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MLB 08 may be the most features-packed baseball game ever

Click for high-resolution image.

Seriously, Sony's upcoming MLB 08 may have the longest list of features we've ever seen for a game, regardless of genre. The massive fact sheet released today has us scratching our heads in bewilderment, so much so that we simply had to provide you the entire list (after the break). Highlights include the ability to add your own custom soundtrack, online integration with MLB.com, and online stats tracking that will match players with similarly skilled opponents.

The game will be available on PS3, PS2 and PSP this Spring. Check out the first PS3 images in our new gallery.

Gallery: MLB 08 The Show

Continue reading MLB 08 may be the most features-packed baseball game ever

PixelJunk Monsters -- an RTS with a cuddly monster overlord

The official PlayStation Blog has updated and you know what we found? Monsters! Monsters with silly pig noses that we want transformed into stuffed animals right this moment. From the makers of PixelJunk Racers comes the aptly titled PixelJunk Monsters -- Q-Games has given up a few pieces of concept art and some details on the game, which we'll spill to you below.

PJ Monsters is basically an RTS game with some additional elements set alongside the mining, research, and building bits we've all come to understand through the years. There's no mouse cursor for you to play God with -- you play as a cuddly monster creature that runs around and collects the materials you need to research and build stuff. Enemy monsters can drop gems, used to research more advanced defenses and buildings and such. These can also be upgraded by doing a dance in front of each respective tower. Neat.

There are online leaderboards for co-op and single player campaigns. Apparently the game supports voice chat, unless co-op is restricted to you and a physical buddy next to you. What's super cool: girls like the game, too. Girlfriend tired of watching you play Uncharted or finds no fun in Call of Duty 4? You two should enjoy this one together, so says Dylan Cuthbert. Expect the game to have more fantastic hand-drawn 2D art, hitting the PS Store in January.

What's been happening with Dark Sector?

Why do we need a game that seems to play like Sam Fisher and Gabe Logan had a weird, mutant Rygar-like child? Because Dark Sector insists we cut people up with a boomerang. That's really the main draw to this game, as a lot of previews don't say much else about it. The glaive does seem interesting though, and developers D3 added a Heavenly Sword-like aftertouch where you can control the weapon in midair as you slice through multiple enemies.

The game used to revolve around that. You'd have to put that weapon away to pull out a handgun -- lame. Not anymore. Dual-wielding has made its entrance and appears to make the game a tad bit more worthwhile. In fact, gunfighting seems to take priority over your throwing blade, somehow. Lots of black market weapon upgrades, et cetera. IGN mentions that the hand-to-hand, er, hand-to-glaive combat is a little iffy, but with a 2008 release, there still might be time to patch it up. Here's hoping the game turns out to be something special, because we'd hate to be disappointed with something that lets you throw a giant cutting blade around at will.

Several sexy Valkyrie of the Battlefield screenshots

Sega needs to release one game and one game only outside of Japan, in our subjective eyes. That game is Valkyrie of the Battlefield. Why? Look at our previous coverage of the game -- it really sounds promising. It's got something for everyone and the art style is fantastic. Keeping that stuff in mind, a baker's dozen (plus five) of screenshots have arrived hot out of the Sega oven and once again we are humbled at the coolness this game exudes. See, we had to use baker's dozen or else that metaphor wouldn't have worked. We'd love to get more information on it in the near future!

PS3 Eternal Sonata gets plenty of bonus content

While the 360 crowd has gotten to enjoy more JRPG titles than the PS3 this past year, we'll be grabbing one of their exclusives, Eternal Sonata, come early 2008. Instead of just porting over the skin and bones of the original version, the PS3 version will include a number of extras to enhance our cel-shaded experience.

Bonus content! The very phrase is exciting, but then often times the "bonus" will be an unlockable soundtrack feature, a piece of artwork, or something incredibly lame, unlike all those old Working Designs collections. Those were great. Anyway, Eternal Sonata pulls out some worthwhile content, like making previously nonplayable characters Serenade and Prince Crescendo totally playable. There will also be added story sequences, probably for these characters. Sounds like a winner for the PS3's RPG library.

