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US elections 2004

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Markos Moulitsas' columns

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News guide

State by state guide to the US media

Special report

United States



Candidates' official sites

George Bush

John Kerry

Ralph Nader

Useful sites

Annenberg Political Factcheck

Democratic National Committee

Republican National Committee

Buying of the president 2004 - the Centre for Public Integrity

League of Women Voters

Project Vote Smart

Election weblogs

The election weblog



George Bush smiles as he delivers his victory speech during an event at the Ronald Reagan building in Washington And now ... four more years
November 4 2004: Bush pleads for unity as clear victory consolidates power.
20.01.05: Bush sworn in for 2nd term
20.01.05, audio: supporters and protestors converge on Capitol
More on the Republican campaign
More on the Democratic campaign
Polls: How public opinion changed
Special report: United States
John Kerry US elections 2004: timeline
Chronology: Key dates in the campaign, with links to the relevant articles.
Profiles of candidates
The results
John Kerry and George Bush Bush: 51% (58,941,293)
Kerry: 48% (55,353,453)
Nader: 0.3% (394,578)

Turnout: 114.3 million counted, 120 million believed to have voted. Approx 60% turnout
Interactive results: at a glance

Below are the full results of the 2004 US presidential, House of Representatives, Senate and gubernatorial votes.

Midwest / Plains | North-east / Mid-Atlantic | South | West

Interactive guides
Republican supporters celebrate in Washington DC Interactive guides
Find out more about the race for the White House with our click-through graphics.
More interactive guides
Comment and analysis
George Bush crosses the path of John Kerry during the presidential debate at Washington University in St Louis, Missouri Comment and analysis
Throughout the campaign, the world's leading commentators and opinion formers wrote for the Guardian and Guardian Unlimited. Here we gather some of their articles.

This is now an era
November 4, Jonathan Freedland: President Bush's victory may come to be seen as more than a mere election triumph.

Four more years
November 4, leader: Both America and the world need a handshake right now, not a clenched fist of defiance.
04.11.04, leader: Getting it together
04.11.04, leader: They need friends

25.06.04: Steve Bell on George Bush's visit to Europe Steve Bell's election
The Guardian's acclaimed cartoonist's view of the race for the White House.
More cartoons by Steve Bell
Full text

George Bush's victory speech
November 3: George Bush's speech to the party faithful after winning a second term in office as US president.
03.11.04: John Kerry's concession speech
03.11.04: Tony Blair's statement on the result

Audio reports
A flag showing the two presidential candidates John Kerry and George Bush Over and out of touch
November 3: The Democrats should concede gracefully, says Jonathan Freedland in Washington DC.
More election night audio reports
Our US bloggers
John Kerry, left, and his running mate, John Edwards, wave to the crowd at the close of the Democratuc convention Divide and rule ... for now
November 3: Bush's re-election will further galvanise the resurgence of progressive opposition, writes US blogger Markos Moulitsas.

More of Markos Moulitsas' Guardian Unlimited columns:

02.11.04 | 26.10.04 | 20.10.04 | 12.10.04 | 05.10.04 | 28.09.04

Bush supporters Pressed into place
November 3: Bush was saved by the vibrancy and diversity of the internet, talk radio and cable news, writes US blogger Glenn Reynolds.

More of Glenn Reynolds' Guardian Unlimited columns:

28.10.04 | 21.10.04 | 14.10.04 | 07.10.04 | 30.09.04


What the world thinks of America
October 15 2004: Voters in eight out of the 10 countries, including Britain, wanted to see John Kerry defeat George Bush in the 2004 US presidential election.

In pictures
The shadows of supporters waving and holding signs are cast on a US flag as John Kerry arrives in La Crosse, Wisconsin early on election day. Photograph: Stephan Savoia/AP In pictures: election day
Images of the day America voted.
The last few weeks of the campaign
A Bush/Cheney supporter carries a Kerry for president of France poster On the campaign trail
In pictures: The photo opportunities, the rallies and the debates.
Republican convention 2004
Democratic convention 2004
More photographs
Documentography Family photo diaries
In a unique project, we tracked five American families through election week.
Read more about the project
Gary Younge's road trip
Gary Younge A nation divided on one man
November 2: Gary Younge on the lessons of his five-week journey across America in the run-up to the election.
In full: Gary Younge's road trip
Interactive guide: Gary's road trip
Delegates' cowboy hats sit on top of signs at the Republican national convention in New York  Test your knowledge of the election
Quiz: You've read acres of column inches about the Bush v Kerry contest. But how much can you remember?
Interactive guides
US flag backdrop to Republican convention Find out more about the election
In this section you will find click-through graphics including:

ˇ A state by state guide to the election
ˇ A redrawn map of the US showing each state's voting strength
ˇ Full coverage of Gary Younge's road trip

Howard Dean Election timeline
Key dates in the campaign.
The internet election
Michael Moore US Vote 2004
Newsblog: Bush v Kerry: Highlights from the blogosphere.
More from our Newsblog

The election on the internet
Links: During the campaign we scoured the web for the best websites. Here we highlight some of them.

Archive special
Ronald Reagan From the Guardian archives
Find out how we reported previous presidential elections.
More on Bill Clinton
More on Ronald Reagan
US elections 2004: Full archive
More from the Guardian archive
Our guide to US media
Citizen Kane North American media
News guide: A state-by-state guide to the best US newspaper websites.
World news guide

 Recent articles
20.01.05   Bush sworn in for second term
20.01.05   Bush's inauguration speech
07.12.04   Fasten your seatbelts
01.12.04   Voters to challenge US election
18.11.04   Democrats seek solace at sorryeverybody.com
15.11.04   Apology for Bush is a hit on the web
10.11.04   'Turning democracy into theocracy'
10.11.04   Dean considers chairman's post
10.11.04   Kerry refuses to go quietly
09.11.04   Voters fail to back Bush priorities
09.11.04   He'll be back for Hillary v Arnie
08.11.04   Howard refuses to congratulate Bush
08.11.04   Suicide after US poll
07.11.04   Back in the real world ...
07.11.04   How Bush tapped into a well of faith
05.11.04  Bush will now celebrate by putting Falluja to the torch
13.09.04  Mired in the campaign mud again
23.08.04  Wounded by friendly fire
05.08.04  What the terror alerts really tell us
30.07.04  Anybody but Bush - and then let's get back to work
27.07.04  Is Blair deceiving himself about America yet again?
27.02.04  Pink is the new pinko
27.02.04  How America's right bears the longest grudge
26.02.04  The new fight at the OK Corral
25.02.04  Nader is a wrecker, but he's right about public malaise
20.02.04  Feel guilt. Then move on
19.02.04  Why Kerry should sue the Sun
18.02.04  Spirit of the Dean machine
17.02.04  Why Tony Blair fears the coming of President Kerry
17.02.04  Sex, death and votes


 US news from AP
Threat Forces Flight to Land in Omaha

Huckabee Stands by Christmas Campaign Ad

Snowstorm Blamed for 9 Deaths, Outages

Several Newspapers Announce Endorsements

Obama Says He'll Make Toys Safer

Giuliani Wins Over NH Voter

Romney Attacks McCain Tax Votes

Rivals Liken Huckabee to Bill Clinton

Rivals Say Huckabee Another Bill Clinton

Thousands Blacked Out by Huge Snowstorm

From the Associated Press

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