioned whether Facebook is an MMO, but what about all those little game that live inside Facebook? I have to admit, I've been losing tons of time and productivity lately to Scrabulous and Pet Dragons, but no Facebook game has claimed my imagination as much as Warbook.

And I'm not alone. The game has spawned guides, a wiki, and according to this piece by Dean Takahashi, the company that runs Warbook has garnered a billion page views in 90 days. The game's Wikipedia page claims 140,000 active users, and 750,000 total players. That's big time.

The game itself has a little ways to go-- the core gameplay consists of amassing gold in real-time, and using it to build up your kingdom or army, which you can then use to attack other players for a simple XP system. It's your (very) basic empire building game with a few RPG elements thrown in, except that the fact that it's integrated into Facebook turns it into a very massive and persistent multiplayer world. Fascinating stuff. Warbook is just the beginning of something much bigger (basically, the creators are leveraging popular social networks directly into casual MMO gaming), and it will definitely be fun to see what this means for the MMO industry at large.

STO interview comes with first non-space screenshot

Filed under: Sci-fi, Screenshots, Interviews, New titles, News items, Star Trek Online

WarCry interviewed Perpetual Entertainment's Daron Stinnett, the head honcho on the Star Trek Online project.

The interview itself contains very little new information; it covers the reasoning behind the new art style, the interaction system described in the most recent devlog, and the balance between space and land combat. Stinnett also squashes (again) the rumor that STO is going casual and tries to alleviate concerns that STO's future might be in jeopardy. He doesn't convince us that Perpetual is totally out of the woods just yet, but there's no way to know for sure.

Really, the best part about the interview is the new screenshot, and the best thing about the new screenshot is the revelation of how dead-on that old tongue-in-cheek fan video was.

EVE: Trinity is one of 2007's top game innovations

Filed under: EVE Online, Bugs, Expansions, MMO industry, Opinion

Next-gen.biz has compiled their list of the top 10 game innovations of 2007, and there is only one MMO on the list: EVE Online. Next-gen decided to honor EVE for taking on the task of completely revamping their graphical engine, and showing that a well-designed MMO can be updated forever.

If I was honoring EVE, that's probably the least of the innovations I'd step up to honor them for. The realtime skill system, the open-ended gameplay, and the masterpiece of an economic system all rank higher than what the ships look like, but then again, this is a list for 2007. And hey, it's a year-end list, so it's hardly definitive anyway (apparently no one told him about Trinity's whole bootini incident).

So if we put together our list of the best MMO innovations of 2007, what would be on there? The Tier 5 token system from Burning Crusade? The "stored labor" crafting system in Pirates of the Burning Sea (or would that be on the 2008 list)? Tabula Rasa's mix of FPS, RPG, and MMO? What was the best innovation you saw in an MMO this year?

[Via Curse]

One Shots: Wintersday in Guild Wars

Filed under: Screenshots, Guild Wars, One Shots

It's that time of year again -- the holiday season in all of your favorite MMOs! While they all have different names, all of them provide an invigorating break from the daily gaming grind. Reader Jeff sends us this shot of the Tomb of Primeval Kings, decorated for Guild Wars' Wintersday celebration back in 2005. All we've got to say is that the Guild Wars decorating crew knows how to dress a zone for the occasion -- even our grandmother would approve of that fine holiday tree!

Do you have any impressive holiday screenshots you'd like to share with the rest of us? We to see them for our next edition of One Shots! We can only post what you send us -- so send your screenshots and stories to oneshots@massively.com. You may see it featured here tomorrow, same time, same place!

Gallery: One Shots

A very guild Christmas

Filed under: World of Warcraft, Video

Felicia Day's The Guild brings us a Christmas treat - a little something for all of you to further brighten your joyous non-denominational festive season. Okay, so it's Christmas-ey - So very much is at this time of year. It's no reason that we can't all team up and raid the big red guy for some epic loot.

Just under two minutes, the Guild Christmas Carol is a montage of classical MMO themes and Christmas songs - all sung no worse than by your own friends, relatives, and teamspeak buddies.

This fun is below the fold, courtesy of YouTube's special twinkly magic.

Cinemassively: Futuristing Tower

Filed under: Video, Second Life, Cinemassively, Machinima

As big business analysts are once again interested in Second Life, we can expect a flood of agencies on the scene, ready to virtualize their clients. Futuristični Marketing, a Slovenian company, will be opening their offices in SL on December 18th, 2007. Now that Americans are the minority, it's nice to see other countries offering targeted marketing for the brands that they identify with.

Not much can be said for the Machinima itself. It's a building, but at least it's a nice building. Honestly, the music is what hooked me. Well, that and the promise of things to come. I look forward to seeing what they choose to do with their new space!

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