[via SiliconEra]

Let's talk about the vehicles of Haze

If you haven't been keeping up with Free Radical's Haze, a few weeks ago we talked about their weaponry and today we're going to talk about the vehicles you'll run across. We'll start with the Mantel vehicles.
  • Boxcart - lightweight buggy of sorts.
  • BigBoy - a transport truck with a big ol' rail gun.
  • Mrs. Mantel - a ship that drops soldiers off with really impressive speed.
And the Promised Hand vehicles:
  • Macho (Stag) - a hodgepodge vehicle built for jungle missions
  • Mula (Mule) - a very light buggy.
  • Palo Hueco - a helicopter with crappy armor, apparently.
  • Diente de la Serpiente - think about it. A really slow vehicle with a nuclear missile attached. Sounds like a winner!
All of these vehicles will make an appearance in the single player campaign as well as four player co-op and multiplayer. It seems there's more vehicle action than previously expected. Let's hope they keep the battlefield balanced!

Get your hands wet with tons of Wet information

Cornering the market on hormonal male adolescents, Wet seems at its surface to employ the voluptuous female lead as a replacement for interesting gameplay. Since we haven't heard anything about the game past an old trailer, it's nice to update the game's progress by experiencing the game vicariously through someone else's hands-on. The verdict? Wet is apparently "shaping up to be one seriously thrilling all-out action killfest with brains as well as bust and enough imaginative features to have Ms. Croft and a certain Persian royal casting nervous glances over their slender shoulders."

Developers A2M generally make kids' games, so of course all this pent up violence and sex will explode somehow. Seems like Wet is going to deliver the same rush as a summer popcorn action flick. A big draw to this game is the intuitive split-aiming mechanic employed by the dual-gun-wielding heroine Rubi. All previous efforts to make this option work generally, well, suck. While holding the lock-on button, you can flick the analog stick to move the second weapon to whatever enemy you want, probably as another lock. Sounds easy enough. More on the gameplay itself after the jump -- trust us, it's good.

Continue reading Get your hands wet with tons of Wet information

Devil May Cry 4 preview explosion!

For game journalists, Devil May Cry 4 hasn't gotten a lot of real "preview" time since the same footage and levels have been on display for nearly a year. In an effort to correct this at Capcom's Gamer's Day, the game's producer, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, showed off a ton of new material on both Nero and Dante -- tickling gamers' fancies and implying that Dante might have a much larger role than we originally thought. We'll make a list of the new stuff that appeared, just for you!
  • The big brawl between Dante and Nero is showed off at last -- it serves sort of as a tutorial for getting used to Nero's controls. You use his Devil Bringer arm to smash Dante into the ground a few times, then you get to fight him like a full-fledged boss. Kobayashi admits there's still some tweaking to be done, as Dante continually kicked the crap out of Nero.
  • The Devil Bringer arm was only thought to move you from place to place or grab enemies, but when powered up, as Kobayashi displayed, it has much more functionality. The description IGN used doesn't make much sense, but we imagine it as something overly dramatic and stylish.
  • Kobayashi introduced the female fighter Gloria -- she's not playable, but her intro is "humorous" and has been labeled as Kobayashi's favorite female character yet. Probably due to her overtly sexual behavior.
  • Nero was also shown fighting a new boss: some weird floating snake demon with a lady in its mouth. Sounds cool and all, but without seeing it, some of the magic is lost.
  • Dante gets all his familiar fighting styles (Trickster, Swordmaster, Gun Slinger, etc) and he can switch between these styles and weapons on the fly. Kobayashi showed off Dante's Gilgamesh fists/boots, which veterans should be familiar with what to expect there. A new weapon, Lucifer, was shown off. These were like metallic wings that attached to Dante's back and seemed to serve a primarily defensive purpose.
  • Pandora's Box! Dante's last new weapon shown was a briefcase that could churn out any number of insane weaponry -- explosive arrows, a chaingun, a giant missile platform, you name it. Of course, these will be difficult to use, so keep in mind tweaking these powerful weapons will probably entail making their use extremely limited.
As for the Q&A session with Kobayashi, it's been determined that the game isn't two separate tales as originally thought (Nero and Dante going off and doing different things), but one long tale. You play through Nero's portion from start to finish, then swap over to Dante to complete the remainder of the game. Our hero still gets to take the glory, it seems. There are a large number of extras, which are still secret, and no word on downloadable content. We're excited. Let's just hope it remains about as difficult as the third entry into the series, so we'll have something else infuriating to play on the PS3.

First Dark Void trailer shows jetpacks, zeppelins, and fun!

Air Tight Games and Capcom bring you this first trailer for the newly-registered title Dark Void. Seriously, if Capcom announces anything else, they've better got a good hiring strategy in order because their staff must be spread out pretty thin across all these projects. Anyway, this trailer is pretty cool after the first minute. There are flying spaceship things that almost seem right out of the old Flash Gordon movie, jetpacks and zeppelins, shooting, and an overall feeling of warmth and excitement. Check it out, leave your thoughts. It seems like a fairly refreshing take on the third-person shooter.

Killzone 2 devs tout Blu-ray as necessary, ability to jump

Because we just can't get enough of Guerrilla Games' high-profile Killzone 2, we're crashing another interview party that talks about environmental hazards and new gameplay elements. Instead of beating around the bush, we're going to dive right in and pick out all the juicy berries growing on the branches.
  • The Helghasts have turned the environment of their home planet into weaponry, like the ARC weapon that harnesses lightning as firepower. While not directly an environmental hazard, there are other things planned to discuss. Like lightning?
  • You can't choose different characters to play as in Killzone 2, since you follow the journey of Sev. You will meet up with buddies who have varied abilities, but as far as personal choice goes, you've got Sev. Luckily, he can wield most weapons ... just two at a time.
  • Too early to confirm vehicles, but elements from Liberation, like boss battles and healing allies, will probably make appearances.
  • You can jump in Killzone 2, but you can't jump and fire your weapons at the same time. There will also be a lot of context-based actions like leaning and peeking against and around things.
  • No word on voice actors yet, but it almost sounds like the devs are hiding some bigger names than we'd expect.
  • Better AI is a must, what with all the destructible environments and explosive bits found in the battlefield. Enemies and squad allies need to be aware of all that and each other, crafting complex attack and defense strategies on the go.
On a final note, Guerrilla Games gave a nod to the Blu-ray camp, saying the graphics and level of detail found in the game could only be done with large storage space. "It is not a luxury to have Blu-ray, but rather a necessity, as compression only gets you so far. I mean, the level that we showed at E3 and Leipzig topped out around 2GB! Also having the CELL and SPUs means we can offload all of our physics processing to an SPU, or process AI using the SPU's." We're excited to hear more about the game, especially a solid release date. However, we don't expect it to come out anytime soon -- we want them to relax and craft an excellent gaming experience for us.
[Via Digg]

Bionic Commando swings, but doesn't jump, back into action

You might remember the muscular, grapplin' hook armed badass from the old NES game of the same name, but Bionic Commando is finally making a return to consoles with a new PS3 and 360 version, as part of Capcom's big series of explosive announcements. Instead of searching for "Super Joe" and destroying Hitler with a rocket launcher, you'll play a more recognizable role with a deceptively familiar premise. You are Nathan Spencer, framed for a number of crimes by your superiors after doggedly fighting for their cause in a conflict against the Imperials. On your day of execution, the city is obliterated and your superiors reluctantly turn to you for help, because as luck would have it, that bionic grappling hook arm of yours is exactly what they need.

The game will sport mechanics similar to those found in the critically panned Dawn of Mana, that is, you use your grappling hook like the whip in the aforementioned game, grabbing onto things, swinging them around, or whatever, in addition to propelling yourself across levels. The project itself is being touted as an international affair, sporting the minds of a Japanese creative advisor, American producer, and the Swedish studio GRIN will all be involved. We look forward to more information to the return of this classic franchise, but if this wasn't Capcom's big announcement, what will be?

Killzone 2: a step ahead of all things next-gen

Some of you may have heard rumblings about this obscure Killzone 2 title -- we're not sure, it hasn't really gotten much attention from the press, but apparently it's being touted as one step ahead of all other console games in terms of next-gen technology. From an excerpt in the Official PlayStation Magazine UK: " ... the fact that Helghan is such an inhospitable hole, should mean that the game looks drab. The fact it doesn't is down to an array of visual tricks, the most important of which is deferred rendering, which involves blending the effect of light sources on an object... it makes the city look incredibly dynamic with light and shadow changing constantly as a result of muzzle flashes, burning wreckage and jags of lighting."

In addition to those fancy bits of techno-babble, the firefights and ferocity of the situation the gamer is placed in seem to really draw a from a different well inside of our minds, causing the whole FPS experience to seem fresh and exciting. Those are our words, but they get the idea across rather well. In conclusion, OPM states that Killzone 2 "is genuinely a notch ahead of anything being done on consoles right now." We're glad to hear these glowing impressions, but we'd like to get our grubby mitts on it before every other game coming out on consoles catches up with this one in terms of technical prowess.

Haze weaponry revealed, detailed, explained

Free Radical have recently updated their blog over on IGN, deciding to enlighten us to some of the weapons available in the upcoming, hotly-anticipated shooter Haze. Since there's a lot to say about each weapon, we're going to give you the shorthand version here and leave it up to you to research further.
  • Diplomat pistol -- standard Mantel weaponry, seems most useful in short-range situations.
  • Blacksaw assault rifle -- depleted uranium are the bullets, pain is the result. Also available: silenced version.
  • Donkey Puncher shotgun -- " ... this high-end shotgun is more than enough to kick any ass presented to you." Enough said.
  • Hard Candy rocket launcher -- apparently makes Sloppy Joes out of the enemy.
  • Pinpointer sniper rifle -- it's a sniper rifle. Need we say more?
  • Heavy Gun -- uh, we're not sure, but it sounds extremely useful. Seems to be a stationary weapon of mass destruction.
  • Razor Tongue knife -- standard Promise Hand melee weapon. You can smear it with Nectar, which causes Mantel soldiers to overdose on Nectar if you slice 'em. Nice way to make a knife useful without being ridiculously overpowered (Warhawk).
  • Lobo -- the assault rifle of choice for Promise Hand soldiers.
  • Oso -- shotgun! Notice the trend of Spanish names for Promise Hand weaponry.
  • Mano del Dios -- the "Hand of God" is essentially a minigun you really don't want to see from the wrong end.
  • Dragon de la Gente -- take a guess! It's a flamethrower for the people, by the people.
There are more sniper rifles and grenades to be had, but we think you get the point. All of these weapons are, admittedly, standard FPS necessities, but we can't believe this is all there will be offered. Maybe it is. But if not, we're sure there will be quite a few interesting ways to lace Nectar into more weaponry. We're excited for this one to come out, so we'll wait for November with bated breath.

PS3 Fanboy impressions: Agarest Senki demo

It's difficult to play games in a language you don't know. However, based on the nearly infinite well of RPG experience under our belts, we can make a few pretty obscure parallels to the recent demo of Agarest Senki that popped up on the Japanese PS Store this past week. If you're unaware of the title, it's a strategy RPG that harkens to the like of all those Nippon Ichi titles, except this one spans generations of characters that are born, fall in love, and breed according to your actions. It sounds fun on paper, but what happens in the demo is more confusing than biting into a donut to find it's filled with salad.

Continue reading PS3 Fanboy impressions: Agarest Senki demo

TGS07: The story of Soulcalibur IV

Click to see high-res image.

Namco Bandai has managed to sneak a little bit of story into all of its Soulcalibur fighting games. Ultimately, they provide little reason as to why these characters seem to enjoy beating the c**p out of each other -- but it's good fun for us, nonetheless. The story of the upcoming Soulcalibur IV ties in the fate of the Soul Edge and the Soul Calibur and is presented in its now-trademark melodramatic style.

A fun drinking game to play while reading the Prologue is to take a shot every time the word "soul" is used. Let's see if you can survive!

Gallery: Soulcalibur IV concept art

Continue reading TGS07: The story of Soulcalibur IV

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